Jquery Json value doesnt change - javascript

I am serializing a form and trying to change some values in this object but it never changes.
So I used a test variable for check this and when I am monitoring, this isnt changes too.
var invoice = _$form.serializeFormToObject();
var test = { ContainerNumber: "TEST" };
var collectedContainerNumbers = JSON.parse(invoice.CollectedContainerNumbers);//["ABCD 123456-7","DEFK 231120-0","DNME 222222-2","DNME 321321-3","MACA 010220-2","OKLS 121212-1","TEST 000000-0","TeSt 123456-1","TeSt 123456-6","TeSt 123456-7","TEST 131313-1","TEST 150150-0","TEST 181818-1","TEST 222222-7","TEST 231114-1","TEST 232223-3","TEST 245680-2","TEST 333333-3","TEST 357913-5","TEST 444444-4","TEST 828282-8","TEST 999999-9"]
$.each(collectedContainerNumbers, function (index, value) {
invoice.LogisticFileId = '';
test.ContainerNumber = value;
It is a console result. I am seeing a thing like a title and it is changing but content isnt changing.
It looks like very simple but I don't understand the mistake that I am making.

Edit you will need an array instead of object to send all values to backend. Try converting your test object as an array like below.
var invoice = _$form.serializeFormToObject();
var test = []; // declare test as an array.
collectedContainerNumbers = JSON.parse(invoice.CollectedContainerNumbers);
$.each(collectedContainerNumbers, function (index, value) {
invoice.LogisticFileId = '';
test.push({ContainerNumber = value}); // push value in an array
Try this thing in console it might solve your confusion. Add an object like let test = { ContainerNumber: 'ABCD 123456-7' }. Then log it in console. Do not expand right now. Now change the value of test.ContainerNumber = 'TEST 000000-0';. Now log the object & expand both logs. In first log also when you expand it will display { ContainerNumber = 'TEST 000000-0' }. as it is fetching current values when we expand.
You can also log ContainerNumber and check what exactly values hold by test.ContainerNumber. Like in below snippet. It will show you when you do console.log(test.ContainerNumber); first time it will show ABCD 123456-7 and second time it will show TEST 000000-0 which is as expected.
Try with below like. 1. Open console of browser. 2. Click on Run Code Snippet. 3. Expand object in console.
let test = { ContainerNumber: 'ABCD 123456-7' };
console.log(test.ContainerNumber); // Output "ABCD 123456-7"
test.ContainerNumber = 'TEST 000000-0';
console.log(test.ContainerNumber); // Output "TEST 000000-0"
Check browser console.


