React native redux - Connect (Cannot read property toLowerCase of undefined) - javascript

Pretty new to react-native developpement, apologies if my issue is obvious. I've been searching for quite a long time before posting.
It has been working perfectly for quite a long time.
I can't identify what I have done to break things up.
I believe I'm importing react redux properly, using {connect} properly. I didn't change the way I'm using it.
Also stacktrace is not really helping me ..
Stacktrace Image
Github to my project if need be :
And the most important file :
Also one thing weird I noticed, is that for some time this error was only occuring when I was using my phone, not emulator. Emulator was working fine. Now this error is also on emulator.

OK so this was actually pretty dumb, and not related to redux connect method (as I thought initially).
It was due to me using at some point a Sound module which I was initializing wrongly (should have done that outside of my PageLecture class, then I can use it inside this very class).
I'd like to mark as solve but looks like I don't have this option available.


Basic vuex example not commiting

I am trying to get vuex to manage the reactivity of authentication for users, and I just cannot get it to work. Since nothing I am doing is working I decided to scrap it and try a basic example with a button to set a boolean value to true, to see if the problem was my code or with something else interfering or something. Even this basic example I tried is not working. However, when I tried it in a code sandbox it worked perfectly fine here. I have come to the conclusion that my something else is messing with veux.
There is a lot of code so I put it inside pastebin
In pastebin
In pastebin
It seems that I cooked up my installation. I uninstalled and then reinstalled (make sure it is in the correct location) and my reactivity issue was solved. Given I installed vuex 4 beta as the stable version was not released. I have come to the conclusion that there was a bug in the installation

"Module not found: can't resolve..." with React app

I'm new to it, seems like a simple issue but I can't figure out why is my React app breaking with this error. I've even copied the whole source file and pasted, but still have this going on. What could be some the reasons?
From my experience, that's usually two issues: Either your Node.js is outdated when it comes to importing libraries, or you are importing a local file using a wrong path. I suggest you changing paths until you get it right.

Combine vis-network and vis-timeline on same page

I'm trying to use the network and timeline package on the same page (like I did when using the old 4.21 version, and it works there), but I can't get it to work. It's throwing an error (dataset or array expected), when I provide the vis-datasets to the network. If I remove the load of the js for the timeline in the header, it works - but then I don't have a timeline.
So it looks like loading the package for the timeline is interfering with the vis-datasets definitions.
Any idea what's wrong here?
Just found out that I need to use the DIST from vis-charts to have this working.
Just to clarify this is a known bug we're actively working to solve. It will work as you'd expect eventually. See for more information. In the mean time as you found out yourself use vis-charts.

React Native - React.createElement is Not a Function

Figured I would see what React Native is all about, so I followed the instructions here and can't even get the out of the box project to run correctly. Chrome dev tools throws all sorts of errors. Here is the stack trace shown in the simulator, anybody else run into this?
It seems like what may have happened here is that you named your project "React". The CLI replaces the word "SampleApp" with the name that you specified in the sample files that it generates.
This is the original file here: You can see where it has "SampleApp" in a few places where on your file has "React" for all of them.
It really wasn't your fault, the CLI just needs to be a little smarter and not allow someone to create a project named "React". :)
I got the same error when I used different version of JSXTransformer.js and react.js . Using 0.13.3 from cdn solved the problem.

Renaming root folder in Three.JS project causes weird aliasing bug

I hate to be the guy who makes a stackoverflow account just to ask a question (I owe a lot to stackoverflow), but this really has me utterly stumped.
For months I've been plagued with a mysterious bug that causes a bizarre rendering error in my three.js VR projects when running on Android.
I've always been able to solve it by basically rebuilding everything from scratch virtually line-by-line to see what causes the problem. I've never had any luck pinpointing the cause however.
Today, I found a way to reproduce the problem - I took google's Google Cardboard three.js example (which you can find at (I'm not allowed more than two links until I get my 10 reputation)), added in some spheres (so that there was something to watch for in regards to the aliasing) and found that it was running fine.
Renaming the root folder from 'WTF' (can you tell this is frustrating me? :P)to 'WTFF' will result in the rendering error appearing. Copying the folder, renaming the original 'WTFF' and naming the copy 'WTF' will result in the original displaying the rendering error, and the copy displaying correctly. That is, the error is caused by the project's root folder not having the name it had when the project was first created. I'm editing everything in notepad++.
Am I missing something here? The only files here are plaintext .js and .html, and a few images. Why does the root folder's name have any influence at all on how WebGL content is rendered? Is there some way around this error? Does anybody know what's causing it? I'm pretty familiar with three.js, but I've never done anything directly in WebGL, so there might be something under the hood that I'm not aware of perhaps that involves the folder structure?
I didn't include any code since the problem doesn't seem to have anything to do with the actual code within the file (this problem has cropped up in every three.js project I've worked on). But let me know if you think it might help.
Thanks so much in advance! :)
Update: I went away for half an hour and came back - now the original WTF-named folder structure is also displaying the error. I'm forcing a reload with window.location.reload(true);, so I have absolutely no idea what is going on anymore.
So I think I may have found the solution:
While I'm not sure of the exact underlying causes, it seems the problem lies within Chrome for Android, and not within WebGL or Three.js.
It seems that Chrome for Android is caching the WebGL content and doing something with it that causes this error to crop up if the folder structure changes.
The problem can be fixed by clearing the Chrome cache (Settings -> Application Manager -> Chrome -> Clear Cache).
I hope this helps anyone who encounters this problem in the future!

