How do I limit access to my Netlify Serverless function - javascript

I've searched the netlify docs and I can't figure this out.
I have a serverless function located here
But I can hit this in my browser or with curl and it tries to create an order. If an attacker finds out about this function they could create thousands fake orders in my db.
I know I can do some simple checks like make sure it is a HTTP post, or make sure it has some valid session ID but I would really like some type of auth or better security.
Because all requests should come from the a client side react app via an ajax request can I limit it to the same domain or something ?

As Netlify doesn't provide a way to check and specific requests based on origin, you could do it manually from inside your function's code and send a 403 response if the Origin isn't your client-side domain:
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
if (event.headers["Origin"] !== "")
return callback(null, { status: 403 })
// else, do whatever your function does
Recent browsers do prevent a user from setting the Origin header himself. However, nothing prevents anyone to craft a curl request and to spoof the Origin header to hit your function. If you wish to really prevent it, you should set-up a proper authentication process to your application.


Restrict PHP API for specific domains which are saved in my database

I have created an API which takes the hostkey or API_KEY and then it validates and gives back JWT token. Everything is working fine, I can't access the restricted routes without Hostkey.
The major issue is that what will happen if someone gives this hostkey to others as it will no longer be protected or it will be misused. So what I want to do is not only validate the hostkey but also validate the domain from which request came from. It is kind of paid service and I really want to restrict is to specific domains. Just like google does with MAP Api as if we add that map key to other domain it throws an error.
The only way to do this is to check the origin and referrer headers.
Unfortunately, server to server this can't be done reliably as the referrer and origin headers would be set by the coder and so can be spoofed easily. For server to server calls you would be better off whitelisting IP addresses that are allowed to make calls to your APIS. In this case use something like How to get Real IP from Visitor? to get the real IP of the server and verify it against whitelisted IPs.
Assuming this is a JS call in browser and not server to server, and that you trust the browser, the only way this can really be done is by verifying the referrer and origin headers. This can still be spoofed with a browser plugin or even with a tool like Postman so I don't recommend it for high security. Here is a PHP example for verifying the origin or referrer.
$origin_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'] ?? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$allowed_origins = ['', '']; // replace with query for domains.
$request_host = parse_url($origin_url, PHP_URL_HOST);
$host_domain = implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', $request_host), -2));
if (! in_array($host_domain, $allowed_origins, false)) {
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
die('You are not allowed to access this.');
Optionally also CORS headers are good as commented by #ADyson Cross-Origin Request Headers(CORS) with PHP headers
I would like to suggest making a quote or limit for the number of request, so when the paid API reach for 100 request the key will stop working, then the person who paid will not give the key for others. This is not perfect solution, but I would suggest it cause most API services uses it.

CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' / 500 (Internal Server Error) Problem

Basically, I'm trying to get a username by id from Sequelize. The problem is that I am either stuck with a CORS problem or 500 Internal Server error depending on the response(status)
cors and 500
controller code
async getUserFromUserId (req, res) {
try {
// const user = await User.findByPk(
const id =
const user = await User.findByPk(id)
} catch (err) {
// or res.status(some random number).send() for CORS problem to appear
error: 'an error has occured trying to fetch the users id'
client code
this.notifiedUser = (await UserService.getUserFromUserId({id: UserId})).data
I get a Status: 200 OK from postman though.
Postman Solution
I have seen how the other Solution for the cors thingy, but the solutions does not specify as to why I get "undefined" results after resolving the cors problem.
So, CORS is actually really obnoxious in this regard, but there's a fairly straightforward way to fix this. It's a super useful security feature, though it is frustrating at best sometimes.
Your browser does what is called a Preflight Request, which is of the http verb OPTIONS. Your browser calls whatever route you want, but instead of what you asked it to do, it calls using OPTIONS first. Your server should accept all routes that the client can ask for with the OPTIONS method, and your server should respond with the following headers to be an externally available, cross-origin API.
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, ...
(note, you should not put the ... in, but you can put any HTTP verb in this list)
If you require your own headers (for auth purposes), you want to add this header for Client -> Server.
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: YourHeader, YourHeader2, YourHeader3
You want to add this one for Server -> Client
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: YourHeader,YourHeader3
Note that the OPTIONS call is an entirely separate call that you should handle as well as the GET method.
You've now told the browser what it is allowed to ask for, and what it can expect to get back from your API. If you don't respond to the OPTIONS request, the browser terminates the request, resulting in a CORS error.
I'm going to take a gander at a guess and assume you're likely using Express, which this answer describes how to set the headers on.
What do the headers mean, in English?
From where are clients allowed to access this resource (endpoint)? This can match partial domains with wildcards, or just a * to allow anywhere.
What HTTP methods are permissible on this route?
When I get a response from the server, what should I (the browser) expose to the client-side?
What am I as the client side allowed to send as headers?
Okay, so I figured out the problem.
In a way, I did not have to deal with any of the cors stuff because I believe that was not the main source of the problem.
So, instead of accessing my database data through "GET" and getting the data by doing this: = (Service.function(bodyValue)).data
I did "POST" to get the data, and accessed the data by simply doing this
const response = Service.function({
id: bodyValue
}) =
This accesses the data without having to get "secured" information from the database, but by accessing the data from the database by getting Observer object info from the database.
The Observer object looks as follows, which treats the user data as an object instead of pure data.
Compared to a data object, where each data {...} has user information.
I am not sure if I am using the correct words, but these are to the extent of my current understanding.
If your origin is from localhost, Chrome usually blocks any CORS request originating from this origin.
You can install this extension:
Or you can disable the security when running chrome (add the flag):

