Javascript create array from local words.txt 2021 - javascript

I have a txt file called test.txt.
Inside of it there are words that are basically laid out like this.
I want to use these words turn them into an array and store into one variable.
Something like this.
var words = ["ability", "about", "above", "action"...];
I am only using javascript and nothing else how do I do this?

Assuming you are using node.js since you are accessing a file.
const fs = require('fs');
let array = fs.readFile('./test.txt').split(/\r?\n/g);
Otherwise the answer is: JavaScript is executed client-side and won't handle files.

try it:


Whats up with eval()?

I've seen a lot about how the eval() function is evil; not a wise choice for HTML/JavaScript programming. I would like to use a function where I can pass in a string to have it read as a variable name, and eval() seems to do just that, but I don't want to use a destructive function.
From what I understand, the issue with eval() is that it can read third-party input as actual code, which opens a door for malicious activity. I have a map element that keeps track of location using strings for the location names. I also have large blocks of text assigned to variables so I can pull up a description of the current location easily. This seems like an acceptable time to use eval, as the strings that I would be passing in would be provided by other parts of the code. Is this a fair judgement, or is there some other function that I should be using?
(Moving my comment as an answer)
An easy way to get around that is to save whatever variable you're interested in accessing in a javascript Object (i.e. key-value pairs), and access them via indexing. This simple use case doesn't need eval.
From what I understand, the issue with eval() is that it can read third-party input as actual code, which opens a door for malicious activity.
This is not the only reason. One could argue that by today's standards the performance of JavaScript code is negligible.
However, one has to take into account that eval() actually invokes the JavaScript interpreter which is significantly slower than writing the code upfront. ยน
I would like to use a function where I can pass in a string to have it read as a variable name, and eval() seems to do just that, but I don't want to use a destructive function.
This does not warrant the use of eval(). As mentioned in the comments, you can achieve this with keeping track of variables in an object:
let vars = {}
vars["some_variable_name"] = "test"
const var_name = "some_variable_name"
console.log(vars[var_name]) // "test"
as the strings that I would be passing in would be provided by other parts of the code
Might be, but what if in the future some piece of that code actually does process some user input?
Not worth the performance penality and obvious security risk in my opinion.
For a simple way to use a variable name as a string is to use an Object (called a dictionary or map in some languages)
const stringToGrade = {
"freshman": 9,
"sophomore": 10,
"junior": 11,
"senior": 12,
document.querySelector("#btn").addEventListener("click", () => {
const asString = document.querySelector("#inp").value.toLowerCase();
const grade = stringToGrade[asString];
console.log(`Your grade number is ${grade}`);
<input id="inp" placeholder="Enter your grade level (freshman, sophomore, etc.)" />
<button id="btn">Submit</button>

How to get element from HTML stored in variable

I am running an API to retrieve email from external system. I managed to get HTML code from the returned JSON and store it in a variable. Now, I would like to run some further operations on this HTML - for example get all elements with
It would be easy in html document:
var x = document.querySelectorAll('[data-type="whatever"]');
However the HTML document I want to work with is stored in the variable so the code I write in API does not recognise it as a document. How can I do it? Any suggestions with vanilla JS?
You can try something like this.
let rawDoc = '<html><head><title>Working with elements</title></head><body><div id="div1">The text above has been created dynamically.</div></body></html>'
let doc = document.createElement('html');
doc.innerHTML = rawDoc;
let div1 = doc.querySelector('#div1');
What if you use innerHTML? or maybe I don't fully understand the question.
Since you are working without a document you have 2 options.
1. Use regex to get what you need (something like /<.+>.+ data-type="whatever".+<\/.+>/gi) should do (but for an exact match you may need to make something better).
2. Insert the html in a hidden part of the dom and select what you need from it (like in Zohir answer - he provided a good example).
I used following code with angular to store whole html content in a variable and pass it as argument to call API.
var htmlBody = $('<div/>').append($('#htmlBody').clone()).html();
This might work for you as i was working on sending email to pass invoice template so try this.

Convert a javascript variable to scala in play framework

I have some variables in javascript:
var something = 1;
var url = "#CSRF(routes.Some.thing(something))";
I get an error during compilation because "something" does not refer to the javascript variable, in other words; the compiler can't identify it. Is it possible to convert/inject the javascript variable somehow? Also, does this work in real time in javascript or do I need to prepare an "#CSRF(routes.Some.thing(something))" array containing each possible "something" value?
It's supposed to be a simple rest call, seen in routes file:
/something/:something controllers.Some.thing(something : Long)
An alternative would be to use a form, but I want to try not to.
You need to use a Javascript Routing and add the CSRF token to the request.
Javascript Rounting description:
Look at my answer to the question with explanation how to use it for assets("Correct and long solution"), the usage for other activities is the same: How to update src of a img from javascript in a play framework project?
So in your case, the Javascript routes generation can look like:
And in the JavaScript:
var something = 1;
var url = jsRoutes.controllers.Some.thing(something).url;
The last - do not forget to add Csrf-Token header to the request.

Dynamically Setting a JavaScript Object's Method's Source

I've recently been working on a nice little JavaScript game engine that works a lot like Game Maker, but lets people create basic JavaScript games within a browser. Every instance of every object will have it's own preset methods, which the runner will iterate through and execute. I'm trying to find a way to let the user / creator dynamically edit any of the methods source code. When I say 'preset methods', I mean blank methods stored under specific preset names within the objects / object instances. Here's a basic example:
var newObject = object_add("object_name"); // Adds a new object 'blueprint' and returns the reference.
The function object_add(); creates a JavaScript object, and adds a number of preset methods to it, such as:
.. and many more
Each of these methods will have no code in them to start with. I need to let the creator dynamically change any of the methods source code. I could simply overwrite the variable that points towards the method, with a new method, but how can you set method's source code using a string?
I know that something like:
newObject.create = function(){textbox.innerHTML};
definitely wouldn't work. Any ideas?
Many thanks,
Looks like you want to use eval function, but it's generally a bad idea.
The answer was found at: Creating functions dynamically in JS
Here's the answer (copied from the other page).
Well, you could use Function, like in this example:
var f = new Function('name', 'return alert("hello, " + name + "!");');
//This way you're defining a new function with arguments and body and assigning it to a variable f. You could use a hashset and store many functions:
var fs = [];
var fs['f1'] = new Function('name', 'return alert("hello, " + name + "!");');
//Loading xml depends if it is running on browser or server.
Thanks, #CBroe

Use dynamic element ID in #{rich:clientId()} function

We can get element by static ID using rich:clientId() function as follows
However, I need to use a dynamic ID which takes the form of var + "_ID" where var can be employee, student, etc and thus resulting in employee_ID, student_ID as actual ID.
I tried as follows:
dynamicID = var + '_ID';
However, it didn't work. How can I achieve this?
It looks like you are setting dynamicID via JavaScript, am I right?
If yes, the EL-expression #{rich:clientId(dynamicID)} cannot be evaluated as EL on the server during the rendering of the page since the dynamicID is only available on the client (=browser) when the page has already been built up on the server and sent to the browser.
Where does var come from? How is it applied to the component with the dynamicID? Can't you use the same approach for the getElementById?
For concatenating a variable with a constant in JSF on server-side, see the following already answered post Concatenate strings in JSF/JSP EL and Javascript. Basically it gives you a how-to in creation of an own concatenation function for jsp/jsf. Works pretty need.
As a hint: you can use #{rich:element(JSF_ID)} instead of document.getElementById('#{rich:clientId(JSF_ID)}') to keep the source readeable - it will render identical results.
Good luck...

