Pan and zoom on an "infinite" graph paper background in js - javascript

For a project I'm working on I would like to have a background that I can pan around indefinitely, zoom in and out of and position and move around elements on that background.
The closest example I can think of is this: Additionally I will position different elements on top of that grid and move them around. For that I plan to use React and that isn't going to be much of a problem. The main issue I have is how to build the said background so that it can check all my requirements. I'm able to draw a grid but for moving around and zooming in and out (such that all the elements "on top" of the grid also scale up and down) is proving challenging for me. I would also like it if it can be done without the use of any specific drawing libraries and just pure JS but i'm open to suggestions. Any help will be appreciated.
P.S. I'm looking for general guidelines to how I can achieve my goal. For example different technologies or methods and not concrete solutions. I apologise if the question is too vague or badly formatted as it's the first time I'm asking here.

Desmos uses canvas to draw the "infinite" grid. You can achieve this using something like three.js or konva.js. One drawback of canvas is that you cannot place HTML elements on the grid.
Edit: Using three JS, you can use the gridHelper function and set the rotation about the x-axis by Pi. This should give you a "2d" grid. However, I found gsap and the Draggable plugin were better suited for this.
This is definitely a work-in-progress, but it gives the idea of what I am working for. Zooming is basically preventing the default wheel behavior and changing the background image size:
handleWheelEvent(e) {
let el = document.getElementById("grid-container");
let currengBackgroundSize = this.getPixelStringAsInteger(getComputedStyle(el).backgroundSize);
if(e.deltaY < 0) {
// decrease size
} else {
// increase size


creating JS Pixel Manipulation effect

I am keen to try and recreate something on my website with effects similar to what can be seen here?
I have searched the web for canvas pixel manipulation along with other searches and cannot see anything that could help with this.
It would be great if someone has any knowledge of how this effect is achieved or even has information as to where I should be looking for help
also, would it be possible to achieve effect with an image?
Split the text into particles. Each particle should have a vector pointing to it's start position. If you move you mouse close, you should add a new vector to the particles around the mouse. This way you particles will move, but return to the original position.

Can this sequence be done in HTML5?

I certainly don't expect anyone to actually provide a working solution for this. My question at this point is a simple one: can this be done with an HTML5 canvas, or would I be spinning my wheels in the attempt?
I'm a programmer, but my forte is in PHP, JavaScript, traditional HTML, etc. ...I haven't had a chance to play with HTML5 yet.
The elements you see in the example, I can save out as individually as necessary. So to make the blocks rotate around the center, I was thinking I save a square image with the block in the appropriate corner, respectively. Then rotating the image would pivot around center appropriately, unless you can set a point of origin on an image a la PhotoShop.
The KineticJS library looks promising for this type of animation as well, but I'll leave the recommendations to you fine folks.
Anyway, here is the example I want to replicate:
I won't give any library recommendations for the same reasons that #Diodeus points out, but maybe I can help your selection process. What you're trying to do can be done multiple ways in the browser right now: Canvas, SVG, and/or CSS3 animations.
Your example above is basically a few vector graphics composed together with a gradient on your center "pie timer". Because of this I would lean towards using S V G, especially if you want to allow interactions with your component (each SVG element can have event handlers).
The canvas element is better for "pixel by pixel" control of your visual content on the page. Adding content in the canvas doesn't grow the DOM (like with SVG) so it will normally perform better, but you lose things like native event handlers and animations that you will end up having to re-implement on your own.
More about the choice between SVG and Canvas, and an SVG animation example
Once you have the components in the page, they'll need to be wired up and animated. The animation can be broken down into:
Background color fading
"Weird gradient pie timer" example with CSS3
These can be done with CSS animations, SVG animations, or with plain old javascript. The choice depends on what you'll be animating. If I was selecting a library I would want to find one that tried to use the newer methods (SVG/CSS3) when it can, and gracefully degrade when it cannot.
I would be weary of libraries that try to re-implement things that are already available natively in the browser. Relying more on the browser instead of your own code to do things like animations means that the browser can optimize its operations and use things like hardware acceleration to improve your performance.
Hopefully this can aid your library selection. Remember, libraries come and go all the time so don't get too attached to one. An ideal implementation should allow for you to easily swap out your animation or display code without having to touch other unrelated pieces.
Sure, it's not all that difficult when you break it down into pieces.
Here are some technologies and techniques to get you started.
You use Canvas by (1) displaying some drawings, (2) erasing, (3) displaying some new drawings
When you do this redrawing rapidly, you get animated effects like your image shows.
Html Canvas uses a context to draw with (think of it as the pen for the canvas)
drawing a path: context.beginPath + context.moveTo + context.lineTo will define a path that creates your "fan blade" polygons. You can use context.fillStyle to fill the polygons with you colors.
fading: context.globalAlpha will change the opacity of new drawings
rotating: context.translate(centerX,centerY) + context.rotate(radianAngle) will rotate new drawings (like your rotating polygons, your tick-marks, )
scaling: context.translate(centerX,centerY) + context.scale(scaleX,scaleY) will scale your polygons.
arcs: context.arc(centerX,centerY,radius,beginningAngle,endingAngle) will draw an arc with a specified centerpoint and sweeping from a beginning angle to an ending angle.
math: circleCircumferenceX = centerX+radius*Math.cos(radianAngle) circleCircumferenceY = centerY+radius*Math.sin(radianAngle) uses trigonometry to calculate an xy coordinate on the circumference of a circle. You can combine this trig + Math.random to place your "speckles" in an arc around your centerpoint.

jQuery circular animation based on right and left controls and friction

This is a rather biggish question that i am just hoping to find some direction with.. I dont expect anyone to do this entire thing... But to rather learn how to go about projects like this. Here we go:
I am trying to achieve an this animation:
Basically whats happening here is, I need to have a semi oval shape and a ball constrained to it and when you press the left and right arrows it needs to slowly to quickly move left to right and based on the speed of the button clicks it needs to either complete the ramp or stop and drop. Imagine a skateboard and a ramp.
I know the basics of jQuery but the circular animation and friction effect is where i get lost..
Any Help/Direction/Advice Greatly Appreciated. Thank you.
I'm trying an answer for the animation part:
If you are ok with HTML5 then for the animations there are two ways to go:
Either use HTML5 Canvas, which really works well for providing dynamic content. Its basically a canvas on which you can freely draw. It's pixel based and has a good performance and, if done right it does not decline very much when drawing many elements). You should also double-buffer it in order to avoid any flickering when drawing.
Or use HTML5 Inline Svg. It's vector based, so resolution-independent and has good support for animating svg elements. In contrast to HTML5 Canvas the elements of the svg are DOM-Nodes, so you see the graphic elements directly in your DOM-Tree.
In order to sum up the trade-offs:
HTML5 Canvas
-Good Performance
-Free drawing
HTML5 Inline Svg
-Animations built-in
-Elements are DOM-Nodes
For much more information, see

Scrolling surface background in sprite.js(canvas)

I'm making a tile-based browser game using Sprite.js to interact with canvas.
Here is what I got now(PC version has a larger visible area):
It is not easy to redraw every tile each frame because of performance, so I tried to make a scrolling surface background using scrolling.js that comes with sprite.js. There is an example here The example works, but it seems like ScrollingSurface.update is buggy or there is something I'm missing.
What I tried to do is to draw 5x5 tiles and after 5 seconds draw another 5x5 tiles near the first ones. But it draws only the first ones. And surface.update() only updates the position of surface. Here is my code (You need also to set this.divider = 1.0 in scrolling.js if you want to avoid drawing the same tiles 4 times.) There aren't any sprite.js-forums like with the other sprite- and game-engines have, but it is fast and very useful. Take a look at it! And help me please :)

Adding sizing handles to drawn object in canvas

I have a full screen canvas I am drawing to, and I've set it up to allow the user to drag and drop objects that are within the canvas.
I also want to enable them to select an object, and then 'resize handlers' show up (the little circles in the corners) to allow them to click/drag and resize them.
I can code this manually by drawing circles in each corner and detect a click, etc.... but was wondering if anyone has any better way to do this? Maybe there's a library out there that already handles this?
Any help is appreciated!
There isn't any simpler way than doing it yourself or getting a library to do it for you.
I wrote a tutorial here on the use of sizing handles. That should get you started if you plan to make your own.

