How to check if an array contains two values with Javascript - javascript

I have a JSON object that has an array as below
"objects": [
"severity": "LOW",
"tags": [
"key": "account",
"values": [
"key": "accountId",
"values": [
"name": "object1"
"severity": "HIGH",
"tags": [
"key": "account",
"values": [
"key": "accountId",
"values": [
"name": "object2"
"severity": "MEDIUM",
"tags": [
"key": "account",
"values": [
"key": "accountId",
"values": [
"name": "object2"
"severity": "HIGH",
"tags": [
"key": "account",
"values": [
"key": "accountId",
"values": [
"name": "object2"
I want to be able to go through the array using javascript and if severity is HIGH and acccountID matches 2 for example to set a warning. Even though account 2 might have a severity of LOW as shown, I still want to make the if condition true.
So something like if (objects.some(a =>(a.severity ==="LOW" && ...... or whatever better option there is.

You can loop through your object and match your properties like this
const data = { "objects": [ { "severity": "LOW", "tags": [ { "key": "account", "values": [ "account2" ] }, { "key": "accountId", "values": [ "2" ] } ], "name": "object1" }, { "severity": "HIGH", "tags": [ { "key": "account", "values": [ "account2" ] }, { "key": "accountId", "values": [ "2" ] } ], "name": "object2" }, { "severity": "MEDIUM", "tags": [ { "key": "account", "values": [ "account44" ] }, { "key": "accountId", "values": [ "44" ] } ], "name": "object2" }, { "severity": "HIGH", "tags": [ { "key": "account", "values": [ "account42" ] }, { "key": "accountId", "values": [ "42" ] } ], "name": "object2" } ] };
// Loop
for(let i = 0; i < data.objects.length; i++) {
// Set severity
const severity = data.objects[i].severity;
// Set ID
let id; for(let ii = 0; ii < data.objects[i].tags.length; ii++) if(data.objects[i].tags[ii].key === 'accountId') id = data.objects[i].tags[ii].values[0];
// Do logic here
if(severity === 'LOW' && id === '2') console.log(data.objects[i]);

If you're loop-avert:
if (objects.some(e => e.severity === severity || e.tags.some(t => t.key === 'accountId' && t.values.includes(accountId)))) {
For clarity, that closure is:
return e =>
e.severity === severity ||
e.tags.some(t =>
t.key === 'accountId' &&
const j = { "objects": [ { "severity": "LOW", "tags": [ { "key": "account", "values": [ "account2" ] }, { "key": "accountId", "values": [ "2" ] } ], "name": "object1" }, { "severity": "HIGH", "tags": [ { "key": "account", "values": [ "account2" ] }, { "key": "accountId", "values": [ "2" ] } ], "name": "object2" }, { "severity": "MEDIUM", "tags": [ { "key": "account", "values": [ "account44" ] }, { "key": "accountId", "values": [ "44" ] } ], "name": "object2" }, { "severity": "HIGH", "tags": [ { "key": "account", "values": [ "account42" ] }, { "key": "accountId", "values": [ "42" ] } ], "name": "object2" } ] };
function condition(severity, accountId) {
return e =>
e.severity === severity ||
e.tags.some(t =>
t.key === 'accountId' &&
if (j.objects.some(condition('LOW', '2'))) {
console.log("warning: low || 2");
if (j.objects.some(condition('SUPER_HIGH', '4048'))) {
console.log("warning: super high || 4048");


Filter and get data from JSON

How to get the data value from the list, the size of the array, the main thing is not through the index, because the order of the arrays can change and I can get specific data from the code === "size". Unfortunately, the structure cannot be changed. It came to mind only through the filter, by index, but it is impossible
The result should be 100 150
"name": "Цвет",
"code": "color",
"list": [
"value": "Зеленый"
"value": "Красный"
"name": "Размер",
"code": "size",
"list": [
"value": "100"
"value": "150"
This data structure is terrible, but a quick fix could be something like this
const data = [
"name": "Цвет",
"code": "color",
"list": [
"value": "Зеленый"
"value": "Красный"
"name": "Размер",
"code": "size",
"list": [
"value": "100"
"value": "150"
const size = data.filter(element => element[1].code === 'size')[0][1] => element.value)

how to sort array of object in js by property i.ecategoryname' in my dataset in alphabetical order using mergesort

