Async function does not wait for await function to end - javascript

i have an async function that do not work as expected, here is the code :
const onCreateCoachSession = async (event, context) => {
const { coachSessionID } = context.params;
let coachSession = event.val();
let opentokSessionId = 'prout';
await opentok.createSession({ mediaMode: 'relayed' }, function(
) {
if (error) {
console.log('Error creating session:', error);
} else {
opentokSessionId = session.sessionId;
console.log('opentokSessionIdBefore: ', opentokSessionId);
const sessionId = session.sessionId;
console.log('Session ID: ' + sessionId);
coachSession.tokbox = {
archiving: true,
sessionID: sessionId,
sessionIsCreated: true,
console.log('opentokSessionIdEnd: ', opentokSessionId);
My function onCreateCoachSession trigger on a firebase event (it's a cloud function), but it does not end for opentok.createSession to end, i don't understand why as i put an await before.
Can anyone have an idea why my code trigger directly the last console log (opentokSessionIdEnd)
Here is a screenshot on order of console.log :
It's probably a simple problem of async/await that i missed but i cannot see what.
I thanks in advance the community for the help.

You're using createSession in callback mode (you're giving it a callback function), so it doesn't return a Promise, so it can't be awaited.
Two solutions :
1/ Use createSession in Promise mode (if it allows this, see the doc)
let session = null;
session = await opentok.createSession({ mediaMode: 'relayed' })
} catch(err) {
console.log('Error creating session:', error);
or 2/ await a Promise
let session;
try {
session = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
opentok.createSession({ mediaMode: 'relayed' }, (error, session) => {
if (error) {
return reject(error)
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error creating session:', err);
throw new Error(err);
opentokSessionId = session.sessionId;
console.log('opentokSessionIdBefore: ', opentokSessionId);
// ...

await means it will wait till the promise is resolved. I guess there is no promise returned in this case. you can create your own promise and handle the case


Why can't I return data after await a promise object in async function

I'm a newbie studying coding.
I tried to mock mysql database query, so I followed below code(
const getDbConnection = () => {
const pool = mysql.createPool(DB_CONFIG);
return {
query : function (sql) {
return util.promisify(pool.query).call(pool, sql);
try {
let result = await db.query(sql);
} catch (error) {
console.log(DB error, error);
It worked for me, but I thought I could return the query with await by using it in databse.js like the one below
query : async function(sql) {
try {
return await util.promisify(pool.query).call(pool, sql);
} catch (error) {
console.log(DB error, error);
so I thought I can use query function without error handling
let result = await db.query(sql);
But it doesn't work. What difference is there between the two codes that makes the above code work and the below now??
Many thanks!

Promises not getting resolved

I am running this asynchronous function in my React app -
const getMetaData = async (hashes: any) => {
console.log({ hashes });
try {
const data = (hash: any) => {
const url = `http://localhost:3003/user/pinata/getmetadata/${hash}`;
const metadata = await axios.get(url);
console.log("data1", data);
const metadata = await Promise.all(data);
console.log('data2', metadata);
} catch (error) {
console.log('getMetaData Error', error);
console.log("data1", data) gives me -
data1 (12) [Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise]
The problem here is after I do a await Promise.all(data) I don't get data2 anywhere in the console. Maybe because the Promises are not even getting resolved?
Any idea what might be wrong?
Thanks in advance.
It seems that your code works fine when using SWAPI API so it can be that the API you use does not deliver data appropriately. I run the below code to test. Here's a link to codebox to play around with it if you want.
import axios from "axios";
const data = ["people", "planets", "starships"];
const getMetaData = async (hashes) => {
console.log({ hashes });
try {
const data = (hash) => {
const url = `${hash}`;
const metadata = await axios.get(url);
console.log("data1", data);
const metadata = await Promise.all(data);
console.log("data2", metadata);
} catch (error) {
console.log("getMetaData Error", error);
With this code, it appears the most likely situation is that one of the promises in the loop is not resolving or rejecting. To confirm that, you can log every possible path with more local error handling so you can see exactly what happens to each request. I also added a timeout to the request so you can definitely find out if it's just not giving a response, but you can also see that by just looking at the logging for begin and end of each request in the loop:
function delay(msg, t) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error(msg));
}), t);
const getMetaData = async (hashes: any) => {
console.log({ hashes });
try {
const data = (hash: any, index: number) => {
try {
console.log(`Request: ${index}, hash: ${hash}`);
const url = `http://localhost:3003/user/pinata/getmetadata/${hash}`;
const metadata = await axios.get(url);
console.log(`Request: ${index}, result: ${}`);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Request: ${index} error: `, e);
throw e;
console.log("data1", data);
const metadata = await Promise.all( any, index: number) => {
return Promise.race(p, delay(`Timeout on request #${index}`, 5000));
console.log('data2', metadata);
} catch (error) {
console.log('getMetaData Error', error);
FYI, I don't really know Typescript syntax so if I've made any Typescript mistakes here, you can hopefully see the general idea and fix the syntax.

