Console.log from a class' function - javascript

I want to test if my function inside my class returns the given sentence. But if I try to test using console.log, it returns ReferenceError: rev is not defined. What am I doing wrong?
class store {
constructor(revenue, workers) {
this.revenue = revenue;
this.workers = workers;
class storeManager extends store {
constructor(name) {
super(revenue, workers); = name;
rev() {
return "The stores revenue is" + this.revenue;
hiredWorkers() {
return "The store has" + this.revenue + "workers";
I'm a fairly new programmer, so bear with me if this is a stupid question.

The entire point of a class is to provide a template to bundle up functionality into a self-contained object and not have globals for everything.
rev is a method that appears on instances of the class. It isn't a global.
You have to create an instance of the class:
const myInstance = new StoreManager("some value for name");
(Note that this is going to fail because your constructor calls super() and tried to pass the values of variables which don't exist in the constructor method).
… and then call the method on that:
const result = myInstance.rev();


Defining JavaScript functions inside vs. outside of a class

I'm trying to figure out if there's any different when defining functions inside or outside of a class in JavaScript. Why would I choose to do it one way over the other? (Notice my getName [inside class] and getName2 [outside of class]).
class TestClass {
constructor(myName) { = myName;
getName() {
TestClass.getName2 = function() {
//won't actually print the name variable set since not associated with an instance of the class?
var test = new TestClass("Joe");
The only difference I can really see so far through my testing here is that I cannot access within my getName2 since I believe it's not associated with any instance of the TestClass. So my getName2 is almost like a static class function where it's not associated with an instance of the class?? Please help me clarify this and why I would choose to implement a function one way over the other.
From the MDN doc:
JavaScript classes, introduced in ECMAScript 2015, are primarily syntactical sugar over JavaScript's existing prototype-based inheritance. The class syntax does not introduce a new object-oriented inheritance model to JavaScript.
So this...
class TestClass {
constructor(myName) { = myName;
getName() {
static getName2() {
return 'getName2 result';
} exactly equivalent to this:
const TestClass = function(myName) { = myName;
TestClass.prototype.getName = function() {
TestClass.getName2 = function() {
return 'getName2 result';
So whether you use the older prototype syntax or the newer ES6 class syntax is just a matter of personal preference, and as you suspected, defining methods directly on a class is exactly equivalent to creating a static class method.
I don't think there's any reason you would ever do
TestClass.getName2 = function() {
If you want a standalone function, make it a standalone function.
export function getName2() {...};
export TestClass;
If you want to extend an existing class, you'd do
TestClass.prototype.getName2 = function() {
which will allow you to access this.
One thing that I noticed is you are using a reserved keyword for objects, properties, and methods. TestClass.getName2() should return undefined, but since you used the "name" reserve keyword. It returned the name of the class, which is considered an object like a function. In your case, you are using which refers to the class name and it returns "TestClass".
class TestClass {
constructor(userName) {
this._userName = userName;
getName() {
return this._userName;
TestClass.getName2 = function() {
// returns undefined now
var test = new TestClass("Joe");
console.log(test.getName()); // returns Joe
TestClass.getName2(); // returns undefined
let testClassName =; // Just a little proof of what is returned below
console.log(testClassName); // returns TestClass
My only suggestion is that you should stay abreast of the current reserved keywords and where you can and cannot use them. You could also focus on your naming convention in your code.

Inline binding of external function to class method

Let's say I have a function that returns a function like this:
function createGreeter(logger) {
return function greet(greeting) {
logger.log(greeting + ', ' +;
And a class
class Person {
constructor(name) { = name;}
If I want to assign a greet method to the Person class that uses the console as the logger, I can think of several ways:
class Person {
constructor(name) { = name;}
greet(greeting) {
return createGreeter(console).call(this, greeting);
class Person {
constructor(name) { = name;}
Person.prototype.greet = createGreeter(console);
However, I think both of these are somewhat ugly; 1) creates an, essentially, unnecessary wrapper method that simply binds this and calls the function, and 2) modifies the prototype outside of the class body which in my opinion makes the class API less clear.
Is there no clearer/shorter syntax for inline assignment and binding of an external function to a class method. I'm thinking something like:
class Person {
constructor(name) { = name;}
greet: createGreeter(console)
...which resembles how you would be able to assign a function in an object literal. But this doesn't work, obviously. Is there something similar (now, or upcoming)?
Also, I'm wondering about the memory consumption and/or performance aspects of returning a closure as in 1) if the returned function is large. Every time the greet method is called on a Person object, a new function object will be created even though we always want to pass the same parameters (console) to it. So yet another approach could be to declare const consoleGreeter = createGreeter(console) before the class definition and implement greet as return, greeting), but would it be worth it?
class Person {
constructor(name) { = name;}
Person.prototype.greet = createGreeter(console);
is the proper way to do this, unless there are other concerns (it will have problems in TypeScript).
This can be also done with class fields, which are stage 3 proposal and will likely land in ES2018:
class Person {
greet = createGreeter(console);
Which is a shortcut for
class Person {
constructor() {
this.greet = createGreeter(console);
First snippet evaluates createGreeter(console) once and assigns the method to class prototype. Second snippet evaluates it every time the class is instantiated and assigns the method to class instance, which is less effective.
