Chrome smooth scroll and requestAnimationFrame? - javascript

I have built a drag-drop autoscroller where the user drags and element over a hidden div which triggers the scrolling action of the scrollable div. I am using scrollBy({top: <val>, behavior: 'smooth'} to get smooth scrolling and requestAnimationFrame to prevent the function from calling too often. This works fine in Firefox and should be supported in Chrome natively according to caniuse; however, it fails to work properly in chrome. It only fires the event once when the user leaves the hidden div. No errors in the console. console.log() indicates that the function containing the scrollBy() is being called. If I remove behavior: 'smooth' it works, but of course no smooth scrolling. same result if I remove the option and set the css scroll-behavior: smooth on the scrollable div. I'm at a complete loss. MWE of the scroll function (this is in a Vue app, so any this.'s are stored in a data object.
scroll: function () {
if ( this.autoScrollFn ) cancelAnimationFrame( this.autoScrollFn )
// this.toScroll is a reference to the HTMLElement
this.toScroll.scrollBy( {
top: 100,
behavior: 'smooth'
this.autoscrollFn = requestAnimationFrame( this.scroll )

Not sure what you did expect from your requestAnimationFrame call to do here, but here is what should happen:
scrollBy having its behavior set to smooth should actually start scrolling the target element only at next painting frame, just before the animation frames callback get executed (step 7 here).
Just after this first step of the smooth scrolling, your animation frame callback will fire (step 11), disabling the first smooth scrolling by starting a new one (as defined here).
repeat until it reaches the top-max, since you are never waiting enough for the smooth 100px scrolling to happen entirely.
This will indeed move in Firefox, until it reaches the end, because this browser has a linear smooth scrolling behavior and scrolls from the first frame.
But Chrome has a more complicated ease-in-out behavior, which will make the first iteration scroll by 0px. So in this browser, you will actually end up in an infinite loop, since at each iteration, you will have scrolled by 0, then disable the previous scrolling and ask again to scroll by 0, etc. etc.
const trigger = document.getElementById( 'trigger' );
const scroll_container = document.getElementById( 'scroll_container' );
let scrolled = 0;
trigger.onclick = (e) => startScroll();
function startScroll() {
// in Chome this will actually scroll by some amount in two painting frames
scroll_container.scrollBy( { top: 100, behavior: 'smooth' } );
// this will make our previous smooth scroll to be aborted (in all supporting browsers)
requestAnimationFrame( startScroll );
scroll_content.textContent = ++scrolled;
#scroll_container {
height: 50vh;
overflow: auto;
#scroll_content {
height: 5000vh;
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, red, green);
background-size: 100% 100px;
<button id="trigger">click to scroll</button>
<div id="scroll_container">
<div id="scroll_content"></div>
So if what you wanted was actually to avoid calling multiple times that scrolling function, your code would be broken not only in Chrome, but also in Firefox (it won't stop scrolling at after 100px there either).
What you need in this case is rather to wait until the smooth scroll ended.
There is already a question here about detecting when a smooth scrollIntoPage ends, but the scrollBy case is a bit different (simpler).
Here is a method which will return a Promise letting you know when the smooth-scroll ended (resolving when successfully scrolled to destination, and rejecting when aborted by an other scroll). The basic idea is the same as the one for this answer of mine:
Start a requestAnimationFrame loop, checking at every steps of the scrolling if we reached a static position. As soon as we stayed two frames in the same position, we assume we've reached the end, then we just have to check if we reached the expected position or not.
With this, you just have to raise a flag until the previous smooth scroll ends, and when done, lower it down.
