How to make autosliding carousel thumbnail change background image when active - javascript

my question has 3 parts. Any assistance with any part of this JS problem would be greatly appreciated. I am attempting to learn and comprehend JS by trial and error.
I've created this nice looking travel landing page, with a thumbnail carousel which uses Glide.js, which is really cool and works well. The carousel moves to the left and has arrow buttons to manually control the slide.
But I've been trying to implement a vanilla JS carousel slider,but I am failing miserably. Been struggling for 2 days and the best I can achieve is getting a single carousel item moving left and right. See
What I'd like is to get the carousel sliding left automatically, with arrow buttons to manually control the slider.
I'm targeting all the carousel-items with querySelectorAll('.carousel-items') and adding left:-274px to the carousel container glide__slides.
Here's my JS code.
// var & event-listener buttons
document.querySelector(".left").addEventListener("click", slideLeft);
document.querySelector(".right").addEventListener("click", slideRight);
// Function slide left
function slideLeft(left) {
document.querySelector('.glide__slides').style.left = left;
// Function slide left
function slideRight(right) {
document.querySelector('.glide__slides').style.left = right;
Secondly, I'd like to have an active carousel-item, which when active automatically changes the background Image.
Right now I have the = var; and I've got it changing onclick with onclick = function('01.jpg') on each carousel item.
Here's the code.
// Change Hero Img
function heroChange(hmmm) {
var hero = document.querySelector('.hero'); = hmmm;
So I guess I would add EventListeners to the carousel-items and add an active class to the carousel-item like so,
var slides = document.querySelectorAll('.carousel-items');
function changeBgImg() {
slides.forEach(s => s.classList.remove('active');
//change the bg image === this
//But I have no idea how to do that
Thirdly I've got the content, background and carousel indicators using the same functions above but it seems like really dirty code. The HTML has each .carousel-item, there are ten of them, calling 4 functions each. It looks like this:
<div class="glide hero-carousel">
<div class="glide__track" data-glide-el="track">
<ul class="glide__slides">
<li class="glide__slide carousel-item"
onclick="heroChange('url(images/02.jpg) bottom/cover no-repeat');
h4('Destination Shire');
h1('Valley<br> of Dreams');">
<div class="carousel-text">
<p>Destination Shire</p>
<h3>Valley<br> of Dreams</h3>
<li class="glide__slide carousel-item"
onclick="heroChange('url(images/03.jpg) bottom/cover no-repeat');
h4('Destination Westwood');
h1('Misty<br> Woodlands');">
<div class="carousel-text">
<p>Destination Westwood</p>
<h3>Misty<br> Woodlands</h3>
So it looks pretty yucky. It works though, but I would love to find a more elegant way of achieving this by putting all of these functions into one function that does each part in sequence.
Lastly, I'd want to get transition on-click animations going but that's another kettle of fish entirely.
So that's it. Whew!
Thanks for taking the time guys, I appreciate it. Any help you can provide is going to make me a better designer. There are actually a bunch of projects I have will benefit from the answers.
If you can provide help with at least Part 2 & 3: cleaning up the code into 1 function and getting the bg-image changing on the active class that would be a big big help.
There's just so much that JS can do and I'm not finding the answers on Google and youTube.
Thank you again.
An Update:
I have edited the slider by by using margin-left as shown by this question:
vanilla javascript carousel not sliding
// var & event-listener buttons
document.querySelector(".left").addEventListener("click", slideLeft);
document.querySelector(".right").addEventListener("click", slideRight);
let marginLeft = 0;
const slides = document.querySelector('.glide__slides');
// Function slide left
function slideLeft() {
marginLeft += 264; = marginLeft + 'px';
// Function slide Right
function slideRight() {
marginLeft -= 264; = marginLeft + 'px';
This has now got the carousel moving manually 1 slide at a time.
Still not fully understanding why my previous code above didn't work. If anyone can explain that to me that would be great.
I'm still left with some issues:
Autosliding and looping at the end of the slides.
Having the active slider change the background automatically. At this point it only changes onclick.
Finding a way to tidy up the function calls and functions.

