Why external function can't navigate other javascript file in React? - javascript

I'm making simple app which contains Todo App.
However, the function which locate in outside of main function(Is this expression right?) in same Javascript file can't navigate to other screen.
Below is my Screen structure(simplified)
<Stack.Screen name="Myqtwrite" component={MyqtwriteScreen} options={{headerShown: false}} />
<Stack.Screen name="Myqtupdate" component={MyqtupdateScreen} options={{headerShown: false}} />
And the problem is below.
I expressed the location of problem.
export function Note(props, {navigation, route}) {
return (
<View style={[styles.myblock, {backgroundColor:props.val.color}]}>
<View style={{alignItems:'flex-start'}}>
<View style={{borderBottomWidth:2,borderColor:'white',marginBottom:5}}>
<Text style={[styles.myblocktitle]}>{props.val.date}</Text>
<Text style={styles.myblocktext}>{props.val.note}</Text>
<View style={{width: '100%' ,flexDirection:'row',justifyContent:'flex-end'}}>
/* problem is here--> */ <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {navigation.navigate('Myqtupdate') }} style={{marginTop:5,marginLeft:10}} >
<Text style={styles.myblockbuttontext}>UPDATE</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={props.deleteMethod} style={{marginTop:5,marginLeft:10}} >
<Text style={styles.myblockbuttontext}>DELETE</Text>
export function MyqtwriteScreen({ navigation, route }) {
const [noteArray, setNoteArray] = useState([]);
const [noteText, setNoteText] = useState('');
let rdcolor = 'hsl('+Math.random()*255+','+ Math.random()*(60)+10+'%, 82%)';
let notes = noteArray.map((val, key) => {
return <Note key={key} keyval={key} val={val}
deleteMethod={() => deleteNote(key)} />
const addNote = () => {
if (noteText) {
var d = new Date();
'date': d.getFullYear() +
"Y " + (d.getMonth() + 1) +
"월 " + d.getDate() + "일 " + d.getHours() + "시 " + d.getMinutes()+"분",
'note': noteText,
'color': rdcolor,
// alert('큐티 입력을 완료했습니다.');
else {
alert('큐티를 입력하세요');
const deleteNote = (key) => {
const newArray = [...noteArray];
newArray.splice(key, 1);
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.topbar}>
<Text style={styles.topbartext}>오늘의 큐티</Text>
<Icon style={styles.topbarmenu} name="close" onPress={() => { navigation.navigate('My') }} />
<View style={styles.qtinputblock}>
onChangeText={(noteText) => setNoteText(noteText)}
placeholder='큐티를 입력하세요'
<TouchableOpacity onPress={addNote} style={styles.myblockbutton}>
<Text style={styles.myblockbuttontext}>추가</Text>
<ScrollView style={styles.scroll}>
<View style={{alignItems:'flex-start'}}>
I made 'MyqtupdateScreen.js' file of course.
The most interesting thing is that when I wrote same onPress={() => {navigation.navigate('Myqtupdate') }} in some TouchableOpacity in the 'function MyqtwriteScreen({navigation, route'})' , it works!!
I don't understand why navigation.navigate('Myqtupdate') doesn't work in export function Note, but works in export function MyqtwriteScreen.
Any words would be help!

Note doesnt get a navigation prop you will have to pass it like below
return <Note key={key} keyval={key} val={val} navigation={navigation} deleteMethod={() => deleteNote(key)} />
It works on the other screen as its part of the stack.
You can also use the useNavigation hook to get access to navigation.