can't iterate over map containing objects from custom class

I have a map that I created to store several instances of a custom class I wrote. If I do a simple console.log(myMapName), I see the details in the output. I see the six entries in my map, I see the key values I stored them under, and then for each entry, I can expand it and see the internals of that instance of my custom class, including the stored values for each attribute in that class definition.
But if I try to use for(let[key,value] of myMapName) to loop over the instances of my class stored as entries in my map and write the key and value of each one to the console using console.log, I see nothing. I can't even get it to at least log the key value for each entry. I would not be surprised if I was doing something wrong to cause it not to log the details of the value of each entry, but the fact that it also refuses to at least list the key value stumps me.
I should mention that I am able to loop over a small test map I created and get the key and value output in the log. Shown here below:
// test map definition
let myMap = new Map();
myMap.set('First',{name: 'John', age: '34'})
myMap.set('Second',{name: 'Mary', age: '24'})
// I can loop over this simple map
for(let [key,value] of myMap){
console.log('key: ' + key)
console.log('value.name: ' + value.name)
console.log('value.age: ' + value.age)
// log output for above
// but using the same loop structure for my map doesn't work
for(let [key,value] of mgroups){
console.log('key: ' + key)
console.log('value: ' + value)
console.log('value.name: ' + value.name)
Edit: adding my class' code and a pic of its log output. the loop code is shown already above:
class MaterialGroup {
this.name = name;
this.alias = name;
this.usemtl = "";
this.faces = [];
this.indices = [];
this.vertices = [];
setName(name){ this.name = name; }
getName(){ return this.name; }
module.exports = MaterialGroup
Sample of log output of console.log(mgroups):
Edit#2: below is the function where I use node.js' fs module's readline to to read in a file and populate the instances of my custom class (shown above) and then add each to the mgroups map. This is done and completed before the attempt to loop mentioned in the question but might be where the async issue I am seeing is introduced. This method gets called to read in the data and populate the mgroups map and then right after that another method is called to loop over it.
function readObjFile(objFilePath){
var objInput = fs.createReadStream(objFilePath);
var rl = require('readline').createInterface({
input: objInput,
terminal: false
let mgroup = new MaterialGroup("NotSet");
rl.on('line', function(line){
var pieces = line.split(" ");
// section of function that works with MaterialGroup class that
// gets added to my mgroups map using .set calls
if(pieces[0] == "g"){
var mpieces = pieces[1].split("_");
if(processing == "mgroups"){
mgroups.set(mgroup.name, mgroup);
mgroup = new MaterialGroup(mpieces[mpieces.length - 1]);
} else {
processing = "mgroups";
mgroup = new MaterialGroup(mpieces[mpieces.length - 1]);
if(pieces[0] == "usemtl"){
mgroup.usemtl = pieces[1];
// this is new f block for material group faces
if(pieces[0] == "f"){
if(pieces[0] == "eof"){
mgroups.set(mgroup.name, mgroup);
}).on('close', () => {
I can do a simple console.log(mgroups) and see all of the entries and their details but I can't loop over them one by one.
One thing that caught my attention is that even in the log where I can see the six entries and their details, it shows Map(0) at the top of that log entry. This makes no sense to me since in the details below the six entries I see the size entry for the map and there it shows a value of 6.
Does anyone know of a detail has to be addressed when attempting to loop over the entries of a map that are instances of a custom class definition? I think this is the root cause since the only other difference I notice between my output and a test output I did of a simple make using standard object entries like {'name':'John', 'age':'34'} (aside from the fact that this test map showed the correct size of Map(2) at the top of its log output) was that for my map it shows {"KeyValue" => MyCustomClassName} and the simple test map just shows {"KeyValue" => Object}.
I'm sure I'll get a lot of "this has been asked" quick replies, but I have looked at this from many angles and tried a lot of different ways to loop it and have gotten nowhere, and I have tried looking at many other posted questions but they did not help. So, thanks to anyone who takes the time to provide a helpful reply.
class Person {
constructor(name, age) {
this.name = name
this.age = age
let mgroups = new Map()
mgroups.set('First', new Person('John', '34'))
mgroups.set('Second', new Person('Mary', '24'))
for (let [ key, value ] of mgroups) {
console.log('key: ' + key)
console.log('value: ' + value)
console.log('value.name: ' + value.name)
console.log('value.age: ' + value.age)

