Check if object key exsist in object - javascript - javascript

I made a loop to check whether a key doesn't exsist in another object. As soon as this condition is true it should stop and redirect to a certain URL. I got the loop working but my issue is that as soon as the condition is met. It still continues to loop for the remaining items. Meaning it will never stop and creates some kind of infite loop. How can i make sure that if the condition (if) is met. the loop stops.
resources: (first time it is empty)
// For every requiredResource check if it exist in the resources. (right now it is one)
requiredResource.forEach((item: any) => {
// Check if there are resources, if not go get them
if(resources.length !== 0){
// Resources are filled with 2 examples
Object.keys(resources).forEach(value => {
//if the required is not in there, go get this resource and stop the loop
if(value !=={
// Go get the specific resource that is missing
} else {
// Key from resource is matching the required key. you can continue
} else {
// get resources

You can use some() array method for this like:
const found = requiredResource.some(({name}) => Object.keys(resources).indexOf(name) > -1)
if (!found) {
} else {
// Key from resource is matching the required key. you can continue
Based on the discussion, you can updated your code like this to achieve the required behaviour as we can't break from a forEach loop:
requiredResource.some((item) => {
// Check if there are resources, if not go get them
if (resources.length !== 0) {
// Resources are filled with 2 examples
Object.keys(resources).some(value => {
//if the required is not in there, go get this resource and stop the loop
if (value !== {
// Go get the specific resource that is missing
return true;
} else {
// Key from resource is matching the required key. you can continue
return false;
return false;
} else {
// get resources
return true;
Just using the some() with return true to break out of the loop here.

You could try something like this...
let obj = {
'a': 1,
'b': 2,
'c': 3
return obj[x]==2
And use the return statement to break the loop, does that help?


Break For Each Loop in a Custom Cypress Command

I have a custom Cypress command to scroll through a list until you reach the item passed into the command. In my command I have $.each so I can compare the name of the item to the item name passed into the function. If they match then I send a click command which is "ENTER" in my environment.
I am able to successful scroll through the list and find the the item I am looking for and click on it but the loop continues to execute. I added return false which is what Cypress says should break the loop but it is now working for me. Any ideas why that is the case?
listItems.getChildren('OneLineTextElement', 'type').each(($elm) => {
let labelAndValue = cy.wrap($elm).getChildren('LabelAndValue')
let label = labelAndValue.getChild('Label')
label.getProperty('texture-text').then(val => {
if (val == subject) {
return false
else {
You can try adding a control variable in the the scope of the .each() command.
listItems.getChildren('OneLineTextElement', 'type').each(($elm) => {
let done = false;
let labelAndValue = cy.wrap($elm).getChildren('LabelAndValue')
let label = labelAndValue.getChild('Label')
label.getProperty('texture-text').then(val => {
if (val == subject) {
cy.action('ENTER').then(() => { // is cy.action a custom command?
// Likely you may need to wait
done = true;
} else {
if (done) {
return false;
However there are some method calls that look like custom commands inside .each() so you may not get the flow of execution you expect (Cypress commands and test javascript can run asynchronously).
It looks like the code may be refactored to avoid "scrolling through the list". The only thing this does not do is cy.action('DOWN') on the non-subject list items.
listItems.getChildren('OneLineTextElement', 'type')
.should(val => {
You have to use promise after finding your match within the loop, and then apply the assertion. Below an example searching value '23' within the column 8 which corresponds to age field.
.each(ele => {
if (ele.text() === '23') {
isValuePresent = true
if (isValuePresent) return false
}).then(() => {

How to check if array contains item in JavaScript

I have an array of playlists. A playlist has many posts.
I am trying to determine whether the selected playlist already contains the post I choose to add.
Currently, I'm getting "Already added" if any playlist in the playlists array contains that post.
I only want to add posts to playlists that DO NOT already contain that post.
Basically, I want to still be able to add a post to a playlist even if another playlist contains that post.
const confirmAdd = (selectedPlaylist, selectedPost) => {
for(var i = 0; i < playlists.length; i++) {
if (playlists[i].posts.length > 0) {
if (playlists[i].posts.some(post => != {
} else {
console.log("Already added")
} else {
The playlist parameter to the confirmAdd() function should be playlists since that is what you are using within the function
you can use "indexOf"
let myArray = ["hello", "this", "is", "array"];
if(myArray.indexOf("hello") > -1){
console.log("Hello is available")
console.log("not available")
The indexOf() method returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified value in a string.
This method returns -1 if the value to search for never occurs.
Javascript has a lot of great functions baked in to help with array manipulation.
For this task, you can use .includes() to check an array for duplicate data.
if(playlist.includes(post)){ the thing
} else { the other thing
So, I guess you have information about the selected playlist and if it's an object let's refer it by an object called selectedPlaylist. In that case your code should be something like below
function confirmAddFn(selectedPlaylist = {}, reqpost = {}) {
//Here Selected Play list is the reference object of the selection
//searching for the post
let filteredPost = selectedPlaylist.posts.items.filter(post => ==;
//if there is a post log already exsist
if (filteredPost.length > 0) {
console.log("Already Exsist");
else {
//else add to the ref ob
Now, in case you don't have the selected object and just have the index of the selected post. the below code should help
function confirmAddFn(playList = [], reqpost = {}, selectedPlayListIndex = -1) {
//Here Selected Play list is the reference object of the selection
let selectedPlaylist = playList[selectedPlayListIndex];
//searching for the post
let filteredPost = selectedPlaylist.posts.items.filter(post => ==;
//if there is a post log already exsist
if (filteredPost.length > 0) {
console.log("Already Exsist");
else {
//else add to the ref ob

