Javascript function execution time increases 10x after some time - javascript

I have somewhat expensive task that needs to be executed a few times by my users. The task uses the ImageTracer library. This task starts off taking about 1 second, but usually after executing a few times (2-10) the task suddenly takes 20+ seconds, even though none of the input arguments are different. Sometimes I never hit this increase, and sometimes it takes much longer to hit.
Other libraries I am using:
My first guess was that this is some sort of memory issue, so I went to chrome dev tools and captured the heap size. You can download the profile here and here is a screenshot:
You can clearly see that the last 2 task executions took significantly longer than the first couple. I am not very experienced with js and the chrome dev tools, but that doesn't seem like a memory leak to me. The heap size is not significantly larger at the end than at the beginning (both around 8mb). Please correct me if I am wrong and this does indicate a memory leak.
However those memory spikes seem like they might be an issue (or maybe a symptom of some other issue). Zooming in you can see an immediate jump from 15mb to 80mb and then back down to 15mb only 20ms later. Strangly the jump seems to coincide with a Major GC.
I am not sure if this is a problem and if it is how to further debug it.
I tried whittling the code down to a small self contained reproducible example, but as I got the code smaller and smaller the error became more and more rare to trigger, eventually disappearing. To me this also indicated I am dealing with some sort of memory issue.
I have made a somewhat simplified version that does show my issue however.
For me this problem is only reproducible in Chrome (also tested in Safari and Firefox). I am using a 2018 MacBook Pro with 16GB of memory and running Catalina.
My Questions:
Can anyone see an obvious issue in the profile posted above?
Is this most likely a memory bug and if so what are the next steps to continue debugging?
Are there any workarounds that would enable me to essentially reload or reset the offending js library (since the first couple of task executions always seem to go smoothly.


My js game constantly allocates and releases memory

Something wrong is happening with my pixi.js game. It allocated 1MB a second and 3 seconds later GS releases it. And so on, infinitely.
Of course I read this, but it seems like Chrome Tools are unable to detect a problem - when I record the Allocation Timeline - it shows some rare spikes, which, when selected - show some functions, but also there are constant tiny spikes of memory allocation, which don't show anything. I select them, and in a list of functions I see nothing!
In my frame by frame code I optimized everything - when I turn off pixi - the memory doesn't move. Only when I do the pixi render the scene on every frame - then this constant allocation/release starts and never ends. On PC it's ok, but on mobile every 10 seconds it freezes for 5 seconds - impossible to play.
Did anybody encounter frequent allocations/GC in their code? If yes - how did you debug it, how did you fix it?
In my experience Pixi.js has a GC spikes even with empty scene, you can test it yourself. Feel free to open github issue in their repo. I believe they had some discussions about leaks already. But I don't think pixi itself should impact that much, unless you have thousands and thousands of objects.
Are you sure you did everything? You should abuse Object pool pattern and pre-allocations in you code. This is especially true when you need to constantly create/delete objects (Something like bullets).
General information
For debugging chrome tools is pretty much okay.

Chrome Bug 805525 in Android v62 and above crashing on css transforms and animations - is there a workaround?