The question asks for various ideas on how to simplify code and how to use native JavaScript to create a slider that rolls continuously.
The code originally used glider and it may be something simpler would be sufficient to get the desired result, for example using animationend event to change the background when a slide gets to the left hand side. However, eating the elephant slowly I'll tackle the yucky code (part 3) first.
Although the HTML looks rather daunting, 4 calls on a click for every li element for example, it is currently what is required so let's investigate creating it at run time. This gives us more easily maintainable code. For example, if we want to remove a slide, or alter the order of slides or add one we can just alter the slider array defined below and JavaScript will do the rest.
Part 1 of the question asked about sliding. We slide the whole ul element using CSS animation defined something like this, where 33vw is the total width of a slide (inc. margins/padding)
#keyframes sliding0 {
0% { left: 0; }
30% { left: 0; }
100% { left: -33vw; }
and we add an event listener to the element to trap animationend events because when the ul has slid one slide's width we want to change the hero image, and we want to put the slide that has just disappeared onto the back of the infinie sliding will work. We then set the animation running again.
See the snippet for details on how this and other events are dealt with. It also shows how the changeHero function can work which was part 2 of the question. Note, the snippet works more or less in the SO environment, though occasionally hover action is partially ignored. Running the code on your own machine it should be fine though.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#keyframes sliding0 {
0% { left: 0; }
30% { left: 0; }
100% { left: -33vw; }
#keyframes sliding1 {
0% { left: 0; }
30% { left: 0; }
100% { left: -33vw; }
body {
background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
background-position: center center;
div .glide_track {
position: relative;
width: 100vw;
overflow-x: hidden;
ul {
left: 0;
width: 330vw;
animation-name: sliding0;
animation-duration: 3s;
animation-delay: 0s;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
animation-timing-function: linear;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;
li {
position: relative;
width: 32vw;
display: inline-block;
margin: 0;
margin-right: 1vw;
padding: 0;
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;
background-position: center center;
// we put the two lots of text and the image url for each slide in an array in the order they are to be shown
// this makes it easier to maintain when you want to add or remove a slide or change their order
// we only have one slider at the moment but this makes it more general
// these are the offsets in the array describing a slide. Done as indexes rather than named as easier to set up sliders array
const img = 0;
const text1 = 1;
const text2 = 2;
const sliders = [
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams'],
['','Westwood','Misty Woodlands'],
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams'],
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams'],
['','Westwood','Misty Woodlands'],
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams'],
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams'],
['','Westwood','Misty Woodlands'],
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams'],
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams']
// go through each slider and create its outer divs and its ul element
function createSlider(slider,sliderno) {
const div1 = document.createElement('DIV');
const div2 = document.createElement('DIV');
const ul = document.createElement('UL');
ul.addEventListener("animationend", animationEnd);
function createLi(slide,slideNo) {
const li = document.createElement('LI');
li.setAttribute('data-slideno','0' + slideNo);//! needs generalising if you have >10 slides !
const div = document.createElement('DIV');
const p = document.createElement('P');
const h3 = document.createElement('H3');
p.innerHTML = slide[text1];
h3.innerHTML = slide[text2];
// this is for testing, in real version use whatever required (i.e. whichever element is to have the hero image)
function ahHeroChange(backgroundImage) { = backgroundImage + " bottom/cover no-repeat";
function slideClicked(event) {
var slide =;
var slideNo = slide.getAttribute('data-slideno');
// make the hero image the same as the slide's
/* I don't know what these functions do - they were executed in the original on a click
h4(slide.firstElementChild.querySelector('p').innerHTML);// text1 of the slide is passed to h4
h1(slide.firstElementChild.querySelector('h3').innerHTML;// text2 of the slide is passed to h1
function slideHovered(event) {
var slide =;
var slider = slide.parentElement; = 'paused';
function slideUnhovered(event) {
var slide =;
var slider = slide.parentElement;
//restore the hero image to the first one in the slider
//get the animation running again = 'running';
function animationEnd(event) {
//find the element that was clicked (it will be a ul element representing a slider)
var slider =;
//take the first slide off the list and put it back at the end
//change the hero image to the slide which is now the leftmost - use modified heroChange in the final version =;
// toggle the animationName (to an identical keyframes action) to force the animation to start again'sliding'+(Number(event.animationName.replace('sliding',''))+1)%2;


How can I load a long list and stay/start on the bottom of the view without scrolling

