NodeJS getting Promise result from Console - javascript

If I want to get the result of a Promise from my node-testing console, how would I do that?
let promise = new Promise(() => {
console.log('my promise');
promise.then(() => { console.log('resolved') })
// returns a Promise {<pending>}
await promise.then(() => { console.log('resolved') })
// still returns just a Promise
(async () => {
await promise
// still returns ... just a Promise
Ultimately I'm trying to test promise results (database queries) from my node console at a breakpoint, and I just keep getting Promises returned.
UPDATE - I guess this is more complicated than I thought. Because know one has been able to answer.
I understand how to get the results of a promise in a regular environment. I'm talking about getting results at a breakpoint while debugging a Node application. To connect to the console I'm referring to please follow these directions:
From the console in DevTools, promises keep returning Promise {}. I do not know if it is possible to get the value of the promise, but if anyone knows either way please let me know.

when you create a promise object you should use this syntax
var promiseObj = new Promise(executor);
the executor is a function with this signature
function(resolutionFunc, rejectionFunc){
// typically, some asynchronous operation.
When we go back to your specific example, you can define it as
let promise = new Promise( resolve => {
resolve("my promise")
Note I havent added the reject function
then you can do
promise.then(value => console.log(value))
you can find a detailed description here

From the comments I guess it is impossible to get asynchronous call results while at a breakpoint in JavaScript.
If anyone comes here and wants a way to be able to make DB queries from the Node console (REPL) like I was looking for, I'd recommend going here:

The position of your breakpoints matters, and the behavior will be the same in the Node.js debugger and the browser debugger.
In the following I use labels like <b1> to identify breakpoint positions.
1. const p1 = new Promise((resolve) => <b1> resolve('result 1'))
2. <b2>
3. const p2 = p1.then(() => <b3> 'result 2')
4. <b4>
At <b1>, p1 will be undeclared because the executor function runs synchronously, and the variable declaration process has not yet completed.
At <b2>, p1 will be a fulfilled promise (PromiseĀ {<fulfilled>: "result 1"}), resolved with the value 'result 1' because resolve was called in the executor function.
The next breakpoint to be hit will be <b4>. Note: not <b3>.
At <b4>, p2 will be a pending promise (PromiseĀ {<pending>}) because the promise has been configured with a .then that has not yet had the opportunity to run. .then callbacks are run on asynchronous microtasks to give the programmer the opportunity to configure a promise chain ahead of its execution. After all, promises are designed to be used with asynchronous behavior.
On the next available microtask, <b3> will be hit as the .then callback is run. At <b3> the values of p1 and p2 remain unchanged. p1 was fulfilled earlier and will not change. The state of p2 is unchanged because the .then it was configured with has not yet completed running.
In order to observe p2 in its fulfilled state, you need to add a breakpoint to an extension of the promise chain.
let p1 = new Promise((resolve) => resolve('result 1'))
const p2 = p1.then(() => 'result 2')
p2.then(() => {
// here `p2` === `PromiseĀ {<resolved>: "result 2"}`


Is promise.all used to de-capsulate promise value?

I'm trying to understand what Promise.all() is doing exactly.
As far as I understand,
promise is something which holds a return value for asynchronous execution in javascript.
So the values encapsulated(?) by promise is not directly accessible in sychronoous running.
(Terminology warning! I'm going to use analogy to show how I see promise and promise.all())
To get a direct access to the promisified values,
I need to peel off a shell called promise, which is
promise.all at the end of asynchronous function.
after this 'peeling-off', I could access to a synchronously available values.
Am I understanding Promise.all correctly?
Thank you so much.
Example is from mdn website.
const promise1 = Promise.resolve(3);
const promise2 = 42;
const promise3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 100, 'foo');
Promise.all([promise1, promise2, promise3]).then((values) => {
// expected output: Array [3, 42, "foo"]
all the promises and just synchronous value (const promise2) were successfully approached by synchronous execution 'console.log()'.
If I don't peel off the promise shell like below,
Promise.all([promise2, promise3]).then((values) => {
The values that js spits out are as below.
