Windows Store HTML app with popup window - javascript

I'm wrapping a web app in a Windows Store app shell using a x-ms-webview. This works fine, but I have one problem. I use PayPal and since PayPal doesn't allow to be iframed I need to open PayPal in a new browser window.
On regular browsers this isn't a problem. The window open and when the user returns from PayPal I can a callback on "opener" and update the users account.
But when doing this in a Windows Store app the triggers IE to launch. The problem is to return to my app and let it know that the user finished the transaction.
My first idea was just to use a URI activation. This kind of works, but I having trouble knowing if the PayPal page was launch from a regular browser or an app. I also think it is confusing for the user to be taken to another app to make the purchase.
I would prefer to have the window open in my app, but I'm not sure how I would open open a new x-ms-webview as a modal window overlapping existing webview.
What is the best way to communicate from the current web view and the app?
Can I use postMessage to send messages between the app and the x-ms-webview even though the src of the web view is a http hosted site?
Thank you for your help.

I found a solution to this.
First, you will need to use a https url for the embedded site. The reason for this is that the solution include postMessage and invokeScriptAsync.
First, my markup in my app looks something like this to have one webview for the app and one web view for the PayPal popup.
<x-ms-webview id="webview" src="https://myapp"></x-ms-webview>
<div id="paypalContainer">
<div class="paypal-header"><button id="paypalClose" type="reset">Close</button></div>
<div class="paypal-body"><x-ms-webview id="paypalWebView" src="about:blank"></x-ms-webview></div>
Then, when the web app is ready to use PayPal, I use window.external.notify to send a message to the Windows Store app.
if (window.external && 'notify' in window.external) {
window.external.notify(JSON.stringify({ action: 'paypal' }));
The windows store app listens for Script Notify events and displays the paypalWebView.
webview.addEventListener("MSWebViewScriptNotify", scriptNotify);
function scriptNotify(e) {
var data = JSON.parse(e.value);
if (data.action === "paypal") {
var loading = document.getElementById("loading-indicator");
var container = document.getElementById("paypalContainer");
var paypalWebView = document.getElementById("paypalWebView");
var paypalClose = document.getElementById("paypalClose");
if (paypalWebView.src === "about:blank") {
paypalWebView.addEventListener('MSWebViewNavigationCompleted', function (e) {
var successUrl = '/paypal/success';
if ( !== -1) {
var operation = webview.invokeScriptAsync("updateUser");
operation.oncomplete = function () {
(new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("Your account is refreshed", "")).showAsync().done();
paypalWebView.addEventListener('MSWebViewNavigationStarting', function (e) {
console.log("Started loading");
paypalClose.addEventListener('click', function () {
paypalWebView.src = "https://myapp/paypal/";
So, basically, when the script notify event fires, I parse the sent json string to an object and check what kind of action it is. If it's the first time I run this I setup some naviation event handlers that check if the web view reach the Success page. If we have, I use incokeScriptAsync to let the web app know that we're done so it can refresh the user account the new payment.
I think you can use a similar solution for authentication and just check your your return URL after authenticating.
Hope this helps!


Set $location in AngularJS / Electron app

Is it possible to change the URL for $location in AngularJS within an Electon app but without implicitly loading that URL? The problem is that Electron is loading index.html (and other resources) locally, which is intended. But then of course it also sets $location to the local file system.
Background: The reason why I need $location to point to the server is that there is some existing legacy code (which I must not change) and this code uses e.g. $ So after the Electron app has started I'd need to set the location correctly, so that this legacy code can work.
UPDATE 17.07.2020
Here is the requested example code:
I'm trying to set the location with window.location = "" so that the AngularJS function $ returns param1=test. The problem is, as mentioned above, that when setting window.location, Electron loads the index.html from that server and replaces the content of the BrowserWindow. But I want to load those resources (index.html, *.js, *.css locally) I also tried:
window.location.href = ...
window.location.assign (...)
window.location.replace (...)
but all of these are reloading the page as well.
I think you'll want to add an event listener for will-navigate. Docs can be found here. The important piece:
[The will-event event will be] emitted when a user or the page wants to start navigation. It can happen when the window.location object is changed or a user clicks a link in the page.
I'd imagine your main.js file will look something like this, it's bare-bones but I hope you get the idea.
const {
} = require("electron");
let window;
function createWindow(){
window = new BrowserWindow(){...};
// etc....
app.on("ready", createWindow);
// For all BrowserWindows you make, the inner bindings will be applied to each;
// more information for "web-contents-created" is here:
app.on("web-contents-created", (event, contents) => {
contents.on("will-redirect", (event, navigationUrl) => {
// prevent the window from changing path via "window.location = '....'"
FYI: This event listener is mainly used for security reasons, but I don't see why you can't use it in your case.

