Creating a Tree out of PathStrings - javascript

I have a similar problem to this (Get a tree like structure out of path string). I tried to use the provided solution but can not get it to work in Angular.
The idea is to the separate incoming path strings (see below) and add them to an object and display them as a tree.
pathStrings: string[] = [
let tree: Node[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.pathStrings.length; i++) {
tree = this.addToTree(tree, this.pathStrings[i].split("/"));
addToTree(root: Node[], names: string[]) {
let i: number = 0;
if (names.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < root.length; i++) {
if (root[i].name == names[0]) {
//already in tree
if (i == root.length) {
let x: Node = { name: names[0] };
root[i].children = this.addToTree(root[i].children, names.slice(1));
return root;
The result is supposed to look like this:
const TREE_DATA: Node[] = [
name: "PathA",
children: [
{ name: "PathA_0" },
{ name: "PathA_1" },
name: "PathA_2",
children: [{ name: "a" }, { name: "b" }, { name: "c" }]
name: "PathB",
children: [
{ name: "PathB_0" },
{ name: "PathB_1", children: [{ name: "a" }, { name: "b" }] },
name: "PathC_2"
name: "PathC",
children: [
{ name: "PathB_0" },
{ name: "PathB_1", children: [{ name: "a" }, { name: "b" }] },
name: "PathC_2"
Here is the Stackblitz Link ( to my intents.. Im trying for days now without success.. Thank you so much!!

In plain Javascript, you could reduce the array by using a recursive function for thesearching and assign then new child to a given node.
getTree = (node, names) => {
const name = names.shift();
let child = (node.children ??= []).find(q => === name);
if (!child) node.children.push(child = { name });
if (names.length) getTree(child, names);
return node;
pathStrings = ["PathA/PathA_0", "PathA/PathA_1", "PathA/PathA_2/a", "PathA/PathA_2/b", "PathA/PathA_2/c"],
tree = pathStrings
.reduce((target, path) => getTree(target, path.split('/')), { children: [] })
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Algorithm from folderstring to correct folderstructure in javascript

I have an array of data which is a string of folders:
var data = [{ name: "/X" }, { name: "/X/Y" }, { name: "/X2" }, { name: "/X2/Z" }, { name: "/X/k" }]
For a component to display this items I need them sorted nested like these:
var data = [{ name: "/X", sub: [{ name: "/Y" }, { name: "/k" }]}, { name: "/X2" }, sub: [{ name: "/Z" }] }]
These items are just examples, the item count is 1000+ and the nested items can be unlimited too.
Any ideas how to do that?
You could do this with forEach and reduce methods and use one object to keep track of level based on the current part of the name property value.
const data = [{ name: "/X" }, { name: "/X/Y" }, { name: "/X2" }, { name: "/X2/Z" }, {name: '/X/K/1'}, {name: '/X/K/2'}]
const result = []
const level = {result}
data.forEach(({ name, }) => {
name.split('/').filter(Boolean).reduce((r, k) => {
if (!r[k]) {
r[k] = { result: [] }
name: `/${k}`,
sub: r[k].result
return r[k]
}, level)
Using reduce() and Map()
var data = [{ name: "/X" }, { name: "/X/Y" }, { name: "/X2" }, { name: "/X2/Z" }, { name: "/X/k" }]
var res = data.reduce((a, i) => {
let s =\/\w+/g) || []
if (a.has(s[0])) {
let path = a.get(s[0]) = s[1]
path.sub = path.sub || []
} else {
a.set(, i)
return a
}, new Map())

How do I sort an object with children properties?