Typescript: Variable is used before being assigned in strict mode

I'm trying to use database transaction to create a Page record however I'm getting Variable 'createdPage' is used before being assigned even though this.pagesService.create() only returns Page and it will throw error if something goes wrong so program can be sure that createdPage is set if no exception is thrown. So why I'm getting this error?
async create(
#Body() body: PageCreateDto,
): Promise<Page> {
let createdPage: Page;
try {
await this.database.transaction(async trx => {
createdPage = await this.pagesService.create(body, trx);
} catch (error) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException('unable to create page');
return createdPage;
The problem is that the function you pass into the transaction call doesn't get run synchronously and so you can't be sure that createdPage is actually assigned when you return it. You could solve this by creating a promise.
async create(#Body() body: PageCreateDto): Promise<Page> {
return new Promise<Page>((resolve, reject) => {
try {
await this.database.transaction(trx => this.pagesService
.create(body, trx)
} catch (error) {
reject(new InternalServerErrorException('unable to create page'));
Returning it inside arrow function solved the issue:
async create(
#Body() body: PageCreateDto,
): Promise<Page> {
let createdPage: Page;
try {
createdPage = await this.database.transaction(async trx => {
return this.pagesService.create(body, trx);
} catch (error) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException('unable to create page');
return createdPage;

resolve and reject issue using node js

Is this possible way to return resolve or reject message from one function to another?
As I am writing to pass resolve message in postman whenever my task is completed or reject message when there is some error
But after after writing return it still not returning the resolve message or reject message inside Postman
any idea how this can be resolve?
async function readFile(filePath) {}
async function getAllFile(filePath) {
const paths = await readFile(filePath);
async function filterFiles(filePath) {
const paths = await getAllFile(filePath);
function addDocument(childProduct){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
name: childProduct,
}).then(function (filePath) {
let msg = "Document created Succesfully";
return resolve(msg);
.catch(function (err) {
return reject("Can't be updated please try again :) " + err);
function updateDoc(data){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
where: {
product_id: data,
}).then(function (childProduct) {
let msg = "Updated Successfully";
return resolve(msg);
.catch(function (err) {
return reject("Can't be updated please try again :) " + err);
Product.findOne and Document.findAll return a Promise, so they can be returned and awaited directly.
You can chain await func1(); await func2(); await func3() in one try{} block, and catch any error that happens in one place :
const filterFiles = async filePath => {
const paths = await getAllFiles(filePath);
// .. Do something else here
return paths // This is a Promise because async functions always return a Promise
const findOneDoc = name => Product.findOne({ where: { name } }); // This func returns a Promise
const findAllDocs = product_id => Document.findAll({ // This func returns a Promise too
raw: true,
where: { product_id }
(async () => {
try {
const childProduct = await findOneDoc("some_name");
console.log("All good until now!");
const filePath = await findAllDocs(childProduct._id);
console.log("Still good");
const filteredFiles = await filterFiles(filePath);
console.log("All went well.");
} catch (err) {
// If any of the functions above fails, the try{} block will break and the error will be caught here.
console.log(`Error!`, err);
There are few things I would like to mention.
When you create a promise, it should have resolve() and reject() inside it.
for ex-
function testPromise() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// your logic
// The followin if-else is not nessesary, its just for an illustration
if (Success condition met) {
resolve(object you want to return);
}else {
// you can add error message in this error as well
// Calling the method with await
let obj = await testPromise()
// OR call with then, but its better to go with await
// Access obj here
In the method which you have written, You have applied .then() method to non promise object. You have to complete the promise block first with resolve() and reject() inside it. Then you can return that promise from a function, use it in async function Or apply .then() block on it.
Also you don't need to add return statement to resolve() and reject() statement. The system will take care of it.
You can also use try catch block inside a promise. Its better to write reject() statement in catch block, if anything goes wrong.

