Sine wave animation performance advice - javascript

I'm trying to create a sine wave animation in using javascript and have had some success getting the look that I want but I am having performance issues seemingly because of the number of vectors being generated.
I'm currently using the p5js library. Here is a sample of what I have generated so far, would there be any options to optimise this to improve performance whilst keeping the level of detail / smoothness?
function setup () {
let size = min(windowWidth, windowHeight) * 0.96;
size = floor(size);
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
function windowResized () {
let size = min(windowWidth, windowHeight);
size = floor(size);
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
function draw () {
const _o = millis() * 0.0005;
const amount = 20;
const ampl = ( 630 / ( windowHeight ) * 100 ) + 120;
for(var k=0;k<amount;k++) {
const offset = (1 - k / amount) * 3;
const detail = 10;
for(var i=0;i<(width+detail);i+=detail) {
let y = height * 0.5;
y += Math.sin(i * 0.01 - _o + ( k / 50 ) + offset) * ampl;
y += Math.sin(i * 0.005 - _o + 5 + offset + noise( 50 ) ) * ampl;
vertex(i, y);
stroke(255, 255, 255, (k/(amount - 1) * 100));
Codepen example:
I am currently using the P5js library but if there are other libraries / methods I am open to alternatives. Any pointers would be much appreciated.

Remove the console.log line from inside the nested loops. This makes the animation smooth on my laptop, even if I increase the frame rate to 60.
I'm not familiar with P5js, but the extra calls to frameRate() appear to be unnecessary.

A few ideas off the top of my head:
for() loops are blocking the tread, rewrite your code using foreach() or map() to optimize the flow
Check out requestAnimationFrame()
Floating-point operations are expensive. See if you can generate a cache of reusable vector coordinates