How to restrict API's to run only in the browser?

I am using node js and i put polices to restrict the api's accurance otherthan in browser.For that i put the following condition
exports.checkHeader = function(req, res, next) {
var headers = req.headers;
if ( headers['upgrade-insecure-requests'] || headers['postman-token']) {
res.status(401).json('Page not found');
} else {
return next();
I am not sure whether my process is correct.I am searching for the common parameter(header-parameter) that exists only for the browser.Can anyone please help me.Thanks.
This is impossible.
You can't control what types of clients make HTTP requests to your HTTP server.
You can't reliably identify what type of client has made a request you receive.
An upgrade-insecure-requests header can be sent (or not sent) with any value by any custom client. Ditto postman-token. Ditto user-agent. Ditto everything else.
The only way to restrict it would be to require some kind of secret in the request. If you want regular web browsers to access it, then the secret will leak through the browser developer tools.
I don't think it's possible to really block the requests without Authentication / Authorization. However, you can use the HTTP Header's User-Agent field

How do I set a default Header for all XMLHTTPRequests

Problem description
We are running a Kibana 4.3 service. I do not want to modify the source code.
The objective is add an encrypted token, call it A-Token to every Ajax request that the browser makes to Kibana.
The Kibana service is proxied by nginx.
When a user makes an Ajax request to the Kibana service, the request is intercepted by an nginx http_auth_request proxy and passed to an "auth" service that validates the token. If its missing or invalid, then "auth" returns 201 to http_auth_request and the request to the Kibana service is executed, else it returns a 404 and the request is denied since it was made without a valid token.
(this scheme is based on the encrypted token pattern often used as a countermeasure for cross-site scripting in session-less situations like the one at hand).
I read the W3 XMLHttpRequest documentation and it seems that setRequestHeader needs to run after open and before send - which implies that this scheme is either impossible in a general case or very JS platform dependent.
A test using the Jquery .ajaxSetup like this example, confirms that headers cannot be set independently:
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(A-Token", 1314159);
Looking for possible solutions which will not require forking Kibana.
I was searching for solution for this problem as well but couldn't find anything and then I came up with next solution:
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.origOpen =; = function () {
this.origOpen.apply(this, arguments);
this.setRequestHeader('X-TOKEN', 'the token');

