How to upload text file to nodejs without a form - javascript

I am interested in finding a way to save simple data (table data) - from the browser to the node server without user interaction - my browser client html javascript application creates a table - and that table disappears whenever the browser is refreshed - so I would like to have the data saved to the server, and after refresh have the browser javascript reference the table data and reconstruct the page table. (retrieving is not a problem I think.) The problem is that everything I've seen relating to uploading to node server is related to forms. That involves the user having to select a file and upload the data. I'd like to bypass that. Can anyone think of a way to do this? Imagine a piece of text;
var mycontent = "Here is the text I would like to send to have saved.";
I would like to simply have a way to upload that to the node server. I've looked at the multer, express, express-fileupload - they're examples all appear to have forms - not desirable in my case.
Any pointer to packages would be helpful.

Consider using LocalStorage API if you just want to prevent losing data when page refreshes.
The second variant could be saving data on onunload event
To use forms format take a look at FormData, you can build it programmatically without html


How to get updated version of JSON file on web server with Javascript

I'm getting data from a form filled in by users. I'm using Javascript and XMLHttpRequest to fill in the data on another form. My issue is that when the user enters their data, the JSON file on my server updates accordingly but it takes time to show on the main page, how do I force javascript to always get the most updated version of my file quickly ?
Switch your application to WebSocket if it's possiable -

Save jquery modified page permanently

I want to save modifications made on a HTML page(modifications made with JQuery), PERMANENTLY! I have read that this thing gets possible by sending an Ajax call and saving it in a table in a database, but what do you actually save in the database? The URL of the page? And what do you retrieve back in the Ajax call so that your modifications actually stay on the page?
This is a Spring MVC based web application, in case this information is needed.
I have no clue how to start or if to start trying saving it, because I have also read that this thing might not be possible, as we're talking about Client-Side modifications.
Modification that I am trying to make:
function versionOne() {
$('#title').css({"margin-top":"0px","color":"black", "font-size":"45px"});
$('#content').css({"margin-top":"80px","font-size":"20px", "text-align":"center"});
$('#picture').css({"border-radius":"25px", "margin-top":"50px"});
I'd be grateful for some suggestions!
Thanks :)
Saving the whole page won't work in most cases since it's very hard to also save the JavaScript state. So while you can save a static copy of the page without JavaScript with $('html').html(), that doesn't get you very far (or causes more trouble than it's worth).
What you want is "preferences". The site should remember some specific values. The usual approach is to load the preferences from the database before the server sends the page for the client. Apply them to the elements of the page and send the result to the browser. That way, the page looks as expected when the user sees it.
When the user changes these settings, use JavaScript to update the page and send the changes as AJAX requests to the server to persist them in the database.
When the user returns to the page, the code above will make sure that the page now looks as before.

Getting a file out of a local web page

This is what I'd like to achieve from a local page:
Enter data in a textbox
Transform the data (the outcome may be not a text file)
Get the transformed data back.
Directly writing on a local file is clearly out of question for security reasons. I know HTML5 has a FileWriter API but it's not supported on many browsers (and I think for a good reason).
I thought about creating the data as the content of one of the page elements (say a <DIV>) but then I am at loss on how to send that data back.
In essence, I feel I had to mimic the usual http request/response process while always remaining on the client side.
I start thinking that this is not possible at all, any suggestion?
One way that would take you near your desired outcome is by using data: URI scheme ("data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,"+textToPrint);
That opens a new tab with the text you want to save, you just need to click save or ctrl+s to save the text in a .txt file.

Saving dynamically created content to server & load from there

So I have this webpage that I'm making which allows people to create elements on the page on the fly. And I want to be able to save those elements to my server and whenever someone else reloads that page, the webpage will have those saved elements.
I'm not a good web programmer by any means, so take it easy with the web jargon xD
The user created elements are nested 's or lists. Those elements can be deleted at anytime as well.
So I was reading about saving them as JSON but how would I go about doing that as my 's, most of the top level ones will have the same class. Never worked with JSON before, so I'm a real noob at that.
Will the server file keep replacing itself with a brand new copy with each addition/deletion?
And I'd like to get a little help with showing the new elements without updating. On other users page. I read about AJAX real-time updating, like APE, but have no idea how to go about with that. (This is not really needed but would be a nice one to have)
If someone can guide me a little at least, that will be great. Thanks.
The best suitable way to accomplish this is by saving your objects attributes to a database, however other options include XML files etc..
The process of accomplishing it through database is:
If you want to save data to database then you will have to use a server side language like Php or, so first step will be to have a database then an active connection to your database on your intermediate file (lets say 'data.php')
Then you need to code your data.php file so that it can take input(usually through GET or POST method) and it can save it to your database
Then you need to pass your data (objects attributes) through AJAX to data.php and save them to your database
On the main file you will have to check whether already some data exists for user, if yes then fetch it from database and display objects accordingly, otherwise set the objects preferences to default

Ajax /jQuery finding if user completed the download

Here is what I am trying to do: I am making a custom text file containing a test. This test is unique to the user and well I don't want my server to stack all those text files.
Is there a way to use Ajax/JavaScript/jQuery to find if the user has already finished the download and if they have get a return value (1 if finished) so the response can be sent back to the PHP file and it can delete that file off the server (real-time like)?
I know there are plenty of ways to do this using PHP. Sort of like run clean up upon user log out and so on but I wanted to try using the method above since it can have many other applications that might be cool to use. I tried most search engines but they have nothing close to what I need.
Why do you need to store them in a file? Just use a PHP script or such that creates the test and outputs it directly to the user. That's how it will get deleted when the download is complete.
If it's important you may want the user to return to your server with the hash of the downloaded file. If the hash matches you know two things:
1. The user downloaded the file successfully
2. It's now ok to delete the file
Well it is very simple. I don't know how to make a PHP webpage send itself to the user other than to make the PHP make a text file and force send that to the user. This creates the problem of having so many text files in a temporary folder.
Now if the test required say 15 chapters each having a text or HTML format file then the script neatly zips all those files and sends them to the user. Again falling on the same problem if the user is finished downloading I am trying to get any type of script to delete the temporary zip or text file out of the temporary directory in somewhat real time.
If I could MD5 a downloaded file using JavaScript I welcome it and it would be a hack solution to the problem but how will the JavaScript gain access to the root access of the download folder of the user? There are security issues there if I am not mistaken. Hope this helps round the question a bit more.
I have a good solution for you here using the jQuery File Download plugin I created. It allows for you to get the behavior of performing an Ajax file download (not actually possible possible) complete with Success and Failure callbacks. In a nutshell you can just use the Success callback (that indicates the file download was successful) to perform an Ajax post back to the server to delete the file. Take a look at the blog post for an example on how to use the Success callback option or a demo which uses those callbacks in the context of showing modals to inform the user of what is going on.