I have an object that represents a tree:
const obj = {
"1": {
id: "1",
children: ["1-1", "1-2"]
"1-1": {
id: "1-1",
children: ["1-1-1", "1-1-2"]
"1-2": {
id: "1-2",
children: []
"1-1-1": {
id: "1-1-1",
children: []
"1-1-2": {
id: "1-1-2",
children: []
The result is a list similar to:
What I need is to transform the object above to an array where items go in the order they do in the list representation, i.e. ['1', '1-1', '1-1-1', '1-1-2', '1-2']. Ids can be any so I can't rely on them. It's the order of items in the children property that matters.
The final result should be ['1', '1-1', '1-1-1', '1-1-2', '1-2'] i.e. the order they come in the list from the top to the bottom.
I use DFS to parse. It can sort any depth data. (You can try the obj2)
const obj = {
"1": {
id: "1",
children: ["1-1", "1-2"]
"1-1": {
id: "1-1",
children: ["1-1-1", "1-1-2"]
"1-2": {
id: "1-2",
children: []
"1-1-1": {
id: "1-1-1",
children: []
"1-1-2": {
id: "1-1-2",
children: []
const obj2 = {
"2": {
id: "2",
children: ["2-1", "2-2", "2-3"]
"2-1": {
id: "2-1",
children: ["2-1-1", "2-1-2"]
"2-2": {
id: "2-2",
children: []
"2-3": {
id: "2-3",
children: []
"2-1-1": {
id: "2-1-1",
children: ["2-1-1-1", "2-1-1-2"]
"2-1-2": {
id: "2-1-2",
children: ["2-1-2-1"]
"2-1-1-1": {
id: "2-1-1-1",
children: []
"2-1-1-2": {
id: "2-1-1-2",
children: []
"2-1-2-1": {
id: "2-1-2-1",
children: []
/* DFS */
function sort(id) {
if (!sorted.includes(id)) {
obj[id].children.forEach(sub => {
/* MAIN */
let sorted = [];
for (let [id, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
const obj={1:{id:"1",children:["1-1","1-2"]},"1-1":{id:"1-1",children:["1-1-1","1-1-2"]},"1-2":{id:"1-2",children:[]},"1-1-1":{id:"1-1-1",children:[]},"1-1-2":{id:"1-1-2",children:[]}};
const output = Object.keys(obj)
// remove every non root
Object.entries(obj).forEach(el => el[1].children.forEach(child => {
let index = output.indexOf(child)
if (index !== -1) {
output.splice(index, 1)
for (let i = 0; i < output.length; i++) {
// for each get it's children
let children = obj[output[i]].children
// push them just behind it
output.splice(i + 1, 0, ...children)
You could try a recursive call with the base condition to ignore the traversed node
const obj = {
"1": {
id: "1",
children: ["1-1", "1-2"],
"1-1": {
id: "1-1",
children: ["1-1-1", "1-1-2"],
"1-2": {
id: "1-2",
children: [],
"1-1-1": {
id: "1-1-1",
children: [],
"1-1-2": {
id: "1-1-2",
children: [],
function traverse(obj) {
const res = []
const traversed = {}
function getChildren(id) {
if (traversed[id]) {
traversed[id] = true
obj[id].children.forEach((childId) => getChildren(childId))
for (const id in obj) {
return res
Hope this is what you are expecting ?
let ans = []
function recursiveCallObj(key){
!ans.includes(key) ? ans.push(key) : ""
for(let i=0; i< obj[key].children.length; i++){
for(let [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)){
if(value.children.length > 0){
!ans.includes(key) ? ans.push(key) : ""

