Using global variable as database cache? - javascript

Site is working with nodejs+socketio+mysql.
Is it normal to create a global object just before starting my app to store everything I have in the database? Something like user's password hashes for a very quick authentication process, compare the given token + userid.
var GS= {
users: {
user1: {
token: "Djaskdjaklsdjklasjd"
user555: {
token: "zxczxczxczxc"
user1239: {
token: "ertertertertertret"
On connect, node check user with gived user_id.
if (GS.hasOwnPropery("user"+user_id)) {
//compare gived token GS["user"+user_id].token
} else {
//go to database to get unknown id and then store it in GS
GS["user"+user_id] = { token: database_result };
And with everything else the same thing, using object property instead of querying the database. So if someone go to url /gameinfo/id/1, I just look in variable GS["game"+url_param] = GS["game"+1] = GS.game1
And of course, we don't talk about millions of rows in the database. 50-70k max.Don't really want to use something like Redis or Tarantool.

You can have a global object to store these info, but there are something to consider:
If you app are running by more than one machine (instance), this object won't be shared between these them.
This leads to some functional downsides, like:
you would need sticky session to make sure request from one particular client always directed to one particular instance
you can not check status of an user having data stored in another instance ...
Basically, anything that requires you to access user session data, will be hard, if not impossible, to do
In case your server goes down, all session data will be lost
Having a big, deep nested object is dangerously easy to mess up
If you are confident that you can handle these downsides, or you will not encounter them in your application, then go ahead. Otherwise, you should consider using a real cache library, framework.


Is there any way to cache the API response in VueJS

In our VueJS application, we are having few API's which are calling each and every time whenever the page reloads. In those API's. few response will never change and very few will rarely change. I planning to cache those API calls response and store it in a variable and use it whenever needed and reduce the number of requests when page reloads.
I am new to vueJS and not having any idea how to implement it. Is there anyway to achieve this in VueJS or Javascript? Any help would be most appreciated.
Sample HTML code,
<div class="col-sm-6">
<span>Is User Available? {{userInfo[is_user_available]}} </span>
<span> User Type : {{userType}} </span>
API call will be like below,
created: function () {
methods: {
checkForUser: function() {'user_info', { username : this.username })
.then((response) => {
if (response) {
this.userInfo = response;
this.userType = this.userInfo['user_type'];
.catch((error) => {
this.userInfo.length = 0;
If you store the data in a regular Vuex store you will loose it on page refresh unless you use vuex-persistedstate plugin, which saves the store data on the local storage. (here is a working example)
Elaborating on #Mysterywood answer you can simply store it on local storage by yourself.
You can achieve that by simply doing
const userType = window.localStorage.getItem('userInfo')
window.localStorage.setItem('userInfo', response)
and remove:
There are few ways of doing this depending on how deep you want to go:
If you just want state to persists during the SPA session, you can do so:
Vuex if you would like to store globally accessible state/data. This allows your state to persist regardless of whether the components are destroyed/created.
Store it on your root-level Vue instance. If you're using the Vue CLI, this will be in your main.js. You can do something like so:
new Vue({
// ...
data: {
userType: {}
You can then access it via this.$root.userType. This is fine for small projects, but generally not recommended as things can get messy very quickly.
There's also EventBus, but again, this can get messy very quickly. EventBus is also deprecated in Vue3.
If you want to cache the response and access them again even after the user close their tab/browser, you will want to look into:
check this, it can help :client-side storage in vuejs
Client-side storage is an excellent way to quickly add performance gains to an application. By storing data on the browser itself, you can skip fetching information from the server every time the user needs it. While especially useful when offline, even online users will benefit from using data locally versus a remote server. Client-side storage can be done with cookies, Local Storage (technically “Web Storage”), IndexedDB, and WebSQL (a deprecated method that should not be used in new projects).

How to check if user is logged in without request.session

I am implementing a web application using Express and Docker. I am also using a Three layered architecture. When a user logs in, I store that information in a session. I have blogposts as a resource in my app. To retrieve the blogpostId I will send a query to the database in the Data access layer like this:
const db = require('./db')
exports.getBlogpostId = function(id ,callback){
const query = "SELECT * FROM blogposts WHERE blogId = ?"
const value = [id]
db.query(query, value, function(error, blogpost){
callback("DatabaseError", null)
callback(null, blogpost)
Now in my Business logic layer I want to check if the user is logged in or not, something like this:
const blogRepo = require('../dal/blog-repository')
exports.getBlogpostId = function(id){
if(/*If the user is logged in*/){
return blogRepo.getBlogpostId(id)
throw "Unauthorized!"
How can I check if they are logged in here. How can I get the session that I stored when they logged in?
So, the business layer doesn't generically know anything about the logged in state at all. It's business logic, not web logic.
If you want it to have access to state like that, you have to pass that state into it as arguments any time you call it.
You can either decide that it's OK for the business logic to see the session object and pass the whole session object into it or you need to pass the specific pieces of the session object that the business logic needs such as the authentication state.