Optimise javascript canvas for mass-drawing of tiny objects

I've been working on a game which requires thousands of very small images (20^20 px) to be rendered and rotated each frame. A sample snippet is provided.
I've used every trick I know to speed it up to increase frame rates but I suspect there are other things I can do to optimise this.
Current optimisations include:
Replacing save/restore with explicit transformations
Avoiding scale/size-transformations
Being explicit about destination sizes rather than letting the browser guess
requestAnimationFrame rather than set-interval
Tried but not present in example:
Rendering objects in batches to other offscreen canvases then compiling later (reduced performance)
Avoiding floating point locations (required due to placement precision)
Not using alpha on main canvas (not shown in snippet due to SO snippet rendering)
//initial canvas and context
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
canvas.width = 800;
canvas.height = 800;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
//create an image (I) to render
let myImage = new OffscreenCanvas(10,10);
let myImageCtx = myImage.getContext('2d');
let animation = requestAnimationFrame(frame);
//fill an initial array of [n] object positions and angles
let myObjects = [];
for (let i = 0; i <1500; i++){
x : Math.floor(Math.random() * 800),
y : Math.floor(Math.random() * 800),
angle : Math.floor(Math.random() * 360),
//render a specific frame
function frame(){
ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height);
//draw each object and update its position
for (let i = 0, l = myObjects.length; i<l;i++){
drawImageNoReset(ctx, myImage, myObjects[i].x, myObjects[i].y, myObjects[i].angle);
myObjects[i].x += 1; if (myObjects[i].x > 800) {myObjects[i].x = 0}
myObjects[i].y += .5; if (myObjects[i].y > 800) {myObjects[i].y = 0}
myObjects[i].angle += .01; if (myObjects[i].angle > 360) {myObjects[i].angle = 0}
//reset the transform and call next frame
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
//fastest transform draw method - no transform reset
function drawImageNoReset(myCtx, image, x, y, rotation) {
myCtx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y);
myCtx.drawImage(image, 0,0,image.width, image.height,-image.width / 2, -image.height / 2, image.width, image.height);
<canvas name = "canvas" id = "canvas"></canvas>
You are very close to the max throughput using the 2D API and a single thread, however there are some minor points that can improve performance.
First though, if you are after the best performance possible using javascript you must use WebGL
With WebGL2 you can draw 8 or more times as many 2D sprites than with the 2D API and have a larger range of FX (eg color, shadow, bump, single call smart tile maps...)
WebGL is VERY worth the effort
Performance related points
globalAlpha is applied every drawImage call, values other than 1 do not affect performance.
Avoid the call to rotate The two math calls (including a scale) are a tiny bit quicker than the rotate. eg ax = Math..cos(rot) * scale; ay = Math.sin(rot) * scale; ctx.setTransform(ax,ay,-ay,ax,x,y)
Rather than use many images, put all the images in a single image (sprite sheet). Not applicable in this case
Don`t litter the global scope. Keep object close as possible to functions scope and pass object by reference. Access to global scoped variable is MUCH slower the local scoped variables.
Best to use modules as they hove their own local scope
Use radians. Converting angles to deg and back is a waste of processing time. Learn to use radians Math.PI * 2 === 360 Math.PI === 180 and so on
For positive integers don't use Math.floor use a bit-wise operator as they automatically convert Doubles to Int32 eg Math.floor(Math.random() * 800) is faster as Math.random() * 800 | 0 ( | is OR )
Be aware of the Number type in use. Converting to an integer will cost cycles if every time you use it you convert it back to double.
Always Pre-calculate when ever possible. Eg each time you render an image you negate and divide both the width and height. These values can be pre calculated.
Avoid array lookup (indexing). Indexing an object in an array is slower than direct reference. Eg the main loop indexes myObject 11 times. Use a for of loop so there is only one array lookup per iteration and the counter is a more performant internal counter. (See example)
Though there is a performance penalty for this, if you separate update and render loops on slower rendering devices you will gain performance, by updating game state twice for every rendered frame. eg Slow render device drops to 30FPS and game slows to half speed, if you detect this update state twice, and render once. The game will still present at 30FPS but still play and normal speed (and may even save the occasional drooped frame as you have halved the rendering load)
Do not be tempted to use delta time, there are some negative performance overheads (Forces doubles for many values that can be Ints) and will actually reduce animation quality.
When ever possible avoid conditional branching, or use the more performant alternatives. EG in your example you loop object across boundaries using if statements. This can be done using the remainder operator % (see example)
You check rotation > 360. This is not needed as rotation is cyclic A value of 360 is the same as 44444160. (Math.PI * 2 is same rotation as Math.PI * 246912)
Non performance point.
