Set $location in AngularJS / Electron app - javascript

Is it possible to change the URL for $location in AngularJS within an Electon app but without implicitly loading that URL? The problem is that Electron is loading index.html (and other resources) locally, which is intended. But then of course it also sets $location to the local file system.
Background: The reason why I need $location to point to the server is that there is some existing legacy code (which I must not change) and this code uses e.g. $ So after the Electron app has started I'd need to set the location correctly, so that this legacy code can work.
UPDATE 17.07.2020
Here is the requested example code:
I'm trying to set the location with window.location = "" so that the AngularJS function $ returns param1=test. The problem is, as mentioned above, that when setting window.location, Electron loads the index.html from that server and replaces the content of the BrowserWindow. But I want to load those resources (index.html, *.js, *.css locally) I also tried:
window.location.href = ...
window.location.assign (...)
window.location.replace (...)
but all of these are reloading the page as well.

I think you'll want to add an event listener for will-navigate. Docs can be found here. The important piece:
[The will-event event will be] emitted when a user or the page wants to start navigation. It can happen when the window.location object is changed or a user clicks a link in the page.
I'd imagine your main.js file will look something like this, it's bare-bones but I hope you get the idea.
const {
} = require("electron");
let window;
function createWindow(){
window = new BrowserWindow(){...};
// etc....
app.on("ready", createWindow);
// For all BrowserWindows you make, the inner bindings will be applied to each;
// more information for "web-contents-created" is here:
app.on("web-contents-created", (event, contents) => {
contents.on("will-redirect", (event, navigationUrl) => {
// prevent the window from changing path via "window.location = '....'"
FYI: This event listener is mainly used for security reasons, but I don't see why you can't use it in your case.


How can I load a shared web worker with a user-script?

