Converting an equirectangular depth map into 3d point cloud - javascript

I have a 2D equirectangular depth map that is a 1024 x 512 array of floats, each ranging between 0 to 1. Here example (truncated to grayscale):
I want to convert it to a set of 3D points but I am having trouble finding the right formula to do so - it's sort of close - pseudocode here (using a vec3() library):
for(var y = 0; y < array_height; ++y) {
var lat = (y / array_height) * 180.0 - 90.0;
var rho = Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180.0);
for(var x = 0; x < array_width; ++x) {
var lng = (x / array_width) * 360.0 - 180.0;
var pos = new vec3();
pos.x = (r * Math.cos(lng * Math.PI / 180.0));
pos.y = (Math.sin(lat * Math.PI / 180.0));
pos.z = (r * Math.sin(lng * Math.PI / 180.0));
var depth = parseFloat(depth[(y * array_width) + x] / 255);
// at this point I can plot pos as an X, Y, Z point
What I end up with isn't quite right and I can't tell why not. I am certain the data is correct. Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong.
Thank you.

Well looks like the texture is half-sphere in spherical coordinates:
x axis is longitude angle a <0,180> [deg]
y axis is latitude angle b <-45,+45> [deg]
intensity is radius r <0,1> [-]
So for each pixel simply:
linearly convert x,y to a,b
in degrees:
a = x*180 / (width -1)
b = -45 + ( y* 90 / (height-1) )
or in radians:
a = x*M_PI / (width -1)
b = -0.25*M_PI + ( 0.5*y*M_PI / (height-1) )
apply spherical to cartesian conversion
z=r* sin(b);
Looks like you have wrongly coded this conversion as latitude angle should be in all x,y,z not just y !!! Also you should not normalize the resulting position that would corrupt the shape !!!
store point into point cloud.
When I put all together in VCL/C++ (sorry do not code in javascript):
List<double> pnt; // 3D point list x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,...
void compute()
int x,y,xs,ys; // texture positiona and size
double a,b,r,da,db; // spherical positiona and angle steps
double xx,yy,zz; // 3D point
DWORD *p; // texture pixel access
// load and prepare BMP texture
Graphics::TBitmap *bmp=new Graphics::TBitmap;
// 360x180 deg
// 180x90 deg
// proces all its pixels
for ( y=0; y<ys; y++,b+=db)
for (p=(DWORD*)bmp->ScanLine[y],a=0.0,x=0; x<xs; x++,a+=da)
// pixel access
r=DWORD(p[x]&255); // obtain intensity from texture <0..255>
r/=255.0; // normalize to <0..1>
// convert to 3D
zz=r* sin(b);
// store to pointcloud
// clean up
delete bmp;
Here preview for 180x90 deg:
and preview for 360x180 deg:
Not sure which one is correct (as I do not have any context to your map) but the first option looks more correct to me ...
In case its the second just use different numbers (doubled) for the interpolation in bullet #1
Also if you want to remove the background just ignore r==1 pixels:
simply by testing the intensity to max value (before normalization) in my case by adding this line:
if (r==255) continue;
after this one
In your case (you have <0..1> already) you should test r>=0.9999 or something like that instead.


Find four coordinates of the rectangle after the rotation and translation

I need to adapt the algorithm (or find the formula) to work in all three dimensions to find the new four coordinates. In the example i've obtained the new width and height of a transformed (rotate and perspective), but i don't know how to extract the angle and the new coordinates.
var x = Math.cos(angle) * origy;
var z = Math.sin(angle) * origy;
return x * p / (p + z);

Python - How do I find the x and y coordinates of the circle to create an arc on a map

I am writing a python script that will map some points and curved on a map based on data that I receive. I am attempting to get the center coordinates of a arc/circle using any of the data that I receive below. I am having a hard time wrapping my brain around it.
Point1 Lat and Lon
Point2 Lat and Lon
Starting Angle
Ending Angle
Radius Of the Circle
I do realize that I don't need all of this data to solve this.
I also have a flag that tells me if its a left or right hand turn.
Would getting the x and y cords be possible to calculate with the information I am receiving above.
I already have a function that is ran in javascript to draw the arc.
function drawArc(center, initialBearing, finalBearing, radius) {{
var d2r = Math.PI / 180; // degrees to radians
var r2d = 180 / Math.PI; // radians to degrees
var points = 32;
// find the raidus in lat/lon
var rlat = (radius / EarthRadiusMeters) * r2d;
var rlng = rlat / Math.cos( * d2r);
var extp = new Array();
if (initialBearing > finalBearing) finalBearing += 360;
var deltaBearing = finalBearing - initialBearing;
deltaBearing = deltaBearing/points;
for (var i=0; (i < points+1); i++)
extp.push(center.DestinationPoint(initialBearing + i*deltaBearing, radius));
return extp;
I cant for the life of me find a good way to get the x and y coordinates of the center of the circle.
Given a point (Px, Py), that point's starting angle (Pa), and the radius (r), you can calculate the center (Cx, Cy) like so:
Cx = Px - r * cos(Pa)
Cy = Py - r * sin(Pa)
For example, if you want the center of the arc with a point at (1, 2) which is at Pi/3 radians (60 degrees) on a circle with radius 3, you can calculate the center like so:
Cx = 1 - 3 * cos(Pi/4) = 1 - 3 * 0.5 = 1 - 1.5 = -0.5
Cy = 1 - 3 * sin(Pi/4) = 1 - 3 * sqrt(2)/2 = -1.1213
C = (-0.5, -1.1213)
There are similar formulas you could use given other information as well. For example, you could calculate the center given a "first" and "second" point, the radius, and the "turn direction" (left or right). It is fairly simple trigonometry to derive these equations.
AFAIK, center point doesn't depend on the parameters of the circle. It's XY coordinates on the canvas. It can be anywhere or oftener in the middle of the picture to look nicer.
Look here:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cairo, math
starting_angle = math.radians(210) # angle in radians
ending_angle = math.radians(330)
WIDTH, HEIGHT = radius*2+20, radius*2+20 # Canvas size
x=WIDTH/2 # X position
y=HEIGHT/2 # Y position
surface = cairo.ImageSurface (cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
context = cairo.Context (surface)
# Background Neutral Gray ----------
context.set_source_rgb(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
context.rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
# Red Sector -------------------
context.set_source_rgb(1, 0, 0) # rgb color red
context.arc(x, y, radius, starting_angle, ending_angle)
context.line_to (x, y)
surface.write_to_png ("img.png") # Output to PNG

