Prevent pushing to array if duplicate values are present - javascript

I'm mapping an array and based on data i'm pushing Option elements into an array as follows
let make_children: any | null | undefined = [];
buyerActivityResult && { make: {} | null | undefined; }, key: any) => {
<Option key={key}>{item.make}</Option>
Following data array has several objects and these objects have an attribute called model.
I want to prevent pusing Options to my array if the attribute model has duplicate data. It only has to push once for all similar model values.
How can i do it?
I tried something like this
buyerActivityResult && { model: {} | null | undefined; }, key: any) => {
model_children.indexOf(item.model) === -1 && model_children.push(
<Option key={key}>{item.model}</Option>
But still duplicate values are being pushed into my array.

Its difficult to tell what you are trying to achieve but it looks like a map may not be the right tool for the job.
A map returns the same sized length array as that of the original array that you are calling map on.
If my assumptions are correct, your array has duplicate values, and you want to remove these duplicates based on the model property? One way to achieve this would be to use the lodash library for this, using the uniq function:
const uniqueResults = _.uniq(, (item) => item.model);

The method is supposed to be used for manipulating the data contained into the array performing the operation. To manipulate data from other variables I recommend to use a for-loop block.
If item.model is an object, the function Array.prototype.indexOf() always returns -1 because it compares the memory address of the objects and does not do a deep comparison of all properties values.
The usual solution to remove duplicate data from an array is converting the Array into a Set then back to an Array. Unfortunately, this works only on primary type values (string, number, boolean, etc...) and not on objects.
Starting here, I will review your source code and do some changes and explain why I would apply those changes. First of all, assuming the make_children array does not receive new attribution later in your code, I would turn it into a constant. Because of the initialization, I think the declaration is overtyped.
const make_children: any[] = [];
Then I think you try to do too much things at the same time. It makes reading of the source code difficult for your colleagues, for you too (maybe not today but what about in few weeks...) and it make testing, debugging and improvements nearly impossible. Let's break it down in at least 2 steps. First one is transforming the data. For example remove duplicate. And the second one create the Option element base on the result of the previous operation.
const data: { make: any }[] = buyerActivityResult?.simulcastMyAccount?.data || [];
let options = => !!item.model); // removing items without model.
// Here the hard part, removing duplicates.
// - if the models inside your items have a property with unique value (like an ID) you can implement a function to do so yourself. Take a look at:
// - or you can use Lodash library like suggested Rezaa91 in its answer
options = _.uniq(data, (item) => item.model);
Now you only have to create the Option elements.
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
model_children.push(<Option key={i}>{options[i].model}</Option>);
// OR using the method (in this case, do not declare `model_children` at the beginning)
const model_children:[] =, i:number) => <Option key={i}>{opt.model}</Option>);
Despite the lack of context of the execution of the code you provided I hope my answer will help you to find a solution and encourage you to write clearer source code (for the sake of your colleagues and your future self).
PS: I do not know anything about ReactJs. forgive me my syntax mistakes.


Need some explanation regarding the working of following Typescript/Javascript and MobX code

The following code was used to create an array containing object groups(arrays) by date. I could understand the intention but could not understand the working of the code. This is from a course by "Neil Cummings" and unfortunately I could not find his SO handle to ask him directly. Also I borrowed the course so I couldn't ask him through Q & A either.
So please consider explaining the code to me.
#computed get activitiesByDate() {
return this.groupActivitiesByDate(Array.from(this.activityRegistry.values()));
groupActivitiesByDate(activites: IActivity[]){
const sortedActivities = activites.sort(
(a,b) => Date.parse( - Date.parse(
return Object.entries(sortedActivities.reduce((activities, activity) => {
const date ='T')[0];
activities[date] = activities[date] ? [...activities[date], activity]: [activity];
return activities;
}, {} as {[key: string]: IActivity[]}));
In the code above I could understand that a new array i.e. "sortedActivities" is made by sorting the activities array. Then again the reduce function is called on it where part of date from each activity is split to find objects having same date and grouping them - which is where Object.entries comes in. What I couldn't understand how the ordering of "activites" array is affecting "sortedActivities" when actually we are sorting the activities array and also the line when ternary operator is being used. can we compare two arrays directly like that? if so why get each object from the array?. I am totally confused I tried to search some similar code to get a nice and clear explanation but I couldn't find any. Can any body please help me out. I hope I have provided enough information for the question.
Well, let's go line by line:
const sortedActivities = activites.sort(
(a,b) => Date.parse( - Date.parse(
Here we sort an array of activities by date, pretty simple. By there is also a very rookie mistake here (not quite sure how course author could make it), is that .sort actually mutates original array. So it is quite bad to call it like that, you need to call .slice() first to create new separate copy.
sortedActivities.reduce((activities, activity) => {
const date ='T')[0];
activities[date] = activities[date] ? [...activities[date], activity]: [activity];
return activities;
}, {} as {[key: string]: IActivity[]})
Then we make map of array of activities grouped by same date, so it it will be something like that in the end:
const reduceResult = {
// Might be different format for date, but you see the point
'2020-08-10': [activity, activity],
'2020-09-10': [activity],
'2020-10-10': [],
// ...
So this line:
activities[date] = activities[date] ? [...activities[date], activity]: [activity];
just checks if array with date key already exists, if not it creates new array, if it exists then it just merges old array with current activity
Then we return Object.entries
Basically just grabbing all values from our map.
But there is another possible mistake (or bug) here, because author of the code assumes that creating map from sorted array will always be sorted too, but it is not, Object.entries iterates over the properties of an object in an arbitrary order, so you should not depend on that, even if it work for this case right now.

