Getting a file out of a local web page - javascript

This is what I'd like to achieve from a local page:
Enter data in a textbox
Transform the data (the outcome may be not a text file)
Get the transformed data back.
Directly writing on a local file is clearly out of question for security reasons. I know HTML5 has a FileWriter API but it's not supported on many browsers (and I think for a good reason).
I thought about creating the data as the content of one of the page elements (say a <DIV>) but then I am at loss on how to send that data back.
In essence, I feel I had to mimic the usual http request/response process while always remaining on the client side.
I start thinking that this is not possible at all, any suggestion?

One way that would take you near your desired outcome is by using data: URI scheme ("data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,"+textToPrint);
That opens a new tab with the text you want to save, you just need to click save or ctrl+s to save the text in a .txt file.


How to upload text file to nodejs without a form

I am interested in finding a way to save simple data (table data) - from the browser to the node server without user interaction - my browser client html javascript application creates a table - and that table disappears whenever the browser is refreshed - so I would like to have the data saved to the server, and after refresh have the browser javascript reference the table data and reconstruct the page table. (retrieving is not a problem I think.) The problem is that everything I've seen relating to uploading to node server is related to forms. That involves the user having to select a file and upload the data. I'd like to bypass that. Can anyone think of a way to do this? Imagine a piece of text;
var mycontent = "Here is the text I would like to send to have saved.";
I would like to simply have a way to upload that to the node server. I've looked at the multer, express, express-fileupload - they're examples all appear to have forms - not desirable in my case.
Any pointer to packages would be helpful.
Consider using LocalStorage API if you just want to prevent losing data when page refreshes.
The second variant could be saving data on onunload event
To use forms format take a look at FormData, you can build it programmatically without html

Extract html sourcecode from a javascript generated output

I am currently working on a project of finding empty classrooms in our school in real time. For that purpose, I need to extract substitution published on our school page (, since there might be any additional changes.
But when I try to extract the html source code and parse it with bs4, it cannot find the divs(class: "section print-nobreak") that contain the substitution text. When I took a look at the page source code(Ctrl+U) I found that there is only a javascript that prints it all directly.
Is there any way to extract the html after the javascript output has been already rendered?
Thanks for help!
Parsing HTML is unfortunately necessary to solve your problem. But I will explain how to find ways to avoid that in your future projects (not based on this website).
You've correctly noticed that the text is created by JavaScript code running on the page. This could also indicate that the data is either loaded from another resource (XHR/fetch call getting a response from an API) or is stored as a JSON/JS inside of the website's code. (Or is generated from an algorithm, but this is unlikely to be the case in such websites.)
The website actually uses both methods (initial render gets data stored inside of the website's code, but when you switch dates on the calendar it makes AJAX requests). You can see this by searching for ReactDOM.render(React.createElement( in the code. They're providing a HTML string to the createElement call, so I would suggest looking into the AJAX way of doing things.
Now, to check where the resource is located, all you need to do is opening Developer Tools in your favorite browser (usually Control+Shift+I) and navigating to the Network tab. Now that your network tab is open, you need to cause the website to load external data, for example, by pressing a date on the "calendar bar".
Here you will notice many external requests, but we're actually looking only for XHR calls. Click on the XHR button next to the "Filter" text field. That should result in only one request being shown:
Unfortunately for us, the response only contains HTML. Also, API calls are protected - they require a PHP session ID and some sort of a token (__gsh) to not fail. So, going back to step 1 - seems like our only solution is to use regular expressions to find the text between "report_html":"<div class and </div></div></div> from the source code, if you're interested in today's date only. If you want to get contents for tomorrow or any other date - you will need to either fetch the page, save the cookies and find the token to supply to the request and then make that request, or use something like puppeteer or pyppeteer (since you've mentioned BS4) and load the webpage in that. If you aren't doing the data fetching that often, you should be fine overall.

How can you access the HTTP response from a server using client-side JavaScript?