We have a message view in our app where we on initial rendering load a list of messages which are then rendered, going from <div>Loading ....</div> to [<Message>,<Message>,...,<InputBox>] (pseudo-jsx). Upon loading, the view is extended to many times the screen length, so we need to scroll to the bottom onLoad(). This is bothersome :
lazy loading images in the older parts of the conversation won't work, as we "scroll past" them, triggering loading
there should be no need to do scrollTo(99999): we want to start a freshly loaded page on the bottom!
So how can I have the initial "scroll position" of a container be the bottom of the container? This seems like a quite basic thing.
The following contrived example is designed to show you one possible solution by emulating your scenario. If I have this wrong please correct me.
(React example linked at bottom)
Ten images are loaded into individual <div> elements. To emulate network/loading delay each <div><img></div> is loaded every 1/2 second. Notice that nothing is visible while this happens other than the "Loading..." placeholder. Five seconds later, after all are loaded, a custom event is fired to indicate the loading is complete. The very last image will be dark blue rather than the light blue of the others.
An event handler responds to the custom event by removing the "Loading..." indicator, scrolling to the bottom <div> and finally setting visibility of the entire section to visible.
Note the <div>s just appear and the <section> has been scrolled to the bottom. The bottom <div> is the dark blue one.
const container = document.querySelector('section');
const divsToAdd = 10
let divCounter = 0;
const interval = setInterval(addDiv, 500);
document.addEventListener('panelLoadComplete', () => {
document.querySelector('section span:first-child').remove();
document.querySelector('section div:last-child').scrollIntoView(); = 'visible';
function addDiv() {
const div = document.createElement('div');
const img = document.createElement('img'); = 'inherit';
if (divCounter === divsToAdd) { // is last - dark blue
img.src = ""
} else {
img.src = ""
if (++divCounter > divsToAdd) {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('panelLoadComplete'));
section {
visibility: hidden;
section span:first-child {
visibility: visible;
section>div:first-child {
background-color: lightblue;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
section>div:last-child {
background-color: darkblue;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
<span>Loading... (patience: this takes ~5 seconds)</span>
Finally, a simple React version:
React Example StackBlitz

Prevent JavaScript/jQuery from reacting to mouse from under a higher stacked div

I'm running this plugin in WordPress that makes pretty image maps with shapes over images. It uses JS/jQuery extensively. I've used a custom script to show/hide a div when I click a shape. This particular div is stacked above the div that contains the image map. It appears and disappears just fine, but when I mouse over it and/or click on it, for some weird reason the hovers and clicks get through the higher stacked div down to the map div while still working on the popover one. Here's a simplified version of how things are set up:
function toggle_visibility(id) {
var e = document.getElementById(id);
if ( == '1')
setTimeout(() => { = '0';
}, this.animationDelay + 2),
setTimeout(() => { = '-30';
}, 400);
else = '999999999',
setTimeout(() => { = '1';
}, this.animationDelay + 2);
.city {
position: relative;
#ipano {
position: fixed;
min-width: 90vw;
left: 5vw;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
opacity: 0;
z-index: -30;
<div class="city">
// map code
<div id="ipano">
//popup code
The map plugin allows me to assign onClick code to any shape defined, so I added this to make a click on the shape reveal the hidden div like so: toggle_visibility('ipano'); javascript:event.preventDeafult();.
But even if I remove my custom script for revealing the #ipano div, the problem still persists. You can see it in action here.
I think this is somehow due to the map script and how it handles the mapping of the overlay map regions (with an .svg), but I can't put my finger on it.
I've tried changing the divs' order, removing the preventDefault bit, and adding pointer-events: none; to some and all the map's elements, but that didn't help. How's that even possible?
Any suggestions in the right direction greatly appreciated, thank you!