What's the best way to filter an array of objects to only show those objects which were added since the last time it was filtered?

My first function scrapes my employers site for a list of users who have completed a task and outputs a json file containing the results. The json file is organized as follows:
{"Completed":[{"task":"TitleOfTaskAnd01/01/2019", "name":"UsersFullName"},{"task":"TitleOfTaskAnd01/01/2019", "name":"UsersFullName"}...]}
My second function uses the aforementioned json file to automatically generate receipts. On calling these two functions again I would like to leave out all of the previously utilized data, and only generate receipts for the tasks that were not in the results of any previous calls, therefore avoiding the generation of duplicates.
I tried to filter the first array by the elements of the second array, however as far as I can tell you cannot compare objects, or even arrays for that matter. Here is the function I tried to adjust to my needs:
let myArray = myArray.filter( ( el ) => !toRemove.includes( el ) );
I expect that my use case is not too uncommon and there is already a body of experience regarding best practices in this situation. I prefer solutions that use just javascript, so that I can understand how to navigate the situation better in the future. If however you have a library/module solution that is welcomed as well. Thanks in advance.
The problem is that two objects are never equal (except they are references to the same object). To check for structural equality, you have to manually compare their properties:
myArray.filter(el => !toRemove.some(el2 => el.task === el2.task && ===;
While that works, it will be quite slow for a lot of elements as you compare each object of myArray against all objects of toRemove. To improve that, you could generate a unique hash out of the properties and add that hash into a Set:
const hash = obj => JSON.stringify([, obj.task]);
const remove = new Set(;
const result = myArray.filter(el => !remove.has(hash(el)));
This will be O(n + m), whereas the previous solutions was O(n * m).

Javascript/NodeJS passing byref

I'm still learning JS. In some other languages, you can pass variables byref and then modify them elsewhere in code.
In an attempt to avoid having lots of duplicate code, I have structured a series of callbacks and parsing like so:
class MarketData {
constructor() {
this.OneMinuteData = [];
this.ThreeMinuteData = [];
initializeData() {
var client = new Client();
this._initializeData(60, client, this.OneMinuteData);
this._initializeData(180, client, this.ThreeMinuteData);
_initializeData(granularity, client, dataStore) {
client.GetRates({ granularity: granularity }, function(err, msg, data) {
var items = => ({
///data mapped here
dataStore = dataStore.concat(items);
So essentially I have this 'private' _initializeData function with the hopes of passing in an array and having it add to the array, but since JS passes byval, I cannot achieve the desired effect (e.g. this.OneMinuteData array is not modified).
Because of this, the only way I currently know how to work around this problem is to essentially have the same function copy-pasted for each individual array, which I find incredibly sloppy. Is there a better way of doing this?
but since JS passes byval, I cannot achieve the desired effect (e.g. this.OneMinuteData array is not modified).
While JavaScript does pass by value, that value when dealing with an object (including any array) is a reference.
See the documentation for concat:
The concat() method is used to merge two or more arrays. This method does not change the existing arrays, but instead returns a new array.
So when you say dataStore = dataStore.concat(items);, you assign a new array to the local dataStore variable and discard the old one.
Outside the function, the original array is unchanged.
The reason the array assigned to OneMinuteData is not modified is because you never modify any array.
Push the values of items into dataStore instead.
dataStore.push.apply(dataStore, items);
NB: GetRates has the signature of an asynchronous function, so make sure you don't try to inspect the modifications to OneMinuteData before they are made.