I want to load a shared worker with a user-script. The problem is the user-script is free, and has no business model for hosting a file - nor would I want to use a server, even a free one, to host one tiny file. Regardless, I tried it and I (of course) get a same origin policy error:
Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to construct 'SharedWorker': Script at
cannot be accessed from origin ''.
There's another way to load a web worker by converting the worker function to a string and then into a Blob and loading that as the worker but I tried that too:
var sharedWorkers = {};
var startSharedWorker = function(workerFunc){
var funcString = workerFunc.toString();
var index = funcString.indexOf('{');
var funcStringClean = funcString.substring(index + 1, funcString.length - 1);
var blob = new Blob([funcStringClean], { type: "text/javascript" }); = new SharedWorker(window.URL.createObjectURL(blob));;
And that doesn't work either. Why? Because shared workers are shared based on the location their worker file is loaded from. Since createObjectURL generates a unique file name for each use, the workers will never have the same URL and will therefore never be shared.
How can I solve this problem?
Note: I tried asking about specific solutions, but at this point I think
the best I can do is ask in a more broad manner for any
solution to the problem, since all of my attempted solutions seem
fundamentally impossible due to same origin policies or the way
URL.createObjectURL works (from the specs, it seems impossible to
alter the resulting file URL).
That being said, if my question can somehow be improved or clarified, please leave a comment.
You can use fetch(), response.blob() to create an Blob URL of type application/javascript from returned Blob; set SharedWorker() parameter to Blob URL created by URL.createObjectURL(); utilize, load event of newly opened window to define same SharedWorker previously defined at original window, attach message event to original SharedWorker at newly opened windows.
javascript was tried at console at How to clear the contents of an iFrame from another iFrame, where current Question URL should be loaded at new tab with message from opening window through worker.port.postMessage() event handler logged at console.
Opening window should also log message event when posted from newly opened window using worker.postMessage(/* message */), similarly at opening window
window.worker = void 0, = void 0;
.then(response => response.blob())
.then(script => {
var url = URL.createObjectURL(script);
window.worker = new SharedWorker(url);
worker.port.addEventListener("message", (e) => console.log(;
worker.port.start(); =""
+ "38810002/"
+ "how-can-i-load-a-shared-web-worker-"
+ "with-a-user-script", "_blank");
so.addEventListener("load", () => {
so.worker = worker;
so.worker.port.addEventListener("message", (e) => so.console.log(;
so.worker.port.postMessage("hi from " + so.location.href);
so.addEventListener("load", () => {
worker.port.postMessage("hello from " + location.href)
At console at either tab you can then use, e.g.; at How to clear the contents of an iFrame from another iFrame worker.postMessage("hello, again") at new window of current URL How can I load a shared web worker with a user-script?, worker.port.postMessage("hi, again"); where message events attached at each window, communication between the two windows can be achieved using original SharedWorker created at initial URL.
As you've researched and as it has been mentioned in comments,
SharedWorker's URL is subject to the Same Origin Policy.
According to this question there's no CORS support for Worker's URL.
According to this issue GM_worker support is now a WONT_FIX, and
seems close enough to impossible to implement due to changes in Firefox.
There's also a note that sandboxed Worker (as opposed to
unsafeWindow.Worker) doesn't work either.
What I suppose you want to achieve is a #include * userscript that will collect some statistics or create some global UI what will appear everywhere. And thus you want to have a worker to maintain some state or statistic aggregates in runtime (which will be easy to access from every instance of user-script), and/or you want to do some computation-heavy routine (because otherwise it will slow target sites down).
In the way of any solution
The solution I want to propose is to replace SharedWorker design with an alternative.
If you want just to maintain a state in the shared worker, just use Greasemonkey storage (GM_setValue and friends). It's shared among all userscript instances (SQLite behide the scenes).
If you want to do something computation-heavy task, to it in unsafeWindow.Worker and put result back in Greasemonkey storage.
If you want to do some background computation and it must be run only by single instance, there are number of "inter-window" synchronisation libraries (mostly they use localStorage but Greasemomkey's has the same API, so it shouldn't be hard to write an adapter to it). Thus you can acquire a lock in one userscript instance and run your routines in it. Like, IWC or ByTheWay (likely used here on Stack Exchange; post about it).
Other way
I'm not sure but there may be some ingenious response spoofing, made from ServiceWorker to make SharedWorker work as you would like to. Starting point is in this answer's edit.
I am pretty sure you want a different answer, but sadly this is what it boils down to.
Browsers implement same-origin-policies to protect internet users, and although your intentions are clean, no legit browser allows you to change the origin of a sharedWorker.
All browsing contexts in a sharedWorker must share the exact same origin
You cannot hack around this issue, I've trying using iframes in addition to your methods, but non will work.
Maybe you can put it your javascript file on github and use their raw. service to get the file, this way you can have it running without much efforts.
I was reading chrome updates and I remembered you asking about this.
Cross-origin service workers arrived on chrome!
To do this, add the following to the install event for the SW:
self.addEventListener('install', event => {
scopes: [self.registration.scope], // or some sub-scope
origins: ['*'] // or ['']
Some other considerations are needed aswell, check it out:
Full link:
Yes you can! (here's how):
I don't know if it's because something has changed in the four years since this question was asked, but it is entirely possible to do exactly what the question is asking for. It's not even particularly difficult. The trick is to initialize the shared worker from a data-url that contains its code directly, rather than from a createObjectURL(blob).
This is probably most easily demonstrated by example, so here's a little userscript for that uses a shared worker to assign each stackoverflow window a unique ID number, displayed in the tab title. Note that the shared-worker code is directly included as a template string (i.e. between backtick quotes):
// ==UserScript==
// #name stackoverflow userscript shared worker example
// #namespace stackoverflow test code
// #version 1.0
// #description Demonstrate the use of shared workers created in userscript
// #icon
// #include http*://*
// #run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
"use strict";
var port = (new SharedWorker('data:text/javascript;base64,' + btoa(
