how to change background images with fade - javascript

so far (with the help of this comm :)) I created a full viewport background, thats able to switch on click.
Since I'm a beginner I have two questions:
1) Is the code "good", or did I wrote it to complicated?
and the Mainquestion:
How can I put a fade effect into my code? Now it's kinda ugly, because the images are loading slow (stuttering). I imagine something like this:
Image--Click--Fading black--Fading in new Image--Click--Fading black---Fading in new Image--..
Here is the code I wrote:
<div class="t1">
.t1 {
background: url(pics/homescreen.JPG) no-repeat center center fixed ;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
$(function () {
var y = 1;
$('.t1').click(function () {
var x = ['url(pics/screen1.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed',
'url(pics/screen2.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed',
'url(pics/schild.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed'
$('.t1').css('background', x[y]);
$('.t1').css('background-size', 'cover');
if (y == 2) {
y = 0;
} else {
y = y + 1;

This doesn't include preloading, but the effect is quite nice.
If you are interested in a preloader, you probably want to preload images one at a time, when they are needed: loading all images upfront or worse in the head of your document, will likely slow down page loading beyond what's an acceptable UX.
Also, transition won't work on older browsers (see here)
To animate CSS properties, you can use
In particular, you can fade out the current image by animating its opacity (to 0), then, when this animation is completed change the image source (while it is not visible) and start the fade-in animation.
For best appearance, you can preload images "Just in Time", for example you can preload the next image to show, so there won't be any latency
This example works, and uses closure so that you can have multiple images rotating independently:
$(function () {
var images = ['url( no-repeat center center fixed',
'url( no-repeat center center fixed',
'url( no-repeat center center fixed'
function bindSwitcher (elem) {
var imageIndex = 0;
return function switchImage () {
elem.fadeOut(function (){
elem.css('background', images[imageIndex]);
if (imageIndex == images.length - 1) {
imageIndex = 0;
} else {
imageIndex += 1;
elem.css('background-size', 'cover');
var imageSwitcher = bindSwitcher($('#t1'));
And the HTML, with a little change to show the difference:
<div id="t1" class="t1" style="position: absolute; left:0%">
<div id="t2" class="t1" style="position: absolute; left:50%">

Is the code "good", or did I wrote it to complicated?
A couple of things which you could do is:
Take your image array outside of click handler. You woudn't want to create that array every time a click happens.
Reduce the code to cycle the array by using a modulus.
Refer to the element using this.
Use an id instead of class to target the element directly if that is unique.
So, effectively your code reduces to:
var x = ['url(...1.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed',
'url(...2.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed',
'url(..3.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed'
var index = 0;
$('#t1').click(function () {
index = (index + 1) % x.length;
$(this).css('background', x[index]);
How can I put a fade effect into my code? Now it's kinda ugly, because
the images are loading slow (stuttering)
(1.) You can put a fade effect using CSS3 transition:
#t1 {
transition: 1s;
(2.) There is stuttering because the images are loaded at runtime. You could avoid that by pre-loading images:
One way could be like this:
var d = []; // create an array for holding dummy elements
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
d[i] = $("<img>"); // create an img and add to the array
d[i].attr('src', x[i]).hide(); // add src to img and hide it
$("body").append(d[i]); // add the img to body to start load
Ideally wrap this code in the head so that this is done by the time DOM is ready. Put rest of your code either wrapped in body at the end or in .ready.
Changed the preloading code to use img. Updated the fiddle.

The code is not complicated, in time you'll learn to write cleaner (good) code. Here is my suggestions:
1. move the x definition outside the click event, put it right after y and y should be 0 initially;
2. if(y == 2) is too static, beter take the length of the array if(y == x.length);
3. remove background-size from script, it's set in css;
4. For fade effect you can do something like this:
$('.t1').fadeOut(300, function() {
$(this).css('background', x[y]).fadeIn(300);
I haven't tested it, but should do the job.