Javascript function always returns 0

I am writing a function which searches for a value in my IndexedDB and if it finds one, then it should return 1, else it should return 0. The problem is that it always returns 0 though the value exists in a database (variable arr is incremented, but 0 is returned as a result). The code is as follows:
searchAllValues: function(store, type)
var arr = 0;
var obj = {};
AAA.aaaDb.transaction(store).objectStore(store).openCursor().onsuccess = function(store)
var storeresult =;
if(storeresult.value.value == type ){
}else{console.log('value NOT found');}
storeresult ? (obj[storeresult.key] = storeresult.value.value, storeresult["continue"]()) : callback(obj)
});if(arr!=0){return 1}else{return 0}
Ok, I have refactored the code as follows:
addInfo: function(store, type, info)
var arr = [];
P4S.p4sPushDb.transaction(store).objectStore(store).openCursor().onsuccess = function(store)
var storeresult =;
console.log('value of storeresult==>'+storeresult.value.value);
if(storeresult.value.value == info)
arr.push(storeresult.value.values);return;//If it finds something it should stop here, no more search or anything to be done
console.log('arr length==> '+arr.length);//If it finds nothing after the looping the whole DB, I want it to print this statement, only once (to send it to my DB actually but sending code is omitted for simplicity).
Instead I get console.log('arr length==>') statement executed 2 times, for every key in my object store (there are 2 of them actually). So it is doing the code when it finds nothing AND when it finds the value in the DB. Any ideas how to fix it?
Any ideas would be welcome, Thank You
Because by the time the line if(arr!=0){return 1}else{return 0} is executed the db transaction is not complete and value of arr is 0. Though never used indexedDb, but webSql do take some extra miliseconds to read from DB.
Try to put your return logic inside the onsuccess function where you incrementing the arr. You can simply test it by printing value of arr just before your return logic
You need to learn about how to write asynchronous javascript. There are several other indexedDB questions where there are explanations as to why this happens.
For example: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'transaction' of null with an indexeddb
function addInfo(store, type, info, next)
var arr = [];
P4S.p4sPushDb.transaction(store).objectStore(store).openCursor().onsuccess = function(store)
var storeresult =;
console.log('value of storeresult==>'+storeresult.value.value);
if(storeresult.value.value == info)
next(arr);//If it finds something it should stop here, no more search or anything to be done
console.log('arr length==> '+arr.length);//If it finds nothing after the looping the whole DB, I want it to print this statement, only once (to send it to my DB actually but sending code is omitted for simplicity).
Added an extra parameter called 'next' to your the addInfo function.
'next' param is the very last function called if the condition (storeresult.value.value == info) is true.
The next function which you create, will use the 'arr' variable and do whatever with it
your 'return statement' doesnt work the sameway with asynchronous functions, would highly advice you search up asynchronous functions to get a gist of how its different to regular functions
This is how you would call your newly edited function:
//do something with arr
Note that you have a potential state which would break your code
what if the cursor reaches the end of its iterations and never meets that condition (storeresult.value.value == info). storeresult would be null, and the check for the condition (null.value.value == info) will throw an exception
function addInfo(store, type, info, next)
var arr = [];
P4S.p4sPushDb.transaction(store).objectStore(store).openCursor().onsuccess = function(store){
var storeresult =;
if(storeresult.value.value == info){
}else storeresult.continue();
}else next();
And when you call it you handle the scenario whereby arr == null
//do something with arr
//do somethingelse when arr == null

AngularJS check if promise is empty or not

Hi I have this code for the purpose of checking if there are users in the database, if it finds shows a list of users on a view, otherwise shows a view with form of user creation, but didn't work the check expression what I'm doing wrong
users = Users.query();
function (data) {
if (!data) {
} else {
It is probably returning an empty array in case nothing is found. Try checking the data length.
if (data.length == 0) {
} else {

using slice in angularjs array

In my angularjs app, i need to manually remove or add old/new data from a data array (service is executed in a loop). For remove, i use slice(); but there is a problem: the item is correctly removed but execVerif_distant(); is not executed for the next item. With my actual code, execVerif_distant(); is executed for each item only half a time. For example, if i need to remove entire array, only half is removed.
// start the loop, search in local datas
angular.forEach($scope.seaDocument.datas.cages, function(itemLocalCages) {
function execVerif_local(identifiant) {
var iterSearch_local = 0;
angular.forEach(responseZS, function(itemDistantCages) {
if (itemDistantCages.url == identifiant) {
// if we not find the local datas in distant datas
if (iterSearch_local == 0) {
// verifItem(); call
verifItem('remove', identifiant);
// verifItem();
function verifItem(action, url) {
if (action == 'remove') {
var iIndex = -1;
angular.forEach($scope.seaDocument.datas.cages, function(itemLocalCages) {
if (itemLocalCages.url == url) {
} else {
// do nothing
what's wrong ?
The problem is that the foreach is iterating over the same object you are removing things from. To avoid this behavior clone the object you are iterating before the loop and work with them as separate:
// ... code
var arrCopy = $scope.seaDocument.datas.cages.slice(); //this will create a deep copy.
angular.forEach(arrCopy, function(itemLocalCages) {
if (itemLocalCages.url == url) {
//... more code

