Function returning undefined when exported - javascript

I created a module in node.js that has 2 functions - takeInput and getEventEmitter. Both of them are exported. But when I require it is some other file, takeInput works fine but getEventEmitter turns out to be undefined.
Here are the codes:-
// main module.js
function takeInput(db) {
// logic to take input from user
function getEventEmitter(db) {
const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
eventEmitter.on('function execution complete', () => takeInput(db));
eventEmitter.emit('function execution complete');
module.exports = {
module where main module.js is exported
const { getEventEmitter } = require('main module');
// Some lines of code ...
getEventEmitter(db); // Error here when this function is called.
The error is as follows
TypeError: getEventEmitter is not a function
Please help.

You will need to export those 2 functions from main module.js
function takeInput(db) {
// logic to take input from user
function getEventEmitter(db) {
const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
eventEmitter.on('function execution complete', () => takeInput(db));
eventEmitter.emit('function execution complete');
export { takeInput, getEventEmitter }
Then it will work.


Accessing non-existent property of module.exports inside circular dependency NodeJS

Im having some issues when using module.exports inside NodeJS, and I've followed multiple guides, and im almost certain Im doing it right.
I have to scripts, main.js and event.js. Im trying to share a function from main.js to event.js, but its not working. Here is the code:
function Scan(){
if(fs.readdirSync('./events/').length === 0){
console.log(colors.yellow('Events Folder Empty, Skipping Scan'))
} else {
var events = fs.readdirSync('./events/').filter(file => file.endsWith('.json'))
for(const file of events){
let rawdata = fs.readFileSync('./events/' + file);
let cJSON = JSON.parse(rawdata);
tevent = events[0]
module.exports = { Scan };
const main = require('../main')
This returns the error:
(node:19292) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'Scan' of module exports inside circular dependency
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
What am I doing wrong?
I discovered that the arrangement had no effect in the error.
I simply changed the way I exported the function from the Main.js
module.exports = { Scan };
exports.Scan = Scan
And in Event.js, I was able to access the file like this
const main = require("./Main.js");
let result = main.Scan();
This solved my problem, I hope it helps another developer 😎
Problem solved, heres what I did differently:
module.exports = { Scan };
Is declared before the Scan function is defined, like so:
module.exports = { Scan };
function Scan(){
Then in event.js, I wrote
const main = require('../main')
As it is now a module, and can be used with the require() function.
Then to execute the funciton in event.js, I write
To execute it.
better try :
module.exports = Scan;
I am gonna answer it using a simple example, like in this case below:
File A has 3 functions to process database activity: function
addDB, updateDB, and delData;
File B has 2 functions to process User activity on smartphone:
function addHistory, and editHistory;
Function updateDB in file A is calling function editHis in file B, and function editHistory is calling function updateDB in file A. This is what we called circular-dependency. And we need to prevent it by only giving output of state from editHistory and the rest will be processed inside file A.
function updateDB() {
//process update function here
//call function in fileB
const history = require("fileB.js");
await history.editHistory(data).then((output) => {
if(output["message"] === "success"){
response = {
state: 1,
message: "success",
return response;
function editHistory() {
//process function to edit History here
//call function in fileA
const file = require("fileA.js");
await file.updateDB(data).then((output) => { //You should not call it here
if(output["message"] === "success") {
output = {
state: 1,
message: "success",
return output;
function updateDB() {
//process function here
const history = require("fileB.js");
await history.editHistory(data).then((output) => {
if(output["message"] === "success"){
await updateDB(data).then((output) => {
response = {
state: 1,
message: "success",
} else {
return response;
function editHistory() {
//process function to edit History here
// No more calling to function inside the file A
output = {
state: 1,
message: "success",
return output;

How to spyOn an exported standalone function using javascript jest?

It is a very simple scenario but I've struggled to find an answer for it.
export function foo() {
export function bar() {
// do something
import { foo, bar } from "./helpers";
describe("tests", () => {
it("example test", () => {
const barSpy = // how can i set this up?
I can't do const spy = jest.spyOn(baz, 'bar'); because I don't have a module/class to put in place of "baz". It is just an exported function.
Jest mock inner function has been suggested as a duplicate but unfortunately it doesn't help with my scenario.
Solutions in that question:
Move to separate module: I cannot do this for my scenario. If I am testing every function in my application, this would result in me creating 10s of new files which is not ideal. (To clarify, I think this solution would work but I cannot use it for my scenario. I am already mocking a separate file function successfully in this test file.)
Import the module into itself:
import * as helpers from "./helpers";
describe("tests", () => {
it("example test", () => {
const barSpy = jest.spyOn(helpers, 'bar');
results in:
Expected number of calls: >= 1
Received number of calls: 0
This is the closed solution:
export function bar() {
// do something
export function foo() {; // <-- have to change to instead of bar()
// or; would also work.
import * as utils from './utils';
describe('tests', () => {
it('example test', () => {
const barSpy = jest.spyOn(utils, 'bar');;
Or take a look this duplicated question