Ok, so here is an alternative to bind external method to class
class Person {
constructor(name) { = name;}
get greet() { return createGreeter(console) }
Just checked, this is also working fine.
This would achieve the same effect #1, since the wrapper is invoked each time the method is accessed. If that's okay with you to improve readability...
function createGreeter(logger) {
return function greet(greeting) {
logger.log(`${greeting}, ${}`);
class Person {
constructor(name) { = name;
get greet() {
return createGreeter(console);
let person = new Person('Patrick');

Class properties in ECMAScript 6 [duplicate]

Currently in ES5 many of us are using the following pattern in frameworks to create classes and class variables, which is comfy:
// ES 5
variable: 'string',
variable2: true,
init: function(){
addItem: function(){
In ES6 you can create classes natively, but there is no option to have class variables:
// ES6
class MyClass {
const MY_CONST = 'string'; // <-- this is not possible in ES6
Sadly, the above won't work, as classes only can contain methods.
I understand that I can this.myVar = true in constructor…but I don't want to 'junk' my constructor, especially when I have 20-30+ params for a bigger class.
I was thinking of many ways to handle this issue, but haven't yet found any good ones. (For example: create a ClassConfig handler, and pass a parameter object, which is declared separately from the class. Then the handler would attach to the class. I was thinking about WeakMaps also to integrate, somehow.)
What kind of ideas would you have to handle this situation?
2018 update:
There is now a stage 3 proposal - I am looking forward to make this answer obsolete in a few months.
In the meantime anyone using TypeScript or babel can use the syntax:
varName = value
Inside a class declaration/expression body and it will define a variable. Hopefully in a few months/weeks I'll be able to post an update.
Update: Chrome 74 now ships with this syntax working.
The notes in the ES wiki for the proposal in ES6 (maximally minimal classes) note:
There is (intentionally) no direct declarative way to define either prototype data properties (other than methods) class properties, or instance property
Class properties and prototype data properties need be created outside the declaration.
Properties specified in a class definition are assigned the same attributes as if they appeared in an object literal.
This means that what you're asking for was considered, and explicitly decided against.
but... why?
Good question. The good people of TC39 want class declarations to declare and define the capabilities of a class. Not its members. An ES6 class declaration defines its contract for its user.
Remember, a class definition defines prototype methods - defining variables on the prototype is generally not something you do.
You can, of course use:
constructor(){ = bar
In the constructor like you suggested. Also see the summary of the consensus.
ES7 and beyond
A new proposal for ES7 is being worked on that allows more concise instance variables through class declarations and expressions -
Just to add to Benjamin's answer — class variables are possible, but you wouldn't use prototype to set them.
For a true class variable you'd want to do something like the following:
class MyClass {} = 'bar';
From within a class method that variable can be accessed as (or
These class properties would not usually be accessible from to the class instance. i.e. gives 'bar' but new MyClass().foo is undefined
If you want to also have access to your class variable from an instance, you'll have to additionally define a getter:
class MyClass {
get foo() {
} = 'bar';
I've only tested this with Traceur, but I believe it will work the same in a standard implementation.
JavaScript doesn't really have classes. Even with ES6 we're looking at an object- or prototype-based language rather than a class-based language. In any function X () {}, X.prototype.constructor points back to X.
When the new operator is used on X, a new object is created inheriting X.prototype. Any undefined properties in that new object (including constructor) are looked up from there. We can think of this as generating object and class properties.
Babel supports class variables in ESNext, check this example:
class Foo {
bar = 2
static iha = 'string'
const foo = new Foo();
console.log(, foo.iha,, Foo.iha);
// 2, undefined, undefined, 'string'
In your example:
class MyClass {
const MY_CONST = 'string';
Because of MY_CONST is primitive we can just do:
class MyClass {
static get MY_CONST() {
return 'string';
get MY_CONST() {
return this.constructor.MY_CONST;
constructor() {
alert(this.MY_CONST === this.constructor.MY_CONST);
new MyClass
// alert: string ; true
But if MY_CONST is reference type like static get MY_CONST() {return ['string'];} alert output is string, false. In such case delete operator can do the trick:
class MyClass {
static get MY_CONST() {
delete MyClass.MY_CONST;
return MyClass.MY_CONST = 'string';
get MY_CONST() {
return this.constructor.MY_CONST;
constructor() {
alert(this.MY_CONST === this.constructor.MY_CONST);
new MyClass
// alert: string ; true
And finally for class variable not const:
class MyClass {
static get MY_CONST() {
delete MyClass.MY_CONST;
return MyClass.MY_CONST = 'string';
static set U_YIN_YANG(value) {
delete MyClass.MY_CONST;
MyClass.MY_CONST = value;
get MY_CONST() {
return this.constructor.MY_CONST;
set MY_CONST(value) {
this.constructor.MY_CONST = value;
constructor() {
alert(this.MY_CONST === this.constructor.MY_CONST);
new MyClass
// alert: string, true
MyClass.MY_CONST = ['string, 42']
new MyClass
// alert: string, 42 ; true
Since your issue is mostly stylistic (not wanting to fill up the constructor with a bunch of declarations) it can be solved stylistically as well.
