Better version to prop data from child to parent Angular? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a problem props data from child to parent.
Imagine this. The search input button is the child component and the table is the parent component.
Each type and type I need to pass the information to the parent and further sort array.
Check code:
<app-search (sendEvent)="receivedMessage($event)"></app-search>
<table class="w-100">
<th> Name</th>
<th> Size</th>
<th> Price</th>
<th> Date added</th>
<tr *ngFor="let menu of allMenus | searchInput:searchTerm; let i=index">
<td> {{ }}</td>
<td> {{ menu.size }}cm</td>
<td> {{ menu.price | currency : 'USD' : 'symbol' : '1.0-0' }}</td>
<td> {{ | date: 'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm' }}</td>
<button class="btn btn-secondary mr-3"> Edit </button>
<button (click)="removeMenu(menu)" class="btn btn-secondary"> Remove </button>
Inside parent ( table ) :
searchTerm: any = '';
receivedMessage(searchMessage: string) {
if (searchMessage) { this.searchTerm = searchMessage; }
Inside child component:
<input (ngModelChange)="onChange($event)" [(ngModel)]="searchTerm" type="text" placeholder="Search menu items">
#Output() sendEvent = new EventEmitter;
searchTerm: any = ''
constructor() { }
ngOnInit(): void {
onChange(e: string){
This is work.
But situations in which he does not work:
When I start deleting everything from the input it sometimes doesn't show me all the data again.
When i copy all string inside input
Second situation is not important more for me.
Only is problem when I delete all typed data from input not clear all results ....

It doesn't enter your if (searchMessage) { this.searchTerm = searchMessage; } block because you conditionally check for falsy value - if (searchMessage)
When you delete everything from input, the actual value is empty string - '' which is a falsy value in Javascript.
I would recommend to remove if statement because it can't be anything else than string from your input with NgModel applied.

I could not think of any better way of communication to deliver the searchTerm from the child component to the parent component.
If you consider another way like using a service, I don't recommend using a service in such a case while it has to be good for communication between multiple threads not only two parent-to-child threads.
Another point to consider:
check the condition in the parent component if (searchMessage) { }. This has to be changes to suit your needs because using it like that would not do any thing in case you delete the whole search word searchTerm = '' which will not proceed inside your condition.
Add an else statement to this if to suit your both situations.


Functions as Element Attributes and the Angular ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError

I'm creating a summary row on a tree table that also has filtering (I'm using the ng Prime component library, but I don't think that's germane to the error or question). I want my summary row to only summarize the information currently in view, thus the summary should change when the tree is expanded or when a filter is applied.
I achieved this goal by adding row data to a map via a function I set as an element attribute [attr.summaryFunction]="summaryFunction(i,rowData[col.field])", and reinitializing the map with ngDoCheck. Without this step, reinitializing the map in ngDoCheck, totals accumulate with every repaint or change and result in incorrect values. (I tried reinitializing the map with several other lifecycle hooks ngOnInit, ngOnViewInit, and ngOnChanges, but the only lifecycle hook that effectively reinitialized the map was ngDoCheck).
My approach works perfectly (yay me!), but I get an ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError in the browser, three times, for each column. To address this error, I tried all 4 approaches to fixing the error recommended in the documentation:
using different lifecycle hooks --> totals are incorrect
I added to summary function --> infinite loop
I wrapped the if statement in setTimeout(() => if(statement){}) --> infinite loop
Promise.resolve().then(() => if(statement){}) --> infinite loop
Again, my approach currently works exactly as I want it to, I just want these annoying errors to go away. I'd also like to understand why the usual fixes cause an infinite loop.
Here's my TS layer;
export class PrimetreeComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck {
sampleData: TreeNode[] = []
columns: any[] = [];
summaryMap = new Map();
columnIndex = 0;
constructor(private nodeService: NodeService, private cd: ChangeDetectorRef) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
this.nodeService.getFilesystem().subscribe(data => {this.sampleData = data});
this.columns = [
{field: 'name', header: 'name'},
{field: 'size', header: 'size'},
{field: 'type', header: 'type'}]
ngDoCheck(): void {
this.summaryMap = new Map();
summaryFunction(columnIndex:number, rowData:any){
//if row data is a non-number string we just count the rows
this.summaryMap.set(columnIndex, this.summaryMap.get(columnIndex)+Number(rowData));
} else {
this.summaryMap.set(columnIndex, this.summaryMap.get(columnIndex)+1)
} else {
this.summaryMap.set(columnIndex, Number(rowData));
} else {
this.summaryMap.set(columnIndex, 1)
And here's my HTML Template:
<p-treeTable #tt [value]="sampleData" [columns]="columns">
<ng-template pTemplate="caption">
<div style="text-align: right">
<span class="p-input-icon-left">
<i class="pi pi-search"></i>
placeholder="Global Filter"
(input)="tt.filterGlobal($any($, 'contains')"
<ng-template pTemplate="header" let-columns>
<th *ngFor="let col of columns">
{{ col.header }}
<th *ngFor="let col of columns">
tt.filter($any($, col.field, col.filterMatchMode)
<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowNode let-rowData="rowData" >
<td *ngFor="let col of columns; let i = index;" [attr.summaryFunction]="summaryFunction(i,rowData[col.field])">
*ngIf="i == 0"
{{ rowData[col.field] }}
<ng-template pTemplate="emptymessage">
<td [attr.colspan]="columns.length">No data found.</td>
<ng-template pTemplate="summary">
<td *ngFor="let col of columns; let i = index;">
{{ col.header }}--sumMap--{{summaryMap.get(i) }}
I am not familiar with the approach of binding a function to an elements attribute, but it seems kind of hacky to me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the reason for this is to have a way to trigger the function when the node is added to the dom?
I did not test this myself, but I think you could make use of the #ContentChildren decorator see docs. It exposes an observable that you can subscribe to to react to changes of the content dom. Ideally, you could run the summary creation and updating the summaryMap in one step.
I played around with the idea a bit. One solution for what you are trying to achieve is to use #ViewChildren decorator to get a QueryList of all the rows currently rendered. This can be achieved in the following way:
<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowNode let-rowData="rowData" >
<tr [ttRow]="rowNode" #tableRow [attr.file-size]="rowData.size">
<p-treeTableToggler [rowNode]="rowNode"></p-treeTableToggler>
{{ }}
<td>{{ rowData.size }}</td>
<td>{{ rowData.type }}</td>
Note the template ref on <tr [ttRow]="rowNode" #tableRow [attr.file-size]="rowData.size"> along with binding the rowData.size to an attribute of the element.
You can then grab that list of rows rows that are currently mounted to the dom like so:
// inside your component
#ViewChildren('tableRow') view_children!: QueryList<ElementRef>;
// get the list, calculate initial sum and subscribe to changes.
// We do that in ngAfterViewInit lifecycle hook as the
// list is guaranteed to be available at that point of time:
ngAfterViewInit() {
(list: QueryList<ElementRef>) =>
You can find a running example of this here.

How to validate duplicate entry in angular form builder array?