Each animation call you are preparing a frame for the next (upcoming) display refresh. In your code you are displaying the game state then updating. That means your game state is one frame ahead of what the client sees. Always update state, then display.
This example has added some additional load to the objects
can got in any direction
have individual speeds and rotations
don`t blink in and out at edges.
The example includes a utility that attempts to balance the frame rate by varying the number of objects.
Every 15 frames the (work) load is updated. Eventually it will reach a stable rate.
DON`T NOT gauge the performance by running this snippet, SO snippets sits under all the code that runs the page, the code is also modified and monitored (to protect against infinite loops). The code you see is not the code that runs in the snippet. Just moving the mouse can cause dozens of dropped frames in the SO snippet
For accurate results copy the code and run it alone on a page (remove any extensions that may be on the browser while testing)
Use this or similar to regularly test your code and help you gain experience in knowing what is good and bad for performance.
Meaning of rate text.
1 +/- Number Objects added or removed for next period
2 Total number of objects rendered per frame during previous period
3 Number Running mean of render time in ms (this is not frame rate)
4 Number FPS is best mean frame rate.
5 Number Frames dropped during period. A dropped frame is the length of the reported frame rate. I.E. "30fps 5dropped" the five drop frames are at 30fps, the total time of dropped frames is 5 * (1000 / 30)
const IMAGE_SIZE = 10;
const IMAGE_DIAGONAL = (IMAGE_SIZE ** 2 * 2) ** 0.5 / 2;
const DISPLAY_WIDTH = 800;
const DISPLAY_HEIGHT = 800;
const PERFORMANCE_SAMPLE_INTERVAL = 15; // rendered frames
const INIT_OBJ_COUNT = 500;
const MAX_CPU_COST = 8; // in ms
const MAX_ADD_OBJ = 10;
const MAX_REMOVE_OBJ = 5;
canvas.width = DISPLAY_WIDTH;
canvas.height = DISPLAY_HEIGHT;
function createImage() {
const image = new OffscreenCanvas(IMAGE_SIZE,IMAGE_SIZE);
const ctx = image.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillRect(0, IMAGE_SIZE / 4, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE / 2);
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, IMAGE_SIZE / 4, IMAGE_SIZE);
ctx.fillRect(IMAGE_SIZE * (3/4), 0, IMAGE_SIZE / 4, IMAGE_SIZE);
image.neg_half_width = -IMAGE_SIZE / 2; // snake case to ensure future proof (no name clash)
image.neg_half_height = -IMAGE_SIZE / 2; // use of Image API
return image;
function createObject() {
return {
x : Math.random() * DISPLAY_WIDTH,
y : Math.random() * DISPLAY_HEIGHT,
r : Math.random() * Math.PI * 2,
dx: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2,
dy: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2,
dr: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.1,
function createObjects() {
const objects = [];
while (i--) { objects.push(createObject()) }
return objects;
function update(objects){
for (const obj of objects) {
obj.x = ((obj.x + DISPLAY_OFFSET_WIDTH + obj.dx) % DISPLAY_OFFSET_WIDTH);
obj.r += obj.dr;
function render(ctx, img, objects){
for (const obj of objects) { drawImage(ctx, img, obj) }
function drawImage(ctx, image, {x, y, r}) {
const ax = Math.cos(r), ay = Math.sin(r);
ctx.setTransform(ax, ay, -ay, ax, x - IMAGE_DIAGONAL, y - IMAGE_DIAGONAL);
ctx.drawImage(image, image.neg_half_width, image.neg_half_height);
function timing(framesPerTick) { // creates a running mean frame time
const samples = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
const sCount = samples.length;
var samplePos = 0;
var now =;
const maxRate = framesPerTick * (1000 / 60);
const API = {
get FPS() {
var time =;
const FPS = 1000 / ((time - now) / framesPerTick);
const dropped = ((time - now) - maxRate) / (1000 / 60) | 0;
now = time;
if (FPS > 30) { return "60fps " + dropped + "dropped" };
if (FPS > 20) { return "30fps " + (dropped / 2 | 0) + "dropped" };
if (FPS > 15) { return "20fps " + (dropped / 3 | 0) + "dropped" };
if (FPS > 10) { return "15fps " + (dropped / 4 | 0) + "dropped" };
return "Too slow";
time(time) { samples[(samplePos++) % sCount] = time },
get mean() { return samples.reduce((total, val) => total += val, 0) / sCount },
return API;
function updateStats(CPUCost, objects) {
const fps = CPUCost.FPS;
const mean = CPUCost.mean;
const cost = mean / objects.length; // estimate per object CPU cost
const count = MAX_CPU_COST / cost | 0;
const objCount = objects.length;
var str = "0";
if (count < objects.length) {
var remove = Math.min(MAX_REMOVE_OBJ, objects.length - count);
str = "-" + remove;
objects.length -= remove;
} else if (count > objects.length + MAX_ADD_OBJ) {
let i = MAX_ADD_OBJ;
while (i--) {
str = "+" + MAX_ADD_OBJ;
info.textContent = str + ": " + objCount + " sprites " + mean.toFixed(3) + "ms " + fps;
function start() {
var frameCount = 0;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const image = createImage();
const objects = createObjects();
function frame(time) {
frameCount ++;
const start =;
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_WIDTH);
render(ctx, image, objects);
CPUCost.time( - start);
if (frameCount % PERFORMANCE_SAMPLE_INTERVAL === 0) {
updateStats(CPUCost, objects);
#info {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
left: 10px;
background: #DDD;
font-family: arial;
font-size: 18px;
<canvas name = "canvas" id = "canvas"></canvas>
<div id="info"></div>