The way I view it, many class based languages have the constructor be a function named after the class name itself. Stylistically we could use that that to make an ES6 class that stylistically still makes sense but does not group the typical actions taking place in the constructor with all the property declarations we're doing. We simply use the actual JS constructor as the "declaration area", then make a class named function that we otherwise treat as the "other constructor stuff" area, calling it at the end of the true constructor.
"use strict";
class MyClass
// only declare your properties and then call this.ClassName(); from here
this.prop1 = 'blah 1';
this.prop2 = 'blah 2';
this.prop3 = 'blah 3';
// all sorts of other "constructor" stuff, no longer jumbled with declarations
MyClass() {
Both will be called as the new instance is constructed.
Sorta like having 2 constructors where you separate out the declarations and the other constructor actions you want to take, and stylistically makes it not too hard to understand that's what is going on too.
I find it's a nice style to use when dealing with a lot of declarations and/or a lot of actions needing to happen on instantiation and wanting to keep the two ideas distinct from each other.
NOTE: I very purposefully do not use the typical idiomatic ideas of "initializing" (like an init() or initialize() method) because those are often used differently. There is a sort of presumed difference between the idea of constructing and initializing. Working with constructors people know that they're called automatically as part of instantiation. Seeing an init method many people are going to assume without a second glance that they need to be doing something along the form of var mc = MyClass(); mc.init();, because that's how you typically initialize. I'm not trying to add an initialization process for the user of the class, I'm trying to add to the construction process of the class itself.
While some people may do a double-take for a moment, that's actually the bit of the point: it communicates to them that the intent is part of construction, even if that makes them do a bit of a double take and go "that's not how ES6 constructors work" and take a second looking at the actual constructor to go "oh, they call it at the bottom, I see", that's far better than NOT communicating that intent (or incorrectly communicating it) and probably getting a lot of people using it wrong, trying to initialize it from the outside and junk. That's very much intentional to the pattern I suggest.
For those that don't want to follow that pattern, the exact opposite can work too. Farm the declarations out to another function at the beginning. Maybe name it "properties" or "publicProperties" or something. Then put the rest of the stuff in the normal constructor.
"use strict";
class MyClass
properties() {
this.prop1 = 'blah 1';
this.prop2 = 'blah 2';
this.prop3 = 'blah 3';
constructor() {;
Note that this second method may look cleaner but it also has an inherent problem where properties gets overridden as one class using this method extends another. You'd have to give more unique names to properties to avoid that. My first method does not have this problem because its fake half of the constructor is uniquely named after the class.
As Benjamin said in his answer, TC39 explicitly decided not to include this feature at least for ES2015. However, the consensus seems to be that they will add it in ES2016.
The syntax hasn't been decided yet, but there's a preliminary proposal for ES2016 that will allow you to declare static properties on a class.
Thanks to the magic of babel, you can use this today. Enable the class properties transform according to these instructions and you're good to go. Here's an example of the syntax:
class foo {
static myProp = 'bar'
someFunction() {
This proposal is in a very early state, so be prepared to tweak your syntax as time goes on.
What about the oldschool way?
class MyClass {
this.countVar = 1 + count;
} = "foo";
MyClass.prototype.countVar = 0;
// ...
var o1 = new MyClass(2); o2 = new MyClass(3); = "newFoo";
console.log( o1.countVar,o2.countVar);
In constructor you mention only those vars which have to be computed.
I like prototype inheritance for this feature -- it can help to save a lot of memory(in case if there are a lot of never-assigned vars).
[Long thread, not sure if its already listed as an option...].
A simple alternative for contsants only, would be defining the const outside of class.
This will be accessible only from the module itself, unless accompanied with a getter.
This way prototype isn't littered and you get the const.
// will be accessible only from the module itself
const MY_CONST = 'string';
class MyClass {
// optional, if external access is desired
static get MY_CONST(){return MY_CONST;}
// access example
static someMethod(){
ES7 class member syntax:
ES7 has a solution for 'junking' your constructor function. Here is an example:
class Car {
wheels = 4;
weight = 100;
const car = new Car();
console.log(car.wheels, car.weight);
The above example would look the following in ES6:
class Car {
constructor() {
this.wheels = 4;
this.weight = 100;
const car = new Car();
console.log(car.wheels, car.weight);
Be aware when using this that this syntax might not be supported by all browsers and might have to be transpiled an earlier version of JS.
Bonus: an object factory:
function generateCar(wheels, weight) {
class Car {
constructor() {}
wheels = wheels;
weight = weight;
return new Car();
const car1 = generateCar(4, 50);
const car2 = generateCar(6, 100);
console.log(car1.wheels, car1.weight);
console.log(car2.wheels, car2.weight);
You can mimic es6 classes behaviour... and use your class variables :)
Look mum... no classes!