How to make autosliding carousel thumbnail change background image when active

my question has 3 parts. Any assistance with any part of this JS problem would be greatly appreciated. I am attempting to learn and comprehend JS by trial and error.
I've created this nice looking travel landing page, with a thumbnail carousel which uses Glide.js, which is really cool and works well. The carousel moves to the left and has arrow buttons to manually control the slide.
But I've been trying to implement a vanilla JS carousel slider,but I am failing miserably. Been struggling for 2 days and the best I can achieve is getting a single carousel item moving left and right. See
What I'd like is to get the carousel sliding left automatically, with arrow buttons to manually control the slider.
I'm targeting all the carousel-items with querySelectorAll('.carousel-items') and adding left:-274px to the carousel container glide__slides.
Here's my JS code.
// var & event-listener buttons
document.querySelector(".left").addEventListener("click", slideLeft);
document.querySelector(".right").addEventListener("click", slideRight);
// Function slide left
function slideLeft(left) {
document.querySelector('.glide__slides').style.left = left;
// Function slide left
function slideRight(right) {
document.querySelector('.glide__slides').style.left = right;
Secondly, I'd like to have an active carousel-item, which when active automatically changes the background Image.
Right now I have the = var; and I've got it changing onclick with onclick = function('01.jpg') on each carousel item.
Here's the code.
// Change Hero Img
function heroChange(hmmm) {
var hero = document.querySelector('.hero'); = hmmm;
So I guess I would add EventListeners to the carousel-items and add an active class to the carousel-item like so,
var slides = document.querySelectorAll('.carousel-items');
function changeBgImg() {
slides.forEach(s => s.classList.remove('active');
//change the bg image === this
//But I have no idea how to do that
Thirdly I've got the content, background and carousel indicators using the same functions above but it seems like really dirty code. The HTML has each .carousel-item, there are ten of them, calling 4 functions each. It looks like this:
<div class="glide hero-carousel">
<div class="glide__track" data-glide-el="track">
<ul class="glide__slides">
<li class="glide__slide carousel-item"
onclick="heroChange('url(images/02.jpg) bottom/cover no-repeat');
h4('Destination Shire');
h1('Valley<br> of Dreams');">
<div class="carousel-text">
<p>Destination Shire</p>
<h3>Valley<br> of Dreams</h3>
<li class="glide__slide carousel-item"
onclick="heroChange('url(images/03.jpg) bottom/cover no-repeat');
h4('Destination Westwood');
h1('Misty<br> Woodlands');">
<div class="carousel-text">
<p>Destination Westwood</p>
<h3>Misty<br> Woodlands</h3>
So it looks pretty yucky. It works though, but I would love to find a more elegant way of achieving this by putting all of these functions into one function that does each part in sequence.
Lastly, I'd want to get transition on-click animations going but that's another kettle of fish entirely.
So that's it. Whew!
Thanks for taking the time guys, I appreciate it. Any help you can provide is going to make me a better designer. There are actually a bunch of projects I have will benefit from the answers.
If you can provide help with at least Part 2 & 3: cleaning up the code into 1 function and getting the bg-image changing on the active class that would be a big big help.
There's just so much that JS can do and I'm not finding the answers on Google and youTube.
Thank you again.
An Update:
I have edited the slider by by using margin-left as shown by this question:
vanilla javascript carousel not sliding
// var & event-listener buttons
document.querySelector(".left").addEventListener("click", slideLeft);
document.querySelector(".right").addEventListener("click", slideRight);
let marginLeft = 0;
const slides = document.querySelector('.glide__slides');
// Function slide left
function slideLeft() {
marginLeft += 264; = marginLeft + 'px';
// Function slide Right
function slideRight() {
marginLeft -= 264; = marginLeft + 'px';
This has now got the carousel moving manually 1 slide at a time.
Still not fully understanding why my previous code above didn't work. If anyone can explain that to me that would be great.
I'm still left with some issues:
Autosliding and looping at the end of the slides.
Having the active slider change the background automatically. At this point it only changes onclick.
Finding a way to tidy up the function calls and functions.
The question asks for various ideas on how to simplify code and how to use native JavaScript to create a slider that rolls continuously.
The code originally used glider and it may be something simpler would be sufficient to get the desired result, for example using animationend event to change the background when a slide gets to the left hand side. However, eating the elephant slowly I'll tackle the yucky code (part 3) first.