How to test functions in a function using Jest

I have some code that has functions inside functions, and I want to be able to unit test the functions inside the parent function.
I am looking to have tests that unit test these and spy on them (both requirements are needed).
export default parentFunction = () => {
const innerFunction = () => {
//that does stuff
const anotherInnerFunction = () => {
//that does more stuff
//and at some point, the functions are called
//like this
const anotherFunction = () => {
//or like this
I have not been able to find a way to test these inner functions. I have tried the following.
Example test
import parentFunction from "myfile"
it("should call innerFunction", () => {
//this causes an error in jest
const innerFunctionSpy = jest.spyOn(parentFunction, "innerFunction")
it("will return a value from anotherInnerFunction", () => {
//this does not work
const value = parentFunction.anotherInnerFunction()
//this also does not work
const value = parentFunction().anotherInnerFunction()
Does the parent function need to be refactored in order to be able to tests these inner functions? If my parent function was an object then I could test these, however, I am not sure if I can refactor my code to work like this.
For example
export default parentFunction = {
innerFunction: () => {
//that does stuff
//more code
You cannot access the variables or functions scoped inside another function in JavaScript. Unless you explicitly expose them by returning them from that function or export them from the module. This is not about Jest, this is how it works in JavaScript.
jest.spyOn(parentFunction, "innerFunction")
The above line of code indicates to Jest that the innerFunction function is set as a property of the parentFunction object but that is not the case. In fact innerFunction is a function scoped inside the parentFunction which cannot be accessed from outside of the scope of parentFunction. Unless you return it explicitly or define it on the module level scope and then export it.
But the inner workings or the implementation details of such inner functions should not be exposed, but if it is needed it should be marked as such using an _ before its name, take the following example:
//scoped to the module
const _innerFunction = () => {
//that does stuff
//scoped to the module
const _anotherInnerFunction = () => {
//that does more stuff
//exported as a public API
const anotherFunction = () => {
const publicApi = {
// expose the private functions for unit tests
export default publicApi;
Then in your Jest test case:
import publicApi from "myfile"
it("should call anotherFunction", () => {
const anotherFunctionSpy = jest.spyOn(publicApi, "anotherFunction")
expect(anotherFunctionSpy ).toHaveBeenCalled()
it("should call _innerFunction", () => {
const innerFunctionSpy = jest.spyOn(publicApi, "_innerFunction")
expect(innerFunctionSpy ).toHaveBeenCalled()

Using a function defined inside an exports function, from another file

I have some code like this in a file helperFunctions.js:
exports helperFunctions = () => {
const functionA = async(args) => {
const functionB = async(args) => {
How can I call functionA and functionB from a separate file altogether, say, main.js?
I've tried:
import { helperFunctions } from './helperFunctions';
//...some code
// OR
The specific error is:
TypeError: _helperFunctions.helperFunctions.functionA is not a function
and when trying the second solution, it's:
ReferenceError: functionA is not defined
I'm trying to avoid importing literally every single function I'm using (by way of exporting every single function I'm using). I'd like to do something like helperFunctions.function for the functions I need.
It really need to be a function? You could export an Object:
// helperFunctions.js
let helperFunctions = {
functionA: async (args) => {
functionB: async (args) => {
exports helperFunctions;

Waiting for window / global variable to be defined in a Jest test

// index.html
// this script defines window.externalLibrary variable to use throughout app,
// it just takes a second or few to load as "window.externalLibrary" is always undefined on startup
<script src=""></script>
// package.json
jest": {
"setupFiles": [
// globals.js
global.externalLibrary = window.externalLibrary;
// externalLibraryTest.js
describe('externalLibrary.js Tests', () => {
it('Please work', () => {
console.log(window.externalLibrary); //undefined
console.log(global.externalLibrary); //undefined too
How can I get this to work?
Usually in my app I use a function on load before using the variable:
export const initializeExternalLibrary = () => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (window.singularApp) resolve(window.singularApp);
Object.defineProperty(window, 'singularApp', {
set (value) {
console.log('External Library Initialized.');
but I tried using that function inside the Jest test and that didn't work as well. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm a bit desperate, thank you

