Regex to check for a repeated Pattern in JavaScript [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 years ago.
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So I have a text with a pattern where there are two constant letters (start, end) and in between them there can be any letter. For example if start is X and end is Y. Then I could have something like this:
Which is the word apple where each letter is sorrounded by X and Y
What would be the regex where I can match only the string XaYXpYXpYXlYXe? Thank you for your help.

Here's the answer for the edited version. A bit of ugly trickery, but oh well.
var regex = /(?<=[XY])(.*)(?=[XY])/;
var result = str.match(regex);
regex = /[XY]/g;
result = result[0].replace(regex, ""); // "apple"

You could either match anything that isn't X or Y (although it'll break it up into substrings):
var str = XaYXpYXpYXlYXeY;
var regex = /[^XY]/g; //case sensitivity optional
var result = str.match(regex) // ["a", "p", "p", "l", "e"]
or you could replace all of the X and Y with blank spaces.
var str = XaYXpYXpYXlYXeY;
var regex = /[XY]/g; //case sensitivity still optional
var result = str.replace(regex, ""); // "apple"


how to get first character of second string in javascript? [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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how to get first 2 character of string in javascript like this "Hello world " => get this "wo"?
another example
"Osama Mohamed" => M.
you can use string.split(' '), this function will split you string into an array, for example:
let s = "Hello World";
console.log(s.split(" ")) // will log ["Hello", "World"]
then you can get the second word using array[index] when index the index of your desired word in said array.
now using string charAt we can get the first letter of the word.
now to put everything together:
let s = "Hello World"
let s_splited = s.split(" ") // ["Hello", "World"]
let second_word = s_splited[1]
string = "Hello world";
split_string = string.split(" ");
second_word = split_string[1]
first_char = second_word[0]
string = "Hello world";
console.log(string.split(" ")[1][0])

Print all the characters separated by a space js [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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i have a variable and I want to separate the name whit a space letter by letter and then UpperCase the letters
var name = "Tom Hanks";
console.log(name) has to be equal to "T O M H A N K S"
var name = "Tom Hanks";
var result = name.toUpperCase().split("").join(" ").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
First you must split the string to separate the letters of the word and save 'em in a array object. For that you can use the String.split() function:
const myString = 'Tom Hanks';
const splittedString = myString.split('');
Then you can use Array.join() function to create a new string with spaces between the letters of the previous array:
const stringWithSpaces = splittedString.join(' ');
Finally you can use the String.toUpperCase() to set the "caps lock" on:
So, here is the complete snippet:
const myString = 'Tom Hanks';
const splittedString = myString.split('');
const stringWithSpaces = splittedString.join(' ');
const upperCaseStringWithSpaces = stringWithSpaces.toUpperCase();

JavaScript - check string for substring and capitalize substring [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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How would I test a string to see if it contains a specific substring and then capitalize that substring?
var string = " A Fine and Rare George Iii Neoclassical Ormolu Urn Clock"
And find and capitalize the Roman numeral to III.
Another example:
var string2 = "Platinum Pf00673"
Find and capitalize letters in strings that contain numbers, so the above becomes PF00673
You can make use of the callback to String#replace.
var string2 = "Platinum Pf00673";
var result = string2.replace(/\w*[0-9]\w*/g, match=>match.toUpperCase());
Use regex to match and replace.
var string2 = "Platinum Pf00673"
var reg = new RegExp("[A-Z]+[0-9]+[A-Z0-9]+", "gi");
var matches = string2.matchAll(reg);
for(var match of matches)
var parts = string2.split("");
parts.splice(match.index, match[0].length, ...match[0].toUpperCase().split(""));
string2 = parts.join("");
A simple solution could be to create a helper function like so
const capitlizeSubStr = (string, substring) => {
const regex = new RegExp(substring, 'gi')
const newString = string.replace(regex, substring.toUpperCase())
return newString
Answering for the Roman Numeral question.
var string1 = "A Fine and Rare George Iii Neoclassical Ormolu Urn Clock";
var result = string1.replace(/M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})/ig, match=>match.toUpperCase());
It's an extension of hev1's answer.
capitalize romans:
'world war Iii'.replace(/\w+/g, word => word.match(/^[MCDXVI]+$/i) ? word.toUpperCase() : word)
// "world war III"
capitalize words with digits
'Platinum Pf00673'.replace(/\w+/g, word => word.match(/\d/) ? word.toUpperCase() : word)
// "Platinum PF00673"