Although the HTML looks rather daunting, 4 calls on a click for every li element for example, it is currently what is required so let's investigate creating it at run time. This gives us more easily maintainable code. For example, if we want to remove a slide, or alter the order of slides or add one we can just alter the slider array defined below and JavaScript will do the rest.
Part 1 of the question asked about sliding. We slide the whole ul element using CSS animation defined something like this, where 33vw is the total width of a slide (inc. margins/padding)
#keyframes sliding0 {
0% { left: 0; }
30% { left: 0; }
100% { left: -33vw; }
and we add an event listener to the element to trap animationend events because when the ul has slid one slide's width we want to change the hero image, and we want to put the slide that has just disappeared onto the back of the infinie sliding will work. We then set the animation running again.
See the snippet for details on how this and other events are dealt with. It also shows how the changeHero function can work which was part 2 of the question. Note, the snippet works more or less in the SO environment, though occasionally hover action is partially ignored. Running the code on your own machine it should be fine though.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#keyframes sliding0 {
0% { left: 0; }
30% { left: 0; }
100% { left: -33vw; }
#keyframes sliding1 {
0% { left: 0; }
30% { left: 0; }
100% { left: -33vw; }
body {
background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
background-position: center center;
div .glide_track {
position: relative;
width: 100vw;
overflow-x: hidden;
ul {
left: 0;
width: 330vw;
animation-name: sliding0;
animation-duration: 3s;
animation-delay: 0s;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
animation-timing-function: linear;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;
li {
position: relative;
width: 32vw;
display: inline-block;
margin: 0;
margin-right: 1vw;
padding: 0;
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;
background-position: center center;
// we put the two lots of text and the image url for each slide in an array in the order they are to be shown
// this makes it easier to maintain when you want to add or remove a slide or change their order
// we only have one slider at the moment but this makes it more general
// these are the offsets in the array describing a slide. Done as indexes rather than named as easier to set up sliders array
const img = 0;
const text1 = 1;
const text2 = 2;
const sliders = [
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams'],
['','Westwood','Misty Woodlands'],
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams'],
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams'],
['','Westwood','Misty Woodlands'],
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams'],
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams'],
['','Westwood','Misty Woodlands'],
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams'],
['','Shire','Valley<br> of Dreams']
// go through each slider and create its outer divs and its ul element
function createSlider(slider,sliderno) {
const div1 = document.createElement('DIV');
const div2 = document.createElement('DIV');
const ul = document.createElement('UL');
ul.addEventListener("animationend", animationEnd);
function createLi(slide,slideNo) {
const li = document.createElement('LI');
li.setAttribute('data-slideno','0' + slideNo);//! needs generalising if you have >10 slides !
const div = document.createElement('DIV');
const p = document.createElement('P');
const h3 = document.createElement('H3');
p.innerHTML = slide[text1];
h3.innerHTML = slide[text2];
// this is for testing, in real version use whatever required (i.e. whichever element is to have the hero image)
function ahHeroChange(backgroundImage) { = backgroundImage + " bottom/cover no-repeat";
function slideClicked(event) {
var slide =;
var slideNo = slide.getAttribute('data-slideno');
// make the hero image the same as the slide's
/* I don't know what these functions do - they were executed in the original on a click
h4(slide.firstElementChild.querySelector('p').innerHTML);// text1 of the slide is passed to h4
h1(slide.firstElementChild.querySelector('h3').innerHTML;// text2 of the slide is passed to h1
function slideHovered(event) {
var slide =;
var slider = slide.parentElement; = 'paused';
function slideUnhovered(event) {
var slide =;
var slider = slide.parentElement;
//restore the hero image to the first one in the slider
//get the animation running again = 'running';
function animationEnd(event) {
//find the element that was clicked (it will be a ul element representing a slider)
var slider =;
//take the first slide off the list and put it back at the end
//change the hero image to the slide which is now the leftmost - use modified heroChange in the final version =;
// toggle the animationName (to an identical keyframes action) to force the animation to start again'sliding'+(Number(event.animationName.replace('sliding',''))+1)%2;