how to change background images with fade

so far (with the help of this comm :)) I created a full viewport background, thats able to switch on click.
Since I'm a beginner I have two questions:
1) Is the code "good", or did I wrote it to complicated?
and the Mainquestion:
How can I put a fade effect into my code? Now it's kinda ugly, because the images are loading slow (stuttering). I imagine something like this:
Image--Click--Fading black--Fading in new Image--Click--Fading black---Fading in new Image--..
Here is the code I wrote:
<div class="t1">
.t1 {
background: url(pics/homescreen.JPG) no-repeat center center fixed ;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
$(function () {
var y = 1;
$('.t1').click(function () {
var x = ['url(pics/screen1.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed',
'url(pics/screen2.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed',
'url(pics/schild.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed'
$('.t1').css('background', x[y]);
$('.t1').css('background-size', 'cover');
if (y == 2) {
y = 0;
} else {
y = y + 1;
This doesn't include preloading, but the effect is quite nice.
If you are interested in a preloader, you probably want to preload images one at a time, when they are needed: loading all images upfront or worse in the head of your document, will likely slow down page loading beyond what's an acceptable UX.
Also, transition won't work on older browsers (see here)
To animate CSS properties, you can use
In particular, you can fade out the current image by animating its opacity (to 0), then, when this animation is completed change the image source (while it is not visible) and start the fade-in animation.
For best appearance, you can preload images "Just in Time", for example you can preload the next image to show, so there won't be any latency
This example works, and uses closure so that you can have multiple images rotating independently:
$(function () {
var images = ['url( no-repeat center center fixed',
'url( no-repeat center center fixed',
'url( no-repeat center center fixed'
function bindSwitcher (elem) {
var imageIndex = 0;
return function switchImage () {
elem.fadeOut(function (){
elem.css('background', images[imageIndex]);
if (imageIndex == images.length - 1) {
imageIndex = 0;
} else {
imageIndex += 1;
elem.css('background-size', 'cover');
var imageSwitcher = bindSwitcher($('#t1'));
And the HTML, with a little change to show the difference:
<div id="t1" class="t1" style="position: absolute; left:0%">
<div id="t2" class="t1" style="position: absolute; left:50%">
Is the code "good", or did I wrote it to complicated?
A couple of things which you could do is:
Take your image array outside of click handler. You woudn't want to create that array every time a click happens.
Reduce the code to cycle the array by using a modulus.
Refer to the element using this.
Use an id instead of class to target the element directly if that is unique.
So, effectively your code reduces to:
var x = ['url(...1.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed',
'url(...2.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed',
'url(..3.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed'
var index = 0;
$('#t1').click(function () {
index = (index + 1) % x.length;
$(this).css('background', x[index]);
How can I put a fade effect into my code? Now it's kinda ugly, because
the images are loading slow (stuttering)
(1.) You can put a fade effect using CSS3 transition:
#t1 {
transition: 1s;
(2.) There is stuttering because the images are loaded at runtime. You could avoid that by pre-loading images:
One way could be like this:
var d = []; // create an array for holding dummy elements
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
d[i] = $("<img>"); // create an img and add to the array
d[i].attr('src', x[i]).hide(); // add src to img and hide it
$("body").append(d[i]); // add the img to body to start load
Ideally wrap this code in the head so that this is done by the time DOM is ready. Put rest of your code either wrapped in body at the end or in .ready.
Changed the preloading code to use img. Updated the fiddle.
The code is not complicated, in time you'll learn to write cleaner (good) code. Here is my suggestions:
1. move the x definition outside the click event, put it right after y and y should be 0 initially;
2. if(y == 2) is too static, beter take the length of the array if(y == x.length);
3. remove background-size from script, it's set in css;
4. For fade effect you can do something like this:
$('.t1').fadeOut(300, function() {
$(this).css('background', x[y]).fadeIn(300);
I haven't tested it, but should do the job.