Animating a "Wobbly Canvas" like in Discord's Login page?

For reference, I'm talking about the dark-gray space in the upper left of Discord's Login Page. For anyone who can't access that link, here's a screenshot:
It has a number of effects that are really cool, the dots and (darker shadows) move with the mouse, but I'm more interested in the "wobbly edge" effect, and to a lesser extent the "fast wobble/scale in" on page load (scaling in the canvas on load would give a similar, if not "cheaper" effect).
Unfortunately, I can't produce much in the way of a MCVE, because I'm not really sure where to start. I tried digging through Discord's assets, but I'm not familiar enough to Webpack to be able to determine what's going on.
Everything I've been able to dig up on "animated wave/wobble" is CSS powered SVG or clip-path borders, I'd like to produce something a bit more organic.
Very interesting problem. I've scaled the blob down so it is visible in the preview below.
Here is a codepen as well at a larger size.
const SCALE = 0.25;
const TWO_PI = Math.PI * 2;
const HALF_PI = Math.PI / 2;
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const c = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
class Blob {
constructor() {
this.wobbleIncrement = 0;
// use this to change the size of the blob
this.radius = 500;
// think of this as detail level
// number of conections in the `bezierSkin`
this.segments = 12;
this.step = HALF_PI / this.segments;
this.anchors = [];
this.radii = [];
this.thetaOff = [];
const bumpRadius = 100;
const halfBumpRadius = bumpRadius / 2;
for (let i = 0; i < this.segments + 2; i++) {
this.anchors.push(0, 0);
this.radii.push(Math.random() * bumpRadius - halfBumpRadius);
this.thetaOff.push(Math.random() * TWO_PI);
this.theta = 0;
this.thetaRamp = 0;
this.thetaRampDest = 12;
this.rampDamp = 25;
update() {
this.thetaRamp += (this.thetaRampDest - this.thetaRamp) / this.rampDamp;
this.theta += 0.03;
this.anchors = [0, this.radius];
for (let i = 0; i <= this.segments + 2; i++) {
const sine = Math.sin(this.thetaOff[i] + this.theta + this.thetaRamp);
const rad = this.radius + this.radii[i] * sine;
const theta = this.step * i;
const x = rad * Math.sin(theta);
const y = rad * Math.cos(theta);
this.anchors.push(x, y);
c.translate(-10, -10);
c.scale(SCALE, SCALE);
c.fillStyle = "blue";
c.moveTo(0, 0);
bezierSkin(this.anchors, false);
c.lineTo(0, 0);
const blob = new Blob();
function loop() {
c.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// array of xy coords, closed boolean
function bezierSkin(bez, closed = true) {
const avg = calcAvgs(bez);
const leng = bez.length;
if (closed) {
c.moveTo(avg[0], avg[1]);
for (let i = 2; i < leng; i += 2) {
let n = i + 1;
c.quadraticCurveTo(bez[i], bez[n], avg[i], avg[n]);
c.quadraticCurveTo(bez[0], bez[1], avg[0], avg[1]);
} else {
c.moveTo(bez[0], bez[1]);
c.lineTo(avg[0], avg[1]);
for (let i = 2; i < leng - 2; i += 2) {
let n = i + 1;
c.quadraticCurveTo(bez[i], bez[n], avg[i], avg[n]);
c.lineTo(bez[leng - 2], bez[leng - 1]);
// create anchor points by averaging the control points
function calcAvgs(p) {
const avg = [];
const leng = p.length;
let prev;
for (let i = 2; i < leng; i++) {
prev = i - 2;
avg.push((p[prev] + p[i]) / 2);
// close
avg.push((p[0] + p[leng - 2]) / 2, (p[1] + p[leng - 1]) / 2);
return avg;
There are lots of things going on here. In order to create this effect you need a good working knowledge of how quadratic bezier curves are defined. Once you have that, there is an old trick that I've used many many times over the years. To generate smooth linked quadratic bezier curves, define a list of points and calculate their averages. Then use the points as control points and the new averaged points as anchor points. See the bezierSkin and calcAvgs functions.
With the ability to draw smooth bezier curves, the rest is about positioning the points in an arc and then animating them. For this we use a little math:
x = radius * sin(theta)
y = radius * cos(theta)
That converts polar to cartesian coordinates. Where theta is the angle on the circumference of a circle [0 - 2pi].
As for the animation, there is a good deal more going on here - I'll see if I have some more time this weekend to update the answer with more details and info, but hopefully this will be helpful.
The animation runs on a canvas and it is a simple bezier curve animation.
For organic feel, you should look at perlin noise, that was introduced when developing original Tron video FX.
You can find a good guide to understand perlin noise here.
In the example I've used
var c = $('canvas').get(0).getContext('2d');
var simplex = new SimplexNoise();
var t = 0;
function init() {
function draw() {
c.clearRect(0, 0, 600, 300);
// Draw a Bézier curve by using the same line cooridinates.
// draw reference points
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas width="600" height="300"></canvas>
Note: further investigation on Discord source code, I've pointed out that's is using libraries. Epistemex NPM packages are still online, while GitHub repos and profile does not exists anymore.
Note 2: Another approach could be relying on physics libraries like this demo, but it can be an overkill, if you just need a single effect.