// Helper
const $constructor = Symbol();
const $extends = (parent, child) =>
Object.assign(Object.create(parent), child);
const $new = (object, ...args) => {
let instance = Object.create(object);
instance[$constructor].call(instance, ...args);
return instance;
const $super = (parent, context, ...args) => {
parent[$constructor].call(context, ...args)
// class
var Foo = {
classVariable: true,
// constructor
[$constructor](who){ = who;
this.species = 'fufel';
// methods
return 'I am ' +;
// class extends Foo
var Bar = $extends(Foo, {
// constructor
$super(Foo, this, who);
this.subtype = 'barashek';
// methods
console.log('Hello, ' + this.identify());
var a1 = $new(Foo, 'a1');
var b1 = $new(Bar, 'b1');
console.log(a1, b1);
console.log('b1.classVariable', b1.classVariable);
I put it on GitHub
Still you can't declare any classes like in another programming languages. But you can create as many class variables. But problem is scope of class object. So According to me, Best way OOP Programming in ES6 Javascript:-
class foo{
//decalre your all variables
this.MY_CONST = 3.14;
this.x = 5;
this.y = 7;
// or call another method to declare more variables outside from constructor.
// now create method level object reference and public level property
this.MySelf = this;
// you can also use var modifier rather than property but that is not working good
let self = this.MySelf;
//code .........
set MySelf(v){
this.mySelf = v;
get MySelf(v){
return this.mySelf;
// now use as object reference it in any method of class
let self = this.MySelf;
// now use self as object reference in code
If its only the cluttering what gives the problem in the constructor why not implement a initialize method that intializes the variables. This is a normal thing to do when the constructor gets to full with unnecessary stuff. Even in typed program languages like C# its normal convention to add an Initialize method to handle that.
Just define a getter.
class MyClass
get MY_CONST () { return 'string'; }
constructor ()
console.log ("MyClass MY_CONST:", this.MY_CONST);
var obj = new MyClass();
The way I solved this, which is another option (if you have jQuery available), was to Define the fields in an old-school object and then extend the class with that object. I also didn't want to pepper the constructor with assignments, this appeared to be a neat solution.
function MyClassFields(){
this.createdAt = new Date();
MyClassFields.prototype = {
id : '',
type : '',
title : '',
createdAt : null,
class MyClass {
constructor() {
$.extend(this,new MyClassFields());
-- Update Following Bergi's comment.
No JQuery Version:
class SavedSearch {
constructor() {
id : '',
type : '',
title : '',
createdAt: new Date(),
You still do end up with 'fat' constructor, but at least its all in one class and assigned in one hit.
EDIT #2:
I've now gone full circle and am now assigning values in the constructor, e.g.
class SavedSearch {
constructor() { = '';
this.type = '';
this.title = '';
this.createdAt = new Date();
Why? Simple really, using the above plus some JSdoc comments, PHPStorm was able to perform code completion on the properties. Assigning all the vars in one hit was nice, but the inability to code complete the properties, imo, isn't worth the (almost certainly minuscule) performance benefit.
Well, you can declare variables inside the Constructor.
class Foo {
constructor() {
var name = "foo"
this.method = function() {
return name
var foo = new Foo()
Recent browsers as of 2021 (not IE, see MDN browser chart) implement Public class fields which seems to be what you're looking for:
class MyClass {
static foo = 3;
However apparently it's not possible to make this a const: Declaring static constants in ES6 classes?
A static getter looks pretty close:
class MyClass {
static get CONST() {
return 3;
MyClass.CONST = 4; // property unaffected
This is a bit hackish combo of static and get works for me
class ConstantThingy{
static get NO_REENTER__INIT() {
if(ConstantThingy._NO_REENTER__INIT== null){
ConstantThingy._NO_REENTER__INIT = new ConstantThingy(false,true);
return ConstantThingy._NO_REENTER__INIT;
elsewhere used
var conf = ConstantThingy.NO_REENTER__INIT;

ES6 class variable alternatives

Currently in ES5 many of us are using the following pattern in frameworks to create classes and class variables, which is comfy:
// ES 5
variable: 'string',
variable2: true,
init: function(){
addItem: function(){
In ES6 you can create classes natively, but there is no option to have class variables:
// ES6
class MyClass {
const MY_CONST = 'string'; // <-- this is not possible in ES6
Sadly, the above won't work, as classes only can contain methods.
I understand that I can this.myVar = true in constructor…but I don't want to 'junk' my constructor, especially when I have 20-30+ params for a bigger class.
I was thinking of many ways to handle this issue, but haven't yet found any good ones. (For example: create a ClassConfig handler, and pass a parameter object, which is declared separately from the class. Then the handler would attach to the class. I was thinking about WeakMaps also to integrate, somehow.)
What kind of ideas would you have to handle this situation?
2018 update:
There is now a stage 3 proposal - I am looking forward to make this answer obsolete in a few months.
In the meantime anyone using TypeScript or babel can use the syntax:
varName = value
Inside a class declaration/expression body and it will define a variable. Hopefully in a few months/weeks I'll be able to post an update.
Update: Chrome 74 now ships with this syntax working.
The notes in the ES wiki for the proposal in ES6 (maximally minimal classes) note:
There is (intentionally) no direct declarative way to define either prototype data properties (other than methods) class properties, or instance property
Class properties and prototype data properties need be created outside the declaration.
Properties specified in a class definition are assigned the same attributes as if they appeared in an object literal.
This means that what you're asking for was considered, and explicitly decided against.
but... why?
Good question. The good people of TC39 want class declarations to declare and define the capabilities of a class. Not its members. An ES6 class declaration defines its contract for its user.
Remember, a class definition defines prototype methods - defining variables on the prototype is generally not something you do.
You can, of course use:
constructor(){ = bar
In the constructor like you suggested. Also see the summary of the consensus.