Drawing a custom number of straight lines across 1 point with javascript

I'm trying to develop a small application using html5 and canvas/KineticJS. I'd like to trace a number of rays that start from a 2d point to infinite, just setting a custom angle degree. For example, if I set 90° the app should render four rays (two straight lines, one vertical and one horizontal that meet in my 2d point). If I set 60° I should see 3 straight lines, like an asterisk *
The longest line you'll ever have to draw is the size of the canvas's diagonal:
var r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(canvas.width, 2) + Math.pow(canvas.height, 2));
Use sin and cos to calculate each of your end points at that radius:
var theta = delta * Math.PI / 180.0;
var dx = r * Math.cos(n * theta);
var dy = r * Math.sin(n * theta);
Then, just draw lines from (x, y) to (x + dx, y + dy). Simples.

3d trigonometry equation

I'm trying to write a small 'perspective' javascript app that allows me to fly through a set of x,y,z points that inhabit a 3d space.
I have the concept of a camera which changes its rotation and xyz position, while each point maintains a constant xyz point.
I then have a set of equations that works out how the camera's x,y,z coordinates should be adjusted for flying directly forwards. The x,y,z adjustments obviously depend upon the rotation of the camera.
It almost works, but at certain 'attitudes' the camera position adjustment goes wrong and the flightpath doesn't go straight ahead but goes off at an angle, or even reverses. The equations for working out the projection are as follows:
var directionFactor = 1;
if (direction == 'backward') directionFactor = -1;
sx = Math.sin(cameraView.rotX);
cx = Math.cos(cameraView.rotX);
sy = Math.sin(cameraView.rotY);
cy = Math.cos(cameraView.rotY);
sz = Math.sin(cameraView.rotZ);
cz = Math.cos(cameraView.rotZ);
// Z-Axis
ztrig = Math.sqrt((cx * cx) + (cy * cy)) * (cx * cy);
cameraView.z = cameraView.z + directionFactor *
(Math.abs(airspeed / 15) * ztrig);
// Y-Axis
ytrig = Math.sqrt((sx * sx) + (cz * cz)) * (sx * cz);
cameraView.y = cameraView.y + directionFactor *
(Math.abs(airspeed / 15) *ytrig);
// X-Axis
xtrig = Math.sqrt((cz * cz) + (sy * sy)) * (cz * sy);
cameraView.x = cameraView.x - directionFactor *
(Math.abs(airspeed / 15) * xtrig);
Obviously my equations aren't quite right. Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong? Much appreciated and thanks.
You have some errors in your equations. (They are valid in the 2d case but not in 3d)
when you calculate
sx = Math.sin(cameraView.rotX);
It does make sense in 2d since :
sx = Math.sin(cameraView.rotX) = x/SQRT(y*y + x*x)
where (x, y) is the position of the camera.
But in 3d it's more complicated :
In 3d :
Thus to obtain the cartesian coordinate :
You may also use 3d matrix to perform rotation.

Displaying pins around a point in google maps

Is there a way to translate into javascript a piece of code that will allow me to show map pins around a point taking in consideration a radius ?
var data=[
for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
if (data[i] is 30 kms far from aCoord)
Thank you,
I came up with this example so you have an idea on how to calculate the points. You'll need to figure out how to do any necessary conversions for lat/lon.
* Returns coordinates for N points around a circle with a given radius from
* the center.
* center: array [x, y]
* radius: int
* num_points: int
function get_points_on_circle(center, radius, num_points) {
if (!num_points) num_points = 10;
var interval = Math.PI * 2 / num_points;
points = [];
i = -1;
while (++i < num_points) {
var theta = interval * i,
point = [Math.cos(theta) * radius + center[0], Math.sin(theta) * radius + center[1]];
return points;
// Sample usage
var center = [250, 250],
radius = 100,
num_points = 10;
var points = get_points_on_circle(center, radius, num_points);
Test it out (uses Raphael for plotting)
If you are interested in learning a little about the logic:
A radian is a unit of measure for angles. There are a total of 2*PI radians in a circle. Using that fact, you can calculate the angle interval of any number of points on a circle by performing 2*PI/num_points.
When you know the angle interval, you can calculate the angle (theta) of a point on a circle. Once you have theta (the angle), you have polar coordinates (radius,angle). For that to be of any use to us in this problem, you need to convert the polar coordinates into Cartesian coordinates (x,y). You can do that by using the following formulas:
x = cos(theta) * radius
y = sin(theta) * radius
That's pretty much it in a nutshell.

