Vue v-html not properly displaying my elements - javascript

I have a given HTML string that I need to display in my Vue component.
Context: KaTeX is a typesetting library that renders mathematical syntax into easy to read equations.
Here is the string:
<p>A pintail population, <div v-katex="'p'"></div>, of <div v-katex="'1000'"></div> bacteria tows in number according to the equation <div v-katex="'\\displaystyle p(t) = 1000(1 + \\frac{4t}{t^2+ 50})'"></div>, where <div v-katex="'t'"></div> is in hours. Find the rate which the population is growing after <div v-katex="'1 h'"></div> and after <div v-katex="'2h'"></div>.</p>
Here it is in my code:
renderKatex() returns a String of HTML code.
Here it is in the web browser dev tools:
But here it is displayed:
As you can see, the <div v-katex> elements are not showing up. Except, when I hardcode the previous HTML in the template (I copied and pasted the HTML from dev-tools), it displays:
So there seems to be some issue with the Vue directive "v-html" that doesn't render the elements properly.


Add Component or Directive to HTML template received from the server

Let's say an endpoint returns this HTML:
<div data-type="section">
<div data-type="section-header">
Section 1
<div data-type="section-body">
Lorem ipsum
Above template will be stored in component property sections. In an Angular app we will append this HTML to the page via <div class="sections-container" [innerHtml]="sections"></div>.
Before appending HTML template to innerHtml, is it possible to add component or directive to the HTML template received from the backend?
For example we have HighlightDirective, which will set background to yellow and we want to apply it to data-type="section-header" element, so that HTML template will look like this:
<div data-type="section">
<div data-type="section-header" appHighlight>
Section 1
<div data-type="section-body">
Lorem ipsum
Will Angular automatically recognize the appHighlight directive and add it to the component tree? Or it's necessary to hydrate this HTML template?
The solution that I have found it is wrapped HTML into anonymous component and handle string from BE. Then compile that and looks like everything is ok.
Stackblitz example

HTML Symbols not loading dynamically in Angular

I am working with some Angular and firebase code in which I am requesting some data from firebase and displaying them, simple stuff, but...
I had an array of string which contains some data like so,
the second one is HTML symbols and when I tried to render it to screen using angular interpolation
this happened
<p _ngcontent-rnr-c24>折光</p>
and when I manually hard code this to HTML file this is what I get
<p _ngcontent-rnr-c24>折光</p>
which is what I wanted...
Any help is appreciated, thank you
Since it's an HTML Symbol you might just be better off doing it like this:
<ng-container *ngFor="let symbols of symbols">
<p [innerHTML]="symbol"></p>

Angular 1 how to properly include external component inside ng-include?

Situation: I have a view where I'm including a fragment with ng-include. The fragment loads perfectly and works as expected when inside view where controller is defined.
My problem is, that when I want to include external component inside the "ng-include" fragment "myView.html", it doesn't show up. When including it inside the main view where the controller is, it shows up and works as expected.
Main view:
<div ng-controller="MyController">
<div data-ng-include src="'views/myView.html'"></div>
<!-- When loaded here, the component shows up -->
<!-- <div id="componentDiv"></div> -->
Fragment "myView.html":
<div id="componentDiv"></div>
The component is loaded inside the "MyController", where "componentDiv" is the "id" of "div" where the component is placed:
var testObj = new TestObj({"container": "componentDiv"});
Trying to do this to be able to use this fragment with full functionality in several places.
Any ideas or suggestions what to look up or try?
IMHO I think that by saying " be able to use this fragment with full functionality in several places" you just answered your question. What you need is to build a custom directive and use it in any place you like.
see directive samples e.g. Angular documentation on directives

Pass variable from one html file to another

I'm creating an Angular 2 webpage - I originally had 1 HTML file that contained everything I needed for my web page's UI - for design reasons, I've taken out a part of the HTML and created a separate component for it (specifically a Tree view display). I've been able to reference the other HTML file (treeview) fine using its selector tree-selector in my original HTML like so:
<div *ngIf="showTree">
<h1>Using treeview template.</h1>
The code for tree-selector.html is (I'm using PrimeNG UI components):
<p-tree [value]="fileSystemTree" selectionMode="single" (onNodeSelect)="nodeSelect($event)" (onNodeUnselect)="nodeUnselect($event)" (onNodeExpand)="nodeExpand($event)" [style]="{'max-height':'200px','overflow':'auto'}"></p-tree>
Before, when everything was in 1 file, it was easy to use the variable "fileSystemTree" to use for [value]. Now that I have two HTML files, I'm unsure of how to use fileSystemTree again in my main HTML and link it to [value] in tree-selector.html.
Pass it to <tree-selector></tree-selector> as input parameter and then further to <p-tree...>
<div *ngIf="showTree">
<h1>Using treeview template.</h1>
<tree-selector [fileSystemTree]="fileSystemTree"></tree-selector>
in tree-selector component:
#Input() fileSystemTree: any;