I'm trying to do client-side processing of some data sent in a server's HTTP response.
Here's what I'm working with: I have a web application that sends commands to a backend simulation engine, which then sends back a bunch of data/results in the response body. I want to be able to access this response using JavaScript (note..not making a new response, but simply accessing the data already sent from the server).
Right now, I am able to do this via a kludgy hack of sorts:
var responseText = "{{response}}";
This is using Django's template system, where I have already pre-formatted the template context variable "response" to contain a pre-formatted string representation of a csv file (i.e., proper unicode separators, etc).
This results in a huge string being transmitted to the page. Right now, this supports my immediate goal of making this data available for download as a csv, but it doesn't really support more sophisticated tasks. Also, I'm not sure if it will scale well when my string is, say, 2 MB as opposed to less than 1 KB.
I'd like to have this response data stored more elegantly, perhaps as part of the DOM or maybe in a cache (?) [not familiar with this].
The ideal way to do this is to not load the csv on document load, either as a javascript variable or as part of the DOM. Why would you want to load a 2MB data every time to the user when his intention may not be to download the csv everytime?
I suggest creating a controller/action for downloading the csv and get it on click of the download button.

Ajax /jQuery finding if user completed the download

Here is what I am trying to do: I am making a custom text file containing a test. This test is unique to the user and well I don't want my server to stack all those text files.
Is there a way to use Ajax/JavaScript/jQuery to find if the user has already finished the download and if they have get a return value (1 if finished) so the response can be sent back to the PHP file and it can delete that file off the server (real-time like)?
I know there are plenty of ways to do this using PHP. Sort of like run clean up upon user log out and so on but I wanted to try using the method above since it can have many other applications that might be cool to use. I tried most search engines but they have nothing close to what I need.
Why do you need to store them in a file? Just use a PHP script or such that creates the test and outputs it directly to the user. That's how it will get deleted when the download is complete.
If it's important you may want the user to return to your server with the hash of the downloaded file. If the hash matches you know two things:
1. The user downloaded the file successfully
2. It's now ok to delete the file
Well it is very simple. I don't know how to make a PHP webpage send itself to the user other than to make the PHP make a text file and force send that to the user. This creates the problem of having so many text files in a temporary folder.
Now if the test required say 15 chapters each having a text or HTML format file then the script neatly zips all those files and sends them to the user. Again falling on the same problem if the user is finished downloading I am trying to get any type of script to delete the temporary zip or text file out of the temporary directory in somewhat real time.
If I could MD5 a downloaded file using JavaScript I welcome it and it would be a hack solution to the problem but how will the JavaScript gain access to the root access of the download folder of the user? There are security issues there if I am not mistaken. Hope this helps round the question a bit more.
I have a good solution for you here using the jQuery File Download plugin I created. It allows for you to get the behavior of performing an Ajax file download (not actually possible possible) complete with Success and Failure callbacks. In a nutshell you can just use the Success callback (that indicates the file download was successful) to perform an Ajax post back to the server to delete the file. Take a look at the blog post for an example on how to use the Success callback option or a demo which uses those callbacks in the context of showing modals to inform the user of what is going on.

How to do nice and simple file uploading in javascript?

All I want is:
select a file
small progress bar (unless it is not simple)
fail/success confirmation on client side
trigger action on server side.
all that without page reloading
Except that, the simpler the better.
Snippet would be most welcome.
There are plenty of scripts and tutorials around. Check for example
Apparently that's not as trivial as one might think, since you can't just take the body of a form, containing an <input type='file'/> tag, and submit that.
But you can submit the form with a target of another <iframe/> and then poll the server with a XMLHttpRequest object for status updates, that however, requires that your sever-side script, that handles the upload, does so in a asynchronous manner, otherwise you will only get a status update once the file has been fully uploaded, not the kind of progress status updates you want. I think this is a challenge for most web frameworks to date, but I have never actually had any reason to dig into it. Sounds fun though...
If you just want to submit the file, independently of the actual form, you'll do the same, but you don't have to worry about the progress status updates.
What you can do, is to replaces the <input type='file'/> once the upload completes, with a <input type='hidden'/> containing the server-side ID of the recently uploaded file. That way you'll know when the user hits save, what files you'll want to actually save.
That hidden thing can also be a checkbox, which would let you undo a file upload, by simply unchecking that checkbox before hitting save.
File uploads using the XMLHttpRequest object is not possible in all browsers (only Firefox and Safari/Chrome support it), so for a cross-browser implementation use the <iframe> trick.
If you want a real XHR file upload, I have written an extended article on how to do it in Firefox 3. It's so low level that you actually have to build the actual HTTP request from JavaScript strings.
Maybe GearsUploader will fit.