How to prevent ajax requests to follow redirects using jQuery

I use the jQuery ajax functions to access a web service, but the server, instead of returning a response with a status code describing a problem, the request is redirected to a page with a 200 header, describing the problem. I can't make any changes to this, so I need to solve it on the client somehow.
A request goes to some URL which is not found, so I receive a 302 Redirect to another location. A new request is sent, and I receive a 200 OK, thus preventing the error callback to fire.
Is there some way I can prevent the ajax request to follow redirects and instead invoke a callback, preferably the error method. Alternatively, is it possible to detect if a redirect has happened in the client?
I find your question interesting, but the problem in whole seems me more a misunderstanding. At least I'll try to explain my understanding of the problem.
The silent (transparent) redirection is the part of XMLHttpRequest specification (see here especially the words "... transparently follow the redirect ..."). The standard mention only that the user agent (the web browser) can prevent or notify of certain kinds of automatic redirections, but it's not a part of XMLHttpRequest. It's the part of HTTP client configuration (OS configuration) or the web browser configuration. So jQuery.ajax can't have any option where you can prevent redirection.
You can see that HTTP redirection is the part of HTTP protocol and not a part of XMLHttpRequest. So it's on the another level of abstraction or the network stack. For example the data from the XMLHttpRequest can be retrieved from the HTTP proxy or from the local browser cache, and it's the part of HTTP protocol. Mostly the server which provide the data and not the client can influence on caching.
You can compare the requirement from your question with the requirement to prevent changing of IP address of the web server or the changing of the IP route during the communication. All the things can be interesting in some scenarios, but there are parts of another level of the communication stack and can't be managed by jQuery.ajax or XMLHttpRequest.
The XMLHttpRequest standard say that the client configuration can have options which prevent redirection. In case of "Microsoft world", which I better know, you can look at WinHttpSetOption function which can be used to set WINHTTP_OPTION_DISABLE_FEATURE option with the WINHTTP_DISABLE_REDIRECTS value. Another way are the usage of WINHTTP_OPTION_REDIRECT_POLICY option with the WINHTTP_OPTION_REDIRECT_POLICY_NEVER value. One more feature which one can use in Windows is the WinHttpSetStatusCallback function which can set callback function received some notifications like WINHTTP_CALLBACK_FLAG_REDIRECT.
So it's do possible to implement your requirements in general, but the solution will be probably not independent from the operation system or the web browser and be not on the level of jQuery.ajax or XMLHttpRequest.
I don't believe it is possible. The underlying library (XHR) makes the new request transparently. That being said, what I have done in these situations (usually a session-timeout type of deal that takes me to a login page) is send back a custom response header. I also have setup a global ajax handler that checks for the presence of that header, and responds appropriately when present (for example, redirecting the whole page to the login screen).
In case you're interested, here's the jQuery code I have to watch for that custom header:
/* redirects main window when AJAX request indicates that the session has expired on the backend. */
function checkSession(event, xhr, ajaxOptions)
if (xhr.readyState == 4)
if(xhr.getResponseHeader("Login-Screen") != null && xhr.getResponseHeader("Login-Screen").length)
window.location.href='sessionExpired.html'; //whatever
I found a feature to check if your call has been redirected. It's xhr.state(): if it's "rejected" then a redirection happened.
Example with success callback:
request.success(function(data, textStatus, xhr)
if(xhr.state() == "resolved")
//no redirection
if(xhr.state() == "rejected")
Example with error callback:
request.error(function(xhr, textStatus)
if (xhr.state() == "rejected")
location.href = "loginpage";
} else
//some other error happened
I can't possibly add to the insightful wisdom of the previous coders who've responded, but I will add a specific case that others may find useful to know about.
I came across this 302 silent redirect in the context of SharePoint. I have some simple Javascript client code that pings a SharePoint sub-site, and if it receives a 200 HTTP response, it relocates to that site, via window.location. If it receives anything else, it gives the user a notice that the site doesn't exist.
However, in the case where the site exists but the user does not have permission, SharePoint silently redirects to an AccessDenied.aspx page. SharePoint has already done the HTTP 401 authentication handshake at the server/farm level - the user has access to SharePoint. But the access to the sub-site is handled I suppose using database flags of some sort. The silent redirect bypasses my "else" clause, so I can't throw up my own error. In my case, this is not a show-stopper - it is consistent predictable behavior. But it was a little surprising, and I learned something about HTTP requests in the process!
I was interested in the same thing and could not find the state() method mentioned by Takman and did a little digging for myself. For the sake of people turning up here in search of an answer, here are my findings:
As stated multiple times, you cannot prevent redirects, but you can detect them. According to MDN you can use the responseURL of the XMLHttpRequestObject, which will contain the final URL the response came from, after all redirects. Only caveat is that it is not supported by Internet Explorer (Edge has it). Since the xhr/jqXHR passed into the success/done function of jquery is an extension of the actual XMLHttpRequest, it should be available there, too.
While it is not possible to disable location redirect following in XmlHttpRequests, it is when using fetch():
fetch('url', {redirect: manual});
I suppose you receive a 200 response because the second time there is no redirection, because the 404 page does not expire, it is saved in the cache. That is to say that the second time the browser gives you the page in the cache.
There is a property "cache" in the ajax jquery.
You should write it to "false"
I'm not sure if this will apply in your case, but you can write code to respond to specific status codes in AJAX function -
url: '/admin/secret/data',
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
statusCode: {
200: function (data) {
alert('302: Occurred');
// Bind the JSON data to the UI
401: function (data) {
alert('401: Occurred');
// Handle the 401 error here.
In the request headers in the case of ajax request you will have the following
X-Requested-With XMLHttpRequest
By this criteria on the server side you can filter requests.