Populating table with textbox value from previous HTML page

I have some JS that stores the name and value of selected checkboxes on one page and then, on a button click, adds this data to a table on page 2.
This works, but now I am looking to do the same for a textbox containing a number. Specifically, I'm looking to take the value entered by the user and add this to a cell in the table. What would be the best way to approach this? Add to the existing function or create a separate on button click function specifically for the textbox value?
I have added a screenshot of the HTML table on page 2 along with where I would like the textbox value to go (highlighted with a red rectangle).
Here's what I have so far:
HTML for textbox (page 1):
<div class="selecttier">
<h1>5. Number of Clicks</h1>
<input id="numberofclickstextbox" name="numberofclicks" type="text" value="0" data-total="0" oninput="calculatetier()" />
JS on page 1:
$('#sales_order_form_button').click(function() {
let table_info = [];
function(index, value) {
if($(this).is(':checked')) {
name: $(this).attr('name'),
value: $(this).attr('value'),
let base64str=btoa(JSON.stringify(table_info));
window.location = "page2.html?table_data=" + base64str;
JS on page 2:
// Helper function
function getUrlParameter(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]');
var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)');
var results = regex.exec(location.href);
return results === null ? '' : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
// actual code
let table_data = getUrlParameter('table_data');
let data_from_page_1 = JSON.parse(atob(table_data));
for(let i = 0; i < data_from_page_1.length; i++){
let row = $("<tr></tr>");
let recordName = $("<td></td>").text(data_from_page_1[i].name);
let recordValue = $("<td></td>").text(data_from_page_1[i].value);
row.append(recordName, recordValue);
// code to sum CPC column
var sum1 = 0;
$("#output_table tr > td:nth-child(2)").each(
(_,el) => sum1 += Number($(el).text()) || 0
//datetime stamp
var dt = new Date();
document.getElementById("datetime").innerHTML = dt.toLocaleString();
Output HTML table (page 2):
<table id="output_table">
<th>Number of Clicks</th>
<th id="total" colspan="1">Total CPC:</th>
<td id="sum1"></td>
As stated in the #Manu Varghese comment, the way to go would be using sessionStorage or localStorage.
First, let's differentiate both. According to the Stack Overflow question "HTML5 Local storage vs Session Storage", we have the following answer:
localStorage and sessionStorage both extend Storage. There is no difference between them except for the intended "non-persistence" of sessionStorage.
That is, the data stored in localStorage persists until explicitly deleted. Changes made are saved and available for all current and future visits to the site.
For sessionStorage, changes are only available per tab. Changes made are saved and available for the current page in that tab until it is closed. Once it is closed, the stored data is deleted.
Considering they are used the same way and you must to choose between what better fits your case, I will proceed using sessionStorage.
For that, in the first page you must use:
sessionStorage.setItem("key", "value")
You may set the item right when you perceives a change, like in the input 'blur' event.
and when you land in the second page (right when jQuery calls its start event), you will retrieve your data using:
Take in mind that localStorage/sessionStorage can support a limited amount of data. Even if that limit is way bigger than URL, most browsers will store only 2.5MB to 10MB per origin, according to the browser implementation (you may test by yourself in the link recommended in MDN (Mozilla Development Network), http://dev-test.nemikor.com/web-storage/support-test/).
Also, you may want to avoid storing sensitive data in the storages, due to some some discussions about security, which seems not to be a complaint here.
Implementation in the given case
Your code can be modified in three steps:
Change the way you save the data to use the storage
Creates a JSON of an object containing the array, instead the make the JSON using the array itself. Then you can add more fields.
Load the JSON object and its fields (the array and the number).
Step 1 - Changing to sessionStorage
Just now you have your Javascript on page 1 creating an array of data and stringifying that data to a JSON string.
If you want to use the storage rather than the URL for all the data, just change these lines of code from:
let base64str=btoa(JSON.stringify(table_info));
window.location = "page2.html?table_data=" + base64str;
to the code that will save the data into a (local/session)Storage:
let jsonStr=JSON.stringify(table_info); // converts to JSON string
sessionStorage.setItem("oldData", jsonStr); // save to storage
window.location = "page2.html"; // navigate to other page
Notice that the storage can receive any string, but only strings, then we can remove the btoa function, but we must keep the stringify.
Step 2 -- Adding more data to save
Now you have one JSON that is an array of items. But what do you want is to include one more field, parallel to this array. Of course, you can't include it in the array, as it is a different thing. So, what we must to do is to create a JSON object which has a number field AND the array field itself.
Your function to create the array is all ok, then we will use the same "table_data" as the array and include it to a new JSON object:
let table_data = []; // the array you have
... rest of code ...
); // the function that creates the array (I abbreviated it here)
// Creates an object with an array and a number
let jsonObj = {
table_data: table_data,
number_of_clicks: theNumberYouHave/* your variable with the number here */
// This is the bit above with CHANGES into variable names
// Instead of "table_data", now we save "jsonObj"
let jsonStr=JSON.stringify(jsonObj); // converts the "jsonObj" to a JSON string
sessionStorage.setItem("oldData", jsonStr);
window.location = "page2.html";
Remember to change "theNumberYouHave" to whatever your variable with the number is called. The you will append the number as a field of the JSON object.
In other words, this simply will create an structure like that:
number_of_clicks: 5216,
table_data: [
{ name: "...", value: "..."},
{ name: "...", value: "..."},
{ name: "...", value: "..."},
See? Your table_data is still there, but with a new sibling (number_of_clicks) inside an object.
Step 3 -- Loading data from page 1
For now, you have these two lines of code in page 2 to read data from page 1:
let table_data = getUrlParameter('table_data');
let data_from_page_1 = JSON.parse(atob(table_data));
What do you need there, is to simply replace the getUrlParameter function to read from the storage, and remove the atob function to reflect the changes we made in page 1, this way:
let jsonObj = sessionStorage.getItem("oldData"); // reads the string
let data_from_page_1 = JSON.parse(jsonObj); // parse the JSON string
let table_data = data_from_page_1.table_data; // grab the table data
let number_of_clicks = data_from_page_1.number_of_clicks; // grab the number
Now you are free to use the variable "table_data" like you did, and to use the "number_of_clicks" in the way you want to use it. It is the number passed from page 1, then you may set it to your table cell.
You have it with the unique ID "sum1", the you may just:
And you are done!
I highly recommend localStorage and sessionStorage to be used, as per this and this
Page 1 code full source
let table_info = [];
// Do for checkboxes
$('.campaignstrategy input[type=checkbox]').each(
function(index, value){
name: $(this).attr('name'),
value: $(this).attr('value'),
type: 'checkbox'
$('.campaignstrategy input[type=text]').each(
function(index, value){
name: $(this).attr('name'),
value: $(this).attr('value'),
type: 'text'
let base64str=btoa(JSON.stringify(table_info));
window.location = "page2.html?table_data=" + base64str;
Page 2 Code full source
// Helper function
function getUrlParameter(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]');
var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)');
var results = regex.exec(location.href);
return results === null ? '' : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
// actual code
let table_data = getUrlParameter('table_data');
let data_from_page_1 = JSON.parse(atob(table_data));
// clear table
// generator checboxes
for(let i=0;i<data_from_page_1.length;i++){
if(data_from_page_1[i].type == "checkbox"){
let row = $("<tr></tr>");
let recordName = $("<td></td>").text(data_from_page_1[i].name);
let recordValue = $("<td></td>").text(data_from_page_1[i].value);
let recordCount = $("<td></td>").text("");
row.append(recordName, recordValue, recordCount); // not used but needed
// generate textboxes
for(let i=0;i<data_from_page_1.length;i++){
if(data_from_page_1[i].type == "text"){
let row = $("<tr></tr>");
let recordName = $("<td></td>").text("");
let recordValue = $("<td></td>").text("");
let recordCount = $("<td></td>").text(data_from_page_1[i].value);
row.append(recordName, recordValue, recordCount);
What would be the best way to approach this?
window.localStorage - stores data with no expiration date
window.sessionStorage - stores data for one session

