Win32 NodeJS - Get Icon from running Window - javascript

I try to get a list of active windows currently running in Windows 10. The same list as the alt+tab window shows. this is working find, but I also need the icons of these windows. Unfortunately this is not working. The following code returns a pointer which should be an hicon. But I have no idea how to interpret the hicon. How can I translate this to an image?
const user32 = new ffi.Library('user32', {
'SendMessageA': ['pointer', ['long', 'int32', 'long', 'int32']]
let WMessages = {WM_GETICON: 0x007F}
let hicon = user32.SendMessageA(hwnd, WMessages.WM_GETICON , 2, 0)
// how to translate hicon to an nodejs icon?
this logic is inside an EnumWindows loop but I cut it, since it is not of relevence for my issue.
I am using ffi-napi and ref-napi to make native library call.
Any help is appreciated,


How to disable switching to explorer activity bar when call openTextDocument? VScode

I'm creating an extension for vscode. At some point I need to open a file. I use vscode.workspace.openTextDocument for that and it's working, but switchs activity bar from custom to Explorer. I want to leave my custom activity bar opened. How can I do that?
I have tried closing all activity bars except mine, searching for some settings(nothing found), tried to use vscode.commands.executeCommand with workbench.view, but there are only workbenck.view.explorer and workbench.view.extensions.
select(node: json.Node) {
var setting: vscode.Uri = vscode.Uri.parse('file:///home/user/some_file');
vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(setting).then((a: vscode.TextDocument) => {
vscode.window.showTextDocument(a, 1, false).then(e => {
// move to 96 line in the file. Just for example.
let range_n = e.document.lineAt(96).range;
e.selection = new vscode.Selection(range_n.start, range_n.end);
}, (error: any) => {
I expect that my custom activity bar and necessary file will be open after running select. Now file is opened, but activity bar is switched to explorer.
Have no idea, how exactly the problem was solved, but now it works as it should be.
I can assume, that the key here is another plugin (let's call it plugin_2, and main - plugin_1). I have another plugin (plugin_2), which runs when some file opens and draw some result into outline, so probably, when I relocate plugin_2 into my custom activity bar from explorer, and open a file with main plugin_1, plugin_2 ran and didn't let explorer open.
I believe that is the decision. Hope it will help someone.

Is it possible to avoid breaking on a debugger statement in Chrome?

I'm trying to reverse engineer a heavily obfuscated JS and one of the tricks the author does is to continuously call the debugger statement from within an anonymous function:
Unfortunately, I cannot right click and Never pause it, because each time the function is called a new anonymous function is spawned. The only way for me to inspect the code with DevTools open is to toggle the Disable all breakpoints button, but that disables my breakpoints too.
Is there any way to disable exclusively all debugger statements in Chrome?
In case there isnt, what could be done to bypass this anti-tampering trick?
Download the offending webworker.js file to your local drive, and use a text editor to replace all occurrences of "debugger" with ";".
Then use a Chrome extension to replace the remote resource with your local modified version.
FYI: I do not endorse the above extension. It was just the first I found via Google.
This answer is for an old Chrome prior to 2021 where we could hack the internals of devtools itself by using devtools-on-devtools:
undock devtools into a separate window
press the full devtools hotkey - CtrlShifti or ⌘⌥i
paste the following code in this new devtools window console and run it
const rx = /\bdebugger\b/y;
const eventSymbol = SDK.DebuggerModel.Events.DebuggerPaused;
const original = [...SDK.targetManager._modelListeners.get(eventSymbol)]
.find(v => === '_debuggerPaused');
const debuggerModel = SDK.targetManager.models(SDK.DebuggerModel)[0];
async function({data}) {
if (data._debuggerPausedDetails.reason === 'other') {
const frame = data._debuggerPausedDetails.callFrames[0];
const code = await frame._script.requestContent();
let {columnNumber: x, lineNumber: y} = frame._location;
let pos = 0;
while (y--)
pos = code.indexOf('\n', pos) + 1;
rx.lastIndex = Math.max(0, pos + x);
if (rx.test(code)) {
original.listener.apply(original.thisObject, arguments);
You can save this code as a snippet in devtools to run it later.
To quickly switch docking mode in the main devtools press CtrlShiftD or ⌘⇧D
Theoretically, it's not that hard to put this code into resources.pak file in Chrome application directory. There are several tools to decompile/build that file so just add the code to any script that has something like SDK.DebuggerModel.Events.DebuggerPaused inside. One can even write a tool that does that automatically on Chrome update.
Right-click the in the gutter on the line with the debugger statement and select "Never pause here".