I am using angular6 reactive form with form builder and form array. I am facing problem with duplicate subject entry from drop down in form array. How to validate to avoid duplicate entry in from array.
I have a subject list with drop down. When i click on add button then a subject array will add. If i add similar subject it also be added. But i want to avoid duplicate subject entry. When i entry duplicate subject then a validation message will show and save button will disable.
ts code
olevelSubForm ={
olevelSubArray: this.fb.array([
olevelSubjectList: any = [ 'Geography','Mathematics',
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {}
ngOnInit() {
// olevel
createOlevelSub(): FormGroup {
return {
olevelSubject: new FormControl('', Validators.compose(
addItemOlevel() {
const control = <FormArray>this.olevelSubForm.controls.olevelSubArray;
saveData() {
html code
<form [formGroup]="olevelSubForm" >
<div formArrayName="olevelSubArray">
<tr style="font-size: 15px;">
<tr *ngFor="let item of olevelSubForm.get('olevelSubArray').controls; let i = index;" [formGroupName]="i">
<select formControlName="olevelSubject">
<option *ngFor="let olevelSub of olevelSubjectList" [value]="olevelSub">{{ olevelSub }}</option>
<button style="float: right" [disabled]="olevelSubForm.invalid"(click)="addItemOlevel()"> Add
<button [disabled]="olevelSubForm.invalid"(click)=saveData()>Save</button>
<pre> {{ olevelSubForm.value | json }} </pre>
In my comment I put and answer with a different aproach: that the options you can select was different in each level, so you can not choose some yet choosed. that, if you has a function like
getSubjectForFormArray(i, olevelSubjectList) {
return i == 0 ? olevelSubjectList :
this.getSubjectForFormArray(i - 1, olevelSubjectList.filter(x =>
x != this.olevelSubForm.get('olevelSubArray').value[i-1].olevelSubject))
Yes is a recursive function that begins with all the options and in each step, remove from the list the value we are choose. So, your option list can be like
<option *ngFor="let olevelSub of getSubjectForFormArray(i, olevelSubjectList)"
[value]="olevelSub">{{ olevelSub }}</option>
Anyway, this dont' avoid that if, e.g we choose "Mathematics","Chemistry", if change the first combo to Chemistry, we'll get two "Chemistry". So, we are going to check each change of the array. That's in ngOnInit
//res is the value of the array,e.g. -in one moment-
if (index)
//before becomes an array with the values selected before, eg. -in one moment-
// ['Mathematics','Chemistry']
const before=res.slice(0,index).map(x=>x.olevelSubject)
if (before.find(x=>x==res[index].olevelSubject))
(this.olevelSubForm.get('olevelSubArray') as FormArray)
See the stackblitz

Trouble navigating an Angular form to access it's controls

I am having the hardest time trying to figure out what sounds like an easy process for nested angular forms. I am dealing with a few components here and some of the formGroups and formArrays are being dynamically created and its throwing me off.
Apologies for the large code dump, but its the minimal example I was able to come up with to try and explain my problem.
The parent component is very straight forward as it only has two formControls. I then pass the form to the tasks component to have access to it.
Parent Component
this.intakeForm ={
requestor: ['', Validators.required],
requestJustification: ['', Validators.required]
<form [formGroup]=“intakeForm”>
Tasks Component
Some method in here will trigger generateTask which creates the new form group.
ngOnInit() {
this.intakeForm.addControl('tasks', new FormArray([]));
// Push a new form group to our tasks array
generateTask(user, tool) {
const control = <FormArray>this.intakeForm.controls['tasks'];
control.push(this.newTaskControl(user, tool))
// Return a form group
newTaskControl(user, tool) {
User: user,
Tool: tool,
Roles: this.fb.array([])
<table class="table table-condensed smallText" *ngIf="intakeForm.controls['tasks'].length">
<tr *ngFor="let t of intakeForm.get('tasks').controls let i = index; trackBy:trackByIndex" [taskTR]="t" [ui]="uiOptions" [intakeForm]="intakeForm" [taskIndex]="i">
TR Component
Some method in here will trigger the addRole method which will add the form group.
#Input('taskTR') row;
#Input('ui') ui;
#Input('intakeForm') intakeForm: FormGroup;
// Add a new role
addRole($event, task) {
let t = task.get('Roles').controls as FormArray;
// Return a form group
newRoleControl(role) {
Role: [role, Validators.required],
Action: [null, Validators.required]
<td class="col-md-9">
<ng-select [items]="ui.adminRoles.options"
placeholder="Select one or more roles"
(add)="addRole($event, row)"
(remove)="removeRole($event, row)">
The Question
I need to add formControlName to my TR Component, specifically on the ng-select. However, when I try and add a formControlName, it tells me that it needs to be within a formGroup.
From what I can tell, the formGroup is in the tasksComponent and is wrapping the whole table so its technically within a formGroup?
My end goal is to be able to add the formControlName to this input but I am having a hard time trying to figure out the path to get there.
Here is an image of the full form object.
The last expanded section, Role, is what this input should be called via formControlName so that I can perform validation and what not on the control.
Edit 1 - Changes for #Harry Ninh
Tasks Component HTML
<tr *ngFor="let t of intakeForm.get('tasks').controls let i = index; trackBy:trackByIndex" [taskTR]="t" [ui]="uiOptions" [intakeForm]="intakeForm" [taskIndex]="i" [formGroup]="intakeForm"></tr>
TR Component HTML
<td class="col-md-9">
<ng-select [items]="ui.adminRoles.options"
placeholder="Select one or more roles"
(add)="addRole($event, row)"
(remove)="removeRole($event, row)">
Result: ERROR Error: formControlName must be used with a parent formGroup directive.
You are expected to declare [formGroup]="intakeForm" in the root tag of every component that wraps all formControlName, formGroupName and formArrayName properties. Angular won't try to go up the hierarchy to find that when compiling the code.
In TR Component template, the root element (ie. the <td>) should have [formGroup]="intakeForm", in order to tell Angular the formControlName who is related to.