Here is the list of data that should be sorted in alphabetical based of categoryName
value using merger sort
const filteritem = [
"categoryName": "admission",
"rows": [
"uploaddate": "8/8/2022",
"title": "binoddocs",
"view": "",
"fullname": "bruno",
"id": "B8QsXYVFH8fHt3PrBYUp"
"categoryName": "officialdocument",
"file": null,
"uploadedby": "bruno",
"uploaddate": "6/27/2022",
"title": "sudhikchaadmission",
"view": "",
"id": "Z27GLizWnYTJvLQyYRQt"
"view": "",
"rows": [
"rows": [
i can use filter and includes method to sort.. but i have to implement some types of algorithm in my project like{mergersort ,bubblesort,depthsearch etc}but for now i need to use mergesort***
The final result should be like this i have not included all the property inside the object here i think you got it ..
You can use sort I guess it's do want to try to do :
const filteritem = [
"categoryName": "admission",
"rows": [
"uploaddate": "8/8/2022",
"title": "binoddocs",
"view": "",
"fullname": "bruno",
"id": "B8QsXYVFH8fHt3PrBYUp"
"categoryName": "officialdocument",
"file": null,
"uploadedby": "bruno",
"uploaddate": "6/27/2022",
"title": "sudhikchaadmission",
"view": "",
"id": "Z27GLizWnYTJvLQyYRQt"
"view": "",
"rows": [
"rows": [
let sorted = filteritem.sort((a, b) => (a < b ? -1 : 1))
You need to use localeCompare to sort the string, but after toLowerCase to ignore case sensitivity.
const filteritem = [
"categoryName": "admission",
"rows": [
"uploaddate": "8/8/2022",
"title": "binoddocs",
"view": "",
"fullname": "bruno",
"id": "B8QsXYVFH8fHt3PrBYUp"
"categoryName": "officialdocument",
"rows": [
"file": null,
"uploadedby": "bruno",
"uploaddate": "6/27/2022",
"title": "sudhikchaadmission",
"view": "",
"id": "Z27GLizWnYTJvLQyYRQt"
"view": "",
"rows": [
"rows": [
const result = filteritem.sort((a, b) => a.categoryName.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.categoryName.toLowerCase()))

How to update a value in a complex fhirBundle JSON?