Show a series of images on scroll

The closest solution I found is Show div on scrollDown after 800px.
I'm learning HTML, CSS, and JS, and I decided to try to make a digital flipbook: a simple animation that would play (ie, load frame after frame) on the user's scroll.
I figured I would add all the images to the HTML and then use CSS to "stack them" in the same position, then use JS or jQuery to fade one into the next at different points in the scroll (ie, increasing pixel distances from the top of the page).
Unfortunately, I can't produce the behavior I'm looking for.
HTML (just all the frames of the animation):
<img class="frame" id="frame0" src="images/hand.jpg">
<img class="frame" id="frame1" src="images/frame_0_delay-0.13s.gif">
body {
height: 10000px;
.frame {
display: block;
position: fixed;
top: 0px;
z-index: 1;
transition: all 1s;
#hand0 {
padding: 55px 155px 55px 155px;
background-color: white;
.frameHide {
opacity: 0;
left: -100%;
.frameShow {
opacity: 1;
left: 0;
frame0 = document.getElementById("frame0");
var myScrollFunc = function() {
var y = window.scrollY;
if (y >= 800) {
frame0.className = "frameShow"
} else {
frame0.className = "frameHide"
window.addEventListener("scroll", myScrollFunc);
One of your bigger problems is that setting frame0.className = "frameShow" removes your initial class frame, which will remove a bunch of properties. To fix this, at least in a simple way, we can do frame0.className = "frame frameShow", etc. Another issue is that frame0 is rendered behind frame1, which could be fixed a variety of ways. ie. Putting frame0's <img> after frame1, or setting frame0's CSS to have a z-index:2;, and then setting frame0's class to class="frame frameHide" so it doesn't show up to begin with. I also removed the margin and padding from the body using CSS, as it disturbs the location of the images. I have made your code work the way I understand you wanted it to, here is a JSFiddle.
It depends on your case, for example, in this jsFiddle 1 I'm showing the next (or previous) frame depending on the value of the vertical scroll full window.
So for my case the code is:
var jQ = $.noConflict(),
frames = jQ('.frame'),
win = jQ(window),
// this is very important to be calculated correctly in order to get it work right
// the idea here is to calculate the available amount of scrolling space until the
// scrollbar hits the bottom of the window, and then divide it by number of frames
steps = Math.floor((jQ(document).height() - win.height()) / frames.length),
// start the index by 1 since the first frame is already shown
index = 1;
win.on('scroll', function() {
// on scroll, if the scroll value equal or more than a certain number, fade the
// corresponding frame in, then increase index by one.
if (win.scrollTop() >= index * steps) {
jQ(frames[index]).animate({'opacity': 1}, 50);
} else {
// else if it's less, hide the relative frame then decrease the index by one
// thus it will work whether the user scrolls up or down
jQ(frames[index]).animate({'opacity': 0}, 50);
Considering another scenario, where we have the frames inside a scroll-able div, then we wrap the .frame images within another div .inner.
jsFiddle 2
var jQ = $.noConflict(),
cont = jQ('#frames-container'),
inner = jQ('#inner-div'),
frames = jQ('.frame'),
frameHeight = jQ('#frame1').height(),
frameWidth = jQ('#frame1').width() + 20, // we add 20px because of the horizontal scroll
index = 0;
// set the height of the outer container div to be same as 1 frame height
// and the inner div height to be the sum of all frames height, also we
// add some pixels just for safety, 20px here
cont.css({'height': frameHeight, 'width': frameWidth});
inner.css({'height': frameHeight * frames.length + 20});
cont.on('scroll', function() {
var space = index * frameHeight;
if (cont.scrollTop() >= space) {
jQ(frames[index]).animate({'opacity': 1}, 0);
} else {
jQ(frames[index]).animate({'opacity': 0}, 0);
** Please Note that in both cases all frames must have same height.

