Nesting then grouping objects into arrays - javascript

I'm attempting to convert an array that I get in this format:
data = [
{ name: 'Buttons/Large/Primary', id: '1:23' },
{ name: 'Buttons/Large/Secondary', id: '1:24' },
{ name: 'Buttons/Medium/Primary', id: '1:25' },
{ name: 'Buttons/Medium/Secondary', id: '1:26' },
{ name: 'Forms/Text', id: '2:1' },
{ name: 'Forms/Checkbox', id: '2:2' },
to an array in this format:
data = [
name: "Buttons",
id: '1:23',
components: [{
name: "Large",
id: '1:23',
components: [{
name: "Primary",
id: '1:23'
}, {
name: "Secondary",
id: '1:24'
name: "Medium",
id: '1:25',
components: [{
name: "Primary",
id: '1:25'
}, {
name: "Secondary",
id: '1:26'
}, {
name: "Forms",
id: '2:1',
components: [{
name: "Text",
id: '2:1'
name: "Checkbox",
id: '2:2'
My approach was to create arrays from each object in the original dataset by splitting the name property at '/', then nest them inside each other. This is what I have so far, which nests each item in the original array, but lacks grouping them together like my target format shows. Suggestions?
function nestItems(obj, path, value) {
let component = {};
let temp = component;
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
let component = temp; = path[i]; = value;
if (path.length - 1 === i) {
} else {
component.components = {};
temp = component.components;
let obj = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
let path = data[i].name.split('/');
nestItems(obj, path, data[i].id);

I agree with your approach for splitting with /.
Here's my approach for using reduce to create a map and generating the final array:
const data = [
{ name: 'Buttons/Large/Primary', id: '1:23' },
{ name: 'Buttons/Large/Secondary', id: '1:24' },
{ name: 'Buttons/Medium/Primary', id: '1:25' },
{ name: 'Buttons/Medium/Secondary', id: '1:26' },
{ name: 'Forms/Text', id: '2:1' },
{ name: 'Forms/Checkbox', id: '2:2' },
const map = data.reduce((acc, curr) => {
const { id } = curr;
const [parent, sub, subSub] ='/');
if (acc[parent]) {
if (acc[parent][sub]) {
acc[parent][sub][subSub] = { id };
} else {
acc[parent][sub] = { id };
if (subSub) {
acc[parent][sub][subSub] = { id };
} else {
acc[parent] = { id };
if (sub && subSub) {
acc[parent][sub] = {
[subSub]: { id }
} else if (sub) {
acc[parent][sub] = { id };
return acc;
}, {});
const result = Object.keys(map).map(parentName => {
const { id: parentId, ...subs } = map[parentName];
const parentObj = { name: parentName, id: parentId };
parentObj.components = Object.keys(subs).map(subName => {
const { id: subId, ...subSubs } = subs[subName];
const subObj = { name: subName, id: subId };
if (Object.keys(subSubs).length) {
subObj.components = Object.keys(subSubs).map(subSubName => ({ name: subSubName, id: subSubs[subSubName].id }));
return subObj;
return parentObj;