Nesting then grouping objects into arrays

I'm attempting to convert an array that I get in this format:
data = [
{ name: 'Buttons/Large/Primary', id: '1:23' },
{ name: 'Buttons/Large/Secondary', id: '1:24' },
{ name: 'Buttons/Medium/Primary', id: '1:25' },
{ name: 'Buttons/Medium/Secondary', id: '1:26' },
{ name: 'Forms/Text', id: '2:1' },
{ name: 'Forms/Checkbox', id: '2:2' },
to an array in this format:
data = [
name: "Buttons",
id: '1:23',
components: [{
name: "Large",
id: '1:23',
components: [{
name: "Primary",
id: '1:23'
}, {
name: "Secondary",
id: '1:24'
name: "Medium",
id: '1:25',
components: [{
name: "Primary",
id: '1:25'
}, {
name: "Secondary",
id: '1:26'
}, {
name: "Forms",
id: '2:1',
components: [{
name: "Text",
id: '2:1'
name: "Checkbox",
id: '2:2'
My approach was to create arrays from each object in the original dataset by splitting the name property at '/', then nest them inside each other. This is what I have so far, which nests each item in the original array, but lacks grouping them together like my target format shows. Suggestions?
function nestItems(obj, path, value) {
let component = {};
let temp = component;
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
let component = temp; = path[i]; = value;
if (path.length - 1 === i) {
} else {
component.components = {};
temp = component.components;
let obj = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
let path = data[i].name.split('/');
nestItems(obj, path, data[i].id);
I agree with your approach for splitting with /.
Here's my approach for using reduce to create a map and generating the final array:
const data = [
{ name: 'Buttons/Large/Primary', id: '1:23' },
{ name: 'Buttons/Large/Secondary', id: '1:24' },
{ name: 'Buttons/Medium/Primary', id: '1:25' },
{ name: 'Buttons/Medium/Secondary', id: '1:26' },
{ name: 'Forms/Text', id: '2:1' },
{ name: 'Forms/Checkbox', id: '2:2' },
const map = data.reduce((acc, curr) => {
const { id } = curr;
const [parent, sub, subSub] ='/');
if (acc[parent]) {
if (acc[parent][sub]) {
acc[parent][sub][subSub] = { id };
} else {
acc[parent][sub] = { id };
if (subSub) {
acc[parent][sub][subSub] = { id };
} else {
acc[parent] = { id };
if (sub && subSub) {
acc[parent][sub] = {
[subSub]: { id }
} else if (sub) {
acc[parent][sub] = { id };
return acc;
}, {});
const result = Object.keys(map).map(parentName => {
const { id: parentId, ...subs } = map[parentName];
const parentObj = { name: parentName, id: parentId };
parentObj.components = Object.keys(subs).map(subName => {
const { id: subId, ...subSubs } = subs[subName];
const subObj = { name: subName, id: subId };
if (Object.keys(subSubs).length) {
subObj.components = Object.keys(subSubs).map(subSubName => ({ name: subSubName, id: subSubs[subSubName].id }));
return subObj;
return parentObj;

Search nested array of objects and return full parents as results in JavaScript

I've successfully written a recursive function to loop through a nested object and find the results. But I'm having a hard time adding the entire parent if its children pass the test. I have the following code:
const myObj = [
name: '1',
pages: [
name: '1.1',
pages: []
name: '1.2',
pages: []
name: '2',
pages: []
name: '3',
pages: []
function searchPages(searchQuery, obj) {
let searchResults = [];
for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
let item = searchString(obj[i], searchQuery);
if (item) {
return searchResults;
function searchString(obj, string) {
if ( {
return obj;
for (let i = 0; i < obj.pages.length; i++) {
const possibleResult = searchString(obj.pages[i], string);
if (possibleResult) {
return possibleResult;
let searchResults = searchPages('1.1', myObj);
This searches the nested array properly and gives the correct result:
"name": "1.1",
"pages": []
But I would like to return the entire parent object, instead of just the child object. So the expected result is this:
name: '1',
pages: [
name: '1.1',
pages: []
name: '1.2',
pages: []
How can I modify my function to achieve this?
Keep in mind this is just a small object just for readability purposes. My actual object will have many more levels and properties.
You could take a recursive approach and check if the nested arrays have the wanted name.
function searchPages(array, string) {
const find = ({ name, pages }) => name.includes(string) || pages && pages.some(find);
return array.filter(find);
data = [{ name: '1', pages: [{ name: '1.1', pages: [] }, { name: '1.2', pages: [] }] }, { name: '2', pages: [] }, { name: '3', pages: [] }],
searchResults = searchPages(data, '1.1');
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Here's my approach with .filter-ing myObj and .find-ing nested pages with given name
const myObj = [
name: '1',
pages: [
name: '1.1',
pages: []
name: '1.2',
pages: []
name: '2',
pages: []
name: '3',
pages: []
const searchPages = (name, arr) => arr.filter(
({ pages }) => pages.find(page => === name)
let searchResults = searchPages('1.1', myObj);
If you want to return the parent object instead of the searched object, you just need to change the searchString() implementation so it takes the parent as third param, and then return it if you find the desired string:
function searchPages(searchQuery, obj) {
let searchResults = [];
for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
let item = searchString(obj[i], searchQuery, obj);
if (item) {
return searchResults;
function searchString(obj, string, parent) {
if ( {
return parent;
for (let i = 0; i < obj.pages.length; i++) {
const possibleResult = searchString(obj.pages[i], string, obj);
if (possibleResult) {
return possibleResult;
This way you will always take the parent into account.
const myObj = [
name: '1',
pages: [
name: '1.1',
pages: [
name: '1.1.1',
pages: []
name: '1.2',
pages: []
name: '2',
pages: []
name: '3',
pages: []
function searchPages(searchQuery, obj) {
let searchResults = [];
for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
let item = searchString(obj[i], searchQuery, obj);
if (item) {
return searchResults;
function searchString(obj, string, parent) {
if ( {
return parent;
for (let i = 0; i < obj.pages.length; i++) {
const possibleResult = searchString(obj.pages[i], string, obj);
if (possibleResult) {
return possibleResult;
let searchResults = searchPages('1.1.1', myObj);
Here's one possible approach, using .filter for the top array, followed by recursive calls of .some:
const myObj = [
name: '1',
pages: [
name: '1.1',
pages: []
name: '1.2',
pages: []
name: '2',
pages: []
name: '3',
pages: []
const searchPages = (nameToFind, obj) => obj.filter(pageContainsName(nameToFind));
const pageContainsName = nameToFind => ({ name, pages }) => (
name === nameToFind || pages.some(pageContainsName(nameToFind))
let searchResults = searchPages('1.1', myObj);