How to delete a key within an object in local storage with Javascript and/or Jquery?

In local storage I have an object named favourites and it contains this..
"TITLE":"Page 1 Title",
"TITLE":"Page 2 Title",
How can I delete an object based on its ID (id3333 & id4444 for examples)
I have tried the following along with some other voodoo..
localStorage.removeItem('id3333'); // no errors, no removal
localStorage.removeItem('favourites':'id3333'); // SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
localStorage.removeItem('favourites[id3333]'); // no errors, no removal
localStorage.removeItem('id3333', JSON.stringify('id3333')); // no errors, no removal
Also, I will need to get the key name to delete based on a variable, so like this..
var postID = 'id3333';
var objectName = 'favourites';
var postID = 'id3333';
Is it possible to remove a nested item directly or do I need to retrieve the full object and then delete the item and then set the object back to local storage again?
The closest I can get to deleting anything directly so far is..
But that of course removes the entire object.
You have a a single key and you are acting like there are multiple keys
var obj = {
"TITLE":"Page 1 Title",
"TITLE":"Page 2 Title",
window.localStorage.favs = JSON.stringify(obj); //store object to local storage
console.log("before : ", window.localStorage.favs); //display it
var favs = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.favs || {}); //read and convert to object
var delKey = "id3333"; //key to remove
if (favs[delKey]) { //check if key exists
delete favs[delKey]; //remove the key from object
window.localStorage.favs = JSON.stringify(favs); //save it back
console.log("after : ", window.localStorage.favs); //display object with item removed
With localStorage.removeItem you can only remove top level keys, i.e. keys directly on localStorage.
Because id3333 is on localStorage.favourites you cannot remove it using localStorage.removeItem.
Instead try delete localStorage.favourties['id3333']
Simple, actually: you just delete it. :)
x = {
"TITLE":"Page 1 Title",
"TITLE":"Page 2 Title",
delete x.id3333;
delete does what you're looking for. You could also do something like delete x.id3333.TITLE if you were so inclined. Note also that delete returns true if successful and false if not.
Suppose you set a nested object in localStorage like that
const dataObj = {
uid: {
name: 'robin',
age: 24,
window.localStorage.setItem('users', JSON.stringify(dataObj));
Now you want to delete the age property. You can't remove it with removeItem native function since it allows to delete from top level.
So you need to get the data first and delete the property you want and set the data again to localStorage with updated value like that
const existingLocalStorage = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('users') || {});
if(existingLocalStorage['uid']['age']) { // if throws any error, use lodash get fucntion for getting value
delete existingLocalStorage['uid']['age'];
window.localStorage.setItem('users', JSON.stringify(existingLocalStorage));