jquery infinite slider images

I'm trying to create an infinite slider using jquery. My page has some tags, with the width equal to the window width.
I want to slide every image after 10 seconds, and when the last image comes up and it's time for the first image to show, I want it to come still from the right.
Now I created a div with a big width, 10000px to hold my unordered list of images and they have display:none. My question is why when I'm giving margin-left: -1000px for one list item, the images appear to overlap one above the other, instead of appearing one after the other. I tried to take a screenshot but I don't know what is happening with my dropbox.
This is my CSS:
.slider {
position: relative;
height: 498px;
/*display: inline-block;*/
overflow: hidden;
.slider-list {
/*display: inline-block;*/
float: left;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
width: 10000px
/*height: 496px;*/
.slider-list li{
display: inline-block;
/*float: left;*/
/*width: 100%;*/
height: 496px;
z-index: 1;
And here is my HTML:
<div class="slider">
<ul class="slider-list">
<li><img class="homepage-img"src="images/homepage.jpg"></li>
<li><img class="homepage-img"src="images/image1.jpg"></li>
<li><img class="homepage-img"src="images/image2.jpg"></li>
<li><img class="homepage-img"src="images/image3.jpg"></li>
<li><img class="homepage-img"src="images/image4.jpg"></li>
The div with the class .slider will close after some more elements.
This is my jQuery code since I written this post:
slide = function() {
var img = $('.homepage-img');
var content = $('.slider-content');
var slider = $('.slider-list');
var elements = $('.slider-list li').children();
var auto_slide_speed = 100;//ms
var timer;
var i = 0;
var img_width = $('.slider-list li').outerWidth();
console.log($('.slider-list li').length);
//calculam margin-left = -latimea unei imagini
// while(1)
// {
var left = parseInt(slider.css('margin-left')) - img_width;
for(i = 0; i <= $('.slider-list li').length; i++)
"margin-left": "+=" + left},
function() {
// $('.slider-list li:last').after($('.slider-list li:first'));
// $('slider').css({'margin-left' : '0px'});
// left = left + left;
// $('slider li').append($(elements[i]).clone());
With this, my slider ony goes as far as my list goes. How do I append the first item after the last item and so on so it can be infinite?
If you are targeting modern browsers that support transitions and transforms i would do it that way..
Demo at
var slides = $('.slider-list li'); // cache a reference to the slides
var current = slides.filter('.current'), // find slide in view
next =; // find next slide
if (!next.length){next = slides.first();} // loop if at last slide
slides.removeClass('off'); // reposition already viewed slides to the right
current.removeClass('current').addClass('off'); // set current slide to animate left
next.removeClass('off').addClass('current'); // set next slide to slide in view
}, 10000); // set the interval
CSS (you need to add vendor prefixes for the transform and transition properties)
.slider-list {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
height: 496px;
.slider-list li {
height: 100%;
display: block;
z-index: 1;
transition:transform 1s;
left:0; top:0;
.slider-list li.current{
Here is a FIDDLE that will get you started.
Put all your images in a hidden div
Clone them and put them in the visible div
Animate the image by changing the left margin
You can adjust the time between images by the set interval function
You can adjust the slidein time by the animate time.
Because it's an infinite loop, I put the button in to stop the animation any time you want.
var pictxtnumber = 1;
var fadeintime = 500;
function animatediv()
var number = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
pictxtnumber = pictxtnumber + 1;
if(pictxtnumber > 6)
pictxtnumber = 1;
$('#stopanim').on('click', function(){
}, 1000);
function loadpictxt(num)
$(".hiddenimage img:nth-child(" + num + ") ").clone().appendTo('.picturediv');
$('.picturediv img').css('margin-left', '100px');
$('.picturediv img').animate({marginLeft: "0"}, 100);
I've made two simple jquery plugins for that:
I recommend the item slider because the items are forced to be aligned, and it's simpler in the end.
Now to answer your question: How do I append the first item after the last item and so on so it can be infinite?
You could just display your slider items two times (or more) in a row.
Given your html code:
var jSliderList = $(".slider-list");
var jSliderOriginalItems = $("li", jSliderList); // keep track of this one
function init(){
jSliderList.append(jSliderOriginalItems.clone()); // should work, not tested
Then with css, you would narrow the slider to the width of your choice.
I would suggest that you append a page rather than just one item.
A basic approach would be to encapsulate things into functions, like this:
To perform the slide, you could use css transitions.
In your css, put something like this:
.sliderContainer {
transition: transform 2s ease;
And then in your js code, to slide, just use a function such as:
function moveSlider(the_offset) {
transform: "translate3d(" + the_offset + "px, 0px, 0px)"
Now to actually append an item, you could use a renderItem function to generate them, instead of cloning things.

Javascript - fading from one item to another pops up with both briefly

I have a testimonials area on my website that fades from one testimonial to another. I'm having an issue where it will fade out too slowly before the next item fades in causing both to come up making a large div making it look ugly.
I want it to fade from one testimonial to another without jumping and flashing with both.
You can see an example here:
Here is my Javascript code:
function rotate_p() {
if (p_current == p_count) {
p_current = 1;
} else {
var $container = $('#container');
$container.find('p:nth-child(' + p_current + ')').fadeIn();
var p_count;
var p_current = 0;
var p_interval;
$(document).ready(function () {
p_count = $('#container').find('p').length;
p_interval = setInterval(function () {rotate_p();}, 7000);
Thanks you very much for taking your time out to help me.
the solution is CSS based. since the position of the "p" element is static and you call both fadeOut and fadeIn, there is an overlap, as two p elements are inevitably shown together. To get them one on top of the other you need to use absolute positioning on the p element, like so:
#container {
#container>p {
//use any values you wish, to set the testimonial relative to #container:

