Is there any way to cache the API response in VueJS - javascript

In our VueJS application, we are having few API's which are calling each and every time whenever the page reloads. In those API's. few response will never change and very few will rarely change. I planning to cache those API calls response and store it in a variable and use it whenever needed and reduce the number of requests when page reloads.
I am new to vueJS and not having any idea how to implement it. Is there anyway to achieve this in VueJS or Javascript? Any help would be most appreciated.
Sample HTML code,
<div class="col-sm-6">
<span>Is User Available? {{userInfo[is_user_available]}} </span>
<span> User Type : {{userType}} </span>
API call will be like below,
created: function () {
methods: {
checkForUser: function() {'user_info', { username : this.username })
.then((response) => {
if (response) {
this.userInfo = response;
this.userType = this.userInfo['user_type'];
.catch((error) => {
this.userInfo.length = 0;

If you store the data in a regular Vuex store you will loose it on page refresh unless you use vuex-persistedstate plugin, which saves the store data on the local storage. (here is a working example)
Elaborating on #Mysterywood answer you can simply store it on local storage by yourself.
You can achieve that by simply doing
const userType = window.localStorage.getItem('userInfo')
window.localStorage.setItem('userInfo', response)
and remove:

There are few ways of doing this depending on how deep you want to go:
If you just want state to persists during the SPA session, you can do so:
Vuex if you would like to store globally accessible state/data. This allows your state to persist regardless of whether the components are destroyed/created.
Store it on your root-level Vue instance. If you're using the Vue CLI, this will be in your main.js. You can do something like so:
new Vue({
// ...
data: {
userType: {}
You can then access it via this.$root.userType. This is fine for small projects, but generally not recommended as things can get messy very quickly.
There's also EventBus, but again, this can get messy very quickly. EventBus is also deprecated in Vue3.
If you want to cache the response and access them again even after the user close their tab/browser, you will want to look into:

check this, it can help :client-side storage in vuejs
Client-side storage is an excellent way to quickly add performance gains to an application. By storing data on the browser itself, you can skip fetching information from the server every time the user needs it. While especially useful when offline, even online users will benefit from using data locally versus a remote server. Client-side storage can be done with cookies, Local Storage (technically “Web Storage”), IndexedDB, and WebSQL (a deprecated method that should not be used in new projects).


how to pass data consistently from page to page in Vue Js?

Currently I want to pass data from edit page to add page. So i pass the query using {path: '/test/admin/clinicvisit/add', query:{id:this.$}}. I was able to pass the data to add page using the query however sometimes the data may not present when it refreshes a few times. Is there any possible way to make the data consistent stay in the add page ?
async testRoute(){
let visitId = this.$
if (visitId){
let clinicVisit = await this.api.medical.viewClinicVisit(visitId)
this.inputs = await this.api.medical.optionsClinicVisit()
this.$set(this.inputs.staff, "item_text", "username")
this.$set(this.inputs.staff, "item_value", "id")
this.$set(this.inputs.staff, "items", await this.api.profile.listStaff({}))
this.$set(this.inputs.staff, "value", clinicVisit.staff)
this.$set(this.inputs.staff, "tmp_value",
This can be done in multiple ways.
Using a global store, You can use a library like Vuex to share the state between the components.
Using the Local Storage, if you want to preserve the data and keep saved after hard refreshing the page.
Using Session Storage, if you want to preserve the data and keep saved during the user session, but whenever the user close the browser tab it will be gone.
When you observe that the data is not present after a few refreshes, does it dissapear from the URL in your browser, or does it just not load?
If you want the data to stay more consistently, consider using localStorage
localStorage.setItem('item_text', 'username') //Save variable in browser data
let item_text = window.localStorage.getItem('item_text') //Get variable from browser data
If the URL is still present in the browser window, that sounds like a weird loading bug, where your code runs before the route is parsed by Vue.
You can try using a watcher instead of the "mounted" function:
watch: {
$route: {
immediate: true,
handler() {
I solved this error by setting a timeout function in my edit.vue.
this.$router.push({path: '/medical/admin/clinicvisit/add', query:{id:this.$}},2000)
// now 'this' is referencing the Vue object and not the 'setTimeout' scope
this.loadClinicVisitData = true;
setTimeout(() => this.loadClinicVisitData = false,1000)

Data VS Async Data in Nuxt

Im using vue.js with nuxt.js, I'm just still confused as when to use Data VS Async Data. Why would I need to use Async data when I just have data that just displays on the page?
I have a data object of FAQ's and just want to display the data without doing anything with it. What are the benefits of using the asyncData? Or what are the cases or best use of them?
Should I display list data such as this as async by default if using data such as this inside of my component?
data:() => ({
asyncData(context) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(data => {
return data
.catch(e => {
asyncData happes on the serer-side. You cant access browser things like localStorage or fetch() for example but on the ther hand you can access server-side things.
So why should you use asyncData instead of vue cycles like created?
The benefit to use asyncData is SEO and speed. There is this special context argument. It contains things like your store with Its special because asyncData happens on server-side but the store is on the client side usually. That means you can get some data and then populate your store with it and somewhere else you display it. The benefit of this is that its all server-side and that increase your SEO so for example the google crawler doesnt see a blank page
why would I need to pre render it when it is going to be displayed
Yes for us it doesnt matter if i send 1 File to the client and it renders all data like in SPA's or if its pre-rendered. But it doesnt matter for the google crawler. If you use SPA mode the crawler just sees a blank page. You can discoverd it too. Go to any SPA website and click right-click and inspect you will see thats there only 1 Div tag and few <script> tags. (Dont press F12 and inspect like this thats not what i mean).

Using global variable as database cache?

Site is working with nodejs+socketio+mysql.
Is it normal to create a global object just before starting my app to store everything I have in the database? Something like user's password hashes for a very quick authentication process, compare the given token + userid.
var GS= {
users: {
user1: {
token: "Djaskdjaklsdjklasjd"
user555: {
token: "zxczxczxczxc"
user1239: {
token: "ertertertertertret"
On connect, node check user with gived user_id.
if (GS.hasOwnPropery("user"+user_id)) {
//compare gived token GS["user"+user_id].token
} else {
//go to database to get unknown id and then store it in GS
GS["user"+user_id] = { token: database_result };
And with everything else the same thing, using object property instead of querying the database. So if someone go to url /gameinfo/id/1, I just look in variable GS["game"+url_param] = GS["game"+1] = GS.game1
And of course, we don't talk about millions of rows in the database. 50-70k max.Don't really want to use something like Redis or Tarantool.
You can have a global object to store these info, but there are something to consider:
If you app are running by more than one machine (instance), this object won't be shared between these them.
This leads to some functional downsides, like:
you would need sticky session to make sure request from one particular client always directed to one particular instance
you can not check status of an user having data stored in another instance ...
Basically, anything that requires you to access user session data, will be hard, if not impossible, to do
In case your server goes down, all session data will be lost
Having a big, deep nested object is dangerously easy to mess up
If you are confident that you can handle these downsides, or you will not encounter them in your application, then go ahead. Otherwise, you should consider using a real cache library, framework.

