Visit new url Cypress - javascript

I'm new to Cypress. My app as a "routing system" manually changes window.location.hash.
At some point, I click on a button that changes the hash and consequently should change the page during the test. I can see a "new url" entry appearing during the execution, but how can I make cypress visit that url?
In few words, what the problem is: you can see I type the password and then {enter}. Running the test I can see the hash change in the address bar, but the page doesn't change in accord to the hash change.
This is the testing code
context("Workflow", () => {
it("login", () => {
cy.get("#username").type("demo").should("have.value", "demouser")
cy.get("#password").type("demo{enter}").should("have.value", "demo") // this should redirect to "/#home"
cy.get(".subtitle").should("have.value", "Welcome") //this line fails as ".subtitle" is an element of "/#home"
EDIT: Following tons of failed attempts, I came up with a partially working, clunky and hacky solution. I think I shouldn't need to use reload() to solve that (there must be a better solution..), but to make it works I have to wait for all the remote requests to be done (otherwise reload() cancels them). I say partially working because you can see from the comments in the code if I try to visit #login first, then follow the redirect in #home and then change the page to #browser, the last one doesn't work (I can see the hash changing to #browser, but the page is still #home).
import 'cypress-wait-until';
let i = 0;
context("Workflow", () => {
it("login", () => {
cy.server( {
onRequest: () => {
onResponse: () => {
cy.get("#username").type("demouser").should("have.value", "demouser")
cy.get("#password").type("demouser").should("have.value", "demouser")
cy.waitUntil(() => i > 0)
cy.waitUntil(() => i === 0)
cy.reload(); // it correctly change the hash AND the page to #home!
cy.url().should("include", "#home")
cy.get(".version").contains( "v2.0.0-beta") // it works!!
cy.get("a[data-id=browser]").click({force: true}) // it correctly changes the hash to #browser
cy.waitUntil(() => i > 0)
cy.waitUntil(() => i === 0)
// the hash in the address bar is #browser, but the web page is #home

Cypress has an event called url:changed. See doc on Events here
Using this, something like this may work:
context("Workflow", () => {
it("login", () => {
cy.on('url:changed', url => {
cy.location('hash').then(hash => {
if (!url.endsWith(hash)) {
cy.get("#username").type("demo").should("have.value", "demouser")
cy.get("#password").type("demo{enter}").should("have.value", "demo") // this should redirect to "/#home"
cy.get(".subtitle").should("have.value", "Welcome") //this line fails as ".subtitle" is an element of "/#home"
Edit: just for troubleshooting purposes and to focus on your issue, can you try it like this without cy.location():
context("Workflow", () => {
it("login", () => {
cy.on('url:changed', url => {
cy.get("#username").type("demo").should("have.value", "demouser")
cy.get("#password").type("demo{enter}").should("have.value", "demo") // this should redirect to "/#home"
cy.get(".subtitle").should("have.value", "Welcome") //this line fails as ".subtitle" is an element of "/#home"
Edit: Have you tried cy.reload()
context("Workflow", () => {
it("login", () => {
cy.get("#username").type("demo").should("have.value", "demouser")
cy.get("#password").type("demo{enter}").should("have.value", "demo") // this should redirect to "/#home"
cy.get(".subtitle").should("have.value", "Welcome");

Thanks for all the attempts to solve, but they were all tricky workarounds to something as simple as "trigger the related listener when window.location.hash changes".
The root of the problem was a bug in Cypress. The bug on window.location.hash is present in 4.5.0, but it has been solved somewhere between 4.5.0 and 4.12.1.
In 4.12.1 the problem is solved.

There are some ways to do that. One of the basic approach is like this:
cy.get('[data-testid="input-username"]').type(`demo`, { force: true })
.type(`demo`, {
force: true,
.then(() => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
You should add data-testid or findByTestId to your elements with a unique id.
To visit the new URL, you can use cy.visit(loc.pathname)