Update 2018-03-01:
This issue has apparently been fixed in version 66. Tested a number of pages in Android Chrome Dev and Canary, no crashes observed even during long and/or heavy runs. I never did find a workaround, however 66 should be hitting Chrome Beta soon, and not too long after Stable so normal users should be able to run them again on Android in the regular version of Chrome within a few(ish) weeks. Incidentally, this is the same update that Chrome will fully discontinue trust in Symantec-CA-based HTTPS/SSL certs. I have noticed it seems slightly janky in comparison to before, but will have to test as this could be merely subjective on my part, or due to changes in my code looking for workarounds. Further info can be found in the Chromium Bug report linked to below.
** Note: If you've followed this post... I have to admit I thought I had a workaround by rounding values to only two decimals out. However, I later realized this was causing a side-effect (because of an optimization I had made) of scale3d-ing some elements to 0,0,0, essentially causing them not to be rendered, and thus not triggering the problem for a long time. When I temporarily removed scaling, said elements rendered again, and the bug was triggered. Deep andhumble appologies, but-- problem not solved. So, I have removed my answer. Here are some things I have tried, none of which were successful:
Rounding transform decimal values to x.xx, two digits out.
Rounding transform values to straight integers.
Using setInterval instead of RAF to see if that was a factor (ugh!).
Using a style tag and .innerHTML to set dynamic transforms via css instead of the DOM (this was surprisingly efficient, but still triggered a crash just the same.
I've tried narrowing it down to particular transform parameters, numerical patterns, element nesting depths, just about anything I can think of to get around triggering a crash, and it looks like there is only one pattern: every time you do a transform there is a chance of a crash. It's a seemingly tiny probability, but doing scripted animations, even if you optimize to prevent repeats of identical transforms, makes the crash inevitable. I can make it take longer, but I can't prevent it.
Now, I've seen similar reports all over the web regarding recent problems with CSS in Chrome since November, when version 62 update was pushed on the stable channel. This last test, using a dynamically generates, embedded style-sheet to update the transforms was especially dis-heartening. There doesn't seem to be a way around it except to wait for version 67 when says the fix should come out. That is months away for the typical Android-user.
This problem is not relegated to scripted animations either. I've seen similar issues reported with CSS animations and transitions as well.
I've gone to the extent of trying a number of my animation engines from the past, all of which work beautifully on version 61 down to when RAF was available. I've even written new, simple test engines, just for this. I've tried a number of other developers engines. Still crashes.
At this point, I think the only thing that can be done is to wait for the fix, and possibly get enough attention from enough people to hope they will up the priority.
They said in the ticket it's a problem with a code-optimization. I would really like to see them revert that portion back in version 65 before it hits the stable channel, so the average user will not see this problem soon. There's still time to generate another build and get it out before then.
Anyone who would like to see this happen, please go to the link below and put your two cents in on the ticket at
PREVIOUS UPDATE: This issue has now been tested and confirmed at as a bug in the GPU rasterization code, affecting up to version 66 of Chrome for Android, and appearing after build 62.0.3197.0 (the last build unaffected). Their engineers are now working to fix it.
I am leaving this open for anyone who has run into this issue, so they don't think it's a problem with their code, and in case anyone happens to read it that can either contribute to the fix or offer a reasonable workaround until a patched build is released. If anyone does find a workaround, please provide it as an answer here.
For those interested, the link to the ticket is below. Here is an excerpt from the bug report:
Tested the issue in Android and able to reproduce the issue.
Steps Followed:
1. Launched the Chrome Browser.
2. Navigate to the URL:
3. Tap on any of the tab and try to access the game
4. Observed that Chrome gets hanged.
Chrome versions tested:
64.0.3282.116 Stable/Beta, 65.0.3325.16 (dev) 66.0.3328.0(Canary)
OS: Android 8.1.0
Android Devices: Pixel
Using the per-revision bisect providing the bisect results, Good Build
- 62.0.3197.0 (497604) Bad Build - 62.0.3198.0 (497674)
You are looking for a change made after 497614(GOOD), but before
Not quite sure if this is a Javascript, CSS, or Android problem-- but here goes...
Basic Question: What do I need to do to keep my pages with scripted RAF 3D transforms from locking up Chrome vs. 62 and above on Android? Is anyone else having this problem?
**Note: This problem may actually be a Chromium issue. I have opened a bug report with Chromium Project. Those interested can view the ticket here:
I am leaving this open for now so they can view the full description, and in case it turns out I can fix my own pages with a change to my code. But please, read on... ;)
My pages work great on 61 and below. I manually updated Chrome on my Samsung Note 3 to version 63 stable recently, and found every page (not just mine) with complex, nested 3D transforms running on a requestAnimationFrame loop would lock up the browser. A perfect example is a page from Keith Clark, who has a CSS/HTML/Javascript proof-of-concept demo of a First-Person Shooter. Now, the mobile version worked great on my phone before. After the update, it locks up. My pages work really good, even on weak devices, till this update.
I've narrowed it down a bit. If I clear cache, and uninstall updates, the stock Chrome (41) runs these things great. Install updates to 63, 62, 64(beta), same problem. I can't remember if I tested 60 or 61, but update to version 59 and we're still golden. Firefox is fine. Opera is well, Opera. Same updates on desktop run great.
What I'm not totally sure of is if it's a problem with my phone. No other problems, ever. I know it's a little old, but it still blows most mobile devices off the shelf. Android version 5, Lollipop. Rooted. If any of that matters. Malware scans have always produced 0 with any AV/M app I've tried. I'm very careful.
Anyway, if anyone else has had this problem, or knows of it...
What do I need to change in my code to make it compatible with current Chrome on Android? Is this a problem I need to solve with code? I've looked everywhere but can't seem to find info specifically on it. All I can say is it's breaking my animations. I can't even use dev tools to figure it out, as running a perf check from my computer crashes my phone so bad Chrome dies and loses the connection and any performance data gained, taking my phones wallpaper along with it!
I'm not picking up any errors from my script-- it's fairly basic. I stripped it down to bare bones because I thought I had a runtime error, but nothing. Is there a change with the way Chrome for Android interprets the CSS or does the layering or something?
Sincere apologies if this ends up being off-topic, as I'm not totally sure if this a coding issue, or just a problem with my phone in particular. If it's a coding issue, that's what I need to know-- and how to fix it.