// =======================================================================================================================
// ================================================= shared worker code: =================================================
// =======================================================================================================================
// This very simple shared worker merely provides each window with a unique ID number, to be displayed in the title
var lastID = 0;
onconnect = function(e)
var port = e.source;
port.onmessage = handleMessage;
function handleMessage(e) { console.log("Message Recieved by shared worker: ",; }
// =======================================================================================================================
// =======================================================================================================================
port.onmessage = function(e)
var data =, msg = data[0];
switch (msg)
case "setID": document.title = "#"+data[1]+": "+document.title; break;
I can confirm that this is working on FireFox v79 + Tampermonkey v4.11.6117.
There are a few minor caveats:
Firstly, it might be that the page your userscript is targeting is served with a Content-Security-Policy header that explicitly restricts the sources for scripts or worker scripts (script-src or worker-src policies). In that case, the data-url with your script's content will probably be blocked, and OTOH I can't think of a way around that, unless some future GM_ function gets added to allow a userscript to override a page's CSP or change its HTTP headers, or unless the user runs their browser with an extension or browser settings to disable CSP (see e.g. Disable same origin policy in Chrome).
Secondly, userscripts can be defined to run on multiple domains, e.g. you might run the same userscript on and But even when created by this single userscript, shared workers obey the same-origin policy, so there should be a different instance of the shared worker that gets created for all the .com windows vs for all the windows. Be aware of this!
Finally, some browsers may impose a size limit on how long data-urls can be, restricting the maximum length of code for the shared worker. Even if not restricted, the conversion of all the code for long, complicated shared worker to base64 and back on every window load is quite inefficient. As is the indexing of shared workers by extremely long URLs (since you connect to an existing shared worker based on matching its exact URL). So what you can do is (a) start with an initially very minimal shared worker, then use eval() to add the real (potentially much longer) code to it, in response to something like an "InitWorkerRequired" message passed to the first window that opens the worker, and (b) For added efficiency, pre-calculate the base-64 string containing the initial minimal shared-worker bootstrap code.
Here's a modified version of the above example with these two wrinkles added in (also tested and confirmed to work), that runs on both and (just so you can verify that the different domains do indeed use separate shared worker instances):
// ==UserScript==
// #name stackoverflow & wikipedia userscript shared worker example
// #namespace stackoverflow test code
// #version 2.0
// #description Demonstrate the use of shared workers created in userscript, with code injection after creation
// #icon
// #include http*://*
// #include http*://*
// #run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
"use strict";
// Minimal bootstrap code used to first create a shared worker (commented out because we actually use a pre-encoded base64 string created from a minified version of this code):
// ==================================================================================================================================
let x = [];
onconnect = function(e)
var p = e.source;
p.onmessage = function(e) // Expects only 1 kind of message: the init code. So we don't actually check for any other sort of message, and page script therefore mustn't send any other sort of message until init has been confirmed.
(0,eval)([1]); // (0,eval) is an indirect call to eval(), which therefore executes in global scope (rather than the scope of this function). See or
while(e = x.shift()) onconnect(e); // This calls the NEW onconnect function, that the eval() above just (re-)defined. Note that unless windows are opened in very quick succession, x should only have one entry.
// ==================================================================================================================================
// Actual code that we want the shared worker to execute. Can be as long as we like!
// Note that it must replace the onconnect handler defined by the minimal bootstrap worker code.
var workerCode =
// ==================================================================================================================================
"use strict"; // NOTE: because this code is evaluated by eval(), the presence of "use strict"; here will cause it to be evaluated in it's own scope just below the global scope, instead of in the global scope directly. Practically this shouldn't matter, though: it's rather like enclosing the whole code in (function(){...})();
var lastID = 0;
onconnect = function(e) // MUST set onconnect here; bootstrap method relies on this!
var port = e.source;
port.onmessage = handleMessage;
port.postMessage(["WorkerConnected",++lastID]); // As well as providing a page with it's ID, the "WorkerConnected" message indicates to a page that the worker has been initialized, so it may be posted messages other than "InitializeWorkerCode"
function handleMessage(e)
var data =;
if (data[0]==="InitializeWorkerCode") return; // If two (or more) windows are opened very quickly, "InitWorkerRequired" may get posted to BOTH, and the second response will then arrive at an already-initialized worker, so must check for and ignore it here.
// ...
console.log("Message Received by shared worker: ",; // For this simple example worker, there's actually nothing to do here
// ==================================================================================================================================
// Use a base64 string encoding minified version of the minimal bootstrap code in the comments above, i.e.
// btoa('{let x=[];onconnect=function(e){var p=e.source;x.push(e);p.postMessage(["InitWorkerRequired"]);p.onmessage=function(e){(0,eval)([1]);while(e=x.shift()) onconnect(e);}}}');
// NOTE: If there's any chance the page might be using more than one shared worker based on this "bootstrap" method, insert a comment with some identification or name for the worker into the minified, base64 code, so that different shared workers get unique data-URLs (and hence don't incorrectly share worker instances).
var port = (new SharedWorker('data:text/javascript;base64,e2xldCB4PVtdO29uY29ubmVjdD1mdW5jdGlvbihlKXt2YXIgcD1lLnNvdXJjZTt4LnB1c2goZSk7cC5wb3N0TWVzc2FnZShbIkluaXRXb3JrZXJSZXF1aXJlZCJdKTtwLm9ubWVzc2FnZT1mdW5jdGlvbihlKXsoMCxldmFsKShlLmRhdGFbMV0pO3doaWxlKGU9eC5zaGlmdCgpKSBvbmNvbm5lY3QoZSk7fX19')).port;
port.onmessage = function(e)
var data =, msg = data[0];
switch (msg)
case "WorkerConnected": document.title = "#"+data[1]+": "+document.title; break;
case "InitWorkerRequired": port.postMessage(["InitializeWorkerCode",workerCode]); break;

