Handsontable not scrolling properly on Chrome - javascript

I am currently having an issue with handsontable on Chrome. What appears is that the table is scrollable, but the values and row headings are not updating. The situation can be seen from the below pictures.
Not Scrolled
Scrolled to Right and Down
As you can see, the scrolling takes place, but the values do not update. I should note, that this behavior only happens on Chrome. On Firefox and Safari, the table works as expected.
So more information about my environment.
Using Handsontable 0.28.0
Also using AngularJS and Angular Material
The code that I used to create this example is as follows
var Handsontable = require('handsontable');
// This function finds a div I am using, removes its contents, and then creates the table.
$scope.setSheet = function() {
var elementID = "shreadsheet-" + $scope.tabData.id;
var element = document.getElementById(elementID);
element.innerHTML = '';
var readonlyArr = $scope.tabData.sheetHeaders.map(function() {
return {readOnly : true};
var hot = new Handsontable(element, {
data: Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(1000, 1000),
colWidths: 47,
rowHeaders: true,
colHeaders: true
I compiled this code using the following command I found in the docs at the Handsontable github page.
SheetController_work.js -o SheetController.js -r moment -r pikaday -r zeroclipboard -r numbro
Has anyone else experienced this problem on Google Chrome, or does anybody have any suggestions?

For me this problem magically went away. The things that happened in the time that I noticed that this problem exists and the time that it magically fixed itself are as follows. You may want to try some of these if you experience this problem.
Restarted Computer (didn't work by itself)
Turned off localhost server from terminal and navigated to different directory.
Quit terminal.
Quit Google Chrome
EDIT with proper solution
I removed the paramater variableRowHeights: false and everything works now.


Win32 NodeJS - Get Icon from running Window

I try to get a list of active windows currently running in Windows 10. The same list as the alt+tab window shows. this is working find, but I also need the icons of these windows. Unfortunately this is not working. The following code returns a pointer which should be an hicon. But I have no idea how to interpret the hicon. How can I translate this to an image?
const user32 = new ffi.Library('user32', {
'SendMessageA': ['pointer', ['long', 'int32', 'long', 'int32']]
let WMessages = {WM_GETICON: 0x007F}
let hicon = user32.SendMessageA(hwnd, WMessages.WM_GETICON , 2, 0)
// how to translate hicon to an nodejs icon?
this logic is inside an EnumWindows loop but I cut it, since it is not of relevence for my issue.
I am using ffi-napi and ref-napi to make native library call.
Any help is appreciated,

Odd Javascript behavior - porting to WordPress

I'm currently making my first effort into porting a webpage to Wordpress, so forgive my inexperience on the subject.
In my page, I have the following code:
function workLoad() {
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
$('.thumb-unit').click(function() {
var $this = $(this),
newTitle = $this.find('strong').text(),
newFolder = $this.data('folder'),
spinner = 'Loading...',
newHTML = 'work/'+ newFolder +'.html';
In the past, this has worked fine hosted both locally and on Github. However, running my wordpress build locally through MAMP gives me the following error:
jquery-2.1.1.min.js:4 GET http://localhost/work/proj-1.html?_=1485348127113 404 (Not Found)
The URL should be fine, except for the part where it adds the ?_=(number). I'm not familiar with this behavior or what causes it. I tried changing work/ to /work/, since the dir is in the root folder, but that didn't solve it. I also have tried changing the variable to
newHTML = '< ?php bloginfo('template_directory')' + '/work/'+ newFolder +'.html';without the space after the opening bracket but to no avail. I also tried putting that bit in its own var, but it keeps adding ?_=1485348127113 to the URL of the html file I want to load, resulting in a 404 error.
What causes this? Thanks in advance for any advice you could share.
This timestamp is added for You to obtain the latest version of the file using ajax load.
If You want to disable this behaviour, You should set
cache: true
This will enable caching and Your request would not contain the ?_=1485348127113 part anymore. This parameter should not cause the 404 not found error. Please check your path.

`Preload.js` failed to load some files on Android devices

PreloadJS stuck at a specific step when loading files on Android devices while everything works fine on a desktop browser and iPhone.
The loading process stopped at the final GIF file (as shown in the code). Why this GIF file could not be loaded?
This happened before with desktop browser, but with no error, But at that time it was caused by some non-standard mp3 files. How to deal with this kind of exception when failed to load/init a file?
Here is the code I used to load files.
var preload = new createjs.LoadQueue();
createjs.Sound.alternateExtensions = ["ogg"];
preload.addEventListener("fileload", updateLoadingProcess); // show loading process
var resources = {
change: "assets/sound/change.mp3",
click: "assets/sound/click.mp3",
collide: "assets/sound/collide.mp3",
game_over: "assets/sound/gameover.mp3",
reset: "assets/sound/reset.mp3",
win: "assets/sound/win.mp3",
interface_assets: "assets/interface.png",
raining_serial: "assets/raining-serial.gif",
background: "assets/background.jpg",
text: "assets/text-" + LANG + ".gif",
var loadedResource = 0;
var manifest = [];
for(var i in resources){
manifest.push({id: i, src: resources[i] + _VER_ }); //add version to update cache
I found that some Android devices stopped at another point, the first image(interface.png), and I really don't know why because these browsers don't have a developer tool.
The problem is solved by not using XHR for these image files, although I still don't know why. var preload = new createjs.LoadQueue(false); could make it work.
there was a WebAudioPlugin bug with handling errors and a few issues with SoundJS and PreloadJS integration that have been fixed in the latest version SoundJS-Next and PreloadJS-Next. I would suggest trying those and seeing if you still have issues.
Hope that helps.