ES7 and beyond
A new proposal for ES7 is being worked on that allows more concise instance variables through class declarations and expressions -
Just to add to Benjamin's answer — class variables are possible, but you wouldn't use prototype to set them.
For a true class variable you'd want to do something like the following:
class MyClass {} = 'bar';
From within a class method that variable can be accessed as (or
These class properties would not usually be accessible from to the class instance. i.e. gives 'bar' but new MyClass().foo is undefined
If you want to also have access to your class variable from an instance, you'll have to additionally define a getter:
class MyClass {
get foo() {
} = 'bar';
I've only tested this with Traceur, but I believe it will work the same in a standard implementation.
JavaScript doesn't really have classes. Even with ES6 we're looking at an object- or prototype-based language rather than a class-based language. In any function X () {}, X.prototype.constructor points back to X.
When the new operator is used on X, a new object is created inheriting X.prototype. Any undefined properties in that new object (including constructor) are looked up from there. We can think of this as generating object and class properties.
Babel supports class variables in ESNext, check this example:
class Foo {
bar = 2
static iha = 'string'
const foo = new Foo();
console.log(, foo.iha,, Foo.iha);
// 2, undefined, undefined, 'string'
In your example:
class MyClass {
const MY_CONST = 'string';
Because of MY_CONST is primitive we can just do:
class MyClass {
static get MY_CONST() {
return 'string';
get MY_CONST() {
return this.constructor.MY_CONST;
constructor() {
alert(this.MY_CONST === this.constructor.MY_CONST);
new MyClass
// alert: string ; true
But if MY_CONST is reference type like static get MY_CONST() {return ['string'];} alert output is string, false. In such case delete operator can do the trick:
class MyClass {
static get MY_CONST() {
delete MyClass.MY_CONST;
return MyClass.MY_CONST = 'string';
get MY_CONST() {
return this.constructor.MY_CONST;
constructor() {
alert(this.MY_CONST === this.constructor.MY_CONST);
new MyClass
// alert: string ; true
And finally for class variable not const:
class MyClass {
static get MY_CONST() {
delete MyClass.MY_CONST;
return MyClass.MY_CONST = 'string';
static set U_YIN_YANG(value) {
delete MyClass.MY_CONST;
MyClass.MY_CONST = value;
get MY_CONST() {
return this.constructor.MY_CONST;
set MY_CONST(value) {
this.constructor.MY_CONST = value;
constructor() {
alert(this.MY_CONST === this.constructor.MY_CONST);
new MyClass
// alert: string, true
MyClass.MY_CONST = ['string, 42']
new MyClass
// alert: string, 42 ; true
Since your issue is mostly stylistic (not wanting to fill up the constructor with a bunch of declarations) it can be solved stylistically as well.
The way I view it, many class based languages have the constructor be a function named after the class name itself. Stylistically we could use that that to make an ES6 class that stylistically still makes sense but does not group the typical actions taking place in the constructor with all the property declarations we're doing. We simply use the actual JS constructor as the "declaration area", then make a class named function that we otherwise treat as the "other constructor stuff" area, calling it at the end of the true constructor.
"use strict";
class MyClass
// only declare your properties and then call this.ClassName(); from here
this.prop1 = 'blah 1';
this.prop2 = 'blah 2';
this.prop3 = 'blah 3';
// all sorts of other "constructor" stuff, no longer jumbled with declarations
MyClass() {
Both will be called as the new instance is constructed.
Sorta like having 2 constructors where you separate out the declarations and the other constructor actions you want to take, and stylistically makes it not too hard to understand that's what is going on too.
I find it's a nice style to use when dealing with a lot of declarations and/or a lot of actions needing to happen on instantiation and wanting to keep the two ideas distinct from each other.
NOTE: I very purposefully do not use the typical idiomatic ideas of "initializing" (like an init() or initialize() method) because those are often used differently. There is a sort of presumed difference between the idea of constructing and initializing. Working with constructors people know that they're called automatically as part of instantiation. Seeing an init method many people are going to assume without a second glance that they need to be doing something along the form of var mc = MyClass(); mc.init();, because that's how you typically initialize. I'm not trying to add an initialization process for the user of the class, I'm trying to add to the construction process of the class itself.
While some people may do a double-take for a moment, that's actually the bit of the point: it communicates to them that the intent is part of construction, even if that makes them do a bit of a double take and go "that's not how ES6 constructors work" and take a second looking at the actual constructor to go "oh, they call it at the bottom, I see", that's far better than NOT communicating that intent (or incorrectly communicating it) and probably getting a lot of people using it wrong, trying to initialize it from the outside and junk. That's very much intentional to the pattern I suggest.
For those that don't want to follow that pattern, the exact opposite can work too. Farm the declarations out to another function at the beginning. Maybe name it "properties" or "publicProperties" or something. Then put the rest of the stuff in the normal constructor.
"use strict";
class MyClass
properties() {
this.prop1 = 'blah 1';
this.prop2 = 'blah 2';
this.prop3 = 'blah 3';
constructor() {;
Note that this second method may look cleaner but it also has an inherent problem where properties gets overridden as one class using this method extends another. You'd have to give more unique names to properties to avoid that. My first method does not have this problem because its fake half of the constructor is uniquely named after the class.
