Next.js: Module not found: Can't resolve 'canvg' - javascript

I have a next.js project and I keep getting:
error - ./node_modules/jspdf/dist/
Module not found: Can't resolve 'canvg'
I'm not sure why because I'm not including either jspdf or canvg.
Not sure what's causing it. Any help would be appreciated. I'm using material-ui if that matters.

It seems dependency error means that particular Module is missing when it's running.
Run npm ls or yarn list will print to stdout all the versions of packages that are installed, as well as their dependencies, in a tree-structure. Then search for that particulate packages are listed or not.
Run npm ls jspdf or yarn list jspdf then you can see its list of dependencies in tree-structure.
Please check your node version is updated or not ? If not then update first.
Quick & Dirty way: delete package.lock or yarn.lock file and delete .node_modules folders And Then run npm install or yarn to install again.
Look at console while you installing and make sure there are no error in the installing process. If you saw error you better look that massages also.


Getting Node Module Error (Cannot find module)

I am learning the Automated tests by using selenium web driver + Javascript and node.js.
Everything is working fine when I ran that script.js from the Visual Studio code terminal(by using node main.js)
I want to schedule this script in the scheduler which automatically tests the login functionality. But when I try to run it from the task scheduler then it gives Error: Cannot find module
Does anybody know how to get rid of this.
To fix Cannot find module errors, install the modules properly by running a npm install command in the appropriate directory as your project's app. ... or delete the node_modules folder and package-lock. json file and re-install it again using the npm install command.
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json

can't resolve 'react' for mdl module

Trying to build my first website with react, following along with this tutorial:
I am trying to install and use the material lite module, however when I start npm I get a failure to compile with the following message :
Module not found: Can't resolve 'react' in '/Users/user/node_modules/react-mdl/lib'
Can someone help me understand what this means and how to fix it ? I'm at a loss it seems above my skill level.
Since you're following a tutorial there is probably some copy/ pasting involved. Hence, an already present package-lock.json file :)
I suggest doing the following:
Delete package-lock.json
Check if node_modules/react exists.
If it doesn't, check if React is in your package.json. If you don't have it listed, add it. After that:
Run npm install again
Check if node_modules/react exists.
[If it doesn't, something's messed up with your npm on your system. Try updating your NPM, or better yet, your Node environment. -npm comes with it].
npm install --save react-mdl then
restart react server

Error: Cannot find module 'loopback' in nodejs

I am facing below issue and unable to figure out the root cause.
Error: Cannot find module 'loopback'
Below are the dependencies I have in my package.json
"loopback": "^3.19.0",
"loopback-boot": "^2.6.5",
"loopback-component-explorer": "^6.0.0",
"loopback-connector-postgresql": "^2.9.0"
First I did npm i and then node .
But it throws an error Cannot find module 'loopback'
Don't understand why this is behaving differently. Please suggest
Edit: My all modules are found under
> node_modules
> .staging
> //loopback modules and other modules are placed under .staging but not sure why.
The fact that your dependencies are inside the staging directory and not the main node_modules directory imply that something went wrong with the download/installation process and your dependencies are not installed properly. And hence you get the 'Could not find module' error.
Try the following steps -
Delete package-lock.json
Delete Node Modules folder
Do a npm install to install packages listed in package.json
Once the installation is complete, all your node dependencies should be inside your node_modules folder.
It might also be worth checking to see if you have more than one node version on your machine. That could cause similar problems as well.
npm config set user 0
npm config set unsafe-perm true
npm install -g loopback-cli
npm install

react-native, bundling failed

I am new to react-native and have found an error that makes absolutely no sense to me.
I am trying to include a calendar library:
I have included the dependency for that library in my package.json file and run npm install
The project was running fine and as expected. I have simply added one line of code to the project:
import { Calendar, CalendarList, Agenda } from 'react-native-calendars';
Nothing else. However now I am getting a red error message when the app loads on device and this is what my console is saying:
error: bundling failed: Error: While trying to resolve module xdate
from file
the package
was successfully found. However, this package itself specifies a
main module field that could not be resolved
Indeed, none of these files exist:
at ResolutionRequest.resolveDependency (/Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/node-haste/DependencyGraph/ResolutionRequest.js:103:15)
at DependencyGraph.resolveDependency (/Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/node-haste/DependencyGraph.js:272:4579)
at (/Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/DeltaBundler/traverseDependencies.js:376:19)
at ()
at resolveDependencies (/Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/DeltaBundler/traverseDependencies.js:374:16)
at /Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/DeltaBundler/traverseDependencies.js:212:33
at ()
at step (/Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/DeltaBundler/traverseDependencies.js:297:313)
at /Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/DeltaBundler/traverseDependencies.js:297:473
However I have checked in the directory and in fact /Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/xdate/src/xdate.js does exist. However I do not see any of this part: (.native||.ios.js|.native.js|.js|.ios.json|.native.json|.json)`
As to how /Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/xdate/src/xdate.js/index can exist, that doesn't make sense because xdate.js is not a directory.
Any help?
It Usually happens if you try to install a module while your packager is open.
Try to delete node_modules folder and close the packager.
Then reinstall everything by npm install in your project directory.
First close your JavaScript bundler (Metro bundler in my case) and restart the application. This will create fresh dependency graph. This should solve the issue.
Just restart the bundler - no need to delete the Node Modules folder
I came across this issue when adding and using react-native-elements when using VS Code and Android Studio emulator on Linux Mint
In VS Code I had a terminal running Expo with Metro Bundler via 'npm start' command. After installing the react-native-elements in the folder (using 'npm install --save react-native-elements') and adding the import into the .js file I got the "However, this package itself specifies a main module field that could not be resolved" error.
In my case, this just involved a ^C in the terminal session to stop the Metro bundler and then running 'npm start' again. There was no need to delete the node modules folder at all.
If you're still getting the error even after deleting the ./node_modules folder and running npm install again, try doing the install with the --update-binary flag, i.e npm install --update-binary. This should clear out and rebuild any previously built packages on your machine.
Please don't delete the node modules folder.
The bundler has least to deal with node modules folder.
Instead close all the terminals. If using VS-code close that also.
Close all the local host server ports and if possible restart the system.
This might solve the issue.
If anyone have same issue, and remove node_module not working. Then you can try remove all node_module, package lock and using yarn to install node_module instead npm. Hope this help
None of the solutions above helped me except for restarting my MacBook. Wasted 30 minutes trying to fix this issue as I couldn't believe restarting my computer could be a solution.

Warning with installing fetch to node js

When i'm installing node-fetch
Here's a link
I'm getting that warning
`-- node-fetch#1.6.3
npm WARN motivation_bot#1.0.0 No repository field.
How to resolve the problem?
npm often gives warning while installing packages. In 99%, these are mistakes made by the creator of the package, in your cause motivation_bot. You can ignore them all if your package works like it should do. You will get warnings nearly every installation so don't care about it ^^.
Follow the instructions and install the package using the correct syntax (npm install node-fetch --save). After that, check your dependencies in the package.json file. If you find the package "node-fetch", you don't need to worry about the warning message.