Force view to reload tvml content on Apple TV/tvos

I have been working on dynamically generating tvml-templates with very frequently changing content for a tvOS app on Apple TV. Generating the templates works fine, however I have not been able to get the app to update/reload the content of a template when navigating back and forth between views or leaving and reentering the app. Only rebooting seems to reload the tvml template.
Your template will refresh itself automatically whenever you manipulate the TVML within the template document.
If you maintain a reference to the document like so:
var myDoc;
function(resource) {
if (resource) {
myDoc = self.makeDocument(resource);
you can manipulate the TVML using myDoc and your view will automatically change.
So if your template document includes a "collectionList" and you were to run this code:
//Removes the child elements of the first collectionList
var collectionLists = myDoc.getElementsByTagName("collectionList");
var collectionList = collectionLists.item(0);
while (collectionList.firstChild) {
your view would no longer display the UI elements within the collectionList. The view will refresh itself the moment the code is run.
The answer by #shirefriendship pointed my in the right direction (thank you!). As another example, if you wanted to change the text of a single element in a template (such as the description), you would need to use the innerHTML property:
function changeDescription(incomingString) {
console.log("inside the change description function")
if (incomingString) {
var theDescription = myDoc.getElementsByTagName("description").item(0);
theDescription.innerHTML = incomingString;
This changes the description immediately to the viewer.
If you are using atvjs framework, you can easily create and navigate to dynamic pages which are regenerated while navigating.
name: 'home',
url: 'path/to/your/api/that/returns/json',
template: your_template_function
// navigate to your page
Set this in the header of your API:
Got it from Apple Docs:
When serving JavaScript and XML files from your web server, you often
need to ensure that any changes to your pages are always visible to
the client app. To do this, your server must ensure that the client
does not cache any of the pages. When your server responds to an HTTP
request for a page that should not be cached, the server should
include Cache-Control:no-cache in the HTTP response header.

getting access token from Facebook - alloy titanium

I have built an app using titanium alloy
// Use the Alloy.Globals.Facebook namespace to make Facebook module API calls
var facebookModule = Alloy.Globals.Facebook;
//set facebook app id
facebookModule.appid = Ti.App.Properties.getString("ti.facebook.appid");
//set permissions i.e what data I want
facebookModule.permissions = ['user_friends','user_photos'];
// Do not force a facebook html popover but use the native dialog if possible
facebookModule.forceDialogAuth = false;
//invoke method onto button from module
$ = facebookModule.BUTTON_STYLE_WIDE;
In my index.js controller I have this segment of code, it executes and I am presented with a log in screen.
I then fall into 2 problems:
1) "FB Session: Should only be used from a single thread"
2) I am unable to get the access token.
Not sure how to resolve both as the inbuilt login function has it's own event handler.
Like you said, the inbuilt login function does have it's own handler.. so you should listen for event changes, something like this:
facebookModule.addEventListener('login', function(e) {
if (e.success) {
Ti.App.Properties.setString('face_token', facebookModule.getAccessToken());
// DO SOMETHING WITH THE TOKEN - open new window, auth the user...
If you try to get the access token BEFORE the login event is fired, you'll end up bad.
Now about the single thread thing.. I did run into this a while back.. I'm not sure exactly what I did to solve it, but I think it might be related to opening multiple windows or event allowing more than one call to the facebook API. Try to check if you are closing your windows and if the login function is being called more than once.
Let me know if that works for you. Good luck.