Send props to another screen

help, so lets say i got a bunch of data from an API (in Homescreen.js), which then i send to a component called "Artikel.js", how should i send the data in each of these articles to a screen called "DetailScreen.js". please someone help me, i'd appreciate it very very much, thanks in advance and sorry for bad english
const Homescreen = () => {
const [articles, setArticles] = useState([]);
const getArticles = () => {
params: {
category: "technology",
.then((response) => {
.catch(function (error) {
.then(function () {});
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
renderItem={({ item }) => (
keyExtractor={(item) => item.title}
export default Homescreen;
const Artikel = (props) => {
const navigation = useNavigation();
const goToDetail = () => {
navigation.navigate("Detail", {judul: 'Asu'});
// const goToSource = () => {
// WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync(props.url);
// };
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<Pressable onPress={goToDetail}>
uri: props.urlToImage,
<View style={{ paddingHorizontal: 20, paddingBottom: 10 }}>
<Text style={styles.title}>{props.title}</Text>
<Text style={styles.deskripsi} numberOfLines={3}>
<View style={styles.data}>
<Text style={styles.h2}>
source:<Text style={styles.sumber}> {props.sourceName}</Text>
<Text style={styles.tanggal}>
{moment(props.publishedAt).format("MMM Do YY")}
export default Artikel;
const DetailScreen = (props) => {
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<Header />
<View style={styles.image}>
uri: props.thumbnail,
<View style={styles.bodyartikel}>
<Text style={styles.judul}>PROPS TITLE</Text>
<Text style={styles.artikel}>
<View style={styles.footer}>
<Text style={styles.h1}>
By: <Text style={styles.sumber}>Salman</Text>
<Text>12 Okt 2020</Text>
export default DetailScreen;
i tried to make a list of the datas i need in Artikel.js and made it into a list, but it didnt work
So in your Article.js you have called an method to navigate to DetailScreen.js. You have can do like this.
In Article.js:
<Pressable onPress={() => goToDetail(props)}> // pass props as argument
uri: props.urlToImage,
now in your goToDetail method:
// Catch passed arguments as props
const goToDetail = (props) => {
navigation.navigate('Details', {
title: props.title,
description: props.description,
// As for now just passing title and description from props
Now to access Passed data in Detail.js:
import { useRoute } from '#react-navigation/native';
const DetailScreen = () => {
let route = useRoute(); // using route hooks
let {title, data} = route.params
return (
In this way you can pass data from one screen to another. For more detail you always can visit react native navigation docs: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/params

undefined is not a function(near '...datas.map....')

This is my data
[{"size":"Small","price":"90"},{"size":"Large","price":"180"},{"size":"Extra Large","price":"200"}]
and this is my code
const route = useRoute();
const [datas, setDatas] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const ItemSizes = () => {
if(datas.length > 0)
console.log("Item size data: ", datas); //for debugging purposes
{datas.map((data,key) => (
<View key={key}>
<View style={{flex:0.2}}>
<MaterialCommunityIcons name={"radiobox-blank"} size={20} color={'gray'}/>
{/* <Text style={{fontSize:16, fontWeight:'bold'}}>Icon</Text> */}
<View style={{flex:1}}>
<Text style={{fontSize:16, fontWeight:'bold'}}>{data.size}</Text>
<View style={{flex:1, flexDirection:'row-reverse'}}>
<Text style={{fontSize:16, fontWeight:'bold'}}>{data.price}</Text>
I call it from my view like this
return (
So after I checked there's a data on datas so why it is undefined? Please do explain why it is returning me undefined even though there's a data?? Thank you
Check if the data you are setting is an array or string. If it's string set it like below by parsing

How to pass up nested state and avoid useCallback in react native

I have a parent and nest child component hierarchy of QuestionsAndAnswersScreen -> QuestionInput -> QuestionSelector -> AnswerSelector. I need to pass the question and answer object back up to the QuestionAndAnswerScreen in order to show it on the view. However I cannot find a way without going into deep nested callbacks.
Here is my code for the QuestionAnswerScreen and AnswerSelector:
function QuestionsAndAnswers() {
const {shell, body} = styles;
return (
<View style={shell}>
<SignUpHeader title="Add your answers" page={5}/>
<View style={body}>
{qAndA[1] ? <Answer question={qAndA[1].question} answer={qAndA[1].answer}/> : <QuestionInput />}
{qAndA[2] ? <Answer question={qAndA[2].question} answer={qAndA[2].answer}/> : <QuestionInput />}
{qAndA[3] ? <Answer question={qAndA[3].question} answer={qAndA[3].answer}/> : <QuestionInput />}
title={`Questions\n& Answers`}
function AnswerInput(props: AnswerInputProps) {
const {question, visible, answerModalVisible} = props;
const {pickAnAnswer, doneButton, answerTextInput, questionStyle, shell, buttonText} = styles;
const [modalVisible, setModalVisible] = useState(visible)
const [answer, setAnswer] = useState('');
const navigation = useNavigation();
useEffect(() => {
}, [visible])
function answerQuestion() {
return (
<Modal style={shell}
onBackdropPress={() => {
<Text style={pickAnAnswer}>Add answer</Text>
<Text style={questionStyle}>{question}</Text>
placeholder="Add your answer here..."
onChangeText={(text: string) => setAnswer(text)}
<View style={{alignItems: 'flex-end', marginTop: 44}}>
<TouchableOpacity style={doneButton} onPress={() => answerQuestion()}>
<Text style={buttonText}>
As you can see I get my Question and Answer in the AnswerInput but then need to navigate back to the main screen in order to display them. Any help would be great thanks :)