Array [42, "foo"]
[object Promise]
Please feel free to criticize my analogy and
let me know if I understand something wrong.
Thank you in advance.
Your analogy is a very interesting one, but I'm sure it's a common perception of how Promises work. Promises are constructs that manage deffered values - values that will be at some stage, time-dependent. Using the term "wrapping" makes it sound like the value is already there, when in fact it most likely isn't.. yet.
A promise can be used to represent the response from an API, or perhaps a lookup from a database - both of these take time - something synchronous code can't handle. You might make a request, and get a promise in response. You can then use this promise as a helper to get the value you intended to receive.
When you call promise.then(value => ...), the then function is waiting until the value is ready. Inside the promise, something must call resolve(value) before the then function will fire (note that the promise can also be rejected via reject, in which case promise.catch would be fired). Here's a full example:
const promise = new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
promise.then(value => {
// This fires after about 2 seconds
console.log(value); // 10
So the trick here is to visualise that getting results from a promise occurs on a different "thread".. perhaps in a callback or after an await call. Also, once a promise has been resolved, calling then a second time will return the same value as previously, and it will be faster, but still not instant as promises "values" are always asynchronously returned.
Promise.all waits until all the provided promises have resolved. What is returned by Promise.all is an array containing all of the resolved results in order. So if you have the following:
const promise1 = Promise.resolve(12); // Asynchronously returns 12
const promise2 = new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
Promise.all([promise1, promise2]).then(results => {
// results will be [12, 10], and will fire after about 2 seconds
// here, even though we're after the promise assignments,
// the values to BOTH of the promises are still not yet defined (not resolved)
TLDR; A promise is a class that records a value once its provided function resolves. The then method will call its callback with the value once it is set by the promise function (by calling resolve or reject).

In JavaScript ES6, how can a thenable accept resolve and reject?

I think one principle I take so far is:
A promise is a thenable object, and so it takes the message then, or in other words, some code can invoke the then method on this object, which is part of the interface, with a fulfillment handler, which is "the next step to take", and a rejection handler, which is "the next step to take if it didn't work out." It is usually good to return a new promise in the fulfillment handler, so that other code can "chain" on it, which is saying, "I will also tell you the next step of action, and the next step of action if you fail, so call one of them when you are done."
However, on a Promise blog page, it says the fulfillment handler can return any "thenable" object (that means a promise-like object), but this thenable object's interface is
.then(resolve, reject)
which is different from the usual code, because if a fulfillment handler returns a new promise, this thenable object has the interface
.then(fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler)
So the code on that page actually gets a resolve and call resolve(someValue). If fulfillmentHandler is not just another name for resolve, then why is this thenable different?
The thenable code on that page:
class Thenable {
constructor(num) {
this.num = num;
then(resolve, reject) {
alert(resolve); // function() { native code }
// resolve with this.num*2 after the 1 second
setTimeout(() => resolve(this.num * 2), 1000); // (**)
new Promise(resolve => resolve(1))
.then(result => {
return new Thenable(result); // (*)
.then(alert); // shows 2 after 1000ms
A thenable is any object containing a method whose identifier is then.
What follows is the simplest thenable one could write. When given to a Promise.resolve call, a thenable object is coerced into a pending Promise object:
const thenable = {
then() {}, // then does nothing, returns undefined
const p = Promise.resolve(thenable);
console.log(p); // Promise { <pending> }
p.then((value) => {
console.log(value); // will never run
}).catch((reason) => {
console.log(reason); // will never run
The point of writing a thenable is for it to get coerced into a promise at some point in our code. But a promise that never settles isn't useful. The example above has a similar outcome to:
const p = new Promise(() => {}); //executor does nothing, returns undefined
console.log({ p }); // Promise { <pending> }
p.then((value) => {
console.log(value); // will never run
}).catch((reason) => {
console.log(reason); // will never run
When coercing it to a promise, JavaScript treats the thenable's then method as the executor in a Promise constructor (though from my testing in Node it appears that JS pushes a new task on the stack for an executor, while for a thenable's then it enqueues a microtask).