JavaScript database correlation

I've been trying to 'correlate' between user picked answers and an object property name so that if the two matches then it will display what is inside.
My program is a recipe finder that gives back a recipe that consists of the ingredients the user picked.
my code currently looks like:
//property are the ingredients and the value are the recipes that contain those ingredients. The map is automatically generated
``var map = {
"pork" : [recipe1, recipe2, ...],
"beef" : [],
"chicken" :[],
//this gets the user pick from the dom
var cucumber = specificVegetable[7];
var lemon = specificFruits[0];
//Then this code finds the intersection of the recipe(recipes that use more than one ingredients)
function intersect(array1, array2)
return array1.filter(function(n) {
return array2.indexOf(n) != -1
var recipiesWithLemon = map["lemon"]; **// makes the lemon object is map**
var recipiesWithCucumber = map["cucumber"]; **// makes the cucumber object in map**
//Here is where I am stuck
function check(){
var both = intersect(recipiesWithLemon, recipiesWithCucumber);
if ( cucumber.checked && lemon.checked){
for (var stuff in map){
if(stuff="cucumber" && stuff="lemon"){
return both;
so basically what I tried to do was I made my intersect and then if user pick is lemon and cucumber then look at the properties in the map object. if the name of the property equals to the exact string then return both. That was the plan but the code does not work and I'm not sure how to fix it.
My plan is to write code for every possible outcome the user may makes so I need to find the correlation between the user pick and the map which stores the recipe. I realize this is not the most effective way but I'm stumped on how to do it another way.
Thanks for the help.
Im using the open source project jinqJs to simplify the process.
I also changed your map to an array of JSON objects. If you must have the map object not as an array, let me know. I will change the sample code.
var map = [
{"pork" : ['recipe1', 'recipe2']},
{"beef" : ['recipe3', 'recipe4']},
{"peach" :['recipe5', 'recipe6']},
{"carrot" :['recipe7', 'recipe8']}
var selectedFruit = 'peach';
var selectedVeggie = 'carrot';
var selections = [selectedFruit, selectedVeggie];
var result = jinqJs().from(map).where(function(row){
for(var f in row) {
if (selections.indexOf(f) > -1)
return true;
return false;
document.body.innerHTML += '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result, null, 2) + '</pre><br><br>';
<script src="https://rawgit.com/fordth/jinqJs/master/jinqjs.js"></script>

Add objects to JSON

I have a JSON that looks like this:
When I add an object to it:
addObj[obj.length] = saveobject;
the previous content gehts replaced.
When I make an array out of it and push the object:
addObj = [loadedJSON];
I get this after the first
after the second so fare so good
[Object, Object]
and after the third it gets messed up
[Array(2), Object]
What do I miss?
I hope some one can help with this?
The way I hoped it would look like is this.
[Object, Object, Object, ...and so on]
to be More specific
when I add a new Object I load the JSON file in a variable and then I try to add the new Object.
Which works for the first two objects but the third one is added to the first object so that I got this result.
[Array(2), Object]
I dont want it nested like this! But how do I get it like this?
[Object, Object, Object].
So eventually you all were right I just mixed up the array when i loaded it the second time every thing is fine now thank for pointing me in the right direction.
on the first time:
var a= [];
var b= {};
b= 'some things';
and wenn a.length != null
b= 'the rest';
and now everything is just as expected!
As far as I understand it, this has nothing to do with JSON.
It seems you want to have an array storing successive instances of a given object (that happens to have been encoded in JSON at some point, but for the problem at hand we could not care less).
First, create a sorage array.
Then push each new instance into it.
var storage = []; // your storage array, initially empty
// ....
while (some_guy_wants_to_send_me_something ())
var new_object = get_what_the_guy_sent_me_that_happens_to_be_JSON_encoded();
storage.push (new_object);
If you use a button:
var storage = []; // your storage array, initially empty
// ....
function add_whatever_object ()
var new_object = get_what_the_guy_sent_me_that_happens_to_be_JSON_encoded();
storage.push (new_object);
<button type="button" onclick='add_whatever_object();'>
I still don't see where the catch is.
check the if it is an array:
Array.isArray(loadedJSON) //true
do this:
if it was not an array push it to an array:
var myarray = [];
an then push your other object:
an so on:
I am a little unclear on what you actually want, but based on a little speculation I was able to write the following code for you. I hope this will solve your problem.
var a ={
var b ={
var c ={
var ObjArr = [];
Here is the fiddle to it => http://jsfiddle.net/rB3Un/