ExpressionEngine putting Javascript on a page

I am a super beginner to EE and was literally thrust into managing my company's website that is built in EE without training. I'm not a programmer, I'm a designer, so it's been taking me awhile to plug through this. So I might need some dumbed down language :)
I want to create a page that has some Javascript on it. Do I need to create a new template JUST so I can put some javascript on it? And how do I communicate to EE that I want the page I created to go with that template?
I duplicated the page/index template and renamed it to clinician-map (the same name of the page I created in the publisher). EE didn't like that and the page subsequently broke. All I want to do is insert one javascript item, this seems way too inefficient for just one page. Help??
(using EE 1.6.8)
Here is my code from clinician-map template.
{embed="embeds/html_head" url_title="{segment_2}"}
<?php include_once("analyticstracking.php") ?>
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="{my_weblog}" disable="categories|member_data|pagination|trackbacks" limit="1" sort="asc" }
<body class="{url_title}">
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="content">
<div id="contentMain">
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="{my_weblog}" disable="categories|member_data|pagination|trackbacks" limit="1" sort="asc"}
<!--contactforminfo -->
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="{my_weblog}" disable="categories|member_data|pagination|trackbacks"}
{related_entries id="playa_contentcalloutitems"}
<div class="callout">
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="{my_weblog}" disable="categories|member_data|pagination|trackbacks"}
{related_entries id="playa_contentfeatureditems"}
<div class="featuredContent">
{exp:word_limit total="50"}
{/exp:word_limit}{if contentfeatured_body!=""}<p><a href='{url_title_path='content-featured/'}' class='more'>Read More</a></p>{/if}
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="{my_weblog}" disable="categories|member_data|pagination|trackbacks"}
<div id="contentSub">{related_entries id="playa_contentsubitems"}<div class="item {contentsub_bgcolor}">
{if contentsub_contenttype=="Text or Picture with Text"}
{exp:word_limit total="50"}
{/exp:word_limit}{if contentsub_body!=""}<p><a href='{url_title_path='content-sub/'}' class='more'>Read More</a></p>{/if}
<h3 class="imgHeader">{title}</h3>
{exp:html_strip convert="y" convert_back="none" keep="a,img"}
At glance I can see a couple things that might be confounding you...
You started with a template called 'index' in the 'page' template group.
Looks like the 'page' template you are starting from is meant to display a single entry from the 'page' weblog.
So a request url might look something like this:
where 'some_url_title' is the 'url_title' value one of the entries in your 'page' weblog.
Now you have gone and duplicated the index template and called this new template 'clinician-map'.
So you would call an entry through this template at:
Now, notice that the first url had 2 segments, while the second had 3 segments?
That's not normally a big deal but the fellow who designed the index template did something that makes it problematic. He is taking the value of segment_2 and passing it through an embed.
So in the first example (index) we are passing the dynamic value "some_url_tile" while in the second example (clinician-map) we are passing "clinician-map". If the embedded template 'html_head' is expecting to get a valid url_title but instead gets the string 'clinician-map' you are likely going to get unexpected results.
Also I don't think we know enough about what you are trying to do to decide if creating a new template is the right approach here. It may be that what you actually need is a new weblog entry or perhaps just a dynamic value inside your existing template.
If it did turn out that a new template is the best approach you could fix the problem I have described by simply replacing segment_2 with segment_3, but I am by no means certain that that is the way you want to go.
I want to create a page that has some Javascript on it. Do I need to
create a new template JUST so I can put some javascript on it?
More specifics would be needed in order to give a solid recommendation but in almost every case, I recommend keeping JavaScript grouped together either in the <head></head> or ideally right before the closing </body> tag if you can get away with it.
Looking at your template code, it appears all the JavaScript is stored in the embeds/html_scripts page. I would add the JavaScript you need to that template. If you only want the JavaScript to appear for certain pages only, I would make use of a conditional (which I'll outline at the end of my answer).
And how do I communicate to EE that I want the page I created to go
with that template?
ExpressionEngine URLs (by default) are assembled as follows:
Therefore if you have a page with a url_title of "contact-us", and you wanted that page to use a template in site/pages, you could tell your page to use that template like so:
That url is obviously fine and dandy for blog articles and such, but it's not that pretty; so ExpressionEngine also enables you to construct "page" based navigation which creates navigation tree based url structures, such as:
There are a few third party modules that make it easy to build page navigation such as:
Using Structure, you specify the default template for each channel and can override the template for each page as well.
I duplicated the page/index template and renamed it to clinician-map
(the same name of the page I created in the publisher). EE didn't like
that and the page subsequently broke. All I want to do is insert one
javascript item, this seems way too inefficient for just one page.
(using EE 1.6.8) Here is my code from clinician-map template.
There are a number of things I would do different in regards to the template code you provided; however, as a quick fix here's how I would add the one line of JavaScript,
1) Open the embeds/html_scripts template and add the following logic:
{if segment_2 == "my_page_url_title"}
<!-- javascript here -->
Note: Here's how segments are determined:
Okay. I ended up just creating a new webblog and new template group and finally it seems like it's working. My javascript is not, but I can figure that out.
Thank you so much for your patience with helping me!