A thenable's then method is NOT to be seen as equivalent to promise's then method, which is Promise.prototype.then.
Promise.prototype.then is a built-in method. Therefore it's already implemented and we just call it, passing one or two callback functions as parameters:
// Let's write some callback functions...
const onFulfilled = (value) => {
// our code
const onRejected = (reason) => {
// our code
Promise.resolve(5).then(onFulfilled, onRejected); // ... and pass both to a call to then
The executor callback parameter of a Promise constructor, on the other hand, is not built-in. We must implement it ourselves:
// Let's write an executor function...
const executor = (resolve, reject) => {
// our asynchronous code with calls to callbacks resolve and/or reject
const p = new Promise(executor); // ... and pass it to a Promise constructor
The constructor will create a new pending promise,
call our executor passing the new promise's built-in resolve & reject functions
as first and second parameters, then return the promise.
Whenever the code inside our executor runs (asynchronously if we'd like), it'll have
said promise's resolve & reject methods at its disposal,
in order to communicate that they must respectivelly resolve or reject.
A useful thenable
Now for a thenable that actually does something. In this example, Promise.resolve coerces the thenable into a promise:
const usefulThenable = {
// then method written just like an executor, which will run when the thenable is
// coerced into a promise
then(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(() => {
const grade = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11)
resolve(`You got a ${grade}`)
}, 1000)
// Promise.resolve coerces the thenable into a promise
let p = Promise.resolve(usefulThenable)
// DO NOT CONFUSE the then() call below with the thenable's then.
// We NEVER call a thenable's then. Also p is not a thenable, anyway. It's a promise.
p.then(() => {
console.log(p) // Promise { 'You got a 9' }
console.log(p) // Promise { <pending> }
Likewise, the await operator also coerces a thenable into a promise
console.log('global code has control')
const usefulThenable = {
// then() will be enqueued as a microtask when the thenable is coerced
// into a promise
then(resolve, reject) {
console.log("MICROTASK: usefulThenable's then has control")
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('TASK: timeout handler has control')
const grade = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11)
resolve(`You got a ${grade}`)
}, 1000)
// Immediately Invoked Function Expression
let p = (async () => {
console.log('async function has control')
const result = await usefulThenable //coerces the thenable into a promise
console.log('async function has control again')
console.log(`async function returning '${result}' implicitly wrapped in a Promise.resolve() call`)
return result
console.log('global code has control again')
console.log({ p }) // Promise { <pending> }
p.then(() => {
console.log('MICROTASK:', { p }) // Promise { 'You got a 10' }
console.log('global code completed execution')
The output:
global code has control
async function has control
global code has control again
{ p: Promise { <pending> } }
global code completed execution
MICROTASK: usefulThenable's then has control
TASK: timeout handler has control
async function has control again
async function returning 'You got a 10' implicitly wrapped in a Promise.resolve() call
MICROTASK: { p: Promise { 'You got a 10' } }
TL;DR: Always write the thenable's then method as you would the executor parameter of a Promise constructor.
let p2 = p1.then( onfulfilled, onrejected)
where p1 is a Promise object, the then call on p1 returns a promise p2 and records 4 values in lists held internally by p1:
the value of onfulfilled,
the value of the resolve function passed to the executor when creating p2 - let's call it resolve2,
the value of onrejected,
the value of the reject function passed to the executor when creating p2 - let's call it reject2.
1. and 3. have default values such that if omitted they pass fulfilled values of p1 on to p2, or reject p2 with the rejection reason of p1 respectively.
2. or 4. (the resolve and reject functions for p2) are held internally and are not accessible from user JavaScript.
Now let's assume that p1 is (or has been) fullfilled by calling the resolve function passed to its executor with a non thenable value. Native code will now search for existing onfulfilled handlers of p1, or process new ones added:
Each onfulfilled handler (1 above) is executed from native code inside a try/catch block and its return value monitored. If the return value, call it v1, is non-thenable, resolve for p2 is called with v1 as argument and processing continues down the chain.
If the onfulfilled handler throws, p2 is rejected (by calling 4 above) with the error value thrown.