Canvas jitters half my rendering

I was working on a fun project that implicates creating "imperfect" circles by drawing them with lines and animate their points to generate a pleasing effect.
The points should alternate between moving away and closer to the center of the circle, to illustrate:
I think I was able to accomplish that, the problem is when I try to render it in a canvas half the render jitters like crazy, you can see it in this demo.
You can see how it renders for me in this video. If you pay close attention the bottom right half of the render runs smoothly while the top left just..doesn't.
This is how I create the points:
for (var i = 0; i < q; i++) {
var a = toRad(aDiv * i);
var e = rand(this.e, 1);
var x = Math.cos(a) * (this.r * e) + this.x;
var y = Math.sin(a) * (this.r * e) + this.y;
x: x,
y: y,
initX: x,
initY: y,
reverseX: false,
reverseY: false,
finalX: x + 5 * Math.cos(a),
finalY: y + 5 * Math.sin(a)
Each point in the imperfect circle is calculated using an angle and a random distance that it's not particularly relevant (it relies on a few parameters).
I think it's starts to mess up when I assign the final values (finalX,finalY), the animation is supposed to alternate between those and their initial values, but only half of the render accomplishes it.
Is the math wrong? Is the code wrong? Or is it just that my computer can't handle the rendering?
I can't figure it out, thanks in advance!
Is the math wrong? Is the code wrong? Or is it just that my computer can't handle the rendering?
I Think that your animation function has not care about the elapsed time. Simply the animation occurs very fast. The number of requestAnimationFrame callbacks is usually 60 times per second, So Happens just what is expected to happen.
I made some fixes in this fiddle. This animate function take care about timestamp. Also I made a gradient in the animation to alternate between their final and initial positions smoothly.
ImperfectCircle.prototype.animate = function (timestamp) {
var factor = 4;
var stepTime = 400;
for (var i = 0, l = this.points.length; i < l; i++) {
var point = this.points[i];
var direction = Math.floor(timestamp/stepTime)%2;
var stepProgress = timestamp % stepTime * 100 / stepTime;
stepProgress = (direction == 0 ? stepProgress: 100 -stepProgress);
point.x = point.initX + (Math.cos(point.angle) * stepProgress/100 * factor);
point.y = point.initY + (Math.sin(point.angle) * stepProgress/100 * factor);
Step by Step:
based on comments
// 1. Calculates the steps as int: Math.floor(timestamp/stepTime)
// 2. Modulo to know if even step or odd step: %2
var direction = Math.floor(timestamp/stepTime)%2;
// 1. Calculates the step progress: timestamp % stepTime
// 2. Convert it to a percentage: * 100 / stepTime
var stepProgress = timestamp % stepTime * 100 / stepTime;
// if odd invert the percentage.
stepProgress = (direction == 0 ? stepProgress: 100 -stepProgress);
// recompute position based on step percentage
// factor is for fine adjustment.
point.x = point.initX + (Math.cos(point.angle) * stepProgress/100 * factor);
point.y = point.initY + (Math.sin(point.angle) * stepProgress/100 * factor);

canvas rendering not smooth

For some reason my rendering stutters sometimes. As you can see here(
Use your arrow keys to move.
The bottom canvas is prerendered only once, the prerender will then be drawn on the main upper canvas every frame.
Here is my code thats gets called every frame:
var tick = (function() {
var lastTimestamp = 0;
return function(timestamp) {
dt = (timestamp - lastTimestamp) / 1000;
lastTimestamp = timestamp;
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, self.resolution.width, self.resolution.height);
var cameraPosition = camera.position;
if(keys[37]) {
cameraPosition.x -= 10 * dt;
if(keys[38]) {
cameraPosition.y -= 10 * dt;
if(keys[39]) {
cameraPosition.x += 10 * dt;
if(keys[40]) {
cameraPosition.y += 10 * dt;
camera.position = cameraPosition;
var tileSet = self.resource.get("tiles");;
// mapCamera starts at the same position as camera.
// So (mapCamera.position - camera.position) is the offset we have to move.
ctx.translate((mapCamera.position.x - camera.position.x) * 16, (mapCamera.position.y - camera.position.y) * 16);
// mapCanvas is the prerendered canvas.
ctx.drawImage(mapCanvas, -16, -16, self.resolution.width + 32, self.resolution.height + 32);
I've been trying to figure out why its not 100% smooth, but I can't find a solution.
Someone has an idea why it is happening?
3 advices here :
• Call early requestAnimationFrame : with my modest testing , it showed that things were a bit smoother when rAF is the first function called. Most probably because it needs behind-the-scene work to get to work. Try it !
• When using drawImage, coordinates will be rounded for you : you might want to do the rounding yourself, since it is 'floor' that is used, and that 'ceil' that gives smoother results.
• Most importantly, you are using the DOM (divs or like) to show the mouse position / fps. Don't do this. use fillText on your canvas (or on some other visible canvas), because you can't be sure you cause a reflow/repaint when changing those values.

