Create json object dynamic in nodejs - javascript

I have json :
"fullName": "abc",
"age": 19,
I want use Nodejs to add element in above json to object named Variables in below json
"variables": {
"fullName" : {
"value" : "abc",
"type" : "String"
"age": {
"value" : 19,
"type": "Number"
Please help me this case!

You can use Object.entries with .reduce()
let data = {
"fullName": "abc",
"age": 19,
let result = Object.entries(data).reduce((a, [key, value]) => {
a.variables[key] = { value, type: typeof value}
return a;
}, { variables: {}})

We can first entries of that object and then map it accordingly after that we convert that object using Object.fromentries. Here is an implementation:
const obj = { "fullName": "abc", "age": 19 };
const result = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(([k,value])=>[k,{value, type:typeof value}]));

Are you looking for JSON.parse to get a struct from your file, then JSON.stringify to create a json from your struct ?


How to create a json object from another json object using JavaScript?

I am really junior with JavaScript and json, so I have this JSON input, and I need to get all that information in the "properties" object to create a new JSON object with just that information.
I'm using a base code like this one, but this is just returning {}.
exports.step = function(input, fileInput) {
var alert = {
return JSON.stringify(alert, undefined, 1);
Original JSON:
"value": {
"id": "12345",
"entity": {
"_integrationDefinitionId": "7a6764",
"_integrationName": "Apple Main",
"_beginOn": "2021-09-01T02:20:06.189Z",
"displayName": "apple-onev",
"_accountIdPartitioned": "12345|12",
"_class": [
"_version": 3,
"_integrationClass": [
"_accountId": "123456",
"_id": "1e234567",
"_key": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:83712398:autoScalingGroup:asd1238-20c8-41aa-bcec-12340912341:autoScalingGroupName/awseb-e-juancito-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingGroup-123456",
"_type": [
"_deleted": false,
"_rawDataHashes": "1233456==",
"_integrationInstanceId": "54321",
"_integrationType": "aws",
"_source": "integration",
"_createdOn": "2021-07-19T23:19:19.758Z"
"properties": {
"webLink": "",
"arn": "name",
"region": "us-west-2",
"name": "JonnyAndTheVibes",
"launchConfigurationName": "OtherName",
"minSize": 1,
"maxSize": 4,
"desiredCapacity": 1,
"defaultCooldown": 360,
"availabilityZones": "us-west-2a",
"LoadBalancerNames": "MoreInfo",
"healthCheckType": "EC2",
"healthCheckGracePeriod": 0,
"instanceIds": "InstanceName",
"subnetIds": "subnet",
"terminationPolicies": "Default",
"newInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn": false,
"serviceLinkedRoleARN": "aMoreInfo",
"tag.Name": "atag",
"tag.application": "othertag",
"": "moretagsp",
"": "taggigante",
"": "ydaleconlostags",
"tag.elasticbeanstalk:environment-id": "seguimosmetiendoletags",
"tag.elasticbeanstalk:environment-name": "tag",
"tag.env": "tag",
"": "tag",
"accountId": "tag",
"tag.AccountName": "tag",
"tag.Production": true,
"#tag.Production": "​"
I'm sure that it will be a simple solution.
You appear to be trying to grab properties from the wrong object. It should be value not alert.
const json = '{"value":{"id":"12345","entity":{"_integrationDefinitionId":"7a6764","_integrationName":"Apple Main","_beginOn":"2021-09-01T02:20:06.189Z","displayName":"apple-onev","_accountIdPartitioned":"12345|12","_class":["Deployment","Group"],"_version":3,"_integrationClass":["CiSSP","Infrastructure"],"_accountId":"123456","_id":"1e234567","_key":"arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:83712398:autoScalingGroup:asd1238-20c8-41aa-bcec-12340912341:autoScalingGroupName/awseb-e-juancito-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingGroup-123456","_type":["aws_autoscaling_group"],"_deleted":false,"_rawDataHashes":"1233456==","_integrationInstanceId":"54321","_integrationType":"aws","_source":"integration","_createdOn":"2021-07-19T23:19:19.758Z"},"properties":{"webLink":"","arn":"name","region":"us-west-2","name":"JonnyAndTheVibes","launchConfigurationName":"OtherName","minSize":1,"maxSize":4,"desiredCapacity":1,"defaultCooldown":360,"availabilityZones":"us-west-2a","LoadBalancerNames":"MoreInfo","healthCheckType":"EC2","healthCheckGracePeriod":0,"instanceIds":"InstanceName","subnetIds":"subnet","terminationPolicies":"Default","newInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn":false,"serviceLinkedRoleARN":"aMoreInfo","tag.Name":"atag","tag.application":"othertag","":"moretagsp","":"taggigante","":"ydaleconlostags","tag.elasticbeanstalk:environment-id":"seguimosmetiendoletags","tag.elasticbeanstalk:environment-name":"tag","tag.env":"tag","":"tag","accountId":"tag","tag.AccountName":"tag","tag.Production":true,"#tag.Production":"​"}}}';
function getAlert(dsta) {
// Destructure the properties object from the
// data's value property
const { properties } = data.value;
// Create a new object with it
const alert = { properties };
// Return the string
return JSON.stringify(alert, null, 2);
// Parse the JSON
const data = JSON.parse(json);
// Call the function with the parsed data
const alert = getAlert(data);
Additional information
Destructuring assignment
use this function :
function assignJsons(...jsons) {
const convertToObject = => {
return JSON.parse(json)
return JSON.stringify(Object.assign(...convertToObject))
console.log(assignJsons(`{"name" : "alex", "family" : "mask"}`, `{"family" : "rejest"}`))
if you want a completely new object
var newJsonObject = JSON.parse('{ "properties":'
+ JSON.stringify ( + "}");
var newJsonObject={"properties":Object.assign ({},};