Is there a way to tell in the page that a service worker has recently upgraded?

I have a SPA with a service worker.
I don't want to force users to update, so usually the new worker updates in the background, but I notify users and they can click a button to message the worker to skipWaiting. When this happens I rely on oncontrollerchange to force any other tabs they have open to refresh.
I want to show a link to release notes after the worker has upgraded, either due to refresh of all tabs or they force the refresh.
However, I don't want to show these notes the first time they visit, or every time the service worker activates. If they don't read the release notes I don't want to keep nagging them about it.
Is there an event or reliable design pattern I can use to tell (in the page) that the service worker has updated to a new version?
A straightforward solution would be to add a query parameter to the current URL, and instead of calling location.reload() to reload your page, instead change the location value to that URL.
Something like:
// Inside your `controllerchange` listener, call reloadWithNotes()
function reloadWithNotes() {
const url = new URL(location.href);
url.searchParams.set('showNotes', '');
location = url.href;
// Elsewhere...
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
const url = new URL(location.href);
if (url.searchParams.has('showNotes')) {
// Show your release notes.
// Remove the parameter.
window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, url.href);

How do you detect and prevent a user from accessing a web app from multiple browser tabs using php/javascript?

I have a web app that I would like to restrict to a single browser tab or window. So the idea is a user logs in and if they open a link in a tab/window or open a new browser tab/window it kills their session. I know many are against this but that's how the app needs to be.
The controller checks if the user is logged in via:
if (!isset($_SESSION['user_logged_in'])) {
header('location: '.URL.'login');
I have tried setting $_SESSION['user_logged_in'] to false if its true but then obviously you don't go any further than one page.
Is there a way to destroy the session when a new browser tab or window is opened? I'm guessing probably jquery/javascript but not across that side of things.
It's very complex to achieve, unfortunately.
And almost impossible to do it true cross-browser and supported by every browser.
Technically, every new browser tab doesn't differ from the latter, form server's point of view. They share cookies and session too.
The only things that differ is JavaScript session. Say, an example: a site that is fully AJAX-based. First page is always login page. Then everything's changed with AJAX. If you dare to open another tab with this site it will open the first page which is always logging you out be default, for example. This can make it possible, but it's very complex.
New technologies stack like localStorage might make this possible, where you can communicate between tabs sending messages in localStorage. But this isn't fully cross-browser and isn't supported by all browsers versions.
So if you are ok with only limited choice of latest browsers — then dig on localStorage and postMessage.
Just to piggy back on what Oleg said, it would be incredibly difficult since HTTP is stateless and browser tabs share data. One potential way of doing it COULD be on the front end, but a very specific set of circumstances would need to be present and they could easily be bypassed. IF the application is a SPA and the primary body is only loaded once, you could potentially generate a key on the body load and send that with each request. Then, if the body is reloaded (say in a new tab or new window), you could generate a new key which would start a new session.
However, the real question is why you would want to do this. Your user experience will suffer and no real security gains exist.
I have some solution and I want share it with you.
To restrict user to only one tab per session, you may use cookie. I describe here how you may build your webapp in order to archieve that goal.
Each time the web module needs to render the auth/login page, create and store a cookie with a given name. Let's call it browserName. The value of the cookie must be a generated value. You may use java.util.UUID if your programming language is java.
When the browser finished loading your auth/login page, set the browser's name with the generated cookie value. You have to know how to read cookie using JavaScript.
Each time the user load other page than auth/login page, check whether the current browser's name is that one stored in the cookie. If they are differents, prompt user and then you can run a snipt that reset session and redirect to auth/login page.
The following is an example of implementing what I've said.
Snipt to be added in the method that runs before your login page in shown Map<String, Object> v$params = new TreeMap<>();
v$params.put("path", "/");
.addResponseCookie("browserName", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), v$params);
The mini JavaScript library that help you with cookie and other. Add it globally in your webapp.
(function() {
function readCookie(name, c, C, i) {
if (cookies) {
return cookies[name];
c = document.cookie.split('; ');
cookies = {};
for (i = c.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
C = c[i].split('=');
cookies[C[0]] = C[1];
return cookies[name];
window.readCookie = readCookie; // or expose it however you want
// function read_cookie(k,r){return(r=RegExp('(^|;
// )'+encodeURIComponent(k)+'=([^;]*)').exec(document.cookie))?r[2]:null;}
function read_cookie(k) {
return (document.cookie.match('(^|; )' + k + '=([^;]*)') || 0)[2];
* To be called in login page only
function setupWebPage(){ = read_cookie("browserName");
* To be called in another pages
function checkWebPageSettings(){
var curWinName =;
var setWinName = read_cookie("browserName");
if( curWinName != setWinName){
* You may redirect the user to a proper page telling him that
* your application doesn't support multi tab/window. From this page,
* the user may decide to go back to the previous page ou loggout in
* other to have a new session in the current browser's tab or window
alert('Please go back to your previous page !');
Add this to your login page <script type="text/javascript">
Add this to your other page template <script type="text/javascript">

getting access token from Facebook - alloy titanium

I have built an app using titanium alloy
// Use the Alloy.Globals.Facebook namespace to make Facebook module API calls
var facebookModule = Alloy.Globals.Facebook;
//set facebook app id
facebookModule.appid = Ti.App.Properties.getString("ti.facebook.appid");
//set permissions i.e what data I want
facebookModule.permissions = ['user_friends','user_photos'];
// Do not force a facebook html popover but use the native dialog if possible
facebookModule.forceDialogAuth = false;
//invoke method onto button from module
$ = facebookModule.BUTTON_STYLE_WIDE;
In my index.js controller I have this segment of code, it executes and I am presented with a log in screen.
I then fall into 2 problems:
1) "FB Session: Should only be used from a single thread"
2) I am unable to get the access token.
Not sure how to resolve both as the inbuilt login function has it's own event handler.
Like you said, the inbuilt login function does have it's own handler.. so you should listen for event changes, something like this:
facebookModule.addEventListener('login', function(e) {
if (e.success) {
Ti.App.Properties.setString('face_token', facebookModule.getAccessToken());
// DO SOMETHING WITH THE TOKEN - open new window, auth the user...
If you try to get the access token BEFORE the login event is fired, you'll end up bad.
Now about the single thread thing.. I did run into this a while back.. I'm not sure exactly what I did to solve it, but I think it might be related to opening multiple windows or event allowing more than one call to the facebook API. Try to check if you are closing your windows and if the login function is being called more than once.
Let me know if that works for you. Good luck.

Need to navigate users to landing page when browser back button is pressed

I have a MVC web application which consists of several pages. The requirement is like this:
when users are using the application, suppose user is in page 7, suddenly user navigates away from the application by typing a external internet URL say
Now when user presses the back button of the browser, Instead of bringing him back to page 7, we need to redirect him to Page 0 which is the landing page of the application.
Is there any way to achieve this? we have a base controller which gets executed every time a page loads as well as a master page (aspx). Can we do something there so that this behavior can be implemented in all the pages?
I think the best solution is to use iframe and switch between your steps inside of iframe. It would be quite easy to do, because you don't need to redesign your application. Anytime when user tries to switch to other url and come back, the iframe will be loaded again from the first step.
Be sure to disable caching on every step of your application. You can do this by applying NoCache attribute to your controller's actions:
public class NoCache : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext)
There is 2 case over here
First is browser in online mode, in this case you have to store your last page get request in session, if user hit back button it will re initiate get request for that page again you can trap it and send them to landing page, You have to take care that get request for page happen only once other action must be post.
Second is browser in offline mode, in this case you have to take care that your response should not put any cache foot print in browser, there are many code example you can found on net for this purpose.
I can offer the following idea:
When user press <a href='external url' onclick='clearHistory'>link</a>
You can save in browser history of the desired url:
function clearHistory()
var reternUrl = getReternUrl();
History.pushState({}, null, reternUrl);
more about history.js
Edit: ok, then handle beforeunload event:
$(window).on('beforeunload', function () {
var reternUrl = getReternUrl();
History.pushState({}, null, reternUrl);
EDIT: Shortened and slightly changed code to better answer exact question (based on first comment to this answer)
Addition to answer above about editing the browser history for the case where the user types the external URL in the browser address bar.
You could try to detect url change as posted in How to detect URL change in JavaScript.
Example of this using jquery (taken and edited slightlyfrom post linked to above):
For newer browsers:
$(window).bind('hashchange', function() {
/* edit browser history */
For older browsers:
function callback(){
/* edit browser history */
function hashHandler(callback){
this.oldHash = window.location.hash;
var that = this;
var detect = function(){
callback("HASH CHANGED - new hash" + window.location.hash);
that.oldHash = window.location.hash;
this.Check = setInterval(function(){ detect() }, 100);
hashHandler(callback); //start detecting (callback will be called when a change is detected)
I'll get back to you on bookmarks (still need to check that out).