javascript array tree search keep the node and parents

Trying to implement a tree search function which takes an array(tree structure) and a string keyword, would return an tree array but only keep the matched nodes and its parents.
function search(nodes, keyword){
const nodes = [
value: "1-1",
children: [
{ value: "1-1-1"},
{ value: "1-1-2", children:[
value: "1-1-2-1",
children: [
{ value: "1-1-2-1-1" },
{ value: "1-1-2-1-2" }
value: "1-1-2-2"
] }
value: "1-2",
children: [
{ value: "1-2-1"},
{ value: "1-2-2", children:[
value: "1-2-2-1",
children: [
{ value: "1-2-2-1-1" },
{ value: "1-2-2-1-2" }
value: "1-2-2-2"
] }
expected output would be an tree with nodes' values contain "1-1-2-1" and its parents as below
const searchedNodes = search(nodes, "1-1-2-1");
value: "1-1",
children: [
{ value: "1-1-2", children:[
value: "1-1-2-1",
children: [
{ value: "1-1-2-1-1" }
] }
2018-06-26 Updated
I made a working one(DFS) but probably not pretty efficient.
const search = (nodes, keyword) => {
let newNodes = [];
for (let n of nodes) {
if (n.children) {
const nextNodes = this.keywordFilter(n.children, keyword);
if (nextNodes.length > 0) {
n.children = nextNodes;
} else if (n.label.toLowerCase().includes(keyword.toLowerCase())) {
n.children = nextNodes.length > 0 ? nextNodes : [];
if (
nextNodes.length > 0 ||
) {
} else {
if (n.label.toLowerCase().includes(keyword.toLowerCase())) {
return newNodes;
You need to iterate the nodes of the same level and check if the value is equal, then take that node and exit the loop. Otherwise check the children and generate a new object for preventing to mutate the original data.
function search(nodes, value) {
var result;
nodes.some(o => {
var children;
if (o.value === value) {
return result = o;
if (o.children && (children = search(o.children, value))) {
return result = Object.assign({}, o, { children });
return result && [result];
const nodes = [{ value: "1-1", children: [{ value: "1-1-1" }, { value: "1-1-2", children: [{ value: "1-1-2-1", children: [{ value: "1-1-2-1-1" }, { value: "1-1-2-1-2" }] }, { value: "1-1-2-2" }] }] }, { value: "1-2", children: [{ value: "1-2-1" }, { value: "1-2-2", children: [{ value: "1-2-2-1", children: [{ value: "1-2-2-1-1" }, { value: "1-2-2-1-2" }] }, { value: "1-2-2-2" }] }] }];
console.log(search(nodes, "1-1-2-1"));
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