sharing event driven variable across component in angular 2

I have a component which has a data table which I filter using a pipe,
The way I trigger and sent new argument to the pipe is on input-event on a input tag , I capture the input in 'targetInput' variable,
The above setup works, here is how it looks like:
<tr >
<td *ngFor="let column of currentView.columns">
<div *ngIf="column.label">
<input placeholder="{{column.label}}" id="{{column._devName}}" type="text"
(input)="targetInput = {targetValue:$,targetId:$,currentFilterMap:currentFilterMap}">
<ng-container *ngFor="let task of (currentView.tasks | countryPipe:targetInput); let i=index">
<tr class="worktask" (click)="setCurrentTask($event, task)" (dblclick)="openWindowNewTab(getOpenTaskURL(task, currentView.process))"
id="workspace_table_wo_{{ task.workOrderId }}_task_{{ task.taskId }}"
<td *ngFor="let column of currentView.columns">{{task[column.devName]}}</td>
Now I decide , that I want a separate component for the input tag , so I split the html and make a parent-child setup and pass the shared variable using #Input decorator,
This is how the new setup looks ,
Parent html:
<tr >
<td *ngFor="let column of currentView.columns">
<filterTagBox [taskCol] = "column" [currentFilterMap] = "currentFilterMap"></filterTagBox>
<ng-container *ngFor="let task of (currentView.tasks | countryPipe:targetInput); let i=index">
<tr class="worktask" (click)="setCurrentTask($event, task)" (dblclick)="openWindowNewTab(getOpenTaskURL(task, currentView.process))"
id="workspace_table_wo_{{ task.workOrderId }}_task_{{ task.taskId }}"
<td *ngFor="let column of currentView.columns">{{task[column.devName]}}</td>
Now I can't seem to pass the targetInput from the child component back to the parent on the input event, Not sure if this is the way I should implement this or if there is a better way.
I think in your case parent is Parent html and child is filterTagBox. if you want transfer value from parent to child you need use #input
if you want transfer value from child to parent you need use EventEmitter and #Output
more info.
I use BehaviorSubject to notify any component (the parent in your situation) that subscribes it. It's a special type of observables. A message service can do it for you. Define a message model (you can even use a simple string if you prefer) and create a message service:
import {Observable, BehaviorSubject} from 'rxjs/Rx'; //
import {Message} from "../../models/message"; // Your model
... inside your message service class:
private _newMessage = new BehaviorSubject<Message>(new Message);
getMessage = this._currentUser.asObservable();
sendMessage(message: Message) { }
In a component (e.g. in a parent), you can subscribe getMessage subject like this:
message => {
// a message received, do whatever you want
if (message == "so important message")
this.list = newList;
// ... so on
This way, multiple components can subscribe to this BehaviorSubject, and any trigger in any component/service that uses sendMessage method can change these subscribed components immediately. For you, that can be a child component:
... you successfully made something in your
... child component, now use the trigger:
this.messageService.sendMessage(new Message("so important message", foo, bar));
Thanks for the answers , I did figure out how I could do this ,and although I found using behaviour service interesting I decided to use a output variable to sent data form the child component to the parent which would ultimatedly sent to the pipe,
Here is what I did :
Child component HTML:
<div *ngIf="taskCol.label">
<div id="{{taskCol._devName}}_tagBox"></div>
<input placeholder="{{taskCol.label}}" id="{{taskCol._devName}}" type="text"
<!-- Call childComponent.onInput passing event parameters -->
Child component.ts :
selector: 'filterTagBox',
template: require('./filterTagBox.component.html')
export class FilterTagBox{
private colValues:string[];
public containsQueries:boolean;
private regex:RegExp;
#Input() public taskCol:TaskColumn;
#Output() onItemInput = new EventEmitter<any>(); // bound event to the parent component
// constructor and other hidden methods...
onInput(targetInput : any){
this.onItemInput.emit(targetInput); //trigger onItemInput event on inputBox input
Parent component html :
<tr >
<td *ngFor="let column of currentView.columns">
<!-- Catch custom onItemInput event which was triggered in the child -->
<filterTagBox (onItemInput)="filterBoxPipeData = {targetValue:$event.targetValue,targetId:$event.targetId,currentFilterMap:currentFilterMap}" [taskCol] = "column" ></filterTagBox>
<!--sent the data retrieve from the input i.e filterBoxPipeData to the pipe i.e tagBoxFilterPipe along with data to be filtered i.e currentView.task -->
<ng-container *ngFor="let task of (currentView.tasks | tagBoxFilterPipe:filterBoxPipeData); let i=index">
<!--hidden html -->