As Benjamin said in his answer, TC39 explicitly decided not to include this feature at least for ES2015. However, the consensus seems to be that they will add it in ES2016.
The syntax hasn't been decided yet, but there's a preliminary proposal for ES2016 that will allow you to declare static properties on a class.
Thanks to the magic of babel, you can use this today. Enable the class properties transform according to these instructions and you're good to go. Here's an example of the syntax:
class foo {
static myProp = 'bar'
someFunction() {
This proposal is in a very early state, so be prepared to tweak your syntax as time goes on.
What about the oldschool way?
class MyClass {
this.countVar = 1 + count;
} = "foo";
MyClass.prototype.countVar = 0;
// ...
var o1 = new MyClass(2); o2 = new MyClass(3); = "newFoo";
console.log( o1.countVar,o2.countVar);
In constructor you mention only those vars which have to be computed.
I like prototype inheritance for this feature -- it can help to save a lot of memory(in case if there are a lot of never-assigned vars).
[Long thread, not sure if its already listed as an option...].
A simple alternative for contsants only, would be defining the const outside of class.
This will be accessible only from the module itself, unless accompanied with a getter.
This way prototype isn't littered and you get the const.
// will be accessible only from the module itself
const MY_CONST = 'string';
class MyClass {
// optional, if external access is desired
static get MY_CONST(){return MY_CONST;}
// access example
static someMethod(){
ES7 class member syntax:
ES7 has a solution for 'junking' your constructor function. Here is an example:
class Car {
wheels = 4;
weight = 100;
const car = new Car();
console.log(car.wheels, car.weight);
The above example would look the following in ES6:
class Car {
constructor() {
this.wheels = 4;
this.weight = 100;
const car = new Car();
console.log(car.wheels, car.weight);
Be aware when using this that this syntax might not be supported by all browsers and might have to be transpiled an earlier version of JS.
Bonus: an object factory:
function generateCar(wheels, weight) {
class Car {
constructor() {}
wheels = wheels;
weight = weight;
return new Car();
const car1 = generateCar(4, 50);
const car2 = generateCar(6, 100);
console.log(car1.wheels, car1.weight);
console.log(car2.wheels, car2.weight);
You can mimic es6 classes behaviour... and use your class variables :)
Look mum... no classes!
// Helper
const $constructor = Symbol();
const $extends = (parent, child) =>
Object.assign(Object.create(parent), child);
const $new = (object, ...args) => {
let instance = Object.create(object);
instance[$constructor].call(instance, ...args);
return instance;
const $super = (parent, context, ...args) => {
parent[$constructor].call(context, ...args)
// class
var Foo = {
classVariable: true,
// constructor
[$constructor](who){ = who;
this.species = 'fufel';
// methods
return 'I am ' +;
// class extends Foo
var Bar = $extends(Foo, {
// constructor
$super(Foo, this, who);
this.subtype = 'barashek';
// methods
console.log('Hello, ' + this.identify());
var a1 = $new(Foo, 'a1');
var b1 = $new(Bar, 'b1');
console.log(a1, b1);
console.log('b1.classVariable', b1.classVariable);
I put it on GitHub
Still you can't declare any classes like in another programming languages. But you can create as many class variables. But problem is scope of class object. So According to me, Best way OOP Programming in ES6 Javascript:-
class foo{
//decalre your all variables
this.MY_CONST = 3.14;
this.x = 5;
this.y = 7;
// or call another method to declare more variables outside from constructor.
// now create method level object reference and public level property
this.MySelf = this;
// you can also use var modifier rather than property but that is not working good
let self = this.MySelf;
//code .........
set MySelf(v){
this.mySelf = v;
get MySelf(v){
return this.mySelf;
// now use as object reference it in any method of class
let self = this.MySelf;
// now use self as object reference in code
If its only the cluttering what gives the problem in the constructor why not implement a initialize method that intializes the variables. This is a normal thing to do when the constructor gets to full with unnecessary stuff. Even in typed program languages like C# its normal convention to add an Initialize method to handle that.
Just define a getter.
class MyClass
get MY_CONST () { return 'string'; }
constructor ()
console.log ("MyClass MY_CONST:", this.MY_CONST);
var obj = new MyClass();
The way I solved this, which is another option (if you have jQuery available), was to Define the fields in an old-school object and then extend the class with that object. I also didn't want to pepper the constructor with assignments, this appeared to be a neat solution.
function MyClassFields(){
this.createdAt = new Date();
MyClassFields.prototype = {
id : '',
type : '',
title : '',
createdAt : null,
class MyClass {
constructor() {
$.extend(this,new MyClassFields());
-- Update Following Bergi's comment.
No JQuery Version:
class SavedSearch {
constructor() {
id : '',
type : '',
title : '',
createdAt: new Date(),
You still do end up with 'fat' constructor, but at least its all in one class and assigned in one hit.
EDIT #2:
I've now gone full circle and am now assigning values in the constructor, e.g.
class SavedSearch {
constructor() { = '';
this.type = '';
this.title = '';
this.createdAt = new Date();
Why? Simple really, using the above plus some JSdoc comments, PHPStorm was able to perform code completion on the properties. Assigning all the vars in one hit was nice, but the inability to code complete the properties, imo, isn't worth the (almost certainly minuscule) performance benefit.