Sorting images through swiping (using TouchSwipe)

I'm trying to get some pictures to display one by one to be sorted via swiping.
Only one picture should be shown at a time, with the next appearing after a swipe has been made to the left or right. I can get the swipe working with TouchSwipe (, but once I put the swipe inside of a loop to get all of the pictures, neither the swipe nor the loop work ( Maybe I need to go about this a different way that I haven't thought of yet. I've tried several different versions and this is what I'm at now:
$(document).ready(function sort_options() {
var cafe = 'url("") no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;;';
var buffet = 'url("") no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;;';
var fastfood = 'url("") no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;;';
var options = [cafe, buffet, fastfood];
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
$("#test").attr("background", i);
$(function() {
//Keep track of how many swipes
var count=0;
//Enable swiping...
$("#test").swipe( {
//Generic swipe handler for all directions
swipe:function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount) {
if(direction=='left') {
$('#choice').text("Not this one." );
else if(direction=='right') {
$('#choice').text('Glad you like it.');
//Default is 75px, set to 0 for demo so any distance triggers swipe
How can I get this code working?
I found a different solution that works involving no loops (not sure why they where there) but it just uses a function when scrolled to move the image to the next in the array. Basically adding the following code to your first example.
//Stripped CSS Styling leaving only URL
var cafe = 'http://i1360.photobuck...uzz.jpg';
var buffet = 'http://i1477.photobuck...erg.jpg';
var fastfood = 'http://i185.photobuck...grz.jpg';
var options = [cafe, buffet, fastfood];
var selectedoption = 0;
//Programatically set the first image
$('#test').css('background-image', "url('" + options[selectedoption] + "')");
Once the user swipes I increment the selectedoption (and if its on the last option return to start)
if (selectedoption == options.length) {
selectedoption = 0;
} else {
then after your if(direction=="left") code block I added the code to change images
$('#test').css('background-image', "url('" + options[selectedoption] + "')");
Here is a working JSFiddle
I would also recommend preloading the images, as im sure you will realise they are taking time to load.

Dynamically Changing CSS Background Image

What I'm looking for is a way to make my HTML header tag change background images every few seconds. Any solutions are welcome, as long as it is not to complex.
I have this code right now as well as linking to JQuery:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
$(function() {
var header = $(‘.mainHeader’);
var backgrounds = new Array(
var current = 0;
function nextBackground() {
header.css(‘background’,backgrounds[current = ++current % backgrounds.length]);
setTimeout(nextBackground, 10000);
setTimeout(nextBackground, 10000);
header.css(‘background’, backgrounds[0]);
My HTML header:
<header class="mainHeader"></header>
And CSS:
.mainHeader {
background: no-repeat center bottom scroll;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;
min-height: 150px;
padding-top: 2%;
font-size: 100%;
Right now I have now background image at all.
Made a few amendments to your code
var header = $('body');
var backgrounds = new Array(
, 'url('
, 'url('
, 'url('
var current = 0;
function nextBackground() {
current = current % backgrounds.length;
header.css('background-image', backgrounds[current]);
setInterval(nextBackground, 1000);
header.css('background-image', backgrounds[0]);
Biggest changes (as noted in others comments) is that you have to use apostrophe**'**s, not those funky open and close single-quotes and that your array wasn't correct.
With these corrections out of the way I simplified a few things:
Increment current then take modulus (I know this is basically what you did but how much easier is that to debug ;))
Target background-image directly
Used setInterval() instead of a double call to setTimeout
You could acheive this same technique with HTML/CSS Only by 1. placing images within an "img" tag in your HTML surrounded by a "div wrapper" and setting it to position:relative and div wrapper img's to position:absolute. For full-width/full-height you can use percentages or potentially "background-size:cover" (haven't checked) and then call a CSS animation to change the images dynamically.
Or 2. you can add multiple images to a background in your CSS separated by commas, apply background-size:cover and again use CSS animations to change the background.
Here's an example and also Mozilla CSS3 Animation Documentation
<script src=""></script>
var header = $('body');
var backgrounds = new Array(
, 'url('
, 'url('
, 'url('
var current = 0;
function nextBackground() {
current = current % backgrounds.length;
header.css('background-image', backgrounds[current]);
setInterval(nextBackground, 1000);
header.css('background-image', backgrounds[0]);
You can't delimit JavaScript strings with ‘ characters. You must use " or '.
It must be late but may help to another one.
For this goal in some situations I prefer to use a jquery plugin named tcycle which have only a few lines of code and supports just fade transition, but it works smoothly even with large images.
Setting up a slideshow with tcycle is easy and even could be done with declarative markup such as
<div class="tcycle">
<img src="p1.jpg">
<img src="p2.jpg">
The trick could be donde using css z-index:-1 for container div and setting width and height to 100%
Homepage for downloading and check for other examples is Malsup jQuery plugins