get json field from string identifier

Suppose I have a json that looks like this:
let jsonExample = {
"name": "foo",
"age": 43,
"number" : 13,
"id": "osaid9r"
My goal is to create a javascript function getField(json, fieldName) that receives a json and a string representing the field name and returns the value represented by fieldName.
getField(jsonExample, "name") = "foo"
getField(jsonExample, "number") = 13
How can I write such function?
You can write as this:
let jsonExample = {
"name": "foo",
"age": 43,
"number" : 13,
"id": "osaid9r"
function getField(obj, field){ return obj[field];}
let jsonExample = {"name": "foo","age": 43,"number" : 13,"id": "osaid9r"}
function getField(json, key)
return json[key];

Lodash compare/merge object to array

I need to compare/merge 2 objects with diferent structure using Lodash.
data= [
"name": "EMPRESA",
"value": ""
"value": "CMIP"
"name": "UTILIZADOR",
"value": ""
"name": "CD_INDICADOR",
"value": ""
"value": ""
"name": "DT_INI",
"value": "2017-12-13"
"EMPRESA": "",
"UTILIZADOR": "paulo.figueiredo",
"DT_INI": "",
"DT_FIM": ""
The question is how i can fill the values of data with the values of dbcolsData ?
Lets say put the values of dbColsData in data
Thanks in advance
Try something like this:
_.forEach(data, function(object){
object.value = dbcolsData[];
Use Array#map (or lodash's to iterate the data, and get the results from dbcolsData:
var data = [{"name":"EMPRESA","value":""},{"name":"DESIGEMPRESA","value":"CMIP"},{"name":"UTILIZADOR","value":""},{"name":"CD_INDICADOR","value":""},{"name":"DT_INI_INDICADOR","value":""},{"name":"DT_INI","value":"2017-12-13"}];
var dbcolsData = {"EMPRESA":"","UTILIZADOR":"paulo.figueiredo","CD_INDICADOR":"","DT_INI_INDICADOR":"","DT_INI":"","DT_FIM":""};
var result = {
return Object.assign({ data: dbcolsData[] }, o);
Reduce data to the dbcolsData structure :
var myData = data.reduce((o, nvO) => Object.defineProperty(o,, {value: nvO.value}), {})
Now you can use lodash comparison functions like _.isEqual :
_.isEqual(myData, dbcolsData)

group by/formatting json data in Javascript

Sorry if this has been asked before. I have the JSON structure like:
I want to change this to a different format which is basically grouped by Key and combines rest of the field in Values
"Values":[["03/04/2016","123"], ["04/04/2016","456"]]
I want to do this javascript/html
You could iterate and build a new object if not exist.
var object = { "data": [{ "Date": "03/04/2016", "Key": "A", "Values": "123" }, { "Date": "04/04/2016", "Key": "A", "Values": "456" }, { "Date": "03/04/2016", "Key": "B", "Values": "789" }, { "Date": "04/04/2016", "Key": "B", "Values": "012" }], result: [] }; (a) {
if (!this[a.Key]) {
this[a.Key] = { Key: a.Key, Values: [] };
this[a.Key].Values.push([a.Date, a.Values]);
}, Object.create(null));
I think this can be a better answer (but Nina's answer is the match for your problem terms) if items of data array have different properties and you don't want to change input data.
var raw = {"data":[
var result = new Map; => {
var key = entry.Key;
if (this[key])
return this[key].push(getClonedData(entry));
this[key] = [getClonedData(entry)];
result.set(key, {
Key: key,
Values: this[key]
}, Object.create(null));
var filtered = {
result: [...result.values()]
function getClonedData(entry) {
data = Object.assign({}, entry);
delete data.Key;
return data;

How to transform JavaScript hashmap?

i'm trying to create a <String, Array()> map from a json object.
Imagine i got this json structure:
"userId": "123123",
"password": "fafafa",
"age": "21"
"userId": "321321",
"password": "nana123",
"age": "34"
The map i want to create would be:
key (string), value (array)
"userId": [
"password": [
"age": [
Is it possible to do this? :/
Thanks in advance.
var json = '[{"userId" : "123123", "password": "fafafa", "age": "21"}, {"userId" : "321321", "password" : "nana123", "age" : "34"}]';
var list = JSON.parse(json);
var output = {};
for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++)
for(var key in list[i])
if(typeof output[key] == 'undefined')
output[key] = [];
function mergeAttributes(arr) {
return arr.reduce(function(memo, obj) { // For each object in the input array.
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) { // For each key in the object.
if (!(key in memo)) { memo[key] = []; } // Create an array the first time.
memo[key].push(obj[key]); // Add this property to the reduced object.
return memo;
}, {});
var json = '[{"userId" : "123123", "password": "fafafa", "age": "21"}, {"userId" : "321321", "password" : "nana123", "age" : "34"}]';
// {
// "userId": ["123123", "321321"],
// "password": ["fafafa", "nana123"],
// "age": ["21", "34"]
// }
Javascript's JSON.stringify will help you to convert any JSON compliant object model into a JSON string.