Cannot initialise store from localStorage on App initialization

I'm struggling to initialize my Vuex store with the account details of the logged in user from localStorage.
I've been through as many examples as I can of Auth using Nuxt, and none of them demonstrate how on the client side to pull an authToken from localStorage to re-use with subsequent API requests when the user refreshes the page or navigates to the App
Disclaimer: I'm not using Nuxt in SSR (this might affect your answer).
What is annoying is that I can actually load from localStorage and initialize my state but then it gets overwritten. I'll show you what I mean with this small code example:
buildInitialState () {
if (!process.server) {
// Query the localStorage and return accessToken, refreshToken and account details
return {accessToken: <valid-string>, refreshToken: <valid-string>, account: <valid-json-blob>}
} else {
// Return "empty map", we use the string "INVALID" for demonstration purposes.
return {accessToken: "INVALID", refreshToken: "INVALID", account: "INVALID"}
export const state = () => buildInitialState()
If I put a breakpoint on buildInitialState I can see that I correctly initialize the state with the value of localStorage, i.e. I get the accessToken and refreshToken, etc.. back.
All seems well.
But then another part of the program I'm using Axois to send requests, and I use an axios interceptor to decorate the request with the accessToken. To do this I have to stick it into a plugin to get access to the store.
Something like so:
export default ({ app, store }) => {
axios.interceptors.request.use((config) => {
const accessToken = _.get(store.state, ['account', 'accessToken'])
if (accessToken) {
config.headers.common['x-auth-token'] = accessToken
return config
}, (error) => Promise.reject(error))
Here the store is closed over in the arrow function supplied to axios so when I go to send the request it sees if there is a valid accessToken, and if so then use it.
BUT, and here's the kicker, when a request is made, I look at the store.state.account.accessToken and low and behold its been reinitialized back to the value of "INVALID".
What? Que?
It's almost like the store was reinitialized behind the scenes? Or somehow the state in the plugin is "server side state"?? because if I try and log buildInitialState I don't get any messages indicating that the path that produced a map with INVALID is being run.
Basically, I don't thoroughly understand the initialization pathway Nuxt is taking here at all.
If any Nuxt masters could help me out understand this a bit more that would be great, it's turning into a bit of a show stopper for me.
Essentially! All I want to be able to do is save the user so that when they refresh their page we can keep on running without forcing them to re-login again....I thought that would be simple.
Thanks and regards, Jason.
I've solved this with a bit of experimentation and comments from other posters around what is called SSR and SPA.
Firstly, this thread really helped me and the final comment from #jsonberry steered my mind in the right direction, away from fetch and asyncData.
I finally had a bit more of an understanding of how NUXT.js was separating SSR and SPA calls.
I then tried #robyedlin suggestion of putting localStorage initialization in the created() method for my main layout/default.vue page.
While I made progress with that suggestion it turns out created() is also called SSR and I was still trying to initialize my store from credentials that weren't accessible.
Finally, moving the initialization to mounted() did the trick!
So in summary:
My account store is left alone, I don't try and initialize it when it is created (it's just overwritten at some point when the SSR stuff runs)
On mounted() in layout/defualt.vue I read from localStorage and initialize the account store so I can start making API requests with the appropriate accessToken.
That seems to have done the trick.

Using AngularJS to process custom localStorage data

I wrote a bookmarklet that retrieves information from a page and stores it in JSON format in local storage (converting it to a string first, of course).
I would like a web app I am writing to be able to process this data, on the fly, preferably as it gets saved to the localStorage.
Right now i can change the item in LS via the console and refresh the page and the new data appears but I would like it to be live and seamless.
Any advice on how to go about this? I found several localStorage modules for angularJS and I tried them but they don't seem to allow me to retrieve from LS if the data is already there in LS.
In response to answer:
return $window.localStorage.getItem('TestData');
$scope.testingLS = newValueInStorage;
I tried this and I still get the data displayed by just doing a {{ testingLS }} in the view template but when I go and change the TestData key in local storage via the console it doesn't update instantly. (for now, I am just testing it without the bookmarklet with just a simple string inside TestData
There is few ways to do it
One of will be to populate correct model on scope when saving to localStorage
The other that I can think of at this moment is to setup watcher
return localstorage object
$scope.modelFromLS = JSON.parse(newValueInsStorage)
as per James comment you need something that will handle the fact that data has changed in different tab and $digest process need to run for watch to be recalculated
window.addEventListener('focus', function(){