const trigger = document.getElementById( 'trigger' );
const scroll_container = document.getElementById( 'scroll_container' );
let scrolling = false; // a simple flag letting us know if we're already scrolling
trigger.onclick = (evt) => startScroll();
function startScroll() {
if( scrolling ) { // we are still processing a previous scroll request
console.log( 'blocked' );
scrolling = true;
smoothScrollBy( scroll_container, { top: 100 } )
.catch( (err) => {
here you can handle when the smooth-scroll
gets disabled by an other scrolling
console.error( 'failed to scroll to target' );
} )
// all done, lower the flag
.then( () => scrolling = false );
* Promised based scrollBy( { behavior: 'smooth' } )
* #param { Element } elem
** ::An Element on which we'll call scrollIntoView
* #param { object } [options]
** ::An optional scrollToOptions dictionary
* #return { Promise } (void)
** ::Resolves when the scrolling ends
function smoothScrollBy( elem, options ) {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
if( !( elem instanceof Element ) ) {
throw new TypeError( 'Argument 1 must be an Element' );
let same = 0; // a counter
// pass the user defined options along with our default
const scrollOptions = Object.assign( {
behavior: 'smooth',
top: 0,
left: 0
}, options );
// last known scroll positions
let lastPos_top = elem.scrollTop;
let lastPos_left = elem.scrollLeft;
// expected final position
const maxScroll_top = elem.scrollHeight - elem.clientHeight;
const maxScroll_left = elem.scrollWidth - elem.clientWidth;
const targetPos_top = Math.max( 0, Math.min( maxScroll_top, Math.floor( lastPos_top + ) ) );
const targetPos_left = Math.max( 0, Math.min( maxScroll_left, Math.floor( lastPos_left + scrollOptions.left ) ) );
// let's begin
elem.scrollBy( scrollOptions );
requestAnimationFrame( check );
// this function will be called every painting frame
// for the duration of the smooth scroll operation
function check() {
// check our current position
const newPos_top = elem.scrollTop;
const newPos_left = elem.scrollLeft;
// we add a 1px margin to be safe
// (can happen with floating values + when reaching one end)
const at_destination = Math.abs( newPos_top - targetPos_top) <= 1 &&
Math.abs( newPos_left - targetPos_left ) <= 1;
// same as previous
if( newPos_top === lastPos_top &&
newPos_left === lastPos_left ) {
if( same ++ > 2 ) { // if it's more than two frames
if( at_destination ) {
return resolve();
return reject();
else {
same = 0; // reset our counter
// remember our current position
lastPos_top = newPos_top;
lastPos_left = newPos_left;
// check again next painting frame
requestAnimationFrame( check );
#scroll_container {
height: 50vh;
overflow: auto;
#scroll_content {
height: 5000vh;
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, red, green);
background-size: 100% 100px;
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: calc( 50vh - 30px ) !important;
<button id="trigger">click to scroll (spam the click to test blocking feature)</button>
<div id="scroll_container">
<div id="scroll_content"></div>


GSAP ScrollTrigger Reveal Fixed Header Not Working with Locomotive Scroll

I am currently on a project which use Locomotive Scroll for smooth-scrolling. All I wanted to do is to make my main navigation header menu fixed on load, then it hides when scroll down and reveal when scroll up. First I tried to create this Without Locomotive Scroll and it is working perfectly. But when I add locomotive scroll, the code is not working at all. It just view as another normal element. Not fixed nor reveal. If anyone can help me, it is highly appreciated. Thank you..!
Element Styles
#my-header {
position: fixed !important;
width: 100% !important;
z-index: 99999 !important;
Working code without Locomotive Scroll
;( function() {
// wait until all required libraries are available
let chck_if_gsap_loaded = setInterval( function() {
if(window.gsap && window.ScrollTrigger ) {
// register scrolTrigger
gsap.registerPlugin( ScrollTrigger );
// ... do your thing
// clear interval
clearInterval( chck_if_gsap_loaded );
}, 500 );
function my_stuff() {
const site_header = document.querySelector('#my-header');
const my_stuff = gsap.from(site_header,{
yPercent: -100,
duration: 0.25,
ease: 'sine.out'
start: 'top top-=' + 100,
onUpdate: (self)=>{
if(self.direction === -1);
else my_stuff.reverse();
} )();
Not Working Code with Locomotive Scroll
;( function() {
let loco_scroll = {};
// wait until all required libraries are available
let chck_if_gsap_loaded = setInterval( function() {
if( window.sfe_loco_scroll && Object.keys( window.sfe_loco_scroll ).length !== 0 && window.gsap && window.ScrollTrigger ) {
// store to the local variable
loco_scroll = window.sfe_loco_scroll;
// register scrolTrigger
gsap.registerPlugin( ScrollTrigger );
// ... do your thing
// clear interval
clearInterval( chck_if_gsap_loaded );
}, 500 );
function my_stuff() {
// each time Locomotive Scroll updates, tell ScrollTrigger to update too (sync positioning)
loco_scroll.on('scroll', ScrollTrigger.update);
// tell ScrollTrigger to use these proxy methods for the '.sfe-locomotive-scroll-wrapper' element since Locomotive Scroll is hijacking things
ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy('.sfe-locomotive-scroll-wrapper', {
scrollTop(value) {
return arguments.length ? loco_scroll.scrollTo(value, 0, 0) : loco_scroll.scroll.instance.scroll.y;
}, // we don't have to define a scrollLeft because we're only scrolling vertically.
