Is it possible to use fullcalender slotEventOverlap option in the timeline view? - javascript

Is it is possible to use fullcalender slotEventOverlap option in a timeline view? I want to show the overlapping time.
I have used

I have contacted fullcalernder support team and the solution is
"The slotEventOverlap setting does not apply to the timeline view because it doesn't allow events to overlap. You could make a custom timeline view if you need them to overlap."


Restrict Shield UI chart slice selection to one slice (via Wicket)

Is there way to restrict Shield UI pie charts via the Wicket API (although it's not clear that you can do this with the raw JavaScript API either) in such a way that only allows one slice to be selected at a time?
If there's no way to do this via the API, is it possible to intercept the shift click and transform it into a standard click before it gets processed by the Shield UI JS?
By default, the selection mechanism of the chart is single. This is demonstrated in the following example:
Another option would be to disable the default selection and simply allow clicking and then try to set the .selected property of a the corresponding datapoint.
Seems there is no easy way to force selection of 0 or 1 slices at a time. Currently selecting while pressing the Shift / Ctrl keys will not unselect the other slices.
You might want to contact their support and ask their opinion/solution on your request.
After contacting the dev team, they have made changes to the Javascript and the Wicket API code to allow this to happen.

Scrollable Custom Menu with Google Apps Script

I searched but couldn't find an answer for this.
I'm populating a custom menu on Google Sheets with an array. This works for me, but as the size of the menu grows, users would be unable to select options at the bottom due to sheer size. Is there a way to make this menu scrollable?
Since Class ScrollPanel was already deprecated as of December 11, 2014, your given option is to use the HTML service to create user interfaces as also recommended in UI Style Guide for Add-ons.
You can use the add-ons CSS package in your HTML service pages to control selection of your menus. As stated in Select menus,
If the list grows too long, consider using a different control. For example, you might display a scrollable list to give the menu more space and make it easier to navigate.

Horizontal day planner/scheduler (drag and drop) with angularJS

I'm looking for a solution that would allow me to make a horizontal drag and drop day scheuler. I have been looking at AngularJS UI-calendar's day view and Telerik Kendo UI Scheduler's day view, but there dosen't seem to be an option to flip it from vertical to horizontal. I want hours to be placed on the x-axis instead of the usual y-axis.
Am I correct in my assumption that neither solution would allow me to accomplish that? If so any suggetion for a workaround/another solution?
Just started looking at this myself. Looking at Telerik Kendo UI Schedule, they have a Timeline view that looks like it will fit a horizontal view.

Building a Timeline Grid like layout in Javascript?

I am trying to create a Timeline Grid for adding and managing tasks at specific times(seconds) on a timeline. Is there a way to be able to create such a timeline Javascript/jquery?
What I am trying to do it have a 0.5 sec. intervals on the timeline. Every item has a start and an end range on the timeline. The items can be draggable to change starting and ending range and also resizeable. Here is a sample mochup I have built:
Any suggestions or solutions will be highly appreciated.
Have a look at the chap links plugin timeline.
In Particular these demos
Iv used this plugin before to make a management system, adding editing, drag between groups.

How do I learn how to create a quick and easy set of draggable panes in jQuery UI?

I want to enable the user to drag a bar up/down to reveal/hide content in two contiguous panes. I also need to create some buttons that move the bar to some preset locations. I know this is all possible, but am not sure where to start.
I'm creating a prototype whose purpose is to figure out the right user experience, so it's OK if it's not going to scale to 300 million simultaneous users on IE6/Windows Millenium. ;-)
That's a rather complicated thing to do from scratch, so consider using a plugin. Wijmo is based on jQuery UI and has an open-source splitter widget. The documentation is decent as well.
While I don't see any methods to resize it, you may be able to add one and contribute it back to the project.