How to force initial navigation with SammyJS

I have a SammyJS-based single page application running under http://[mydomain]/[myapp]/[subPath]. The server is configured to return the same HTML "startup" page no matter what [subPath] is, i.e. the route is configured with a wildcard for the subpath.
Since I want users to be able to bookmark a particular subpath in the application (e.g., "/orders/123"), I need to force the client to navigate to that subpath once the "startup" page is loaded. What is the best way to do this? I've tried doing window.location.pathname = window.location.pathname after setting up my application, but that just caused an infinite loop of re-navigating to the page.
When creating the SammyJS application, simply pass window.location.pathname to the run() method as follows:
Sammy(function () {
this.get(/* custom route */, function (context) {
// ... handle navigation ...
}).run(window.location.pathname); // Voila!

Windows Store HTML app with popup window

I'm wrapping a web app in a Windows Store app shell using a x-ms-webview. This works fine, but I have one problem. I use PayPal and since PayPal doesn't allow to be iframed I need to open PayPal in a new browser window.
On regular browsers this isn't a problem. The window open and when the user returns from PayPal I can a callback on "opener" and update the users account.
But when doing this in a Windows Store app the triggers IE to launch. The problem is to return to my app and let it know that the user finished the transaction.
My first idea was just to use a URI activation. This kind of works, but I having trouble knowing if the PayPal page was launch from a regular browser or an app. I also think it is confusing for the user to be taken to another app to make the purchase.
I would prefer to have the window open in my app, but I'm not sure how I would open open a new x-ms-webview as a modal window overlapping existing webview.
What is the best way to communicate from the current web view and the app?
Can I use postMessage to send messages between the app and the x-ms-webview even though the src of the web view is a http hosted site?
Thank you for your help.
I found a solution to this.
First, you will need to use a https url for the embedded site. The reason for this is that the solution include postMessage and invokeScriptAsync.
First, my markup in my app looks something like this to have one webview for the app and one web view for the PayPal popup.
<x-ms-webview id="webview" src="https://myapp"></x-ms-webview>
<div id="paypalContainer">
<div class="paypal-header"><button id="paypalClose" type="reset">Close</button></div>
<div class="paypal-body"><x-ms-webview id="paypalWebView" src="about:blank"></x-ms-webview></div>
Then, when the web app is ready to use PayPal, I use window.external.notify to send a message to the Windows Store app.
if (window.external && 'notify' in window.external) {
window.external.notify(JSON.stringify({ action: 'paypal' }));
The windows store app listens for Script Notify events and displays the paypalWebView.
webview.addEventListener("MSWebViewScriptNotify", scriptNotify);
function scriptNotify(e) {
var data = JSON.parse(e.value);
if (data.action === "paypal") {
var loading = document.getElementById("loading-indicator");
var container = document.getElementById("paypalContainer");
var paypalWebView = document.getElementById("paypalWebView");
var paypalClose = document.getElementById("paypalClose");
if (paypalWebView.src === "about:blank") {
paypalWebView.addEventListener('MSWebViewNavigationCompleted', function (e) {
var successUrl = '/paypal/success';
if ( !== -1) {
var operation = webview.invokeScriptAsync("updateUser");
operation.oncomplete = function () {
(new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("Your account is refreshed", "")).showAsync().done();
paypalWebView.addEventListener('MSWebViewNavigationStarting', function (e) {
console.log("Started loading");
paypalClose.addEventListener('click', function () {
paypalWebView.src = "https://myapp/paypal/";
So, basically, when the script notify event fires, I parse the sent json string to an object and check what kind of action it is. If it's the first time I run this I setup some naviation event handlers that check if the web view reach the Success page. If we have, I use incokeScriptAsync to let the web app know that we're done so it can refresh the user account the new payment.
I think you can use a similar solution for authentication and just check your your return URL after authenticating.
Hope this helps!

