Convert website from HTML,CSS,bootstrap & JQuery to React? - javascript

Hi guys hope you're fine, I'm student and I have this year to do some thing like a project to end my studies , so I chose to create a website (using React/Django) I already have the site but made by HTML,CSS,bootstrap & JQuery , so now i have to convert it to react , but i have a problem i don't know how to include some js files inside a components , every things else is going good, I need just what is in the js files to applied it in some components.
Hope you help me out.

You can have javascript code inside your components likewise
const Component = props => {
//javascript code
return (<div>-- Component JSX---</div>)
if the javascript code if just needed for the initializing of the component you can use react hooks to run a piece of code only one time after the component is created.
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
const Component = props => {
useEffect(() => {
// javascript code
}, [])
return (<div>--Component JSX---</div>
the empty array as second argument indicates the useEffect hook that the effect should only be ran once after the component has been initialized.

So the way React works is you will be building "HTML" using React functional/class components like this example
import React from 'react';
//Just like a normal javascript function, it listens to in this
instance, the return statement. You're returning regular HTML.
function Navbar() {
return (
<div>This is some text built by react</div>
<p>Saying hello to react by building a functional component</p>
export default Navbar; //This right here is exporting the file so it can be
//used elsewhere just import it in other file.
So the return is where you will build your website, then in the next component you will import should look something like this.
Normally, it is called App.js or in some instances where it's more complex it's anythinng you want.
import Navbar from '../components/Navbar.js';
function App() {
return (
<Navbar /> //Now you don't have to write your main content in here you can
//just import it. Just like Navbar
<div>This is my main content in page</div>


Designing persistent layouts in Next.js

I'm going through this article and I'm trying to figure out how the persistence is supposed to occur in Option 4. From what I can tell, you'd need to redefine the .getLayout for every page. I'm not sure how the logic for nesting is incorporated into further urls.
Here's the code from the article
// /pages/account-settings/basic-information.js
import SiteLayout from '../../components/SiteLayout'
import AccountSettingsLayout from '../../components/AccountSettingsLayout'
const AccountSettingsBasicInformation = () => <div>{/* ... */}</div>
AccountSettingsBasicInformation.getLayout = page => (
export default AccountSettingsBasicInformation
// /pages/_app.js
import React from 'react'
import App from 'next/app'
class MyApp extends App {
render() {
const { Component, pageProps, router } = this.props
const getLayout = Component.getLayout || (page => page)
return getLayout(<Component {...pageProps}></Component>)
export default MyApp
For example, say AccountSettingsBasicInformation.getLayout is /settings/, how would I use this template to produce something at /settings/username
P.S. If someone has done something in the past they'd recommend over this, I'm open to ideas.
Yes, you have to redefine the getLayout function to every page. As long as the SiteLayout component stays “unchanged” ( props change) the rendered content in that layout component (not the page content itself) stays persistent. This is because React wont rerender that component.
I used Adam’s article when I was building next.js lib for handlin modal routes. You can check the example folder where you can see I am defining the getLayout property on every page which should be rendered with layout.

How do I link my javascript files in react when converting from HTML,CSS,JS into JSX, CSS, JS?

I have a typical website created with HTML, CSS, Javascript and I'm trying to convert it into react.
I can convert my HTML into JSX pretty easily with an online converter and my CSS is the same, I just have to import it differently.
But now I'm confused about how to link up my javascript files. Because my HTML is now JSX which is in a Javascript file as well.
Normally in html this is all I need to do to link my java script and everything works:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/main.js"></script>
How would I do this in react such that my JSX will have the same functionality as did my HTML?
Right now whether I try to import it from file location:
import './javascript/main.js'
It doesn't do anything. I'm not getting any errors. My JSX and CSS works fine and all I have for my CSS is (this import works fine):
import './css/main.css'
If it should work, please let me know, it must mean there's an error elsewhere that I have to sort out.
Thanks in advance
I don't think you can import js code on a react app, probably you have to create react-app first, then create its components and add you javascript code within these components, it´s pretty easy, i recomment you to read the documentation of react and see how it works. Hope it helped you.
You can include JavaScript functions inside JSX itself :
import React from 'react';
const Something=()=>{
// Your javascript functions :
Your Html here
export default Something
// Or if You are using Class Component :
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class Something extends Component {
state = { }
// Your Javascript Functions
render() {
return (
Your HTML goes here
export default Something;
and if you want to import js file from another location you have to include export in your function:
export const Name=()=> {
and import:
import {Name} from '/location';

having access to a parent state from component's props.children:

I am making a container for a d3 line graph that I'm going to create, my format so far is this:
import React from "react";
import AnalyticPads from "../AnalyticPad/AnalyticPad";
import Pad from "../AnalyticPad/Pad";
import MainContent from "../AnalyticPad/MainContent";
import Extention from "../AnalyticPad/Extention";
const GraphPad = () => {
return (
<AnalyticPads properties={{height: "200px"}}>
export default GraphPad;
And my "AnalyticsPad" looks like this:
import React from "react";
const AnalyticPads = (props) => {
return (
<div className="analytic-pad-container">
export default AnalyticPads;
What I want is that there will be a grid of "Pads" and I want this "AnalyticsPad" to provide default styles for each pad, for example if I want each pad to have a height of 200px I set it in this wrapper and then for any individual pad that I want to differ from the default I can overide it.
The "MainContent" component is where the line graph will be and any extra information will be put inside the "Extention" which will render if a button is pressed.
Throughout my react app I keep using the context api to provide the data to the children components, but I know ( or think ) it is bad practice to do this, from what I understand context should only be used for providing data to global components.
What is best practice?
please don't answer with a solution for class components as I have never used them before as I am new to react.

Use react without a router component

If I want to make a web application using reactjs that is not a single page.
Should I compile all the react code into a single file and load it on all pages of the application, then use the function that I expose to render the necessary components?
Example of an html file
<div id="Clock" data-react="Clock"></div>
<div id="HelloWorld" data-react="HelloWorld"></div>
example of index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Clock from './Clock';
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld';
import OtherComponent from './OtherComponent';
const APPS = {
const MyReactRender = react => {
let component = react.getAttribute('data-react');
let App = APPS[component];
if(App != undefined) {
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById(component));
I'd see two ways, of increasing quality and difficulty. In both cases, you use good old anchors elements to redirect the page to a url, to which different templates correspond.
Manually check for the existence of divs id's
In this case, each template includes the same javascript bundle that contains everything in the app and a single element with an id corresponding to the specific component. The idea is to check wether or not an element is present in the page, then activate its corresponding react component if it is.
if (document.getElementById('component-root')) {
ReactDOM.render(<Component />, document.getElementById('component-root'));
On the up side, it's quite easily implemented. On the down side, the bundle will always get bigger and bigger, and the list of ifs grows each time you add a new "page".
Separate your modules in actual bundles
Different bundle managers exist, but I'd recommend using Webpack to create multiple bundles that contain only specific part of your application. Then, each template contains only the corresponding div element, as well as that specific bundle.
<head><script src="/js/clock.js"></head>
<body><div id="root-clock"></div></body>
<head><script src="/js/otherComponent.js"></head>
<body><div id="root-other-component"></div></body>
How to package multiple bundles with webpack is out of the scope of this answer, but look here.
I've tried making a react application without a router. I used ternary operators to switch from component to component.
// App Component
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
inClockComponent: true,
inHelloWorldComponent: false,
inOtherComponent: false
render() {
const {inClockComponent, inHelloWorldComponent, inOtherComponent} = this.state
return (
? <Clock> : inHelloWorldComponent
? <HelloWorld> : inOtherComponent ? <OtherComponent> :
<div>No Component Here</div>
You could pass a function from the App component that would change the display state to each child component of App
// in App Component
showHelloWorldComponent() {
inClockComponent: false,
inHelloWorldComponent: true,
inOtherComponent: false
You insert that function onto a button that would navigate to a different component
// in Clock Component
render() {
return (
<h2>Time is 5:15 P.M.</h2>
<button onClick={this.props.showHelloWorldComponent}>
Go To Hello World
It's a messy solution, and I wouldn't suggest using it in a big application, but I hope this answers your question!

Using nodejs & react together (in electron)

I have a React component which I use in my electron application.
// #flow
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Home from '../components/Home';
import SentenceView from '../components/SentenceView';
import Dictionary from '../components/Dictionary';
export default class HomePage extends Component {
render() {
const aTestArray = [1,2,3,4];
return (
<SentenceView numbers={aTestArray} />
I am giving my SentenceView component aTestArray. Now, in reality I won't have this array available but will need to create it myself. Since React is only the View, I do not want to create the array with React, but outsource this to a function I have written in nodejs. It creates an array and then returns it. So what (as of now) I have written as
const sentenceArray = ['Hello', 'Mister'];
would ideally look something like this then:
const sentenceArray = createTheArrayFunction(); //returns array
However, I do not know how I can make this work. I do not know how to give my React component access to function which is in a nodejs file, or how else I would connect the two. I am using electron, so it should be possible for me to use nodejs (somewhere somehow). But I just have no clue how to put these things together. I would be glad if someone could help me out.