Ho do I split these 2 string using Regex? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Following are 2 strings:
" at callback (/Users/lem/Projects/RingAPI/packages/server/node_modules/loopback-connector-rest/lib/rest-builder.js:541:21)"
" at /Users/lem/Projects/RingAPI/packages/server/node_modules/#loopback/repository/node_modules/loopback-datasource-juggler/lib/observer.js:269:22"
How do I split them to these using JS and Regex?
['callback', '/Users/lem/Projects/RingAPI/packages/server/node_modules/loopback-connector-rest/lib/rest-builder.js', '541', '21']
['', '/Users/lem/Projects/RingAPI/packages/server/node_modules/#loopback/repository/node_modules/loopback-datasource-juggler/lib/observer.js', '269', '22']
try regexp named groups
it adds result readability for such strange regexes ;)
const strings = [
" at callback (/Users/lem/Projects/RingAPI/packages/server/node_modules/loopback-connector-rest/lib/rest-builder.js:541:21)",
" at /Users/lem/Projects/RingAPI/packages/server/node_modules/#loopback/repository/node_modules/loopback-datasource-juggler/lib/observer.js:269:22"
const regex = /^\s*?at\s?(?<source>.*?)\s\(?(?<path>.*?):(?<row>\d*):(?<column>\d*)/;
strings.forEach(string => {
const result = string.match(regex);
resultElement.innerHTML +=
'\n' + JSON.stringify({string, "result.groups": result.groups}, null, 4)
<pre id="resultElement"/>
You can use regex for such purpose, i.e:
const regex = /at( (?:[a-z]+)?)\(?(.+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)\)?/;
//const str = " at callback (/Users/lem/Projects/RingAPI/packages/server/node_modules/loopback-connector-rest/lib/rest-builder.js:541:21)";
const str = " at /Users/lem/Projects/RingAPI/packages/server/node_modules/#loopback/repository/node_modules/loopback-datasource-juggler/lib/observer.js:269:22";
const found = str.match(regex);
found.splice(0, 1)
It works for both strings!
I've wrote simple parse function for you:
function parse(string) {
const functionName = string.match(/at .* /);
return [
...(functionName && [functionName[0].slice(2).trim()] || ['']),
First of all I try to extract function name. If it exists I remove 'at' word and use trim function to remove unnecessary spaces. Then I look for substring beginning with slash '/' and match every character after it. Last step is to split returned string.
I believe it matches your requirements.
I've also prepared demo in stackblitz:

Regular expression for remove last n characters [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a requirement to remove last n characters from string or remove 'page' from a particular string.
var string = 'facebookpage';
Expected output string = 'facebook'
I would like to remove 'page' from the string.
Done it using substring.
var str = "facebookpage";
str = str.substring(0, str.length - 4);
Could you help me to find some better way to do it.
Regex for this:
//str - string;
//n - count of symbols, for return
function(str, n){
var re = new RegExp(".{" + n + "}","i");
return str.match(re);
For remove last n characters:
var re = new RegExp(".{" + n + "}$","i");
return str.replace(re, "");
But use regex for this task, not good way; For example, AVG Runtime for 100000 iterations:
Str length solution = 63.34 ms
Regex solution = 172.2 ms
Use javascript replace function
var str = "facebookpage";
str = str.replace('page','');
You can use this regular expression :
code :
var regex =(new RegExp("(.*)\\w{4}"))
val output = regex .exec("facebookpage")
// output is : ["facebookpage", "facebook"]
// output[1] is the Expected output which you want.
Hope this helps.