If the onfulfilled handler returns a thenable (promise or promise like object), let's call it pObject, pObject needs to be set up pass on its settled state and value to p2 above.
This is achieved by calling
pObject.then( resolve2, reject2)
so if pObject fulfills, its non-thenable success value is used to resolve p2, and if it rejects its rejection value is used to reject p2.
The blog post defines its thenable's then method using parameter names based on how it is being used in the blog example (to resolve or reject a promise previously returned by a call to then on a native promise). Native promise resolve and reject functions are written in native code, which explains the first alert message.
After writing down the whole explanation, the short answer is: it is because the JS promise system passed in a resolve and reject as the fulfillmentHandler and rejectionHandler. The desired fulfillmentHandler in this case is a resolve.
When we have the code
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// ...
}).then(function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// ...
}).then(function() { ...
We can write the same logic, using
let p1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// ...
let p2 = p1.then(function() {
let pLittle = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// ...
return pLittle;
The act of returning pLittle means: I am returning a promise, a thenable, pLittle. Now as soon as the receiver gets this pLittle, make sure that when I resolve pLittle with value vLittle, your goal is to immediately resolve p2 also with vLittle, so the chainable action can go on.
How does it do it?
It probably has some code like:
pLittle.then(function(vLittle) { // ** Our goal **
// somehow the code can get p2Resolve
The code above says: when pLittle is resolved with vLittle, the next action is to resolve p2 with the same value.
So somehow the system can get p2Resolve, but inside the system or "blackbox", the function above
function(vLittle) {
// somehow the code can get p2Resolve
is probably p2Resolve (this is mainly a guess, as it explains why everything works). So the system does
Remember that
passing the resolved value of pLittle to fn and invoke fn, so
is the same as
pLittle.then(function(vLittle) {
which is exactly the same as ** Our goal** above.
What it means is, the system passes in a "resolve", as a fulfillment handler. So at this exact moment, the fulfillment handler and the resolve is the same thing.
Note that in the Thenable code in the original question, it does
return new Thenable(result);
this Thenable is not a promise, and you can't resolve it, but since it is not a promise object, that means that promise (like p2) is immediately resolved as a rule of what is being returned, and that's why the then(p2Resolve) is immediately called.
So I think this count on the fact that, the internal implementation of ES6 Promise passes the p2Resolve into then() as the first argument, and that's why we can implement any thenable that takes the first argument resolve and just invoke resolve(v).
I think the ES6 specification a lot of time writes out the exact implementation, so we may somehow work with that. If any JavaScript engine works slightly differently, then the results can change. I think in the old days, we were told that we are not supposed to know what happens inside the blackbox and should not count on how it work -- we should only know the interface. So it is still best not to return a thenable that has the interface then(resolve, reject), but to return a new and authentic promise object that uses the interface then(fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler).

Javascript Promises, Returned Promise of then and catch method

Was fooling around a bit with Promises, here is the code:
let prom1 = new Promise((res, rej) => {
const resolvedProm1 = prom1.then((val) => {
return val
let prom2 = new Promise((res, rej) => {
const resolvedProm2 = prom2.catch((err) => {
return err
The chrome devtools shows the following information about the promises:
However, I didn't expect this particular output. What I expected was the following:
Both resolvedProm1 and resolvedProm2 would be <fullfilled> Promises instead of <pending>. Why are they pending and not fullfilled?
The resolvedProm2 was rejected, why does the promiseStatus shows that it is resolved?
In both cases promises printed before they are resolved. What you send into promise context will always execute after your current callstack unwinds, so consoles till the end of a function run first.
Both resolvedProm1 and resolvedProm2 would be Promises instead of . Why are they pending and not fullfilled?
Because they are resolved asynchronously. You were logging them while they still were pending. You'll notice if you put some console.log statements in your then and catch callbacks that the callbacks weren't executed yet as well.
You only get the [[PromiseStatus]] as "resolved" (which really should be "fulfilled") when you inspect the promise value in the devtools, which you do after they were resolved.
The resolvedProm2 was rejected, why does the promiseStatus shows that it is resolved?
