Parsing a list of objects in javascript via index - javascript

var Filtered_Region = imageCollection.filterBounds(geometry);
var Filtered_Meta_Reg = Filtered_Region.filterMetadata('CLOUD_COVER','less_than', 20)
var Filtered_Date_Meta_Reg = Filtered_Meta_Reg.filterDate('2019-01-01','2019-12-31')
var Filtered_Free_image = Filtered_Date_Meta_Reg.first();
Using this piece of code in javascript i have a list(??) of class imageCollection objects which are filtered down to 30 using some methods.What i would like to do now is access these elements one by one.
I found that using .first() gives me the first element of this list(please correct me if the type produced is not a list) but i can't access the rest.
What i would like to do is via index use something like Filtered_Date_Meta_Reg[2],Filtered_Date_Meta_Reg[3] and access the 2nd and third element.How could this be done?


check a json array for an element and returning the full array associated with the element

I have a json array that is always incrementing depending on the user input, here is a sample of the json code:
this array is saved inside var Schedulearray
if i want to search for a specific id let's say i want to get randomid from the array by using :
now if the result is randomid i wan to get all the attribute of the element ie. timestart timeend and so on
is it possible or do i have to get each one alone like this:
var timestart=Schedulearray.timestart;
You can use find function:
let arr = [{"scheduleid":"randomid","datestart":"2020-06-30","dateend":"2020-06-30","timestart":"08:00","timeend":"20:00","recurrences":"dailysett","daily":""},
var elem = arr.find((e) => e.scheduleid === "randomid");
you can use filter
var data=[{"scheduleid":"randomid","datestart":"2020-06-30","dateend":"2020-06-30","timestart":"08:00","timeend":"20:00","recurrences":"dailysett","daily":""},
var filtered=data.filter(i=>i.scheduleid==="randomid");

Retrieving single parts of a javasript/jquery object

Hi suppose I have a jQuery selector such as this:
var a = $(this);
var b = a.nextUntil("button").text();
This will retrieve all the DOM elements till the next button. I want to access all these DOM elements individually as separate objects. Is there way to do that?
If you want to execute a function for each of the elements, you can use .each
If you want all the objects to be in an array, you can do something like this:
var arr = a.nextUntil("button")
and then index it as an array.

Javascript object/array manipulation

Struggling with some javascript array manipulation/updating. Hope someone could help.
I have an array:
Javascript JSON version:
I will be adding a label, and associated array data:
array("saved_designs"=array('label'=array('class'='somecssclass',styles=array(ill add more assoc elements here),'hover'=array(ill add more assoc elements here))))
Javascript version:
I want to be able to append/modify this array. If 'label' already defined...then cycle through the sub data for that element...and update. If 'label' doesnt exist..then append a new data set to the 'saved_designs' array element.
So, if label is not defined, add the following to the 'saved_designs' element:
array('label2' = array('class'=>'someclass2',styles=array(),'hover=>array()')
Things arent quite working out as i expect. Im unsure of the javascript notation of [], and {} and the differences.
Probably going to need to discuss this as answers are provided....but heres some code i have at the moment to achive this:
//saveLabel = label the user chose for this "design"
if(isUnique == 0){//update
//ask user if want to overwrite design styles for the specified html element
if (confirm("Their is already a design with that label ("+saveLabel+"). Overwrite this designs data for the given element/styles?")) {
currentDesigns["saved_designs"][saveLabel]["class"] = saveClass;
//edit other subdata here...
}else{//create new
var newDesign = [];
newDesign[saveLabel] = [];
newDesign[saveLabel]["class"] = saveClass;
newDesign[saveLabel]["style"] = [];
newDesign[saveLabel]["hover"] = [];
currentDesigns["saved_designs"].push(newDesign);//gives error..push is not defined
thanks in advance. Hope this is clear. Ill update accordingly based on questions and comments.
It can be a bit confusing. JavaScript objects look a lot like a map or a dictionary from other languages. You can iterate over them and access their properties with object['property_name'].
Thus the difference between a property and a string index doesn't really exist. That looks like php you are creating. It's called an array there, but the fact that you are identifying values by a string means it is going to be serialized into an object in javascript.
var thing = {"saved_designs":{"label":{"class":"someclass","style":[],"hover":[]}}}
thing.saved_designs.label is the same thing as thing["saved_designs"]["label"].
In javascript an array is a list that can only be accessed by integer indices. Arrays don't have explicit keys and can be defined:
var stuff = ['label', 24, anObject]
So you see the error you are getting about 'push not defined' is because you aren't working on an array as far as javascript is concerned.
currentDesigns["saved_designs"] == currentDesigns.saved_designs
When you have an object, and you want a new key/value pair (i.e. property) you don't need a special function to add. Just define the key and the value:
**currentDesigns.saved_designs['key'] = newDesign;**
If you have a different label for every design (which is what it looks like) key is that label (a string).
Also when you were defining the new design this is what javascript interprets:
var newDesign = [];
newDesign is an array. It has n number of elements accessed by integers indices.
newDesign[saveLabel] = [];
Since newDesign is a an array saveLabel should be an numerical index. The value for that index is another array.
newDesign[saveLabel]["class"] = saveClass;
newDesign[saveLabel]["style"] = [];
newDesign[saveLabel]["hover"] = [];
Here explicitly you show that you are trying to use an array as objects. Arrays do not support ['string_key']
This might very well 'work' but only because in javascript arrays are objects and there is no rule that says you can't add properties to objects at will. However all these [] are not helping you at all.
var newDesign = {label: "the label", class: saveClass};
is probably what you are looking for.