Scroll event background change

I am trying to add a scroll event which will change the background of a div which also acts as the window background (it has 100% width and height). This is as far as I get. I am not so good at jquery. I have seen tutorials with click event listeners. but applying the same concept , like, returning scroll event as false, gets me nowhere. also I saw a tutorial on SO where the person suggest use of array. but I get pretty confused using arrays (mostly due to syntax).
I know about plugins like waypoints.js and skrollr.js which can be used but I need to change around 50-60 (for the illusion of a video being played when scrolled) ... but it wont be feasible.
here is the code im using:-
border: 2px solid black;
background: url('1.jpg') no-repeat;
height: 1000px;
width: 100%;
for ( i=0; i = $.scrolltop; i++)
$("#frame").attr('src', ''+i+'.jpg');
<div id="frame"></div>
Inside your for loop, you are setting the src attribute of #frame but it is a div not an img.
So, instead of this:
$("#frame").attr('src', ''+i+'.jpg');
Try this:
$("#frame").css('background-image', 'url(' + i + '.jpg)');
To bind a scroll event to a target element with jQuery:
$('#target').scroll(function() {
//do stuff here
To bind a scroll event to the window with jQuery:
$(window).scroll(function () {
//do stuff here
Here is the documentation for jQuery .scroll().
If I understand right, here is a working demo on jsFiddle of what you want to achieve.
html, body {
min-height: 1200px; /* for testing the scroll bar */
div#frame {
display: block;
position: fixed; /* Set this to fixed to lock that element on the position */
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
z-index: -1; /* Keep the bg frame at the bottom of other elements. */
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).scroll(function () {
//using images from for demonstration (300px by 300px)
var images = ["",
//Gets a valid index from the image array using the scroll-y value as a factor.
function switchImage()
var sTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var index = sTop > 0 ? $(document).height() / sTop : 0;
index = Math.round(index) % images.length;
$("#frame").css('background-image', 'url(' + images[index] + ')');
<div id="frame"></div>
Further Suggestions:
I suggest you change the background-image of the body, instead of the div. But, if you have to use a div for this; then you better add a resize event-istener to the window and set/update the height of that div with every resize. The reason is; height:100% does not work as expected in any browser.
I've done this before myself and if I were you I wouldn't use the image as a background, instead use a normal "img" tag prepend it to the top of your page use some css to ensure it stays in the back under all of the other elements. This way you could manipulate the size of the image to fit screen width better. I ran into a lot of issues trying to get the background to size correctly.
Html markup:
<img src="1.jpg" id="img" />
Script code:
var topPage = 0, count = 0;
$(window).scroll( function() {
topPage = $(document).scrollTop();
if(topPage > 200) {
// function goes here
$('img').attr('src', ++count +'.jpg');
I'm not totally sure if this is what you're trying to do but basically, when the window is scrolled, you assign the value of the distance to the top of the page, then you can run an if statement to see if you are a certain point. After that just simply change run the function you would like to run.
If you want to supply a range you want the image to change from do something like this, so what will happen is this will allow you to run a function only between the specificied range between 200 and 400 which is the distance from the top of the page.
var topPage = 0, count = 0;
$(window).scroll( function() {
topPage = $(document).scrollTop();
if(topPage > 200 && topPage < 400) {
// function goes here
$('#img').attr('src', ++count +'.jpg');