combining similar key/value pair into an array

I am wondering if I can combine multiple objects based on a given id into an array of an object? Hopefully I can explain this better below:
trying to have an output of each index item of carCollection to be like this:
brand: 'Porsche',
model: ['Cayenne', 'Macan'],
id: 1
brand: 'BMW',
model: ['M4','M3'],
id: 3
But the code below duplicates id:1 car brand Porsche into the carCollection:
brand: 'Porsche',
model: ['Cayenne'],
id: 1,
brand: 'Porsche',
model: ['Macan'],
id: 1
let cars = {
brands: [ {name:'Porsche', id:1}, {name:'Mercedes-Benz', id:2},{name:'BMW', id:3},],
models: [ {name:'Cayenne', id:1}, {name:'C45', id:2}, {name:'M4', id:3}, {name:'M3', id:3}, {name:'Macan', id:1}]
// empty array
let carCollection = []
let { brands, models } = cars;
function carMatcher(brands, models){
for(let brand of brands){
for(let model of models){
const carObject = {
brand: '',
model: [],
id: 0
if( ==={
carObject.brand =
carObject.model.push( =
carMatcher(brands, models)
You can easily achieve this result using Map and forEach
let cars = {
brands: [
{ name: "Porsche", id: 1 },
{ name: "Mercedes-Benz", id: 2 },
{ name: "BMW", id: 3 },
models: [
{ name: "Cayenne", id: 1 },
{ name: "C45", id: 2 },
{ name: "M4", id: 3 },
{ name: "M3", id: 3 },
{ name: "Macan", id: 1 },
const dict = new Map();
cars.brands.forEach(({ name, id }) => {
dict.set(id, { brand: name, id, model: [] });
cars.models.forEach(({ name, id }) => {
if (dict.has(id)) dict.get(id).model.push(name);
const result = [...dict.values()];
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EDIT: Simpler version
let cars = {
brands: [
{ name: "Porsche", id: 1 },
{ name: "Mercedes-Benz", id: 2 },
{ name: "BMW", id: 3 },
models: [
{ name: "Cayenne", id: 1 },
{ name: "C45", id: 2 },
{ name: "M4", id: 3 },
{ name: "M3", id: 3 },
{ name: "Macan", id: 1 },
let dict = {},
result = [];
for (let val of cars.brands) {
dict[] = {
model: [],
for (let val of cars.models) {
const id =;
const name =;
const objInDict = dict[id];
if (objInDict) {
for (let key in dict) {
let cars = {
brands: [
{ name: "Porsche", id: 1 },
{ name: "Mercedes-Benz", id: 2 },
{ name: "BMW", id: 3 },
models: [
{ name: "Cayenne", id: 1 },
{ name: "C45", id: 2 },
{ name: "M4", id: 3 },
{ name: "M3", id: 3 },
{ name: "Macan", id: 1 },
let result = [];
const { brands, models } = cars;
for (let brand of brands) {
const { name, id } = brand;
const newObj = { brand: name, id, model: [] };
for (let model of models) {
const { name, id } = model;
if ( === id) {

Creating a Tree out of PathStrings

I have a similar problem to this (Get a tree like structure out of path string). I tried to use the provided solution but can not get it to work in Angular.
The idea is to the separate incoming path strings (see below) and add them to an object and display them as a tree.
pathStrings: string[] = [
let tree: Node[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.pathStrings.length; i++) {
tree = this.addToTree(tree, this.pathStrings[i].split("/"));
addToTree(root: Node[], names: string[]) {
let i: number = 0;
if (names.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < root.length; i++) {
if (root[i].name == names[0]) {
//already in tree
if (i == root.length) {
let x: Node = { name: names[0] };
root[i].children = this.addToTree(root[i].children, names.slice(1));
return root;
The result is supposed to look like this:
const TREE_DATA: Node[] = [
name: "PathA",
children: [
{ name: "PathA_0" },
{ name: "PathA_1" },
name: "PathA_2",
children: [{ name: "a" }, { name: "b" }, { name: "c" }]
name: "PathB",
children: [
{ name: "PathB_0" },
{ name: "PathB_1", children: [{ name: "a" }, { name: "b" }] },
name: "PathC_2"
name: "PathC",
children: [
{ name: "PathB_0" },
{ name: "PathB_1", children: [{ name: "a" }, { name: "b" }] },
name: "PathC_2"
Here is the Stackblitz Link ( to my intents.. Im trying for days now without success.. Thank you so much!!
In plain Javascript, you could reduce the array by using a recursive function for thesearching and assign then new child to a given node.
getTree = (node, names) => {
const name = names.shift();
let child = (node.children ??= []).find(q => === name);
if (!child) node.children.push(child = { name });
if (names.length) getTree(child, names);
return node;
pathStrings = ["PathA/PathA_0", "PathA/PathA_1", "PathA/PathA_2/a", "PathA/PathA_2/b", "PathA/PathA_2/c"],
tree = pathStrings
.reduce((target, path) => getTree(target, path.split('/')), { children: [] })
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Algorithm from folderstring to correct folderstructure in javascript

I have an array of data which is a string of folders:
var data = [{ name: "/X" }, { name: "/X/Y" }, { name: "/X2" }, { name: "/X2/Z" }, { name: "/X/k" }]
For a component to display this items I need them sorted nested like these:
var data = [{ name: "/X", sub: [{ name: "/Y" }, { name: "/k" }]}, { name: "/X2" }, sub: [{ name: "/Z" }] }]
These items are just examples, the item count is 1000+ and the nested items can be unlimited too.
Any ideas how to do that?
You could do this with forEach and reduce methods and use one object to keep track of level based on the current part of the name property value.
const data = [{ name: "/X" }, { name: "/X/Y" }, { name: "/X2" }, { name: "/X2/Z" }, {name: '/X/K/1'}, {name: '/X/K/2'}]
const result = []
const level = {result}
data.forEach(({ name, }) => {
name.split('/').filter(Boolean).reduce((r, k) => {
if (!r[k]) {
r[k] = { result: [] }
name: `/${k}`,
sub: r[k].result
return r[k]
}, level)
Using reduce() and Map()
var data = [{ name: "/X" }, { name: "/X/Y" }, { name: "/X2" }, { name: "/X2/Z" }, { name: "/X/k" }]
var res = data.reduce((a, i) => {
let s =\/\w+/g) || []
if (a.has(s[0])) {
let path = a.get(s[0]) = s[1]
path.sub = path.sub || []
} else {
a.set(, i)
return a
}, new Map())