No, you were rejecting the prom2. The resolvedProm2 is the result of the .catch() invocation, whose callback did handle the rejection and returned a non-error result.

Promise returning a promise [duplicate]

I want to fulfill a promise with some other promise. The point is that I really want to get access to the (still pending) second promise as soon as the first promise is fulfilled. Unfortunately, I only seem to be able to get the second promise's resolution value once both both promises are fulfilled.
Here's the use case that I have in mind:
var picker = pickFile();
picker.then( // Wait for the user to pick a file.
function(downloadProgress) {
// The user picked a file. The file may not be available just yet (e.g.,
// if it has to be downloaded over the network) but we can already ask
// the user some more questions while the file is being obtained in the
// background. some more user interaction...
return downloadProgress;
).then( // Wait for the download (if any) to complete.
function(file) {
// Do something with the file.
The function pickFile displays a file picker where the user may pick a file either from their own hard drive or from a URL. It returns a promise picker that is fulfilled as soon as the user has picked a file. At this point, we may still have to download the selected file over the network. Therefore, I cannot fulfill picker with the selected file as resolution value. Instead, picker should be fulfilled with another promise, downloadProgress, which in turn will eventually be fulfilled with the selected file.
For completenes, here's a mock implementation of the pickFile function:
function pickFile() {
...display the file picker...
var resolveP1 = null;
var p1 = new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
resolveP1 = resolve;
// Mock code to pretend the user picked a file
window.setTimeout(function() {
var p2 = Promise.resolve('thefile');
resolveP1(p2); // <--- PROBLEM: I actually want to *fulfill* p1 with p2
}, 3000);
return p1;
The problem in the marked line is that I would like to fulfill the promise p1 with the new promise p2, but I only know how to resolve it. The difference between fulfilling and resolving is that resolving first checks if the supplied value p2 is again a promise. If it is, then fulfillment of p1 will be deferred until p2 is fulfilld, and then p1 will be fulfilled with p2's resolution value instead of p2 itself.
I could work around this issue by building a wrapper around p2, i.e. by replacing the line
resolveP1(p2); // <--- PROBLEM: I actually want to *fulfill* p1 with p2
from the second code example by
resolveP1({promise: p2});
Then, in the first code example, I'd have to replace the line
return downloadProgress;
return downloadProgress.promise;
But this seems like a bit of a hack when all I really want to do is just fulfill (instead of resolve) a promise.
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
There doesn't seem to be a solution apart from the workaround I already described in the question. For future reference, if you want to fulfill (rather than resolve) a promise p with a value val, where val is another promise, then just calling the promise resolution function for p with argument val won't work as expected. It would cause p to be "locked in" on the state of val, such that p will be fulfilled with val's resolution value once val is fulfilled (see spec).
Instead, wrap val in another object and resolve p with that object:
var resolveP; // Promise resolution function for p
var p = new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
resolveP = resolve;
function fulfillPwithPromise(val) { // Fulfills p with a promise val
resolveP({promise: val});
p.then(function(res) {
// Do something as soon as p is fulfilled...
return res.promise;
}).then(function(res) {
// Do something as soon as the second promise is fulfilled...
This solution works if you already know that val is a promise. If you cannot make any assumptions about val's type, then you seem to be out of luck. Either you have to always wrap promise resolution values in another object, or you can try to detect whether val has a field then of type "function" and wrap it conditionally.
That said, in some cases the default behavior of promise resolution may actually have the desired effect. So only use the workaround described above if you are sure that you want to fulfill instead of resolve the first promise with the second one.
Although different people use different terms, in common terminology, "fulfill" means to put a promise in the "success" state (as opposed to "reject")--the state that will trigger then then handlers hanging off it.
In other words, you cannot "fulfill" a promise with a promise. You can fulfill it with a value. (By the way, the term "resolve" is usually meant as either of fulfilling or rejecting.)
What you can do is return a promise from a .then handler and that will have the effect of essentially replacing the original promise with the returned promise.