Reading an object's value in JavaScript

I want to get the features from my layer. So I'm requesting WMSGetFeatureInfo method after a successful request for GetFeatureInfo on my layer.
The returned object is structured like this:
I can read values like BEVDICHTE with var bevdichte = features.BEVDICHTE and so on.
But when I want to get the value of the_geom with var the_geom = features.the_geom it returns an object. Yes it is nested so this is intended but my question is how to get the value ol.geom.MultiPoint
from the_geom?
Unfortunately var target = features.the_geom['actualEventTarget_']; will just return another 'actualEventTarget_' object. This is because the the_geom object is nested into infinity. I attached another screenshot to describe my problem. There are many more nested eventTargets following. Yet I was not able to get the property ol.geom.MultiPolygon.
To access a nested array, just use brackets: '[ ]'
var nestedArray = [[1,2], [3,4]];
var nestedArrayValue = nestedArray[0][0];
// --> returns 1
With your example:
var target = features.the_geom['actualEventTarget_']
By the way, from the looks of it var the_geom = features.the_geom doesn't seem like an array. It has keys, mapped to a value, are you sure this is an array, not an object?

jQuery parsing html into JSON

I am currently using the following code:
var selectedServices = jQuery('.selected').parent().parent().html();
and that returns:
<td rowspan="3">Brakes</td>
<td class="service-title">BRAKES SET</td>
<td class="service-description"><p>Setting of front and rear brakes for proper functioning (excluding bleeding)</p></td>
<td class="service-price">R <span id="price-brakes-set">R75</span><div id="select-brakes-set" class="select-service selected"></div>
which is what i want, except i need an array of all the elements with '.selected' class in JSON.. i just want to know how i could almost parse it in a way that i only get the contents of the td tags and as for the "service-price" only the numeric value and then how would i insert those values into a json object?
Any Help Greatly Appreciated..
jQuery is not my most formidable frameworks, but this seems to do the trick.
var selected = jQuery('.selected');
selected.each( function() {
var children = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find('td');
var json = {};
json.type = jQuery(children[0]).text();
json.title = jQuery(children[1]).text();
json.description = jQuery(children[2]).find('p').text();
json.price = jQuery(children[3]).find('span#price-brakes-set').text();
in action:
When various elements share the same class and you select them with $(".class"), you can iterate through all of them using:
$(".selected").each(function() {
var element = $(this); // This is the object with class "selected" being used in this iteration
var absoluteParent = $(this).parent().parent();
// Do whatever you want...
var title_element = $(".service-title", absoluteParent); // Get service-title class elements in the context provided by "absoluteParent", I mean, "inside" of absoluteParent
var title = title_element.html();
In the specific case of prices, I don't know exactly what is the price (probably R75?). Anyway, it should be inside a div and then select that div to obtain the price. If it is R75, then note that the "id" property should be unique for every DOM object in your HTML.
Also note that, when getting HTML, you're only getting a string, not the actual element, so it will probably not be useful for getting new values in an easy way (you won't be able to navigate through DOM elements with an ordinary string, even if it represents HTML from an actual object). Always get jQuery objects and work with them, unless you actually need the HTML.
For generating a JSON string, just create a global array and add the objects/values you need there. Then you can obtain a JSON string using var jsonText = JSON.stringify(your_array);
Consider not doing this in Javascript, as it's not useful in the majority of cases. Just send the values through POST value to a script (PHP, for example) and in the PHP you will get the actual value. The other way (PHP to Javascript) will be useful to return JSON (using json_encode($a_php_array)) and then, in Javascript, transform to a JS array using var my_array = JSON.parse(the_string_returned_by_php);.

