Basic vuex example not commiting - javascript

I am trying to get vuex to manage the reactivity of authentication for users, and I just cannot get it to work. Since nothing I am doing is working I decided to scrap it and try a basic example with a button to set a boolean value to true, to see if the problem was my code or with something else interfering or something. Even this basic example I tried is not working. However, when I tried it in a code sandbox it worked perfectly fine here. I have come to the conclusion that my something else is messing with veux.
There is a lot of code so I put it inside pastebin
In pastebin
In pastebin

It seems that I cooked up my installation. I uninstalled and then reinstalled (make sure it is in the correct location) and my reactivity issue was solved. Given I installed vuex 4 beta as the stable version was not released. I have come to the conclusion that there was a bug in the installation


React Project Looking Different on Localhost and gh-pages enviornment

React beginner here trying to make a portfolio. I ran into an issue which I could not find any answers for hence posting here.
My project uses react-mdl and particularly the projects page, which uses a <Grid/> component. When I view my project in a mobile interface (tested on FireFox and Chrome dev tools as well as a mobile device (OnePlus 7 Pro)), I get my desired layout. However, when I pushed the same code to Github Pages, the layout was remarkably different and certainly not appealing to the eyes.
The following screenshots should explain it better
Localhost view
Github Pages View
I am not necessarily sure what exactly is causing the issue and have tried multiple "fixes" which have unfortunately not worked out thus far and would really appreciate a push in the right direction.
I also apologize for linking the code and not posting it directly, however, I did not wish to clutter the post with that much media since the files are relatively big.
Thank you in advance and please let me know if I can provide any more information, I would be very pleased to.
It looks like the public folder in your repository hasn't changed in the last month. If you aren't building your project before deploying it to gh-pages then your live website will be using an older version which likely has these formatting issues.
Use npm run build, and then npm run deploy. This will update your public folder with the latest changes you have made, and then deploy these newer changes.
You can read more about the public folder for your CRA here -

Combine vis-network and vis-timeline on same page

I'm trying to use the network and timeline package on the same page (like I did when using the old 4.21 version, and it works there), but I can't get it to work. It's throwing an error (dataset or array expected), when I provide the vis-datasets to the network. If I remove the load of the js for the timeline in the header, it works - but then I don't have a timeline.
So it looks like loading the package for the timeline is interfering with the vis-datasets definitions.
Any idea what's wrong here?
Just found out that I need to use the DIST from vis-charts to have this working.
Just to clarify this is a known bug we're actively working to solve. It will work as you'd expect eventually. See for more information. In the mean time as you found out yourself use vis-charts.

Disintegrate.js and htmlcanvas.min.js seem not working

I have a problem, i used disintegrate.js and html2canvas.min.js libraries to help me create a vanishing screen when an image is clicked on. But it seem not working. please help me out
I have tried reviewing the codes over and over to see if there is an issue but nothing yet.
I used npm to install the disintegrate and html5canvas respectively
okay i think i came across this issue sometimes back but i didn't use npm to do it, i downloaded the disintegrate.js and html2canvas.min.js libraries files and used it then it worked. I think the problem is from the npm installation, so you can check how to install desintegrate and try again.

NextJS - when I make a change in my project's file, a strange "cache/typescript/2.9/node_modules/#types/react'" appear on my imports

All is in the title. I'm working in NextJS. When I make a change in the organization of my project's file, a strange message
appears on my imports, specifically my Reactjs's imports. I have tried to retrace the problem by Googling but I have found nothing helpful. Does anyone know what that means? Any hint would be great.
That was simply a fail with some version of VSCode, after having realized an update to the latest version it works well now.

React native redux - Connect (Cannot read property toLowerCase of undefined)

Pretty new to react-native developpement, apologies if my issue is obvious. I've been searching for quite a long time before posting.
It has been working perfectly for quite a long time.
I can't identify what I have done to break things up.
I believe I'm importing react redux properly, using {connect} properly. I didn't change the way I'm using it.
Also stacktrace is not really helping me ..
Stacktrace Image
Github to my project if need be :
And the most important file :
Also one thing weird I noticed, is that for some time this error was only occuring when I was using my phone, not emulator. Emulator was working fine. Now this error is also on emulator.
OK so this was actually pretty dumb, and not related to redux connect method (as I thought initially).
It was due to me using at some point a Sound module which I was initializing wrongly (should have done that outside of my PageLecture class, then I can use it inside this very class).
I'd like to mark as solve but looks like I don't have this option available.