Javascript get full index of nested object

const items = [
{ id: 'item1',
children: [
{ id: 'item1-1',
children: [
{ id: 'item1-1-1' },
{ id: 'item1-1-2' },
{ id: 'item1-1-3'
children: [
{ id: 'item1-1-3-1'}
{ id: 'item1-2',
children: [
{ id: 'item1-2-1' }
{ id: 'item2' }
What I want to is like below,
function getFullDepthOfObject(){
getFullIndexOfObject('item1') =====> return '1'
getFullIndexOfObject('item1-2') =====> return '1-2'
getFullIndexOfObject('item1-1-1') =====> return '1-1-1'
getFullIndexOfObject('item1-1-2') =====> return '1-1-2'
getFullIndexOfObject('item2') ===> return '2'
I have struggled with this too much time, But I couldn't make it. I think I should stack each of parent index, But I don't know how to get its parent. Is there a way to do this?
Not parse of id string. Each id has randomic string. The id like item1-2 is for easier demonstration.
I think my way is too verbose...
I tried like ...
// Get Full Index of item1-1
// First, get the target's depth.
var depth = 0;
function getDepthOfId(object, id) {
var level;
if ( === id) return 1;
object.children && object.children.some(o => level = getDepthOfId(o, id));
return level && level + 1;
depth = getDepthOfId(items[0], 'item1-1');
console.log('depth === ', depth)
// Then, iterate recursively with length of depth.
var indexStacks = [];
function getNestedIndexOfId(obj, id, index) {
if ( === id) {
indexStacks = [index, ...indexStacks]
return index;
if (obj.children) {
depth++;, i) => {
getNestedIndexOfId(child, id, i)
// I can get the inner index, but I can't get its parent id.
// I don't know how to this..
function getParentId(obj, id){
// ...?
var parentId;
return parentId;
for(var i=0; i<depth; i++){
// full path will be
const items = [
{ id: 'item1',
children: [
{ id: 'item1-1',
children: [
{ id: 'item1-1-1' },
{ id: 'item1-1-2' },
{ id: 'item1-1-3',
children: [
{ id: 'item1-1-3-1'}
{ id: 'item1-2',
children: [
{ id: 'item1-2-1' }
{ id: 'item2' }
const searchIt = (node, search, path = '', position = 0) => {
if ( && === search) {return path !== '' ? `${path}-${position}` : position;}
if (!node.children) {return false}
const index = node.children.findIndex((x) => && === search);
if (index >= 0) {
return path !== '' ? `${path}-${index + 1}` : index + 1;
for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
const result = searchIt(node.children[i], search, path !== '' ? `${path}-${i+1}` : i + 1, i);
if (result){
return result;
return false;
console.log(searchIt({children: items}, 'item1-1'));
console.log(searchIt({children: items}, 'item1-1-1'));
console.log(searchIt({children: items}, 'item1-1-2'));
console.log(searchIt({children: items}, 'item1-1-3'));
console.log(searchIt({children: items}, 'item1-1-3-1'));
console.log(searchIt({children: items}, 'item1-2-1'));
console.log(searchIt({children: items}, 'item1-1-3-2'));
console.log(searchIt({children: items}, 'item1-2-2'));
console.log(searchIt({children: items}, 'item3'));
You could take an recursive and iterative approach. On found, the path is returned from the most inner object to the outer call of the function.
function getPath(array, id) {
var result;
array.some((o, i) => {
var temp;
if ( === id) return result = `${i + 1}`;
if (temp = getPath(o.children || [], id)) return result = `${i + 1}-${temp}`;
return result;
const items = [{ id: 'item1', children: [{ id: 'item1-1', children: [{ id: 'item1-1-1' }, { id: 'item1-1-2' }, { id: 'item1-1-3', children: [{ id: 'item1-1-3-1'}] }] }, { id: 'item1-2', children: [{ id: 'item1-2-1' }] }] }, { id: 'item2' }];
console.log(getPath(items, 'item1')); // '1'
console.log(getPath(items, 'item1-2')); // '1-2'
console.log(getPath(items, 'item1-1-1')); // '1-1-1'
console.log(getPath(items, 'item1-1-2')); // '1-1-2'
console.log(getPath(items, 'item2')); // '2'
You can solve this problem using recursion. I have edited my code block and made it into a testable snippet. I had to fix an error in your data (missing comma or something don't remember).
const items = [
{ id: 'itemA',
children: [
{ id: 'item1-1',
children: [
{ id: 'item1-1-1' },
{ id: 'item1-1-2' },
{ id: 'item1-1-3', children: [ { id: 'item1-1-3-1'} ] },
{ id: 'item1-2', children: [ { id: 'item1-2-1' } ] },
{ id: 'item2' }
const getItemLevel = (targetKey, item, depth = 0) => {
if ( === targetKey) return depth;
let foundLevel = null;
if (item.children) {
item.children.forEach((child) => {
if (foundLevel) return;
foundLevel = getItemLevel(targetKey, child, depth +1);
return foundLevel;
console.log(getItemLevel('item1-1-1', { id:'root', children: items }));
console.log(getItemLevel('item2', { id:'root', children: items }));
console.log(getItemLevel('item1-1-3-1', { id:'root', children: items }));
console.log(getItemLevel('keydoesnotexist', { id:'root', children: items }));
a simple way:
const recursiveFind = (arr, id, res = {indexes: [], found: false}) => {
if (!Array.isArray(arr)) return res
const index = arr.findIndex(e => === id)
if (index < 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const childIndexes = recursiveFind(arr[i].children, id, res)
if (childIndexes.found){
return childIndexes
else {
res.found = true
return res
recursiveFind(items, 'item1-1-2').indexes.join('-')
If it's ok to use Lodash+Deepdash, then:
let path;
if(path) return false;
return false;
Here is a codepen for this