Node.JS behaves strange

I have a variable called uids
var uids = [];
Then I write some value to it property
uids[16778923] = "3fd6335d-b0e4-4d77-b304-d30c651ed509"
But before it
if (!uids[]) {
uids[] = generateKey(user);
This thing behaves ok. If I try to get the value of it property
It will give me a value of this property. If I try to call some methods like
It will give me, what I expected. And here the mystery comes...
RAM rest in piece. See the node eating ram
I am very confused now. What's wrong?
This is because you are creating a huge array and node will reserve memory for it - who knows what comes. I'd say that's a scenario where you would use a Map (or a plain object, but Map feels better here.
var uids = new Map();
var key = 456464564564654;
if (! uids.has(key)) {
uids.set(key, generateKey(user))
You are creating an empty array (length is zero), then you assign some value to an arbitrary index. This will make the array grow as big as the index and assign the value to that index. Look at this example using node.js REPL:
> var a = []
> a[5] = "something"
> a
[ , , , , , 'something' ]
> a.length
Instead of creating an array, you could create a Map() or an common javascript object (singleton). Javascript objects behave like Maps but only Strings can be used as keys. If you assign a Number to be key, javascript will convert it to String automatically.
Personally, I would go with objects because they perform better. Instantiating an object takes longer than instantiating a Map (and it doesn't seem like you need to create several groups of "uids"), but once done, adding new keys and retrieving values from any key in faster when using common objects. At least that's how things go in my node.js v6.7.0 on ubuntu 14.04 but you could try for yourself. And it would also make the least alteration to your code.
var uids = {} // common/ordinary empty javascript object instead of array.
if (!uids[]) { // getting value from one key works the same.
uids[] = generateKey(user) // assignment works the same.
uids[16778923] = "3fd6335d-b0e4-4d77-b304-d30c651ed509" // key will be "16778923".
uids[16778923] // getting value for key "16778923" can be done using 16778923 instead of "16778923".
uids[] // still returning values like this.
Object.keys(uids) // still returning an array of keys like this. but they are all Strings.

Javascript object/array manipulation

Struggling with some javascript array manipulation/updating. Hope someone could help.
I have an array:
Javascript JSON version:
I will be adding a label, and associated array data:
array("saved_designs"=array('label'=array('class'='somecssclass',styles=array(ill add more assoc elements here),'hover'=array(ill add more assoc elements here))))
Javascript version:
I want to be able to append/modify this array. If 'label' already defined...then cycle through the sub data for that element...and update. If 'label' doesnt exist..then append a new data set to the 'saved_designs' array element.
So, if label is not defined, add the following to the 'saved_designs' element:
array('label2' = array('class'=>'someclass2',styles=array(),'hover=>array()')
Things arent quite working out as i expect. Im unsure of the javascript notation of [], and {} and the differences.
Probably going to need to discuss this as answers are provided....but heres some code i have at the moment to achive this:
//saveLabel = label the user chose for this "design"
if(isUnique == 0){//update
//ask user if want to overwrite design styles for the specified html element
if (confirm("Their is already a design with that label ("+saveLabel+"). Overwrite this designs data for the given element/styles?")) {
currentDesigns["saved_designs"][saveLabel]["class"] = saveClass;
//edit other subdata here...
}else{//create new
var newDesign = [];
newDesign[saveLabel] = [];
newDesign[saveLabel]["class"] = saveClass;
newDesign[saveLabel]["style"] = [];
newDesign[saveLabel]["hover"] = [];
currentDesigns["saved_designs"].push(newDesign);//gives error..push is not defined
thanks in advance. Hope this is clear. Ill update accordingly based on questions and comments.
It can be a bit confusing. JavaScript objects look a lot like a map or a dictionary from other languages. You can iterate over them and access their properties with object['property_name'].
Thus the difference between a property and a string index doesn't really exist. That looks like php you are creating. It's called an array there, but the fact that you are identifying values by a string means it is going to be serialized into an object in javascript.
var thing = {"saved_designs":{"label":{"class":"someclass","style":[],"hover":[]}}}
thing.saved_designs.label is the same thing as thing["saved_designs"]["label"].
In javascript an array is a list that can only be accessed by integer indices. Arrays don't have explicit keys and can be defined:
var stuff = ['label', 24, anObject]
So you see the error you are getting about 'push not defined' is because you aren't working on an array as far as javascript is concerned.
currentDesigns["saved_designs"] == currentDesigns.saved_designs
When you have an object, and you want a new key/value pair (i.e. property) you don't need a special function to add. Just define the key and the value:
**currentDesigns.saved_designs['key'] = newDesign;**
If you have a different label for every design (which is what it looks like) key is that label (a string).
Also when you were defining the new design this is what javascript interprets:
var newDesign = [];
newDesign is an array. It has n number of elements accessed by integers indices.
newDesign[saveLabel] = [];
Since newDesign is a an array saveLabel should be an numerical index. The value for that index is another array.
newDesign[saveLabel]["class"] = saveClass;
newDesign[saveLabel]["style"] = [];
newDesign[saveLabel]["hover"] = [];
Here explicitly you show that you are trying to use an array as objects. Arrays do not support ['string_key']
This might very well 'work' but only because in javascript arrays are objects and there is no rule that says you can't add properties to objects at will. However all these [] are not helping you at all.
var newDesign = {label: "the label", class: saveClass};
is probably what you are looking for.