How to properly add a class inside Cypress code

I am learning Cypress along with JavaScript. I am running into a problem that I am not certain how to search it into documentation. The site I started testing has the typical wait issues so I encountered a very good solution here.
Now my test is looking in this way
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
let appHasStarted
function spyOnAddEventListener (win) {
// win = window object in our application
const addListener = win.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener
win.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (name) {
if (name === 'change') {
// web app added an event listener to the input box -
// that means the web application has started
appHasStarted = true
// restore the original event listener
win.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = addListener
return addListener.apply(this, arguments)
function waitForAppStart() {
// keeps rechecking "appHasStarted" variable
return new Cypress.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const isReady = () => {
if (appHasStarted) {
return resolve()
setTimeout(isReady, 0)
describe('Main test suite', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
onBeforeLoad: spyOnAddEventListener
}).then({ timeout: 10000 }, waitForAppStart)
it('search first scanner', () => {
cy.contains('nav-search-input').type("scanner bluetooth para auto")
The problem with this is, I should replicate spyOnAddEventListener, waitForAppStart and variable appHasStarted at the beginning of every source file but I want to avoid this. How could properly extend this functions as a part of the internal source project without replicating in every test source? I have tried to make a simple source JavaScript file at the root of the project but when I import it, Cypress clients give an unrelated plug error like this one:
It looks like you've added the code to /cypress/plugins/index.js, but that is for task extensions (code that requires NodeJS access).
The two functions can be added to a file, ideally in the /cypress/support folder
let appHasStarted
function spyOnAddEventListener (win) {
function waitForAppStart() {
module.exports = {
import {spyOnAddEventListener, waitForAppStart} from '../support/wait-for-app-utils.js'
describe('Main test suite', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
cy.visit('', {
onBeforeLoad: spyOnAddEventListener
}).then({ timeout: 10000 }, waitForAppStart)
Another approach is to wrap it all up (including the visit) into a custom command. Now there's no need to export and import, the command will be available globally.
let appHasStarted
function spyOnAddEventListener (win) {
function waitForAppStart() {
Cypress.Commands.add('visitAndWait', (url) =>
cy.visit(url, { onBeforeLoad: spyOnAddEventListener })
.then({ timeout: 10000 }, waitForAppStart)
describe('Main test suite', () => {
beforeEach(() => {

How pass a login form with CYPRESS?

I manage to run CYPRESS without any worries on a site without authentication.
But on an intranet, I can't identify myself. I must to log in before.
Here is my code:
describe('home', () => {
it('home accessible', () => {
//We fill the login FORM
it('User Field', () => {
it('User pass', () => {
.type('mot de passe')
it('check consent', () => {
.click({ force: true })
it('submit', () => {
//the form is submit, we can visit a page
it('autre page!!', () => {
cy.visit('/luniversite/page-2',{ timeout: 30000 })
//We check the title of the page, we should be on the page 2
it('titre page 2', () => {
cy.title().should('eq', 'page 2: INTRANET)
CYPRESS and the CYPRESS video show me that I am blocked on the authentication page.
The test on the title of the page is not correct, I don't access page-2. I stay on the first page for log in.
First thing's first: This appears to be one test, but you are specifying multiple it() functions, which is breaking it up into multiple tests, which is not what you want. You will want to restructure your test like this:
describe("home", () => {
it("home accessible", () => {
//We fill the login FORM
cy.get("input#pass").type("mot de passe");
cy.get("input#permalogin").click({ force: true });
cy.visit("/luniversite/page-2", { timeout: 30000 });
cy.title().should("eq", "page 2: INTRANET");
With that out of the way, it's hard to know what your application is doing without more details:
1/ When executed manually, is your application authenticating properly with the provided credentials? Do you have console errors? Have you determined that the element locators you're using are actually interacting with the elements in the manner you expect?
2/ Is your test attempting to navigate to /luniversite/page-2 before authentication is complete? If so, you may want to use intercept your authentication call and wait for it to complete:
// get your authentication POST request from network tab of devtools and use that in the cy.intercept call
cy.intercept('POST', '/yourAuthenticationCallUrl').as("#authenticationCall")
cy.wait("#authenticationCall") //waits for the authentication call to complete before moving to the next step
cy.visit("/luniversite/page-2", { timeout: 30000 });

Cypress not intercepting request with render function vue

I'm trying to do a pretty simple intercept in Cypress using a Vue's application. My component has a setup method using render function as such:
setup() {
useInfiniteLoading({ runner: ... })
Then on my tests I do the following:
describe("List todo resource", () => {
it("Checks it loads more todos when scrolling to the bottom", function () {
cy.wait("#getTodos").then(({response}) => {
When running the test I see that the intercept is not stubbing the response.
As you can see from the image the request makes a request to my actual server running locally and the response is stubed. The weird part is that in a previous test I have:
it("Checks the todo list gets updated when clicking on to resolve it (from true to false)", function () {
const resolved = false;
const shouldHaveClass = resolved
? "mdi-checkbox-marked-outline"
: "mdi-checkbox-blank-outline";
cy.intercept("GET", "todo", {
fixture: "resources/todo/list.todo.json",
cy.intercept("PUT", "todo", {
body: { data: {, resolved } },
.each((btn) => {;
.should("satisfy", ($el) => {
const classList = Array.from($el[0].classList);
return classList.includes(shouldHaveClass);
And the response is stubbed using intercept as you can see from the previous screenshot. Is it possible that the previous test is affecting the next test? I have tried taking a look into "Intercept too soon" but no luck on trying to apply the fix described in the page.
Any idea on what could be causing the stub not to happen?