What is an alternative way to update an array of objects?

I have a array of objects. I want to update an object using id.
I am able to do using the map function. Is there an alternative way or more efficient way to update the array?
Here is my code:
var id = 3
var obj = {
name: "test"
let arr = [{
name: "dd",
id: 1
}, {
name: "dzxcd",
id: 3
}, {
name: "nav",
id: 5
}, {
name: "hhh",
id: 4
function getUpdated(obj, id) {
var item = [...arr];
const t = => {
return {
}else {
return i;
return t
The expected output is correct but I want to achieve the same functionality using an alternative way.
name: "dd",
id: 1
}, {
name: "test",
id: 3
}, {
name: "nav",
id: 5
}, {
name: "hhh",
id: 4
you are in the correct way, basically the bad thing that you are doing is creating new arrays [...arr], when map already gives you a new array.
other things to use, may be the ternary operator and return directly the result of the map function
check here the improvedGetUpdate:
var id = 3;
var obj = {
name: "test"
let arr = [{
name: "dd",
id: 1
}, {
name: "dzxcd",
id: 3
}, {
name: "nav",
id: 5
}, {
name: "hhh",
id: 4
function getUpdated(obj, id) {
var item = [...arr];
const t = => {
if ( == id) {
return {
} else {
return i;
return t
improvedGetUpdate = (obj, id) => => {
return !== id ? i : {
console.log(getUpdated(obj, id))
console.log(improvedGetUpdate(obj, id))
var id = 3
var obj = {
name: "test"
let arr = [{
name: "dd",
id: 1
}, {
name: "dzxcd",
id: 3
}, {
name: "nav",
id: 5
}, {
name: "hhh",
id: 4
const result = => === id ? {...obj, id} : el)
Use splice method which can be used to update the array too:
var obj = {
id: 3,
name: "test"
let arr = [{
name: "dd",
id: 1
}, {
name: "dzxcd",
id: 3
}, {
name: "nav",
id: 5
}, {
name: "hhh",
id: 4
arr.splice(arr.findIndex(({id}) => id ===, 0, obj);
#quirimmo suggested short code.
I suggest fast code.
var id = 3;
var obj = {
id: 3,
name: "test"
let arr = [{
name: "dd",
id: 1
}, {
name: "dzxcd",
id: 3
}, {
name: "nav",
id: 5
}, {
name: "hhh",
id: 4
var arr2 = [...arr];
arr.splice(arr.findIndex(({id}) => id ===, 0, obj);
for (let item of arr2) {
if ( === id) { =;