getBoundingClientRect() {
return {
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight
// LocomotiveScroll handles things completely differently on mobile devices - it doesn't even transform the container at all! So to get the correct behavior and avoid jitters, we should pin things with position: fixed on mobile. We sense it by checking to see if there's a transform applied to the container (the LocomotiveScroll-controlled element).
pinType: document.querySelector('.sfe-locomotive-scroll-wrapper').style.transform ? 'transform' : 'fixed'
var site_header = document.querySelector('#my-header');
var my_stuff = gsap.from(site_header,{
yPercent: -100,
duration: 0.25,
ease: 'sine.out'
start: 'top top-=' + 100,
onUpdate: (self)=>{
if(self.direction === -1);
else my_stuff.reverse();
// each time the window updates, we should refresh ScrollTrigger and then update LocomotiveScroll.
ScrollTrigger.addEventListener( 'refresh', () => loco_scroll.update());
// after everything is set up, refresh() ScrollTrigger and update LocomotiveScroll because padding may have been added for pinning, etc.
} )();
Actually I don't know exactly where should I insert Scroller Proxy and Trigger in this code. Also, there are NO ANY data-scroll* attributes for this element. (And I think it's don't required here).

Scroll algorithm -- improving fetch and display of data

I would like to set out somewhat of a theoretical problem.
Suppose that I have an infinite scroll, implemented something like as described here: There's nothing fancy to it, suffice it to say that it is a table of data, say NxN, and the user can scroll down and to the right, like a spreadsheet, and it will only show the data in the current view plus minus a handle.
Now, let's also say that it takes approximately 10ms to "fetch and display" the data in that view, with a function such as:
get_data(start_col, end_col, start_row, end_row);
This loads instantly when clicking somewhere in the scroll bar or doing a 'slight scroll' to render the necessary data. However, let's also assume that for every 'unfinished fetch event', that it takes double the time to render the necessary view data (due to memory, gc, and a few other things). So, if I scroll from left-to-right in a slow deliberate fashion, I might generate 100+ scroll events that would trigger the loading of data -- at first there's zero noticeably delay. The fetch happens in under 10ms, but soon it starts taking 20ms, and then 40ms, and now we have something like a noticeable delay, until it will reach over a second to load the necessary data. Additionally, we cannot use something like a debounce/delay, as any delay will be apparent -- the data needs to load instantly when a user clicks/scrolls to a place in the grid.
What considerations would I need to take into account and what would a sample algorithm look like to accomplish this? Here is an example of the user interaction I'd like to have on the data, assuming a 10000 x 10000 spreadsheet (though Excel can load all the data at once) --
I think you should not send a request at any scroll event. only if by this scroll the user reach the end of the scroll.
if( - === 0) {
// the element reach the end of vertical scroll
if( - === 0) {
// the element reach the end of horizontal scroll
You also can specify a width which will defined as close enough for fetch a new data (e.i. - <= 150)
Theory and practice: In theory there is no difference between theory
and practice, but in practice there is.
Theory: everything is clear, but nothing works;
Practice: everything works, but nothing is clear;
Sometimes theory meets practice: nothing works and nothing is clear.
Sometimes the best approach is a prototype, and finding the problem interesting, I spent a little time cooking one up, although as a prototype it admittedly has many warts...
In short, the easiest solution to limit a backlog of data fetches appears to simply be setting up a poor man's mutex within the routine that's performing the fetching. (In the code example below, the simulated fetch function is simulateFetchOfData.) The mutex involves setting up a variable outside the function scope such that if false, the fetch is open for use, and if true the fetch is currently underway.