React-native adding components to array and accessing them

I'm trying to make some sort of quiz, and I want to have all the boxes in a FlatList. I want all of them to be hidden, except for the first one, and that when you answer it the next question appears.
Here is my code:
const TYPE = [{id:"1",title:"first question",options:["option 1","option 2"],correct:1},{id:"2",title:"secondquestion",options:["option 1","option 2"],correct:0}];
const answer=a=>Alert.alert(a == 0 ? 'wrong' : 'correct');
const Item = ({info}) => (
<View style={styles.item}>
<Text style={styles.title}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.button} onPress={() => info.correct == 0 ? answer(1) : answer(0)}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.button} onPress={() => info.correct == 1 ? answer(1) : answer(0)}>
function HomeScreen({ navigation }) {
return (
<View style={styles.homescreen}>
<Text style={styles.homeTitle}>
<Text style={styles.homeIntro}>
Play the test, yes?
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.homeButton} onPress={() => navigate(navigation, "Type")}>
<Text style={styles.homeButtonText}>
Start the Test!
function type() {
const renderItem = ({ item }) => <Item info={item} />;
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
keyExtractor={item => item.id}
<StatusBar style="auto" />
export default function App() {
return (
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="Type" component={type} />
My approach to this would be to add all s into an array, so that I can simply do this: itemArray[i].style.display='None' or something like that.
Try below code that could help to achieve what you want:
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
const TYPE = [
id: '1',
title: 'first question',
options: ['option 1', 'option 2'],
correct: 1,
id: '2',
title: 'secondquestion',
options: ['option 1', 'option 2'],
correct: 0,
const Item = ({info, onPressOption}) => (
<View style={styles.item}>
<Text style={styles.title}>{info.title}</Text>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.button} onPress={() => onPressOption(0)}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.button} onPress={() => onPressOption(1)}>
function HomeScreen({navigation}) {
return (
<View style={styles.homescreen}>
<Text style={styles.homeTitle}>Welkom!</Text>
<Text style={styles.homeIntro}>Play the test, yes?</Text>
onPress={() => navigate(navigation, 'Type')}>
<Text style={styles.homeButtonText}>Start the Test!</Text>
function QuestionScreen({navigation}) {
const [activeQuestionIndex, setActiveQuestionIndex] = React.useState(0);
const showAlert = (isCorrect, onPress) => {
Alert.alert(isCorrect ? 'correct' : 'wrong', null, [
const onPressOption = (optionIndex) => {
const isCorrectOption = TYPE[activeQuestionIndex].correct === optionIndex;
showAlert(isCorrectOption, () => {
isCorrectOption && setActiveQuestionIndex(activeQuestionIndex + 1);
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<StatusBar style="auto" />
<Item info={TYPE[activeQuestionIndex]} onPressOption={onPressOption} />

How can i set focus to only one TextInput in list item after TouchableOpacity pressed in this item?

I have a list of many items where each item has TextInput and TouchableOpacity wrapped by View.
I've trying to set focus on TextInput in the list item in which TouchableOpacity has been pressed. It's needed for editing each item's name.
Below is the code of how I tried to do this. The problem of this code is that after pressing on any of the TouchableOpacity the last TextInput will always be focused due to the fact that the last iteration overwrites textInputRef.
Is there a way to make textInputRef contain a reference to the TextInput which TouchableOpacity will press?
const ListComponent = ({list}) => {
const textInputValue = useRef('');
const textInputRef = useRef(null);
changeItemName = (text) => {
textInputValue.current = text;
return (
{list.length > 0 &&
list.map((item) => (
<View key={item._id}>
<Text>{`Item: `}</Text>
<TextInput ref={textInputRef} onChangeText={changeItemName}>
onPress={() => {
textInputValue.current = '';
<Icon name={'check'} size={25} color="#000" />
onPress={() => {
textInputValue.current = item.name;
<Icon name={'edit'} size={25} color="#000" />
I think creating an array of ref will help you to resolve.
Try this way
const ListComponent = ({list}) => {
const textInputValue = useRef('');
const textInputRef = useRef(null);
changeItemName = (text) => {
textInputValue.current = text;
const collectionRef = useRef(list.map(() => createRef()));
return (
{list.length > 0 &&
list.map((item, index) => (
<View key={item._id}>
<Text>{`Item: `}</Text>
<TextInput ref={collectionRef.current[index]} onChangeText={changeItemName}>
onPress={() => {
textInputValue.current = '';
<Icon name={'check'} size={25} color="#000" />
onPress={() => {
textInputValue.current = item.name;
<Icon name={'edit'} size={25} color="#000" />