Well, you can declare variables inside the Constructor.
class Foo {
constructor() {
var name = "foo"
this.method = function() {
return name
var foo = new Foo()
Recent browsers as of 2021 (not IE, see MDN browser chart) implement Public class fields which seems to be what you're looking for:
class MyClass {
static foo = 3;
However apparently it's not possible to make this a const: Declaring static constants in ES6 classes?
A static getter looks pretty close:
class MyClass {
static get CONST() {
return 3;
MyClass.CONST = 4; // property unaffected
This is a bit hackish combo of static and get works for me
class ConstantThingy{
static get NO_REENTER__INIT() {
if(ConstantThingy._NO_REENTER__INIT== null){
ConstantThingy._NO_REENTER__INIT = new ConstantThingy(false,true);
return ConstantThingy._NO_REENTER__INIT;
elsewhere used
var conf = ConstantThingy.NO_REENTER__INIT;

How to call a parent method from child class in javascript?

I've spent the last couple of hours trying to find a solution to my problem but it seems to be hopeless.
Basically I need to know how to call a parent method from a child class.
All the stuff that I've tried so far ends up in either not working or over-writing the parent method.
I am using the following code to set up OOP in javascript:
// surrogate constructor (empty function)
function surrogateCtor() {}
function extend(base, sub) {
// copy the prototype from the base to setup inheritance
surrogateCtor.prototype = base.prototype;
sub.prototype = new surrogateCtor();
sub.prototype.constructor = sub;
// parent class
function ParentObject(name) { = name;
// parent's methods
ParentObject.prototype = {
myMethod: function(arg) { = arg;
// child
function ChildObject(name) {
// call the parent's constructor, name);
this.myMethod = function(arg) {
// do stuff
// setup the prototype chain
extend(ParentObject, ChildObject);
I need to call the parent's method first and then add some more stuff to it in the child class.
In most OOP languages that would be as simple as calling parent.myMethod()
But I really cant grasp how its done in javascript.
Any help is much appreciated, thank you!
ES6 style allows you to use new features, such as super keyword. super keyword it's all about parent class context, when you are using ES6 classes syntax. As a very simple example, checkout:
Remember: We cannot invoke parent static methods via super keyword inside an instance method. Calling method should also be static.
Invocation of static method via instance method - TypeError !
class Foo {
static classMethod() {
return 'hello';
class Bar extends Foo {
classMethod() {
return super.classMethod() + ', too';
console.log(Bar.classMethod()); // 'hello' - Invokes inherited static method
console.log((new Bar()).classMethod()); // 'Uncaught TypeError' - Invokes on instance method
Invocation of static method via super - This works!
class Foo {
static classMethod() {
return 'hello';
class Bar extends Foo {
static classMethod() {
return super.classMethod() + ', too';
console.log(Bar.classMethod()); // 'hello, too'
Now super context changes based on invocation - Voila!
class Foo {
static classMethod() {
return 'hello i am static only';
classMethod() {
return 'hello there i am an instance ';
class Bar extends Foo {
classMethod() {
return super.classMethod() + ', too';
console.log((new Bar()).classMethod()); // "hello there i am an instance , too"
console.log(Bar.classMethod()); // "hello i am static only"
Also, you can use super to call parent constructor:
class Foo {}
class Bar extends Foo {
constructor(num) {
let tmp = num * 2; // OK
this.num = num; // ReferenceError
this.num = num; // OK
And of course you can use it to access parent class properties super.prop.
So, use ES6 and be happy.
Here's how its done: ParentClass.prototype.myMethod();
Or if you want to call it in the context of the current instance, you can do:
Same goes for calling a parent method from child class with arguments:, arg1, arg2, ..) * Hint: use apply() instead of call() to pass arguments as an array.
Well in order to do this, you are not limited with the Class abstraction of ES6. Accessing the parent constructor's prototype methods is possible through the __proto__ property (I am pretty sure there will be fellow JS coders to complain that it's depreciated) which is depreciated but at the same time discovered that it is actually an essential tool for sub-classing needs (especially for the Array sub-classing needs though). So while the __proto__ property is still available in all major JS engines that i know, ES6 introduced the Object.getPrototypeOf() functionality on top of it. The super() tool in the Class abstraction is a syntactical sugar of this.
So in case you don't have access to the parent constructor's name and don't want to use the Class abstraction you may still do as follows;
function ChildObject(name) {
// call the parent's constructor, name);
this.myMethod = function(arg) {
Here's a nice way for child objects to have access to parent properties and methods using JavaScript's prototype chain, and it's compatible with Internet Explorer. JavaScript searches the prototype chain for methods and we want the child’s prototype chain to looks like this:
Child instance -> Child’s prototype (with Child methods) -> Parent’s prototype (with Parent methods) -> Object prototype -> null
The child methods can also call shadowed parent methods, as shown at the three asterisks *** below.