That is, when the user adjusts the horizontal or vertical slider to initiate a fetch of data, the function that fetches the data first checks to see if global variable mutex is true (ie, a fetch is already underway), and if so, simply exits. If mutex is not true, then it sets mutex to true, and then continues to perform the fetch. And of course, at the end of the fetch function, mutex is set to false, such that the next user input event will then pass through the mutex check up front, and perform another fetch...
A couple of notes about the prototype.
Within the simulateFetchOfData function, there is sleep(100) configured as a Promise which simulates the delay in retrieving the data. This is sandwiched with some logging to the console. If you remove the mutex check, you will see with the console open that while moving the sliders, many instances of simulateFetchOfData are initiated and put into suspense waiting on the sleep (ie, the simulated fetch of data) to resolve, whereas with the mutex check in place, only one instance is initiated at any one time.
The sleep time can be adjusted to simulate greater network or database latency, so that you can get a feel for the user experience. Eg, networks I'm on experience a 90ms latency for comms across the continental US.
One other notable is that when finishing a fetch and after resetting mutex to false, a check is performed to determine if the horizontal and vertical scroll values are in alignment. If not, another fetch is initiated. This ensures that despite a number of scroll events possibly not firing due to the fetch being busy, that at minimum the final scroll values are addressed by triggering one final fetch.
The simulated cell data is simply a string value of row-dash-column number. Eg, "555-333" indicates row 555 column 333.
A sparse array named buffer is used to hold the "fetched" data. Examining it in the console will reveal many "empty x XXXX" entries. The simulateFetchOfData function is set up such that if the data already is held in buffer, then no "fetch" is performed.
(To view the prototype, simply copy and paste the entire code into a new text file, rename to ".html", and open in a browser. EDIT: Has been tested on Chrome and Edge.)
function initialize() {
window.rowCount = 10000;
window.colCount = 5000;
window.buffer = [];
window.rowHeight = Array( rowCount ).fill( 25 ); // 20px high rows
window.colWidth = Array( colCount ).fill( 70 ); // 70px wide columns
var cellAreaCells = { row: 0, col: 0, height: 0, width: 0 };
window.contentGridCss = [ ...document.styleSheets[ 0 ].rules ].find( rule => rule.selectorText === '.content-grid' );
window.cellArea = document.getElementById( 'cells' );
// Horizontal slider will indicate the left most column.
window.hslider = document.getElementById( 'hslider' );
hslider.min = 0;
hslider.max = colCount;
hslider.oninput = ( event ) => {
// Vertical slider will indicate the top most row.
window.vslider = document.getElementById( 'vslider' );
vslider.max = 0;
vslider.min = -rowCount;
vslider.oninput = ( event ) => {
function updateCells() {
// Force a recalc of the cell height and width...
simulateFetchOfData( cellArea, cellAreaCells, { row: -parseInt( vslider.value ), col: parseInt( hslider.value ) } );
window.mutex = false;
window.lastSkippedRange = null;
window.addEventListener( 'resize', () => {
//cellAreaCells.height = 0;
//cellAreaCells.width = 0;
cellArea.innerHTML = '';[ "grid-template-rows" ] = "0px";[ "grid-template-columns" ] = "0px";
window.initCellAreaSize = { height: document.getElementById( 'cellContainer' ).clientHeight, width: document.getElementById( 'cellContainer' ).clientWidth };
} );
window.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'resize' ) );
function sleep( ms ) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout( resolve, ms ));
async function simulateFetchOfData( cellArea, curRange, newRange ) {
// Global var "mutex" is true if this routine is underway.
// If so, subsequent calls from the sliders will be ignored
// until the current process is complete. Also, if the process
// is underway, capture the last skipped call so that when the
// current finishes, we can ensure that the cells align with the
// settled scroll values.
if ( window.mutex ) {
lastSkippedRange = newRange;
window.mutex = true;
// The cellArea width and height in pixels will tell us how much
// room we have to fill.