Given a bewildering fhir document like
I need to update the part the JSON from { "id": "NRIC-FIN", "value": "S9098989Z" } to { "id": "NRIC-FIN", "value": "foobar" } and then emit the whole JSON again with that change.
I just about know how to access the value.
const fs = require("fs");
let rawdata = fs.readFileSync("pdt_art_with_nric_unwrapped.json");
let art = JSON.parse(rawdata);
let nric = art.fhirBundle.entry
.flatMap((entry) => entry.resource)
.find((entry) => entry.resourceType === "Patient")
.identifier.find((entry) => === "NRIC-FIN").value;
Though I am puzzled how to update this value since it's so difficult to access. Am I missing a trick? I don't want to use regex btw!
You seem to be very close - why not just set .value using the syntax you already have...?
const fs = require("fs");
let rawdata = fs.readFileSync("pdt_art_with_nric_unwrapped.json");
let art = JSON.parse(rawdata);
let nric = art.fhirBundle.entry
.flatMap((entry) => entry.resource)
.find((entry) => entry.resourceType === "Patient")
.identifier.find((entry) => === "NRIC-FIN").value = 'foobar';
... results in:
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:ba7b7c8d-c509-4d9d-be4e-f99b6de29e23",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Patient",
"extension": [
"url": "",
"extension": [
"url": "code",
"valueCodeableConcept": {
"text": "Patient Nationality",
"coding": [
"system": "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
"code": "SG"
"identifier": [
"id": "PPN",
"type": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "PPN",
"display": "Passport Number"
"value": "E7831177G"
"id": "NRIC-FIN",
"value": "foobar"
"name": [
"text": "Tan Chen Chen"
"gender": "female",
"birthDate": "1990-01-15"
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:7729970e-ab26-469f-b3e5-36a42ec24146",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Observation",
"specimen": {
"type": "Specimen",
"reference": "urn:uuid:0275bfaf-48fb-44e0-80cd-9c504f80e6ae"
"performer": [
"type": "Practitioner",
"reference": "urn:uuid:3dbff0de-d4a4-4e1d-98bf-af7428b8a04b"
"id": "LHP",
"type": "Organization",
"reference": "urn:uuid:fa2328af-4882-4eaa-8c28-66dab46950f1"
"identifier": [
"id": "ACSN",
"type": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "ACSN",
"display": "Accession ID"
"value": "123456789"
"category": [
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "840539006",
"display": "COVID-19"
"code": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "97097-0",
"display": "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Ag [Presence] in Upper respiratory specimen by Rapid immunoassay"
"valueCodeableConcept": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "260385009",
"display": "Negative"
"effectiveDateTime": "2020-09-28T06:15:00Z",
"status": "final"
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:0275bfaf-48fb-44e0-80cd-9c504f80e6ae",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Specimen",
"subject": {
"type": "Device",
"reference": "urn:uuid:9103a5c8-5957-40f5-85a1-e6633e890777"
"type": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "697989009",
"display": "Anterior nares swab"
"collection": {
"collectedDateTime": "2020-09-27T06:15:00Z"
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:3dbff0de-d4a4-4e1d-98bf-af7428b8a04b",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Practitioner",
"name": [
"text": "Dr Michael Lim"
"qualification": [
"code": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "MCR",
"display": "Practitioner Medicare number"
"identifier": [
"id": "MCR",
"value": "123456"
"issuer": {
"type": "Organization",
"reference": "urn:uuid:bc7065ee-42aa-473a-a614-afd8a7b30b1e"
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:bc7065ee-42aa-473a-a614-afd8a7b30b1e",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Organization",
"name": "Ministry of Health (MOH)",
"type": [
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "govt",
"display": "Government"
"contact": [
"telecom": [
"system": "url",
"value": ""
"system": "phone",
"value": "+6563259220"
"address": {
"type": "physical",
"use": "work",
"text": "Ministry of Health, 16 College Road, College of Medicine Building, Singapore 169854"
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:fa2328af-4882-4eaa-8c28-66dab46950f1",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Organization",
"name": "MacRitchie Medical Clinic",
"type": [
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "prov",
"display": "Healthcare Provider"
"text": "Licensed Healthcare Provider"
"contact": [
"telecom": [
"system": "url",
"value": ""
"system": "phone",
"value": "+6561234567"
"address": {
"type": "physical",
"use": "work",
"text": "MacRitchie Hospital, Thomson Road, Singapore 123000"
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:9103a5c8-5957-40f5-85a1-e6633e890777",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Device",
"type": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "1232",
"display": "Abbott Rapid Diagnostics, Panbio COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test"
... clearly showing foobar set as you seem to desire. (Feel free to test with this
To "emit the full JSON" again you would just re-stringify it:
let fullJSON = JSON.stringify(art);
Instead of traversing the object manually you can use library like Jsonpath:
function replace() {
data = JSON.parse(data);
'$.fhirBundle.entry[?(#.resource.resourceType == "Patient")].resource.identifier[?( == "NRIC-FIN")].value',
function(value) {
document.body.innerHTML += `value=${value}<br>`;
return 'foobar';
document.body.innerHTML += `updated JSON:<br> <pre>${JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2)}</pre`;
let data =
"id": "340139b0-8e92-4ed6-a589-d54730f52963",
"version": "pdt-healthcert-v2.0",
"type": "ART",
"validFrom": "2021-08-24T04:22:36.062Z",
"fhirVersion": "4.0.1",
"fhirBundle": {
"resourceType": "Bundle",
"type": "collection",
"entry": [
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:ba7b7c8d-c509-4d9d-be4e-f99b6de29e23",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Patient",
"extension": [
"url": "",
"extension": [
"url": "code",
"valueCodeableConcept": {
"text": "Patient Nationality",
"coding": [
{ "system": "urn:iso:std:iso:3166", "code": "SG" }
"identifier": [
"id": "PPN",
"type": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "PPN",
"display": "Passport Number"
"value": "E7831177G"
{ "id": "NRIC-FIN", "value": "S9098989Z" }
"name": [{ "text": "Tan Chen Chen" }],
"gender": "female",
"birthDate": "1990-01-15"
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:0275bfaf-48fb-44e0-80cd-9c504f80e6ae",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Specimen",
"subject": {
"type": "Device",
"reference": "urn:uuid:9103a5c8-5957-40f5-85a1-e6633e890777"
"type": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "697989009",
"display": "Anterior nares swab"
"collection": { "collectedDateTime": "2020-09-27T06:15:00Z" }
"issuers": [
"id": "did:ethr:0xE39479928Cc4EfFE50774488780B9f616bd4B830",
"revocation": { "type": "NONE" },
"name": "SAMPLE CLINIC",
"identityProof": {
"type": "DNS-DID",
"location": "",
"key": "did:ethr:0xE39479928Cc4EfFE50774488780B9f616bd4B830#controller"
"$template": {
"name": "HEALTH_CERT",
"url": ""
<script src=""></script>
If you are flat out replacing values without any other logic, and in case if you decide to use RegEx, then you can use String.replace().
let data =
`{ "identifier": [
"id": "PPN",
"type": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "PPN",
"display": "Passport Number"
"value": "E7831177G"
{ "id": "NRIC-FIN", "value": "S9098989Z" }
"name": [{ "text": "Tan Chen Chen" }],
"gender": "female",
"birthDate": "1990-01-15"
let targetId = 'NRIC-FIN';
let find = new RegExp(`(?<=${targetId}.*value":\\s*").*?(?=")`, 'ig');
data = data.replace(find, 'foobar');;
Note: In the regular expression, I have used i flag for case insensitive search. Used g flag to replace all occurrences of the id. If the id is unique and there is going to be only one occurrence in entire .json file then don't use g flag.