How come my lines aren't matching up?

EDIT: So apparently, PI is finite in JavaScript (which makes sense). But that leaves me with a major problem. What's the next best way to calculate the angles I need?
Alright, first, my code:
I'm drawing cubes that open up to a 120 degree angle.
So the coordinates are calculated based on (h)eight and theta (120).
On line 46, I have a for loop that contains a nested for loop used for creating rows/columns.
It's somewhat subtle, but I noticed that the lines aren't matching up exactly. The code for figuring out each cubes position is on line 49. One of the things in the first parameter (my x value) for the origin of the cube is off. Can anyone help figure out what it is?
var cube = new Cube(
origin.x + (j * -w * (Math.PI)) +
(i * w * (Math.PI))
, origin.y + j * (h / 2) +
i * (h / 2) +
(-k*h), h);
Sorry if that's confusing. I,j, and k refer to the variable being incremented by the for loops. So basically, a three dimensional for loop.
I think the problem lies with Math.PI.
The width isn't the problem, or so I believe. I originally used 3.2 (which I somehow guessed and it seemed to line up pretty good. But I have no clue what the magical number is). I'm guessing it has to do with the angle being converted to Radians, but I don't understand why Math.PI/180 isn't the solution. I tried multiple things. 60 (in degrees) * Math.PI/180 doesn't work. What is it for?
EDIT: It might just be a JavaScript related math problem. The math is theoretically correct but can't be calculated correctly. I'll accept the imperfection to spare myself from re-writing code in unorthodox manners. I can tell it would take a lot to circumvent using trig math.
There are 2 problems...
Change line 35 to var w=h*Math.sin(30);. The 30 here matches the this.theta / 4 in the Cube getWidthmethod since this.theta equals 120.
Use the following code to generate the position of your new cube. You don't need Math.Pi. You needed to use both the cube width and height in your calculation.
var cube = new Cube(
origin.x+ -j*w - i*h,
origin.y + -j*w/2 + i*h/2,
Alright I found the solution!
It's really simple - I was using degrees instead of radians.
function Cube(x, y, h) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.h = h;
this.theta = 120*Math.PI/180;
this.getWidth = function () {
return (this.h * Math.sin(this.theta / 2));
this.width = this.getWidth();
this.getCorner = function () {
return (this.h / 2);
this.corner = this.getCorner();
So apparently Javascript trig functions use Radians, so that's one problem.
Next fix I made was to the offset of each point in the cube. It doesn't need one! (o.O idk why. But whatever it works. I left the old code just in case I discover why later on).
function draw() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // Draw a black canvas
var h = 32;
var width = Math.sin(60*Math.PI/180);
var w = h*width;
var row = 9; // column and row will always be same (to make cube)
var column = row;
var area = row * column;
var height = 1;
var origin = {
x: canvas.width / 2,
y: (canvas.height / 2) - (h * column/2) + height*h
var offset = Math.sqrt(3)/2;
offset = 1;
for (var i = 0; i <= row; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j <= column; j++) {
for (var k = 0; k <= height; k++) {
var cube = new Cube(
origin.x + (j * -w * offset) +
(i * w * offset)
, origin.y + (j * (h / 2) * offset) +
(i * (h / 2) * offset) +
(-k*h*offset), h);
var cubes = {};
cubes[i+j+k] = cube; // Store to array
if (j == column) {
drawCube(2, cube);
if (i == row) {
drawCube(1, cube);
if (k == height) {
See the full Jsfiddle here:

