Selecting iOS-Keyboard when input is created by javascript - javascript

When creating an input by javascript, mobile safari does not choose the right keyboard. For first input the decimalPad-keyboard is shown, but for second input only the numbersAndPunctuation-keyboard is shown.
How can I fix this?
let myInput = document.createElement('input'); = 'second';
myInput.type = 'number';
myInput.min = '0';
myInput.step = 'any';
myInput.inputmode = 'decimal';
first input: <input id='first' type='number' min='0' step='any' inputmode='decimal'>
<div id='here'>second input: </div>

Instead of using :
myInput.inputmode = 'decimal';
use this:
myInput.inputMode = 'decimal'; // uppercase M
In general the "DOM attributes" for html nodes are usually written in camelCase if you use javascript! Inside the HTML you will use the "alllowercase" version. "DON'T ASK WHY. ;-)". But it is more recommended to use setAttribute() method on nodes because this will always end up in an DOM element attribute no matter what ever you writin'


How to hide certain characters within an html input list?

I have an html input list, with an associated datalist, defined as follows:
<input list="mylist" id="my-input" name="friend-name"
placeholder="Begin typing friend's name here..."
required class="form-control">
The list itself (and the associated datalist) is working fine. However, each of my entries are of the form: "String [numeric_id]"
What I am wondering is if there is any way that I can somehow hide
the [numeric_id] part before the form is submitted.
I have looked at the pattern attribute, but that seems to limit the
actual data allowed in the input, which isn't what I want - I just
want the part between square brackets [] to be hidden, but still
submitted to the form.
It would be ok to move it to another input of type=hidden as well.
Is there any possible way to do that?
#isherwood, here is my form tag:
<form action="/chat_forwarding/modal_edit_msg.php" id="fwd-form" method="POST" class="form-inline" style="display: block;">
If you're not using any framework that support binding, you should listen to input events and update a hidden input based on that.
This is a function that may give you the idea:
let realInput = document.getElementById('real-input');
let userInput = document.getElementById('user-input');
userInput.addEventListener('input', function(value) {
const inputValue =;
realInput.value = inputValue; // update the hidden input
const userInputResult = inputValue.match(/\[[^\[]*\]/); // the regex for [numberic_id]
if (userInputResult) {
userInput.value = inputValue.substring(0, [userInputResult.index - 1]); // -1 is to remove the space between the 'string' and the '[numeric_id]'
I should have mentioned that my input is also using Awesomplete (and jQuery). For this reason, binding normal events like keyup did not work (the event would fire whenever a user typed a key). I was able to achieve the functionality I wanted with the awesomplete-selectcomplete event as follows (this will add a hidden input element with value of the id from a string of the form "String [id]"):
var fullStr = this.value;
var regex = /\[[0-9]+\]/g;
var match = regex.exec(fullStr);
if (match != null) // match found for [id]
var fullName = fullStr.substr(0,fullStr.lastIndexOf("[")-1);
var x = match[0];
var id = x.substr(1, x.lastIndexOf("]")-1);
$('#fwd-form').prepend('<input type="hidden" name="h_uid" value="' + id + '">');

Javascript - Select First Input (With ID)

I am writing a script with pure JS and need to select a text input from a page that has a random name each time:
<input type="text" name="N8PkpWeLsNRQBjvwcwKULB57utJx5L2u0Ko" class="form-control" value="">
Normally i would select it using ID like:
var textinput = document.getElementById("myInput1");
There is no ID however, how can i select this element?
As far as i can see it appears to be the only text input on the page.
I planned on setting some text like this:
HTMLInputElement.prototype.setText = function(text) {
this.value = text;
var el = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=text]')[0];
But this does not work for some reason?
You can use document.querySelector(selectors) it returns the first matching element within the document.
HTMLInputElement.prototype.setText = function(text) {
this.value = text;
var textinput = document.querySelector('input.form-control[type=text]');
textinput.setText("Hi, You can no use setText method.");
<input type="text" name="N8PkpWeLsNRQBjvwcwKULB57utJx5L2u0Ko" class="form-control" value="">
To get the first text field use the following.
var txtField=document.querySelectorAll('input[type=text]')[0];
To set the text you could simply do.
txtField.value="your Value";
This way you can select any HTML tag , since you only have 1 input, this should work for you
var input = document.getElementByName('input');
Try this
var x = document.getElementsbyClassname("form-control").getAttribute("value");

How to check element type in javascript

I have a situation in which i want to convert a <select> tag into a <input type="text"> and <input type="text"> into <select> bu using some condition.
So how can i know that this element a type text or type select using id attribute.
And also a pure javascript solution:
function toggle(a){
if(a.tagName === 'INPUT'){
a.outerHTML = '<select id="toggle"></select>';
a.outerHTML = '<input type="text" id="toggle"/>'
2018 ES6
e => e.outerHTML = e.tagName === "INPUT" ? "<select id='toggle'></select>" : "<input id='toggle'/>"
By using
If you alert above you will get the type of input element, then you can apply checks accordingly.
Ref here :
check using
if(!$("#inputID").is("select")) {
// the input field is not a select
got from a link while searching not tested though.
You can use .is() to test whether the elements is of type x like
Use :text selector to test for text input element
//to test for text type
Use element selector to test for select element
//to test for select
Get the element type using jQuery:
var elementType = $("#myid").prop('tagName');
Get the input type attribute using jQuery:
var inputType = $("#myid").attr('type');
the condicion could be for example:
if($('#whateverid').attr('type') == "text")

Use RegEx and .replace to substitute text with user input?