Here is a simple example of doing that:
asyncTask1 . then(asyncTask2) . then(processData)
where asyncTask1 is a promise, and asyncTask2 is a function which returns a promise. So when asyncTask1 is fulfilled (done successfully), then asyncTask2 runs, and the promise returned by the .then is "taken over" by the promise asyncTask2 returns, so that when it finishes, the data can be processed.
I can do something similar by calling Promise.resolve with a promise as parameter. It's a bit of a misnomer, because I'm not resolving the promise in the technical sense. Instead, the new promise created is "inhabited" by the promise I passed in. It's also useless, because using the result is exactly the same as using the promise I passed in:
behaves exactly the same as
(assuming asyncTask2 is already a promise; otherwise Promise.resolve has the effect of creating a promise which is immediately fulfilled with the passed in value.)
Just as you can pass a promise to Promise.resolve, you can pass a promise to the resolve function provided to you as a parameter of the promise constructor callback. If the parameter you pass to resolve is a non-promise, the promise immediately fulfills with that value. However, if the parameter you pass to resolve is another promise, that promise "takes over the body" of the promise you are constructing. To put it another way, the promise you are constructing starts to behave exactly as the the promise passed to resolve.
By "behave exactly" I mean, if the promise you pass in to resolve is already fulfilled, the promise you are constructing is instantly fulfilled with the same value. If the promise you pass in to resolve is already rejected, the promise you are constructing is instantly rejected with the same reason. If the promise you pass in to resolve is not resolved yet, then any then handlers you hang off the promise you are constructing will be invoked if and when the promise you pass to resolve is resolved.
Just as it is confusing that Promise.resolve may result in a promise which is not actually resolved, it is similarly confusing that calling the resolve function handed to you as a parameter to the promise constructor may not actually resolve the promise being constructed if you call it with an unresolved promise. Instead, as I've said a couple of times now, it has the effect of putting the promise being constructed in a state of total congruence with the promise passed to resolve.
Therefore, unless I am missing the point of your question, pickfile could be written as
function pickFile() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
...display the file picker...
// Mock code to pretend the user picked a file
window.setTimeout(function() {
I didn't really understand your question clearly, so this might not be what you want. Please clarify if you care to.
Found a similar solution in the process of moving away from Angular's $q to the native Promise feature. Promise.all could be an option (in cases of independent parallel async tasks) by passing around an appropriate object, or something decorated with the state, passing it off to whatever is ready when appropriate. In the Promise.all sample below note how it recovers in one of the promises--took me awhile to realize how to redirect the result of a chain. The result of the all is just the last promise's return. While this doesn't answer the question's title, using return Promise.reject(<an-object-including-a-promise>) (or resolve) gives a series and/or group of async tasks shared access and control along the way. In the case of picking, downloading then working with a file I'd take out the progress-event handling then do: pickFile.then(download,orFailGracefully) with downloadProgress handled within the download onResolve handler (download-progress doesn't appear to be an async task). Below are related experiments in the console.
var q = {
defer: function _defer(){
var deferred = { };
deferred.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
deferred.resolve = resolve;
deferred.reject = reject;
return deferred;
var communityThatCares = q.defer();
console.log('someGood', someGood);
return someGood;
}, function(someBad){
console.warn('someBad', someBad);
return someBad;
(new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ communityThatCares.about = 'communityThatCares'; setTimeout(resolve,1000, communityThatCares); }))
console.log(3,e); return e.resolve(e);
}, function(e){
console.warn(3, e); return e.reject(e);
var todo = {
var greaterGood = [(
(new Promise(function(res,rej){ res(todo); })).then(function(e){ e.stuff = 'things'; return e; }),
(new Promise(function(res,reject){
})).then(function(e){ return e; }
e.recover = 'uh oh';
return Promise.resolve(e);
}).then(function(e){ console.log(2,e); return e; }),
(new Promise(function(res,rej){ res(todo); })).then(function(e){ console.log(1,e); e.schedule = 'today'; return e; },function(e){ console.warn(1,e); return e; }).then(function(e){ console.log(2,e); return e; }))
var nkay = Promise.all( greaterGood )
console.log('all',todo[0]); return todo;
}, function(todo){
console.warn('all',todo[0]); return todo;

Fulfill (don't resolve) promise with another promise

I want to fulfill a promise with some other promise. The point is that I really want to get access to the (still pending) second promise as soon as the first promise is fulfilled. Unfortunately, I only seem to be able to get the second promise's resolution value once both both promises are fulfilled.
