add query string to all requests ( post , get ) - javascript

I want to add query string to all requests (post and etc) with Jquery or pure Javascript.
for example :
I want to when click a button and its Ajax , this query string add.
Thank you in advance for your guidance.
I concluded that this is not a good question

you can use the body property which lets you send data to the server
for example:
fetch("URLHERE", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({debug: true}),
headers: { // this lets you send data in json format
'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
.then(res => ...)
please note: you need to send the data in string format, thats why i used JSON.stringify
check here for refernce :
EDIT: DO NOT use body in GET request
check here why: HTTP GET with request body
if you want to send data to the server you usually use POST
if you want to get data from the server with get you need to send http request with the url you want and you can also send in with query
for ex:
my endpoint is "
and in your server you can take the query part the use it


I can not send parameter using GET with jQuery to node js REST API [duplicate]

I have a React application where I am changing POST method to GET with the request body as it is. It works fine with POST request however when I change the method to GET, it gives me error-
message: "org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException: Required request body is missing: public
My Front End Code-
export const setData = (getData) => dispatch => {
method: 'GET',
url: 'http://localhost:8080/api',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data: getData
.then (response => {
type: API_DATA,
payload: false
.catch(function(error) {
Can someone let me know what I am missing here. As per my understanding, http allows to have a request body for GET method.
As per my understanding, http allows to have a request body for GET method.
While this is technically true (although it may be more accurate to say that it just doesn't explicitly disallow it), it's a very odd thing to do, and most systems do not expect GET requests to have bodies.
Consequently, plenty of libraries will not handle this.
The documentation for Axois says:
// `data` is the data to be sent as the request body
// Only applicable for request methods 'PUT', 'POST', and 'PATCH'
Under the hood, if you run Axios client side in a web browser, it will use XMLHttpRequest. If you look at the specification for that it says:
client . send([body = null])
Initiates the request. The body argument provides the request body, if any, and is ignored if the request method is GET or HEAD.
If you want to send parameters with get request in axios, you should send parameters as params.
If you want to set "Content-type":"application/json" and send params with get request, you should also send an empty data object.
For example:
const AUTH_TOKEN = 'Bearer token'
const config = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': AUTH_TOKEN,
data: {},
params: {
"post_id": 1
axios.get("http://localhost/api/v1/posts/", config)
This is not axios, the error origniates from the java backend you're talking to. The public field in your request body is missing.
If you just want to send the data as parameters (which would be odd), pass it using params instead of data (as shown here:
I personally don't think your API should support GET with a request body (talk to the devs and ask for documentation).

Javascript object coming through empty on server side

I have a client-side script running to send the string "Y" to the server. I set up a console.log on the client-side (which you can see below) and another on the server-side. The one on the client-side works, but the one logs an "empty" object.. it just shows "{}".
How do I get my data to stay in the object?
const status = "Y";
const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/json'
body: status
fetch('/events/<%- %>/prompt', options)
Here's my route for context:
And my controller:
module.exports.checkIn = async(req, res) => {
How do I get the object to come through to the server?
For sending "y" as the content and receiving that in Express, you need two things:
You need to make sure the content-type is set to text/plain on the request.
You need the appropriate middleware that will read that text/plain body.
Then, you will find the body in req.body within any express request handler registered after the above middleware.
You could pick different content-types also such as application/json, the corresponding middleware for that content-type app.use(express.json())` and then format the body data in that format.
It's important to realize that Express does not by itself read the body of an incoming request. It reads the headers, but not the body by default. If you want the body to be read, then you need middleware that is looking for whatever content-type the incoming request has, reads the body, parses it from whatever it's format is and puts the resulting parsed data into req.body. Express comes with a number of built-in middleware for popular content-types.
Status is a string. However body have to take a object with key-value pair. If send like with like below, then you get object which contains status on the backend side.
body: {status: status}
Problem from :
Client : you choose Content-type': 'application/json' , so your body must be json format , something like body : { status } . Make sure you sent exact object with browser debug , because some call api package can change value of request.
Server : Some nodejs framework need parse the value is sent from client before read it (Exp : app.use(express.json()) with Express)

How can I send data on request.body in an ajax call? [duplicate]

I have a React application where I am changing POST method to GET with the request body as it is. It works fine with POST request however when I change the method to GET, it gives me error-
message: "org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException: Required request body is missing: public
My Front End Code-
export const setData = (getData) => dispatch => {
method: 'GET',
url: 'http://localhost:8080/api',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data: getData
.then (response => {
type: API_DATA,
payload: false
.catch(function(error) {
Can someone let me know what I am missing here. As per my understanding, http allows to have a request body for GET method.
As per my understanding, http allows to have a request body for GET method.
While this is technically true (although it may be more accurate to say that it just doesn't explicitly disallow it), it's a very odd thing to do, and most systems do not expect GET requests to have bodies.
Consequently, plenty of libraries will not handle this.
The documentation for Axois says:
// `data` is the data to be sent as the request body
// Only applicable for request methods 'PUT', 'POST', and 'PATCH'
Under the hood, if you run Axios client side in a web browser, it will use XMLHttpRequest. If you look at the specification for that it says:
client . send([body = null])
Initiates the request. The body argument provides the request body, if any, and is ignored if the request method is GET or HEAD.
If you want to send parameters with get request in axios, you should send parameters as params.
If you want to set "Content-type":"application/json" and send params with get request, you should also send an empty data object.
For example:
const AUTH_TOKEN = 'Bearer token'
const config = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': AUTH_TOKEN,
data: {},
params: {
"post_id": 1
axios.get("http://localhost/api/v1/posts/", config)
This is not axios, the error origniates from the java backend you're talking to. The public field in your request body is missing.
If you just want to send the data as parameters (which would be odd), pass it using params instead of data (as shown here:
I personally don't think your API should support GET with a request body (talk to the devs and ask for documentation).

Redirect With Post data (json) and has headers

I want to redirect with a json data and has headers, I have tried jquery.redirect but I do not know how to put headers (like 'content-type': 'application/json') ...
This is my code :
$.redirect('url', data, 'POST', '_blank');
any suggestions?
You can't.
The only time you can specify HTTP request headers when using browser-side JavaScript is when you are using fetch or XMLHttpRequest (i.e. Ajax).
(You can also use enctype in a form submission, but not with application/json as the value).

POST or PUT when sending data with Fetch API to check on server

I'm writing a quiz app, where the frontend GETs a question from the server database using Fetch API, then sends both question and answer again via Fetch API to django on the server, which then is supposed to check against the data base if the answer is correct or not. As of now the checking doesn't change anything on the server (though in the future it'll change points for the user depending on if the answer was correct). Should I then be using PUT or POST as method?
I cannot use GET, because a GET method cannot have a body for parameters.
const setup = {
credentials: "same-origin",
method: 'PUT' or 'POST'?,
body: JSON.stringify({
"answer": 'is answer',
"question": 'is question'
headers: {
"X-CSRFToken": getCookie("csrftoken"),
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"
const response = await fetch('/exercises/get_exercise', setup);
that's my fetch request. Also happy to hear any other comments on the code!
Even though you're not creating actual record on your database, I'd suggest you use POST. Think of it as you're creating a submission, or an answer record.
Possible duplicate: PUT vs. POST in REST