I'm new to jQuery and stumbled on the concept of RegEx with .replace to make nifty text replacements.
In my form, I have some checkboxes that trigger text to appear in a textarea. There are also some user input areas as fields.
How can I use this jQuery to substitute a portion of text in certain checkboxes with the user input, but not in others? I figure using an if/else argument to trigger the RegEx and replace is key, but I don't know how to incorporate the rest?
Here is a mockup of my form:
<div style="width: 500px;"><br>
Static options:<br>
<label id="_comLine100"><input id="comLine100" name="comLines" type="checkbox"> OPTION1 </label> <br>
<label id="_comLine101"><input id="comLine101" name="comLines" type="checkbox"> OPTION2 </label> <br>
Options which can be modified by user text:<br>
<label id="_comLine102"><input id="comLine102" name="comLines" type="checkbox"> OPTION3 </label> <br>
<label id="_comLine103"><input id="comLine103" name="comLines" type="checkbox"> OPTION4</label> <br>
<input id="usrinput1" size="50" placeholder="Enter something to replace the word Text">
<input onclick="javascript:this.form.outPut2.focus();;"
value="Select all" type="button">
EDIT Here is my new script, based on suggestions below:
var comLines = {
comLine100: 'Text for option1 \n',
comLine101: 'Text for option2 \n',
comLine102: 'Text for option3 \n',
comLine103: 'Text for option4 \n'
var mytextbox = document.getElementById('outPut2');
var chosenComm = null;
var Inputs = document.getElementsByName("comLines");
for (var i = 0; i < Inputs.length; i++) {
Inputs[i].onchange = function() {
chosenComm = this;
function printComment(){
if(chosenComm !== null){
var uinput = document.getElementById('usrinput1');
if(uinput.value!=="" && (chxbox=="comLine102" || chxbox=="comLine103")){
mytextbox.value += comLines[].replace(/Text/, $('#usrinput1').val()) + "\n";
// resets the radio box values after output is displayed
chosenComm.checked = false;
// resets these variables to the null state
chosenComm = null;
else {
mytextbox.value += comLines[] + "\n";
// resets the radio box values after output is displayed
chosenComm.checked = false;
// resets these variables to the null state
chosenComm = null;
See my JSfiddle :
Now works as I wanted. Thanks to Eric S for the explanations and guidance!
The simple answer is replace:
mytextbox.value += comLines[] + "\n";
mytextbox.value += comLines[].replace(/Text/, $('#usrinput1').val()) + "\n";
The replace call looks for the regex in the slashes and replaces the match with the value after the comma.
$('#usrinput1').val() is using jQuery to find the dom element with ID of usrinput1 and then getting the value of it (since it's an input, it gets whatever the user has entered).
The more complete answer would mention that you probably should embrace jQuery more:
Replace the window.onload call with a $(document).ready(function(){...}) call.
Consider replacing the document.getElementById with $('#outPut2')
Consider replacing the document.getElementsByName with $(input[name=commLines]) or adding a class of comm-lines to all of those items and using $(.comm-lines)
Consider using jQuery's on function to bind the event handlers for both the inline button handlers (use a passed in function to the on call) and the Inputs[i].onchange calls.
Sorry if this sounds overly judgmental, just trying to suggest a more standard and less error-prone solution.
Still requires some tweaking, but something along the lines of this:
$('.comm-lines').on('change', printComment);
Also, I'm sure this is just a simplified example of what you're trying to accomplish, but you might consider using links or buttons instead of checkboxes. Your use of checkboxes doesn't really follow the expected experience your users have learned when using checkboxes on the web. A link more closely matches the experience most users know, and so provides less surprise to them. (Less surprise means happier users, less learning on their part and more usage.)

Changing an html "for" label with java script

I need to change a "for" label from an extension using javascript. I am unsure how to do this.
Thank in advance for the help!
<input id="theCheckboxId" type="checkbox" name="theCheckBoxName" />
<label for="theCheckBox">The text I want to change</label>
First give the label an id
<label id="lbl1" for="theCheckBox">The text I want to change</label>
then do
document.getElementById("lbl1").setAttribute("for", "theCheckboxId");
Wait, did you want to change the for value, or change the actual text of the label? In any event, here's how you would change the text:
if (label.textContent)
label.textContent = "New Text";
else if (label.innerText)
label.innerText = "New Text"
label.innerHTML = "New Text";
You didn't ask, but if you are using jQuery, you can do it a bit simpler via:
$('label[for="theCheckBox"]').text('your new text')
That said, the advice of giving it an ID instead is definitely the most performant option, though we don't know if you have access to the HTML or not (as if you did, you could probably just change the text right there)
To change the text, do this:
document.getElementById('theCheckboxId').nextElementSibling.textContent = 'newValue';
or this:
document.querySelector('#theCheckboxId + label').textContent = 'newValue';
Or if you need to support older browsers, do this:
function nextElement( el ) {
while( (el = el.nextSibling) && el.nodeType !== 1 );
return el;
nextElement( document.getElementById('theCheckboxId') ).innerHTML = 'newValue';