Replace all object properties with a new name

I want to replace all object properties label to the property name text.
"value": "45a8",
"label": "45A8",
"children": [
"value": "45a8.ba08",
"label": "BA08",
"children": [
"value": "45a8.ba08.45a8",
"label": "45A8"
"checked": false
"value": "45a8",
"text": "45A8",
"children": [
"value": "45a8.ba08",
"text": "BA08",
"children": [
"value": "45a8.ba08.45a8",
"text": "45A8"
"checked": false
You can first stringify the the data with JSON.stringify() then replace the string. Finally parse the string with JSON.parse():
var data = [
"value": "45a8",
"label": "45A8",
"children": [
"value": "45a8.ba08",
"label": "BA08",
"children": [
"value": "45a8.ba08.45a8",
"label": "45A8"
"checked": false
data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data).replaceAll('"label"', '"text"'));
Update: You can try using RegEx like the following way:
var data = [
"value": "45a8",
"label": "45A8",
"children": [
"value": "45a8.ba08",
"label": "BA08",
"children": [
"value": "45a8.ba08.45a8",
"label": "45A8"
"checked": false
var find = '"label"';
var re = new RegExp(find, 'g');
data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data).replace(re, '"text"'));
You can also browse through the keys and find the label key. Get it's value assign it to the new key i.e. text and delete the old key i.e. label.
let data = [
"value": "45a8",
"label": "45A8",
"children": [
"value": "45a8.ba08",
"label": "BA08",
"children": [
"value": "45a8.ba08.45a8",
"label": "45A8"
"checked": false
for (const key in data.keys()){
if(key === "label"){
data.text = data[key]
delete data.key
You can also do this with using recursion. It could be something like this:
const nestArr=[ { "value": "45a8", "label": "45A8", "children": [ { "value": "45a8.ba08", "label": "BA08", "children": [ { "value": "45a8.ba08.45a8", "label": "45A8" } ], "checked": false } ] }];
if(rest.children) rest.children = changeLabelToText(rest.children);
return {text:label,}

get records doing a match between arrays rethinkdb

I want get the id from table records that have the array match with other record from the same table's array example:
it is record of user '1'
✔ r.db('fotogena').table('users').filter({user:'1'}).pluck('pleasures')
"pleasures": [
"category": "432f1ae0-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1aef-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1afa-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1b02-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
and i want compare each one that items(without the user '1') inside that pleasure.subCategory with others records inside the same table with the same estructure.
Table with 3 records
"date": "2017-10-03T03:58:02.651Z",
"id": "d82279a7-fbc6-40a2-99ca-39796ea57efa",
"pleasures": [
"category": "432f1ae0-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1aef-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1afa-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1b02-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"user": "1"
"date": "2017-10-07T02:59:45.942Z",
"id": "174c0e35-da79-4ca8-b237-8ec569cc27b1",
"pleasures": [
"category": "432f1ae0-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1aef-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1afa-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1b02-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"user": "10"
"date": "2017-10-07T02:07:13.715Z",
"id": "dd11edac-e0f5-43ac-811a-eaa78a6509c7",
"pleasures": [
"category": "432f1ae0-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1aef-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1afa-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1b02-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"user": "25"
i think that maybe can be it:
return //do something
i could solve it, later of search and search, i could created a script that show that i want get
I had that do in unique query(no joins) compare arrays with arrays using .contains() and worked very good
return users('pleasures').contains(category=>{
return category('subCategory').contains(subCategory=>{
return r.db('fotogena').table('users').filter({user: '1'}).pluck('pleasures').contains(pleasures2=>{
return pleasures2('pleasures').contains(subCate2=>{
return subCate2('subCategory')
return subCategory2.eq(subCategory)