How pick up checkbox result in post method angularjs

I have a table that sets out a list of rules. When the checkboxes are clicked, I need them to take this "true" value and post to an API endpoint. This has been set up, but what I am getting back is that "associated_rule" is undefined.
I have tried setting $scope.associated_rule.selected = true; in my controller, but this still doesn't define the variable and throws up the same error in the console.
Here is my HTML form:
<form name="rules_form" method="post" ng-submit="attach()">
<table class="table table-striped table-hover" ng-model="associated_rules">
<th>Rule Types:</th>
<th>Start Time:</th>
<th>End Time:</th>
<th>Apply Rule to Vehicle:</th>
<tr ng-repeat="associated_rule in associated_rules">
<td>#{{ associated_rule.resource_ids.accounts }}</td>
<td>#{{ associated_rule.description }}</td>
<td>#{{ associated_rule.start_time }}</td>
<td>#{{ associated_rule.end_time }}</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" ng-model="associated_rule.selected" aria-label="rule"></td>
<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="attach()">Attach</button>
My Controller event:
$scope.attach = function () {
$scope.associated_rule.selected = true;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < $scope.associated_rule.selected.length; i++) {
//need to create a loop where the true value is picked up and then I can send the data using a POST method. But I'm stuck on this.
console.log(the result of the event);
For now, I just want the results to console.log, so I can see that the event is creating the loop and displaying the results. After that, I should be OK.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I have fixed this by defining the $scope.rule as an empty array and setting the $scope.rule.selected to "false" by default.
Great! step one! But the checkboxes are ALL selecting when you click A checkbox - think this may be the ng-repeat causing me a pain in the backside.
$scope.rule = [];
$scope.rule.selected = false;
So, how do I ensure that only the checkboxes set that I select and not all at once?
Fixed this too; as the above was just making the entire array selected; as i wasn't drilling down into the array. This did it:
by modelling the a rule within that defined array, it shows up when testing. Brill. :)
By mistake you are changing the value of your check box on clicking the button:
$scope.associated_rule.selected = true;
This will give the current value, selected or not selected