Firebase specific node read and write

I implemented on a website a form to create firebase users and add a node in the firebase database for the user based on a selected State in the form.
So for example, if the user chooses 'Hawaii' in the form and then create the account, the account information will be stored in "Hawaii/id" in the firebase db.
// JSON structure
"Hawaii": {
"place1Id": {
"place2Id": {
"New York": {
"place1Id": {
"place2Id": {
My problem is how to make sure that later on when the user will add information to his account, with provided credentials from the previous account creation, this information will be stored in the correct node (Hawaii for example)
I have tried to make a comparison between current user id and keys from States nodes but my database is quite large (and will become larger) so it is taking up to 10 seconds for the code to determine in which node of the database the user is.
And the same process has to occur on each page so it is not the good solution.
var placesRef = firebase.database().ref();
placesRef.once("value", function(snpashot) {
if (snpashot.child("Hawaii").hasChild(user.uid)) {
console.log("Place is in Hawaii");
activiteRef = firebase.database().ref().child("Hawaii").child(user.uid);
Can you please help me figure this out?
If you're keying on uid, you don't need to do anything more than the line you already have:
activityRef = firebase.database().ref().child("Hawaii").child(user.uid);
This is the direct reference to the node you want (if I'm understanding you correctly). You can read the data:
activityRef.once('value').then(snap => console.log(snap.exists, snap.val());
Which will be null if the user has never written there, but will contain data otherwise. You can also perform other operations like update() to change the data at this location.
There's no need to perform the top level query to check if the node already exists -- you can just read it directly.

Modifying array property of PFUser - Parse

I have an array property called courses on my User table in Parse. Any idea why I might getting Cannot modify user XTC9aiDZlL. code=206, message=Cannot modify user XTC9aiDZlL. when I do the following:
user.remove('courses', deletedCourse);
where deleteCourse is the course PFObject to delete
Are you signed in as the user you're trying to modify? That can cause problems like this, as Parse usually just lets a user modify themself & the objects they've created.
If you're signed in as the same user you're trying to edit that's another story. This is a glitch that seems to be popping up in the Parse server recently. It's not the best solution but for now you'll need to modify the ACL when you create the user, like this:
let user = PFUser()
let acl = PFACL()
acl.getPublicWriteAccess = true
acl.getPublicReadAccess = true
user.acl = acl

Picking up meteor.js user logout

Is there any way to pick up when a user logs out of the website? I need to do some clean up when they do so. Using the built-in meteor.js user accounts.
I'll be doing some validation using it, so I need a solution that cannot be trigger on behalf of other users on the client side - preferably something completely server side.
You may use Deps.autorun to setup a custom handler observing Meteor.userId() reactive variable changes.
Meteor.userId() (and Meteor.user()) are reactive variables returning respectively the currently logged in userId (null if none) and the corresponding user document (record) in the Meteor.users collection.
As a consequence one can track signing in/out of a Meteor application by reacting to the modification of those reactive data sources.
client/main.js :
var lastUser=null;
var userId=Meteor.userId();
console.log(userId+" connected");
// do something with Meteor.user()
else if(lastUser){
console.log(lastUser._id+" disconnected");
// can't use Meteor.user() anymore
// do something with lastUser (read-only !)"userDisconnected",lastUser._id);
In this code sample, I'm setting up a source file local variable (lastUser) to keep track of the last user that was logged in the application.
Then in Meteor.startup, I use Deps.autorun to setup a reactive context (code that will get re-executed whenever one of the reactive data sources accessed is modified).
This reactive context tracks Meteor.userId() variation and reacts accordingly.
In the deconnection code, you can't use Meteor.user() but if you want to access the last user document you can use the lastUser variable.
You can call a server method with the lastUser._id as argument if you want to modify the document after logging out.
var user=Meteor.users.findOne(userId);
// do something with user (read-write)
Be aware though that malicious clients can call this server method with anyone userId, so you shouldn't do anything critical unless you setup some verification code.
Use the user-status package that I've created: This is completely server-side.
See the docs for usage, but you can attach an event handler to a session logout: "connectionLogout", (fields) ->
console.log(fields.userId + " with connection " + fields.connectionId + " logged out")
Note that a user can be logged in from different places at once with multiple sessions. This smart package detects all of them as well as whether the user is online at all. For more information or to implement your own method, check out the code.
Currently the package doesn't distinguish between browser window closes and logouts, and treats them as the same.
We had a similar, though not exact requirement. We wanted to do a bit of clean up on the client when they signed out. We did it by hijacking Meteor.logout:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var _logout = Meteor.logout;
Meteor.logout = function customLogout() {
// Do your thing here
_logout.apply(Meteor, arguments);
The answer provided by #saimeunt looks about right, but it is a bit fluffy for what I needed. Instead I went with a very simple approach like this:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Deps.autorun(function () {
Session.set('store', null);
This is however triggered during a page load if the user has not yet logged in, which might be undesirable. So you could go with something like this instead:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var userWasLoggedIn = false;
Deps.autorun(function (c) {
console.log('Clean up');
Session.set('store', null);
userWasLoggedIn = true;
None of the solutions worked for me, since they all suffered from the problem of not being able to distinguish between manual logout by the user vs. browser page reload/close.
I'm now going with a hack, but at least it works (as long as you don't provide any other means of logging out than the default accounts-ui buttons):{
'click #login-buttons-logout': function(ev) {
console.log("manual log out");
// do stuff
You can use the following Meteor.logout -