Odd console.memory results in Chrome, negative numbers in timeline memory dev tools, a Chrome bug?

After running for a very long time (a day or more) a web-based app I wrote (JS/HTML5) starts acting "weird". Primarily it stops sending the normal data it should to the backend, where I expect it to be sending ~500kb of data it starts sending just a few bytes of nonsense. I suspected this was memory related (unable to allocate memory or something?) and when I investigated I saw something truly strange and seemingly impossible, which suggests to me that it's a Chrome bug I'm encountering perhaps through high memory usage. But I could use some confirmation from someone who knows better than I do.
The main oddness seems to be what console.memory spits out. The linked document says that "usedJsHeapSize can not be greater than totalJsHeapSize" which it very, very much is. It's also higher than the heap size limit, which I imagine it should not be:
I then tried to see what devtools might tell me and did a timeline of memory at that instant, for a few seconds, and look at what it says.... the memory ranges from some negative insanely big number to 0B. That sure doesn't seem right.
And I checked the chrome://memory report and while it is using a lot of memory, comparing that to other Chrome browsing sessions I have going it doesn't seem freakish.
Can anyone confirm this is a Chrome bug versus expected dev tools behavior I'm not interpreting correctly.
Values are bucketed to prevent side-channel attacks
Bucketing described here:
Get precise numbers with Chrome flag: --enable-precise-memory-info

Javascript memory and leak problems

My site is pretty standard ecom site, it isn't a JS backed standalone app or anything, it's just a site which uses JS for standard stuff, as well as some jquery plugins to do a few things.
I'm trying to do some JS memory evaluation on my site. I've done this by looking at the Chrome Task Manager and through Heap Snapshots.
Initailly my site on first load sits between 35MB (i.e 35,000K) and 40MB on the task manager. This is the largest of any tab, if I have several tabs of other websites open at the same time.
If I refesh the page it jumps up to 55-60, another refresh sees it jump to 65-70MB.
On a normal page in a workflow, it fluctuates between 45-65 (sometimes 75 depending on what you're doing). Clicking around and doing the workflow from page to page sees the memory jump up to 85-100, and increases as you continue through the site.
I've tried to do a few things like check for:
detacted nodes
heap snapshots & looking at the deltas
amix's MemoryLeakChecker checking size of objects
I'd need a deeper dive to look for circular references or closure problems.
Heap snapshots don't reveal much, most of the top lists are (array), (string), (system). The snapshots sit between 4.8MB, 5.1MB, 5.8MB, 6.8MB and increase.
I've got a few questions as result:
How do I understand the different metrics between snapshot memory and task manager memory
Are there any good tutorials (apart from the ones on the Google Developers site)?
How much memory is considered acceptable? Given in the task manager my site is always the highest?
Do I have a memory leak? Apart from the steps I've described above (which I haven't found anything concrete from) is there any other ways I can find leaks?
Can you suggest any tools apart from the Chrome Dev Tools (a lot of the tools mentioned on Google for Firefox are not compatible with the latest version, eg: Leak Monitor for FF)
As a side note, most of my functions are low key operations, and don't exceed 200ms (based on a CPU profile). What is a good benchmark I should be aiming for? Is 200ms high?
What you are describing is not a memory leak, it's a garbage that Chrome knows of and that will be removed whenever Chrome decides it's time to do it. To explain this, lets have a closer look at the scenario you have described.
Making memory to 'leak'
First lets open up a new incognito window (just to be sure that browser extensions are not affecting our results) and navigate to
Then, lets open the Task Manager and enable "JavaScript Memory" column (by right-clicking on the Task Manager window). We need this column to be sure that the memory we will be 'leaking' is being, in fact, allocated by JavaScript. We end up with something like this:
Now, as you suggested, we should reload the page couple of times and observe the memory of our tab going up:
So far, so good - everything works exactly as you described it.
Wait a second...
However, lave your cursor inactive for half a minute, or go to another tab and you will observe a huge memory usage drop on our 'Tab:google'. Why is that? What happened there? Who cleaned up our 'leaked' memory for us?
The Memory Usage Drop
To investigate that, lets repeat what we have done so far, so that 'Tab:google' uses a lot of memory again. Then, lets open Chrome Developer Tools and start recording on the 'Timeline' tab. After that, lets change a tab for couple of seconds and when memory drops stop 'recording' on the 'Timeline'. You should end up with this:
In the last couple of seconds of our recording mysterious 'GC Events' appeared. Exactly in the same time when the memory was released. Coincidence? Nope.
GC Events
GC stands for the Garbage Collector. It's a mechanism that "attempts to reclaim garbage, or memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use by the program". So it turns out that memory of our tab was polluted by garbage and GC was capable of getting rid of these garbage for the whole time (you can even force garbage collection using button at the bottom of the 'Timeline' tab). So why it decided not to? Why it waited for us to stop interacting with the page or change the tab?
Lazy Garbage Collector
The short answer is that garbage collection has to 'freeze' the execution of all scripts before any work can be done. Also, it can take significant amount of CPU time to execute. This can result in lag, choppy animations, unresponsive controls etc. That's why Chrome waits for the right moment to call the garbage collection. And the best moment to do it is when user is not looking.
In addition, please note that 'GC Events' come in series, there are always couple of them with short breaks in between. These breaks are meant for 'normal' JavaScript to execute making the garbage collection less noticeable.
Live Objects
Take a look at "JavaScript Memory" tab at the top two screenshots in this post again. You will notice that this column contains two numbers. First one is memory "reserved for JavaScript VM
heap", the other one is "how much memory live (reachable) objects
comprise" (source). When benchmarking your applications you should worry only about the second value, all the rest will be handled by GC.
An example of a leak
A real JavaScript leak can happen ie. in a web chat application. If, over time, it will use more and more 'live' memory while always displaying only last 10 messages then we can talk about a leak. Such leak, will eventually crash a tab (or a browser).
For scripts running on the page, reloading the page (or going to another location) is equal to restarting your computer while your ANSI C app is running. After that, you should think about all the memory allocated by your scripts as wiped out. The only reason why, in practice, this may not happen immediately after reloading the page is that browser is waiting for the right moment to clean up. And you, as a web developer, should not be concerned about it.
If you still think that your page are leaking you can use the answer from this question to track down the leaked objects.