Here's the use case that I have in mind:
var picker = pickFile();
picker.then( // Wait for the user to pick a file.
function(downloadProgress) {
// The user picked a file. The file may not be available just yet (e.g.,
// if it has to be downloaded over the network) but we can already ask
// the user some more questions while the file is being obtained in the
// background. some more user interaction...
return downloadProgress;
).then( // Wait for the download (if any) to complete.
function(file) {
// Do something with the file.
The function pickFile displays a file picker where the user may pick a file either from their own hard drive or from a URL. It returns a promise picker that is fulfilled as soon as the user has picked a file. At this point, we may still have to download the selected file over the network. Therefore, I cannot fulfill picker with the selected file as resolution value. Instead, picker should be fulfilled with another promise, downloadProgress, which in turn will eventually be fulfilled with the selected file.
For completenes, here's a mock implementation of the pickFile function:
function pickFile() {
...display the file picker...
var resolveP1 = null;
var p1 = new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
resolveP1 = resolve;
// Mock code to pretend the user picked a file
window.setTimeout(function() {
var p2 = Promise.resolve('thefile');
resolveP1(p2); // <--- PROBLEM: I actually want to *fulfill* p1 with p2
}, 3000);
return p1;
The problem in the marked line is that I would like to fulfill the promise p1 with the new promise p2, but I only know how to resolve it. The difference between fulfilling and resolving is that resolving first checks if the supplied value p2 is again a promise. If it is, then fulfillment of p1 will be deferred until p2 is fulfilld, and then p1 will be fulfilled with p2's resolution value instead of p2 itself.
I could work around this issue by building a wrapper around p2, i.e. by replacing the line
resolveP1(p2); // <--- PROBLEM: I actually want to *fulfill* p1 with p2
from the second code example by
resolveP1({promise: p2});
Then, in the first code example, I'd have to replace the line
return downloadProgress;
return downloadProgress.promise;
But this seems like a bit of a hack when all I really want to do is just fulfill (instead of resolve) a promise.
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
There doesn't seem to be a solution apart from the workaround I already described in the question. For future reference, if you want to fulfill (rather than resolve) a promise p with a value val, where val is another promise, then just calling the promise resolution function for p with argument val won't work as expected. It would cause p to be "locked in" on the state of val, such that p will be fulfilled with val's resolution value once val is fulfilled (see spec).
Instead, wrap val in another object and resolve p with that object:
var resolveP; // Promise resolution function for p
var p = new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
resolveP = resolve;
function fulfillPwithPromise(val) { // Fulfills p with a promise val
resolveP({promise: val});
p.then(function(res) {
// Do something as soon as p is fulfilled...
return res.promise;
}).then(function(res) {
// Do something as soon as the second promise is fulfilled...
This solution works if you already know that val is a promise. If you cannot make any assumptions about val's type, then you seem to be out of luck. Either you have to always wrap promise resolution values in another object, or you can try to detect whether val has a field then of type "function" and wrap it conditionally.
That said, in some cases the default behavior of promise resolution may actually have the desired effect. So only use the workaround described above if you are sure that you want to fulfill instead of resolve the first promise with the second one.
Although different people use different terms, in common terminology, "fulfill" means to put a promise in the "success" state (as opposed to "reject")--the state that will trigger then then handlers hanging off it.
In other words, you cannot "fulfill" a promise with a promise. You can fulfill it with a value. (By the way, the term "resolve" is usually meant as either of fulfilling or rejecting.)
What you can do is return a promise from a .then handler and that will have the effect of essentially replacing the original promise with the returned promise.