Add HyperLink With Word JavaScript API

I'm having difficulties to add an HyperLink to my Word Document using the Javascript API. I've look to Doc and I can't find any hints how to accomplish my duty...
Here is my Question: What is the best way to add an HyperLink inside a Word Document using the Javascript API.
And Here is what I tried: Word.RequestContext) => {
var range = context.document.getSelection();
context.load(range, "hyperlink");
return context.sync().then(() => {
range.font.highlightColor = '#FFFF00';
range.hyperlink = "C:\My Documents\MyFile.doc";
I've added the highlightColor just to have a visual that my changes are being sync. Everything seems fine but the Hyperlink property is not being updated. Am I missing something?
And If you guys are wondering what's this syntax, I'm using TypeScript.
Good, if you don't mind i will reply in JavaScript :)
Setting a hyperlink to a file must work (provided that the file exists :) ). I have this simplified example working successfully, btw you don't need to load the range for setting this.
Also hyperlinks is now supported as preview, so please make sure that you are running an updated (latest) version of Word (go file and install updates) and most importantly make sure you are using the preview CDN for Office.js which is here: {
// Insert your code here. For example:
context.document.getSelection().hyperlink = "C:\My Documents\MyFile.doc";
return context.sync();

Handsontable not scrolling properly on Chrome

I am currently having an issue with handsontable on Chrome. What appears is that the table is scrollable, but the values and row headings are not updating. The situation can be seen from the below pictures.
Not Scrolled
Scrolled to Right and Down
As you can see, the scrolling takes place, but the values do not update. I should note, that this behavior only happens on Chrome. On Firefox and Safari, the table works as expected.
So more information about my environment.
Using Handsontable 0.28.0
Also using AngularJS and Angular Material
The code that I used to create this example is as follows
var Handsontable = require('handsontable');
// This function finds a div I am using, removes its contents, and then creates the table.
$scope.setSheet = function() {
var elementID = "shreadsheet-" + $;
var element = document.getElementById(elementID);
element.innerHTML = '';
var readonlyArr = $ {
return {readOnly : true};
var hot = new Handsontable(element, {
data: Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(1000, 1000),
colWidths: 47,
rowHeaders: true,
colHeaders: true
I compiled this code using the following command I found in the docs at the Handsontable github page.
SheetController_work.js -o SheetController.js -r moment -r pikaday -r zeroclipboard -r numbro
Has anyone else experienced this problem on Google Chrome, or does anybody have any suggestions?
For me this problem magically went away. The things that happened in the time that I noticed that this problem exists and the time that it magically fixed itself are as follows. You may want to try some of these if you experience this problem.
Restarted Computer (didn't work by itself)
Turned off localhost server from terminal and navigated to different directory.
Quit terminal.
Quit Google Chrome
EDIT with proper solution
I removed the paramater variableRowHeights: false and everything works now.

activex outlook bring to front

How to bring the outlook application in front which is opened from JavaScript using ActiveX.The following is the code in which I need to bring outlook window on the top (i.e. bring to front), because it is opening behind the I.E. browser.
// Open outlook e-mail client application with the corresponding subject and the attachment link
function openOutlook(emailSubject, emailAttach) {
try {
var app = new ActiveXObject('Outlook.Application');
var objNS = app.GetNameSpace('MAPI');
var mailItem = app.CreateItem(0);
mailItem.Subject = (emailSubject); = '';
catch (ex) {
alert('Outlook configuration error : ' + ex.message);
So far, I've tried changing mailItem.display(); to mailItem.display(false); and mailItem.display(true); and open-word-from-javascript-and-bring-to-front but it didn't help and there seems to be a glitch here i.e. when I change the code this way and run the app then outlook window comes on the top, but if I open it in another system or open after restarting the system then it doesn't work, I think maybe windows OS is making it come on the top somehow.
Try to use the Activate method of the Inspector class right after calling the Display() method. It activates an inspector window by bringing it to the foreground and setting keyboard focus.
As of Windows Vista, Windows will not activate a window of an application that is not running in a foreground; it will instead flash the taskbar button.
If you were using C++ or Delphi (or even .Net) you could work around that using AttachThreadInput (see how to make the Outlook Compose window top most?), but you cannot do that from JavaScript.
You can try to use Redemption (I am its author) and its SafeInspector.Activate method, but that means Redemption would need to be installed where you client script runs.
var app = new ActiveXObject('Outlook.Application');
var objNS = app.GetNameSpace('MAPI');
var mailItem = app.CreateItem(0);
mailItem.Subject = "test" = '';
var sInspector = new ActiveXObject('Redemption.SafeInspector');
var oInspector = mailItem.GetInspector;
sInspector.Item = oInspector;