How to update user script in greasemonkey

I have an issue with Greasemonkey, it doesn't update my script automatically (probably because we don't want to add it to its UserScripts root, and it seems in this case it doesn't update it)...
anyway, I was adding a piece of code (main idea from here) to my script to check the script version inside the script and let user know if there is a new version available, and as if user wants to update it, if so it should open a new window/tab for script url (that it should trigger Greasemonkey to install it)... this is my senario, and it works perfect up to the point that it should open a new window/tab...
here you can see the function I'm using:
function checkForUpdate(in_vid){
var plugin_url = 'https://MyWebSiteURL/MonaTest.user.js?'+new Date().getTime();
if ((parseInt(GM_getValue('SUC_last_update', '0')) + 86400000 <= (new Date().getTime()))){
try {
GM_xmlhttpRequest( {
method: 'GET',
url: plugin_url,
headers: {'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'},
onload: function(resp){
var local_version, remote_version, rt, script_name;
GM_setValue('SUC_last_update', new Date().getTime()+'');
remote_version = parseFloat(/#version\s*(.*?)\s*$/m.exec(rt)[1]);
local_version = parseFloat(GM_getValue('SUC_current_version', '-1'));
script_name = (/#name\s*(.*?)\s*$/m.exec(rt))[1];
GM_setValue('SUC_target_script_name', script_name);
if (remote_version > local_version){
if(confirm('There is an update available for the Greasemonkey script "'+script_name+'."\nWould you like to install it now?')){
-------> GM_openInTab(plugin_url);
GM_setValue('SUC_current_version', remote_version);
GM_log('No update is available for "'+script_name+'"');
GM_setValue('SUC_current_version', remote_version+'');
catch (err){
GM_log('An error occurred while checking for updates:\n'+err);
I tried to use GM_openInTab, but it returns this error in the console:
Timestamp: 9/27/12 9:55:33 AM
Error: ReferenceError: GM_openInTab is not defined
Source File: file:///Users/Mona/Library/Application%20Support/Firefox/Profiles/tonwb5lg.default/gm_scripts/MonaTest/MonaTest.user.js
Line: 97
I couldn't find any reference to indicate that GM_openInTab doesn't support anymore!
I tried other solutions, using window.open and location.assign... both of them doesn't work because they shows the script source codes without triggering Greasemonkey to install it...
I don't know if there is a way to update script using this method...
I would appreciate if you share your knowledge and help me with my problem.
Thanks for your time!
P.S. My firefox version is 15.0.1, Greasemonkey version is 1.1
don't forget to #grant.
correct me if im wrong, but your script does not end with js.
var plugin_url = 'https://MyWebSiteURL/MonaTest.user.js?'+new Date().getTime();
try forcing the .js extension.
when i added the date to my script, GM stopped installing it.
remove the date at the end and give it a try.
one last thing: you're basing your script on a script from 2009. take a look at a new one, like this from 2011.

Jquery - how to load everything except the images?

I'm currently working on a WordPress addition which loads full post content (normally it shows exceprts) when asked to. I did my code like this:
$(".readMore").click(function() {
var url = $(this).attr("href");
$(this).parent("p").parent("div").children("div.text").slideUp("slow", function () {
$(this).load(url + " .text", function(){
return false; });
And it works. But I don't want images to be loaded. I tried .text:not(img), but it didn't worked. How can I do this?
The trick, of course, is preventing the images from being downloaded unnecessarily by the user's browser; not displaying them is easy.
I only have two browsers were it's easy and convenient to tell what's downloading: Chrome and Firefox+Firebug. In my tests, Martin's solution using *:not(img) results in the images being downloaded (although not displayed) in both Chrome and Firefox+Firebug. (I emphasize "Firefox+Firebug" because Firebug can change the behavior of Firefox on occasion, and so it may well be changing its behavior here, although I don't think it is; more on that below.)
It took some tweaking, but this seems to do the trick (more on testing below):
url: url,
success: function(data) {
var div = $("<div>").html(data);
if (stripImages) {
// Find the images, remove them, and explicitly
// clear the `src` property from each of them
div.find("img").remove().each(function() {
this.src = "";
error: function(jxhr, status, err) {
display("ajax error, status = " + status + ", err = " + err);
Live example The "Include big image" checkbox includes a large file from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD).
The key there was setting the src of the img elements to "". On Chrome, just removing the elements was enough to prevent Chrome starting the download of the images, but on Firefox+Firebug it not only started downloading them, but continued even when the download took considerable time. Clearing the src causes Firefox to abort the download (I can see this in the Firebug Net console).
So what about IE? Or Firefox without Firebug? I only did unscientific testing of those, but it's promising: If I run my live example of Martin's solution on either IE or Firefox without Firebug in a VM, I see the VM's network interface working hard, suggesting that it's downloading that big APOD picture. In contrast, if I run my solution above in that same environment (with caches cleared, etc., etc.), I don't see the VM network interface doing that work, suggesting that the download is either not being started or is being aborted early on.
.text *:not(img) will select every descendant from .text that is not an image, so in theory it should work.