in cypress, intercept in test doesn't work

I'm starting to use cypress and I wanted to do 2 test. One to verify what is displayed if my api return 'false' and one to what is on screen if my api return 'true'.
I tried to do a simple test like this one :
context('contextTest', () => {
before(() => {
beforeEach(() => {});
it('false test', function() {
cy.intercept('POST', '**/test/alreadySent', {
fixture: 'test/alreadySent-false.json',
But the intercept doesn't work and it always return the true api call.
What is strange is, if I just put the code in my before(), all work fine as expected.
context('contextTest', () => {
before(() => {
cy.intercept('POST', '**/test/alreadySent', {
fixture: 'test/alreadySent-false.json',
beforeEach(() => {});
it('false test', function() {
But I need to change the intercept for the next test so I wanted to set the intercept on this test exclusively.
Is it possible, why is my first code doesn't seem to work?
Or should I write my next test on another file and it is a bad practice to do this kind of verification on the same file?
Since it works when the intercept is moved up in the command order, it seems that cy.waitLoading() triggers the POST and not cy.get('[data-cy=alreadysent-button]').
The intercept must always be set up before the trigger (page visit or button click).
But the intercept varies between tests, so instead of before() I would try setting up a helper function that is called at the top of each test.
const loadAndIntercept = (apiResult) => {
const apiFixture = apiResult ? 'test/alreadySent-true.json' : 'test/alreadySent-false.json';
cy.intercept('POST', '**/test/alreadySent', { fixture: apiFixture }).as('alreadySent');
it('false test', function() {
it('true test', function() {
This should work since intercepts are cleared between tests. Ref docs - intercept
Note: all intercepts are automatically cleared before every test.

Cypress: Page doesn't load within the second 'it' block for the click action

It works fine for the same click event if I've coded within the single 'it' block as below.
Working code:
describe('Test Suite', () => {
it('Test case 1', () => {
//Test 1
//Test 2
Not working:
describe('Test Suite', () => {
it('Test case 1', () => {
//Test 1
it('Test case 2', () => {
//Test 2
Below is my code snippet, First 'it' block works fine after login method executes. Then second it blocks just clicking the right element but the page never loads.
P.S. If I written the code under the single 'it' block, Page loads and works fine.
describe('Fund Manager Suite', () => {
//Checking Fund Manager page loading
before(() => {
cy.login('xxxxx', 'xxxxx')
it('fund manager navigation works', () => {
cy.location('pathname').should('equal', '/xxxxx')
cy.get('#appSwitcher > .dropdown > .dropdown-menu > :nth-child(2) > a').click()
cy.location('pathname').should('equal', '/xxxxx')
cy.get('.k-grid-table').find('tr').should('have.length', 5)
it('fund detail works', () => {
cy.get('.product > :nth-child(2)').click()
cy.location('pathname').should('equal', '/xxxxx')
// Fund Detail - Search
cy.get('#DataTables_Table_0').find('tr').should('have.length', 10)
Execution Screen shot
Code snippet screen shot
You have to preserve your cookies in beforeEach() to make sure that you stay logged in, in all it() blocks. You can read more in cypress docs.
describe('Dashboard', () => {
before(() => {
// log in only once before any of the tests run.
// your app will likely set some sort of session cookie.
// you'll need to know the name of the cookie(s), which you can find
// in your Resources -> Cookies panel in the Chrome Dev Tools.
beforeEach(() => {
// before each test, we can automatically preserve the
// 'session_id' and 'remember_token' cookies. this means they
// will not be cleared before the NEXT test starts.
// the name of your cookies will likely be different
// this is an example
Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce('session_id', 'remember_token')
it('displays stats', () => {
// ...
it('can do something', () => {
// ...
it('opens a modal', () => {
// ...
I Have seen this kind of behavior, when the first it case start and doesn`t finish some xhr request in the site - and in result cypress continues the process during the start of the second it case. The best solution for clean slate for each case I had found is to separate every case in different file
Able to resolve this issue by storing the session_id.
preserve: "session_id"