Here’s how:
//Parent constructor
function ParentConstructor(firstName){
//add parent properties:
this.parentProperty = firstName;
//add 2 Parent methods:
ParentConstructor.prototype.parentMethod = function(argument){
"Parent says: argument=" + argument +
", parentProperty=" + this.parentProperty +
", childProperty=" + this.childProperty
ParentConstructor.prototype.commonMethod = function(argument){
console.log("Hello from Parent! argument=" + argument);
//Child constructor
function ChildConstructor(firstName, lastName){
//first add parent's properties, firstName);
//now add child's properties:
this.childProperty = lastName;
//insert Parent's methods into Child's prototype chain
var rCopyParentProto = Object.create(ParentConstructor.prototype);
rCopyParentProto.constructor = ChildConstructor;
ChildConstructor.prototype = rCopyParentProto;
//add 2 Child methods:
ChildConstructor.prototype.childMethod = function(argument){
"Child says: argument=" + argument +
", parentProperty=" + this.parentProperty +
", childProperty=" + this.childProperty
ChildConstructor.prototype.commonMethod = function(argument){
console.log("Hello from Child! argument=" + argument);
// *** call Parent's version of common method
//create an instance of Child
var child_1 = new ChildConstructor('Albert', 'Einstein');
//call Child method
child_1.childMethod('do child method');
//call Parent method
child_1.parentMethod('do parent method');
//call common method
child_1.commonMethod('do common method');
In case of multiple inheritance level, this function can be used as a super() method in other languages. Here is a demo fiddle, with some tests, you can use it like this, inside your method use : call_base(this, 'method_name', arguments);
It make use of quite recent ES functions, an compatibility with older browsers is not guarantee. Tested in IE11, FF29, CH35.
* Call super method of the given object and method.
* This function create a temporary variable called "_call_base_reference",
* to inspect whole inheritance linage. It will be deleted at the end of inspection.
* Usage : Inside your method use call_base(this, 'method_name', arguments);
* #param {object} object The owner object of the method and inheritance linage
* #param {string} method The name of the super method to find.
* #param {array} args The calls arguments, basically use the "arguments" special variable.
* #returns {*} The data returned from the super method.
function call_base(object, method, args) {
// We get base object, first time it will be passed object,
// but in case of multiple inheritance, it will be instance of parent objects.
var base = object.hasOwnProperty('_call_base_reference') ? object._call_base_reference : object,
// We get matching method, from current object,
// this is a reference to define super method.
object_current_method = base[method],
// Temp object wo receive method definition.
descriptor = null,
// We define super function after founding current position.
is_super = false,
// Contain output data.
output = null;
while (base !== undefined) {
// Get method info
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, method);
if (descriptor !== undefined) {
// We search for current object method to define inherited part of chain.
if (descriptor.value === object_current_method) {
// Further loops will be considered as inherited function.
is_super = true;
// We already have found current object method.
else if (is_super === true) {
// We need to pass original object to apply() as first argument,
// this allow to keep original instance definition along all method
// inheritance. But we also need to save reference to "base" who
// contain parent class, it will be used into this function startup
// to begin at the right chain position.
object._call_base_reference = base;
// Apply super method.
output = descriptor.value.apply(object, args);
// Property have been used into super function if another
// call_base() is launched. Reference is not useful anymore.
delete object._call_base_reference;
// Job is done.
return output;
// Iterate to the next parent inherited.
base = Object.getPrototypeOf(base);
How about something based on Douglas Crockford idea:
function Shape(){} = 'Shape';
Shape.prototype.toString = function(){
return this.constructor.parent
? this.constructor.parent.toString() + ',' +
function TwoDShape(){}
var F = function(){};
F.prototype = Shape.prototype;
TwoDShape.prototype = new F();
TwoDShape.prototype.constructor = TwoDShape;
TwoDShape.parent = Shape.prototype; = '2D Shape';
var my = new TwoDShape();
console.log(my.toString()); ===> Shape,2D Shape
There is a much easier and more compact solution for multilevel prototype lookup, but it requires Proxy support. Usage: SUPER(<instance>).<method>(<args>), for example, assuming two classes A and B extends A with method m: SUPER(new B).m().
function SUPER(instance) {
return new Proxy(instance, {
get(target, prop) {
return Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(target))[prop].bind(target);
more flexible answer with classic js.
You define "_parent = A.prototype;" in the child class, then you can call parent's methods with apply:
class A{
_msgOnlyA=' great from A';
console.log('hello '+this._msg+', '+this._msgOnlyA);
class B extends A{
_parent = A.prototype;
this._parent.hello.apply(this, arguments);
console.log('hello '+this._msg);
var b = new B();
While you can call the parent method by the prototype of the parent, you will need to pass the current child instance for using call, apply, or bind method. The bind method will create a new function so I doesn't recommend that if you care for performance except it only called once.
As an alternative you can replace the child method and put the parent method on the instance while calling the original child method.
function proxy(context, parent){
var proto = parent.prototype;
var list = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto);
for(var i=0; i < list.length; i++){
var key = list[i];
// Create only when child have similar method name
if(context[key] !== proto[key]){
let currentMethod = context[key];
let parentMethod = proto[key];
context[key] = function(){
context.super = parentMethod;
return currentMethod.apply(context, arguments);
// ========= The usage would be like this ==========
class Parent {
first = "Home";
console.log('Parent created');
return this.first + ", Parent "+arg;
class Child extends Parent{
proxy(this, Parent);
console.log('Child created');
// Comment this to call method from parent only
return super.add(arg) + ", Child "+arg;
var family = new Child();