Here is a simple example of doing that:
asyncTask1 . then(asyncTask2) . then(processData)
where asyncTask1 is a promise, and asyncTask2 is a function which returns a promise. So when asyncTask1 is fulfilled (done successfully), then asyncTask2 runs, and the promise returned by the .then is "taken over" by the promise asyncTask2 returns, so that when it finishes, the data can be processed.
I can do something similar by calling Promise.resolve with a promise as parameter. It's a bit of a misnomer, because I'm not resolving the promise in the technical sense. Instead, the new promise created is "inhabited" by the promise I passed in. It's also useless, because using the result is exactly the same as using the promise I passed in:
behaves exactly the same as
(assuming asyncTask2 is already a promise; otherwise Promise.resolve has the effect of creating a promise which is immediately fulfilled with the passed in value.)
Just as you can pass a promise to Promise.resolve, you can pass a promise to the resolve function provided to you as a parameter of the promise constructor callback. If the parameter you pass to resolve is a non-promise, the promise immediately fulfills with that value. However, if the parameter you pass to resolve is another promise, that promise "takes over the body" of the promise you are constructing. To put it another way, the promise you are constructing starts to behave exactly as the the promise passed to resolve.
By "behave exactly" I mean, if the promise you pass in to resolve is already fulfilled, the promise you are constructing is instantly fulfilled with the same value. If the promise you pass in to resolve is already rejected, the promise you are constructing is instantly rejected with the same reason. If the promise you pass in to resolve is not resolved yet, then any then handlers you hang off the promise you are constructing will be invoked if and when the promise you pass to resolve is resolved.
Just as it is confusing that Promise.resolve may result in a promise which is not actually resolved, it is similarly confusing that calling the resolve function handed to you as a parameter to the promise constructor may not actually resolve the promise being constructed if you call it with an unresolved promise. Instead, as I've said a couple of times now, it has the effect of putting the promise being constructed in a state of total congruence with the promise passed to resolve.
Therefore, unless I am missing the point of your question, pickfile could be written as
function pickFile() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
...display the file picker...
// Mock code to pretend the user picked a file
window.setTimeout(function() {
I didn't really understand your question clearly, so this might not be what you want. Please clarify if you care to.
Found a similar solution in the process of moving away from Angular's $q to the native Promise feature. Promise.all could be an option (in cases of independent parallel async tasks) by passing around an appropriate object, or something decorated with the state, passing it off to whatever is ready when appropriate. In the Promise.all sample below note how it recovers in one of the promises--took me awhile to realize how to redirect the result of a chain. The result of the all is just the last promise's return. While this doesn't answer the question's title, using return Promise.reject(<an-object-including-a-promise>) (or resolve) gives a series and/or group of async tasks shared access and control along the way. In the case of picking, downloading then working with a file I'd take out the progress-event handling then do: pickFile.then(download,orFailGracefully) with downloadProgress handled within the download onResolve handler (download-progress doesn't appear to be an async task). Below are related experiments in the console.
var q = {
defer: function _defer(){
var deferred = { };
deferred.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
deferred.resolve = resolve;
deferred.reject = reject;
return deferred;
var communityThatCares = q.defer();
console.log('someGood', someGood);
return someGood;
}, function(someBad){
console.warn('someBad', someBad);
return someBad;
(new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ communityThatCares.about = 'communityThatCares'; setTimeout(resolve,1000, communityThatCares); }))
console.log(3,e); return e.resolve(e);
}, function(e){
console.warn(3, e); return e.reject(e);
var todo = {
var greaterGood = [(
(new Promise(function(res,rej){ res(todo); })).then(function(e){ e.stuff = 'things'; return e; }),
(new Promise(function(res,reject){
})).then(function(e){ return e; }
e.recover = 'uh oh';
return Promise.resolve(e);
}).then(function(e){ console.log(2,e); return e; }),
(new Promise(function(res,rej){ res(todo); })).then(function(e){ console.log(1,e); e.schedule = 'today'; return e; },function(e){ console.warn(1,e); return e; }).then(function(e){ console.log(2,e); return e; }))
var nkay = Promise.all( greaterGood )
console.log('all',todo[0]); return todo;
}, function(todo){
console.warn('all',todo[0]); return todo;