Chrome freezes on my backbone page: how to debug?

The project I'm working on involves a "planning" screen, which is entirely made with backbone.js (the other pages of the app are not).
My issue is that from times to times, chrome freezes and the web view stop responding to any interaction. Sometimes, I can manage to quit chrome itself, but usually the controls does not answer either.
I'm pretty convinced this is related to the js code. It seems to me that when a script takes too much time, or loops indefinitely, Chrome can detect this and interrupt the script. However, since this is not the case, I'm thinking that too many js objects stay in memory.
Whatever the cause is, I would like to know which chrome dev tools can help me here. While I'm not a beginner in js, asides setting breakpoints and calling console.log, I have no idea how to debug JS apps. I'm not opposed to use another browser if the dev tools are more suited.
Thanks a lot for your time !
FTR : This is a rails 3.2.8 app, using mongodb, & Backbone.js 0.9.2. The js code is written in coffeescript. This issue happened on my macbook air 2012 running mountain lion, as well as on the client machine which runs on windows 7. The issue appeared at least on chrome 22 & 23.
Using the Javascript CPU profiler, I was able to find the group of functions that seems to be responsible for the freezing.
I'm still open to any advice/ressource on debugging javascript code.
Make a console.log in the loop and check if its the same point freezing on all chrome versions. There is a limit see Browser Javascript Stack size limit.
Maybe add some code? Because there could be some memory leaks especially with event handlers!
What I would do is the long and weary approach to getting your hands dirty with console.log. --- in this case.
In your case, and THX for the hint by the way (finding the offender with the CPU profiler, I'll try that next time round), I guess the offenders might be some functions "callbacking" themselves .. probably via some sort of event-handling/bubbling/callback-combination.
What happens then usually is that it just doesn't recognize the endless-loop, because the callback-stack is kinda "broken". Therefor it will never throw a browser-error.
If you have any luck, it doesn't kill the browser quick enough to kill the console. I did have that at times, the console killed (remaining silent), the coffeescript files not even loaded in the debugger (I use a JIT-coffee-to-js-translator as in JS-MVC) ... the page frozen or not doing anything ...
So, if indeed you are lucky and the debugger spits out your console.logs you can thereby guess where your unwanted loop is hiding. Just by looking at the repeated order of the output statements.
of course you know you can set breakpoints right? even conditional breakpoints
I'm currently struggling a bit untangling a similar sounding loop - i guess in case of emergency some alert() calls in your code would at least slow the loop down
or maybe some wait calls (bad idea)
my loop is running so fast I loose my console log!