Why isn't my async function waiting for the promise to be fulfilled

I am using ldapjs to query users from an ldap server.
If I put all the code just in a single script without using functions, the query works and I get the results I need.
I am now trying to use expressjs to serve a rest endpoint to enable querying of the ldap server, so I moved the ldapjs code into a async function with a promise surrounding the actual search code.
After the promise code, I have a line which exercises the promise using await and stores the results of the promise in a variable. I then return that variable to the calling function which will eventually send the results back as a json-formatted string to the requesting browser.
The problem I am seeing is that the console.log() of the returned results is undefined and appears before the console.log statements inside the promise code. So it looks like the async function is returning before the promise is fulfilled, but I don't see why because in all the examples of promises and async/await I have seen this scenario works correctly.
Below is a sample script without the expressjs part to just make sure everything works correctly.
// script constants:
const ldap = require('ldapjs');
const assert = require('assert');
const ldapServer = "";
const adSuffix = "dc=example,dc=com"; //
const client = getClient();
const fullName = "*doe*";
var opts = {
scope: "sub",
filter: `(cn=${fullName})`,
attributes: ["displayName", "mail", "title", "manager"]
console.log("performing the search");
let ldapUsers = doSearch(client, opts);
console.log("Final Results: " + ldapUsers);
function getClient() {
// Setup the connection to the ldap server
return client;
async function doSearch(client, searchOptions) {
console.log("Inside doSearch()");
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
users = '{"users": [';, searchOptions, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
res.on('searchEntry', function(entry) {
console.log("Entry: " + users.length);
if (users.length > 11) {
users = users + "," + JSON.stringify(entry.object);
} else {
users = users + JSON.stringify(entry.object);
res.on('error', function(err) {
console.error("Error: " + err.message);
res.on('end', function(result) {
users = users + "]}";
// resolve the promise:
let result = await promise;
console.log("After promise has resolved.");
return result
The output from the console.log statements is as follows:
Setting up the ldap client.
ldap.createClient succeeded.
performing the search
Inside doSearch()
Final Results: [object Promise]
Entry: 11
After promise has resolved.
{"users": [{"dn":"cn=john_doe"}]}
I did strip out the code which creates the ldapjs client and redacted the company name, but otherwise this is my code.
Any ideas on why the doSearch function is returning before the promise is fulfilled would be greatly appreciated.
As #danh mentioned in a comment, you're not awaiting the response from doSearch. Since doSearch is an async function it will always return a promise, and thus must be awaited.
As a quick and dirty way to do that you could wrap your call in an immediately invoked asynchronous function like so:
// ...
(async () => console.log(await doSearch(client, opts)))();
// ...
For more info you might check out the MDN docs on asynchronous functions
I think there are a few issues in the provided code snippet. As #danh pointed out you need to await the doSearch call. However you may have not done that already since you may not be using an environment with a top async. This likely means you'll want to wrap the call to doSearch in an async function and call that. Assuming you need to await for the search results.
// script constants:
const ldap = require('ldapjs');
const assert = require('assert');
const ldapServer = "";
const adSuffix = "dc=example,dc=com"; //
const client = getClient();
const fullName = "*doe*";
function getClient() {
// Setup the connection to the ldap server
return client;
async function doSearch(client, searchOptions) {
console.log("Inside doSearch()");
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
users = '{"users": [';, searchOptions, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
res.on('searchEntry', function(entry) {
console.log("Entry: " + users.length);
if (users.length > 11) {
users = users + "," + JSON.stringify(entry.object);
} else {
users = users + JSON.stringify(entry.object);
res.on('error', function(err) {
console.error("Error: " + err.message);
res.on('end', function(result) {
users = users + "]}";
const opts = {
scope: "sub",
filter: `(cn=${fullName})`,
attributes: ["displayName", "mail", "title", "manager"]
(async function runAsyncSearch () {
console.log("performing the search");
try {
const ldapUsers = await doSearch(client, opts); // Await the async results
console.log("After promise has resolved.");
console.log("Final Results: " + ldapUsers);
} catch (err) {
})(); // Execute the function immediately after defining it.