// row and col is target top/left cell in the cellArea...
newRange.height = 0;
let rowPixelTotal = 0;
while ( newRange.row + newRange.height < rowCount && rowPixelTotal < initCellAreaSize.height ) {
rowPixelTotal += rowHeight[ newRange.row + newRange.height ];
newRange.width = 0;
let colPixelTotal = 0;
while ( newRange.col + newRange.width < colCount && colPixelTotal < initCellAreaSize.width ) {
colPixelTotal += colWidth[ newRange.col + newRange.width ];
// Now the range to acquire is newRange. First, check if this data
// is already available, and if not, fetch the data.
function isFilled( buffer, range ) {
for ( let r = range.row; r < range.row + range.height; r++ ) {
for ( let c = range.col; c < range.col + range.width; c++ ) {
if ( buffer[ r ] == null || buffer[ r ][ c ] == null) {
return false;
return true;
if ( !isFilled( buffer, newRange ) ) {
// fetch data!
for ( let r = newRange.row; r < newRange.row + newRange.height; r++ ) {
buffer[ r ] = [];
for ( let c = newRange.col; c < newRange.col + newRange.width; c++ ) {
buffer[ r ][ c ] = `${r}-${c} data`;
console.log( 'Before sleep' );
await sleep(100);
console.log( 'After sleep' );
// Now that we have the data, let's load it into the cellArea.
gridRowSpec = '';
for ( let r = newRange.row; r < newRange.row + newRange.height; r++ ) {
gridRowSpec += rowHeight[ r ] + 'px ';
gridColumnSpec = '';
for ( let c = newRange.col; c < newRange.col + newRange.width; c++ ) {
gridColumnSpec += colWidth[ c ] + 'px ';
}[ "grid-template-rows" ] = gridRowSpec;[ "grid-template-columns" ] = gridColumnSpec;
cellArea.innerHTML = '';
for ( let r = newRange.row; r < newRange.row + newRange.height; r++ ) {
for ( let c = newRange.col; c < newRange.col + newRange.width; c++ ) {
let div = document.createElement( 'DIV' );
div.innerText = buffer[ r ][ c ];
cellArea.appendChild( div );
// Let's update the reference to the current range viewed and clear the mutex.
curRange = newRange;
window.mutex = false;
// One final step. Check to see if the last skipped call to perform an update
// matches with the current scroll bars. If not, let's align the cells with the
// scroll values.
if ( lastSkippedRange ) {
if ( !( lastSkippedRange.row === newRange.row && lastSkippedRange.col === newRange.col ) ) {
lastSkippedRange = null;
hslider.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'input' ) );
} else {
lastSkippedRange = null;
".range-slider" adapted from...
See for alternatives.
.range-slider-horizontal {
width: 100%;
height: 20px;
.range-slider-vertical {
width: 20px;
height: 100%;
writing-mode: bt-lr; /* IE */
-webkit-appearance: slider-vertical;
/* grid container... see */
.grid-container {
display: grid;
width: 95%;
height: 95%;
padding: 0px;
grid-gap: 2px;
topLeft column topRight
row cells vslider
botLeft hslider botRight;
grid-template-columns: 50px 95% 27px;
grid-template-rows: 20px 95% 27px;
.grid-container > div {
border: 1px solid black;
.grid-topLeft {
grid-area: topLeft;
.grid-column {
grid-area: column;
.grid-topRight {
grid-area: topRight;
.grid-row {
grid-area: row;
.grid-cells {
grid-area: cells;
.grid-vslider {
grid-area: vslider;
.grid-botLeft {
grid-area: botLeft;
.grid-hslider {
grid-area: hslider;
.grid-botRight {
grid-area: botRight;
/* Adapted from... */
.content-grid {
display: grid;
overflow: hidden;
grid-template-rows: 0px; /* Set later by simulateFetchOfData */
grid-template-columns: 0px; /* Set later by simulateFetchOfData */
border-top: 1px solid black;
border-right: 1px solid black;
.content-grid > div {
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
border-left: 1px solid black;
border-bottom: 1px solid black;
</head><body onload='initialize()'>
<div class='grid-container'>
<div class='topLeft'> TL </div>
<div class='column' id='columns'> column </div>
<div class='topRight'> TR </div>
<div class='row' id = 'rows'> row </div>
<div class='cells' id='cellContainer'>
<div class='content-grid' id='cells'>
<div class='vslider'> <input id="vslider" type="range" class="range-slider-vertical" step="1" value="0" min="0" max="0"> </div>
<div class='botLeft'> BL </div>
<div class='hslider'> <input id="hslider" type="range" class="range-slider-horizontal" step="1" value="0" min="0" max="0"> </div>
<div class='botRight'> BR </div>
Again, this is a prototype to prove out a means to limit a backlog of unnecessary data calls. If this were to be refactored for production purposes, many areas will require addressing, including: 1) reducing the use of the global variable space; 2) adding row and column labels; 3) adding buttons to the sliders for scrolling individual rows or columns; 4) possibly buffering related data, if data calculations are required; 5) etc...
There are some things that could be done. I see it as a two-level interlayer placed between the data request procedure and the user scroll event.
1. Delay scroll event processing
You are right, debounce is not our friend in the scroll related issues. But there is the right way to reduce the number of firings.
Use the throttled version of scroll event handler which will be invoked at most once per every fixed interval. You may use lodash throttle or implement own version [1], [2], [3]. Set 40 - 100 ms as an interval value. You will need also to set trailing option so that the very last scroll event be processed regardless of the timer interval.
2. Smart data flow
When the scroll event handler is invoked, the data request process should be initiated. As you mentioned, doing it each time a scroll event happens (even if we are done with throttling) may cause time lags. There might be some common strategies: 1) do not request the data if there is another pending request; 2) request the data no more than one time per some interval; 3) cancel previous pending request.
The first and the second approaches are no more than the debouncing and the throttling at the data flow level. Debounce could be implemented with minimal efforts with just one condition before initiating the request + one additional request in the end. But I believe that throttle is more appropriate form the UX point of view. Here you will need to provide some logic, and do not forget about trailing option as it should be in game.
The last approach (the request cancellation) is also UX friendly but less careful than the throttling one. You start the request anyway but throw away its result if another request had been started after this one. You also may try to abort the request if you are using fetch.
In my opinion the best option would be to combine (2) and (3) strategies, so you request the data only if some fixed time interval has passed since the initiating of the previous request AND you cancel the request if another one was initiated after.
There's no specific algorithm that answers this question, but in order to get no buildup of delay you need to ensure two things:
1. No memory leaks
Be absolutely sure that nothing in your app is creating new instances of objects, classes, arrays, etc. The memory should be the same after scrolling around for 10 seconds as it is for 60 seconds, etc. You can pre-allocate data structures if you need to (including arrays), and then re-use them:
2. Constant re-use of data structures
This is common in infinite scroll pages. In an infinite scroll image gallery that shows at most 30 images on screen at one time, there might actually be only 30-40 <img> elements that get created. These are then used and re-used as the users scrolls, so that no new HTML elements need to be created (or destroyed, and therefore garbage-collected). Instead these images get new source URLs and new positions, and the user can keep on scrolling, but (unbeknownst to them) they always see the same DOM elements over and over.
If you're using canvas, you won't be using DOM elements to display this data, but the theory is the same, its just the data structures are your own.

JavaScript – detect if element stays in viewport for n seconds

I’m need to push a data layer event whenever a content block of a certain css class is visible for 5 seconds (a sign that the user is reading the content.
Ive used something like this:
$(window).on(‘scroll resize’, function() {
$(‘.myClass’).each(function(element) {
If (isInViewport(element)) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (isInViewport(element)) {
... // Push the data layer event.
}, 5000);
function isInViewport(element) {
... // Returns true if element is visible.
Just wrote this from memory, so it may not be 100% correct, but the gist is I try to:
Test visibility on every myClass element on scroll/resize
If one is visible, wait 5 seconds and check the same element one more time.
Trouble is, element is undefined when setTimeout runs isInViewport. Maybe jQuery’s .each and setTimeout are a bad match?
I managed to do this using the intersection observer. My requirements were to check if the element was 50% in view for at least a second and if so then trigger an event.
let timer;
const config = {
root: null,
threshold: 0.5 // This was the element being 50% in view (my requirements)
const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
entries.forEach((entry) => {
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
//... push to data layer
}, 1000);
} else {
}, config);
I used the jquery-visible plugin to achieve a script that will output the time (in seconds) since a particular element is in view. The output uses an interval of X seconds... out of the scroll handler.
On stop scrolling, we check all the monitored elements to know if they're in the viewport.
If an element is, we check if it already was logged in the visible_begins array on a previous scroll stop. If it isn't, we push an object containing its id and the actual time in milliseconds.
Still on scroll stop, if an element isn't in the viewport, we check if it was logged in the visible_begins and if it's the case, we remove it.
Now on an interval of X seconds (your choice), we check all the monitored elements and each that is still in viewport is outputed with the time differential from now.
var scrolling = false;
var scrolling_timeout;
var reading_check_interval;
var reading_check_delay = 5; // seconds
var completePartial = false; // "true" to include partially in viewport
var monitored_elements = $(".target");
var visible_begins = [];
// Scroll handler
console.log("User started scrolling.");
scrolling = true;
scrolling_timeout = setTimeout(function(){
scrolling = false;
console.log("User stopped scrolling.");
// User stopped scrolling, check all element for visibility
console.log(" is in view.");
// Check if it's already logged in the visible_begins array
var found = false;
if(visible_begins[i].id =={
found = true;
// Push an object with the visible element id and the actual time
visible_begins.push({,time:new Date().getTime()});
},200); // scrolling delay, 200ms is good.
}); // End on scroll handler
// visibility check interval
reading_check_interval = setInterval(function(){
// The element is visible
// Check all object in the array to fing
if(visible_begins[i].id =={
var now = new Date().getTime();
var readTime = ((now-visible_begins[i].time)/1000).toFixed(1);
console.log(visible_begins[i].id+" is in view since "+readTime+" seconds.")
// The element is not visible
// Remove it from thevisible_begins array if it's there
if(visible_begins[i].id =={
console.log(" was removed from the array.");
},reading_check_delay*1000); // End interval
border-bottom:2px solid black;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="one" class="target">1</div>
<div id="two" class="target">2</div>
<div id="three" class="target">3</div>
<div id="four" class="target">4</div>
<div id="five" class="target">5</div>
<div id="six" class="target">6</div>
<div id="seven" class="target">7</div>
<div id="eight" class="target">8</div>
<div id="nine" class="target">9</div>
<div id="ten" class="target">10</div>
Please run the snippet in full page mode, since there is a couple console logs.
You can use this function to check if an element is in the viewport (from this answer):
function isElementInViewport (el) {
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
return ( >= 0 &&
rect.left >= 0 &&
rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && /*or $(window).height() */
rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) /*or $(window).width() */
<input id="inViewport"/>
<span style="margin-left: 9999px;" id="notInViewport">s</span>
function isElementInViewport (el) {
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
return ( >= 0 &&
rect.left >= 0 &&
rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && /*or $(window).height() */
rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) /*or $(window).width() */
console.log("#inViewport in viewport: "+isElementInViewport(document.getElementById("inViewport")));
console.log("#notInViewport in viewport: "+isElementInViewport(document.getElementById("notInViewport")));
You can try using Waypoints, its a library that allows you to determine when a element enters or leaves that viewport. You pass it an event handler that accepts a direction parameter. The direction tells you whether the tracked element entered or exited the screen. Once you detect the element has entered the screen then start a timer. If you don't see and event for when the element exited the viewport then you know it has been on screen for that period of time.

Javascript - Efficiency for scroll event, run code only once

These if statements are always making me dizzy. If have a page with a header, and a hidden header above that in the markup.
<div id="headerfloat" style="display:none;">
<p>Floated header</p>
<div id="header">
The idea is that whenever the page is scrolled down more than 225px, the #headerfloat should appear, and dissapear when topScroll is less than 225px. And I managed to get this working with javascript and jQuery, but when I test it on iPhone, it's very sluggish. And I'm pretty sure it's because the code is run at each scroll event. And even if #headerfloat is visible, the code still executes. Even though it doesn't have to at that point.
So, I need to make sure the code only run once, when it's needed. My first thought was to add and remove classes like .open and .closed to #headerfloat. And run if statements on those during the scroll event. But is that the most efficient way of doing it?
My so far, ugly snippet:
jQuery(window).scroll(function () {
var headerfloat = $("#header_float");
var top = jQuery(window).scrollTop();
if (top > 225) // height of float header
if (!$(headerfloat).hasClass("closed")) {
$(headerfloat).addClass("boxshadow", "", 100, "easeInOutQuad").slideDown().addClass("open").removeClass("closed");
} else {
$(headerfloat).removeClass("boxshadow", "", 100, "easeInOutQuad").removeClass("closed").slideUp();
Edit: So after laconbass's awesome response, this is the code I ended up with:
var mainHeader = $('#header')
, top_limit = mainHeader.outerHeight()
, $window = $(window)
var header_float = $('#header_float')
function bindEvent() {
$window.scroll( scrollEvent );
function scrollEvent() {
var top = $window.scrollTop();
// avoid any logic if nothing must be done
if ( top < top_limit && !':visible')
|| top > top_limit &&':visible')
) return;
// unbind the scroll event to avoid its execution
// until slide animation is complete
$window.unbind( 'scroll' );
// show/hide the header
if ( top > top_limit ) {
header_float.slideDown( 400, bindEvent );
} else {
header_float.slideUp( 400, bindEvent );
The snippet you started from seems a bit ugly.
I've made one on jsfiddle for your pleasure and reference
I've assumed the following:
you want a fixed positioned header when the page scrolls down (aka fixed header).
fixed headed is a clone of the page main header, with the class fixed.
fixed header is shown when the page scrolls down more than the header height.
fixed header is hidden when the page scrolls up enough to show the main page header.
Performance tips:
cache the jQuery objects to avoid making a new query each time the event handler is executed.
unbind the event handler before the show/hide animations, rebind it after.
on the event handler, return as soon as posible to avoid unnecesary logic. Remember while JavaScript is executed the browser render process is blocked.
var mainHeader = $('header')
, header = mainHeader.clone().addClass('fixed').appendTo('body')
, top_limit = header.outerHeight()
function bindEvents() {
$(window).scroll( scrollEvent );
function scrollEvent() {
var top = $(window).scrollTop();
// avoid any logic if nothing must be done
if ( top < top_limit && !':visible')
|| top > top_limit &&':visible')
) return;
// unbind the scroll event to avoid its execution
// until slide animation is complete
$(window).unbind( 'scroll' );
// show/hide the header
if ( top > top_limit ) {
header.slideDown( 400, bindEvents );
} else {
header.slideUp( 400, bindEvents );
<h1>Awesome header</h1>
<!-- the page content -->
/* the real code needed */
header.fixed {
display: none;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
two way:
1,on scroll,and if you have done your want, remove the scroll event.
2,var a variable,default is false, on scroll, if the variable is false,to do you want,and set the variable to true; if the variable is true already, do nothing(or others you want)

Event to detect when position:sticky is triggered

I'm using the new position: sticky (info) to create an iOS-like list of content.
It's working well and far superior than the previous JavaScript alternative (example) however as far as I know no event is fired when it's triggered, which means I can't do anything when the bar hits the top of the page, unlike with the previous solution.
I'd like to add a class (e.g. stuck) when an element with position: sticky hits the top of the page. Is there a way to listen for this with JavaScript? Usage of jQuery is fine.
Demo with IntersectionObserver (use a trick):
// get the sticky element
const stickyElm = document.querySelector('header')
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(
([e]) =>'isSticky', e.intersectionRatio < 1),
{threshold: [1]}
body{ height: 200vh; font:20px Arial; }
background: lightblue;
padding: 2em 1em;
position: sticky;
top: -1px; /* ➜ the trick */
padding: 1em;
padding-top: calc(1em + 1px); /* ➜ compensate for the trick */
background: salmon;
transition: .1s;
/* styles for when the header is in sticky mode */
font-size: .8em;
opacity: .5;
<header>Sticky Header</header>
The top value needs to be -1px or the element will never intersect with the top of the browser window (thus never triggering the intersection observer).
To counter this 1px of hidden content, an additional 1px of space should be added to either the border or the padding of the sticky element.
💡 Alternatively, if you wish to keep the CSS as is (top:0), then you can apply the "correction" at the intersection observer-level by adding the setting rootMargin: '-1px 0px 0px 0px' (as #mattrick showed in his answer)
Demo with old-fashioned scroll event listener:
auto-detecting first scrollable parent
Throttling the scroll event
Functional composition for concerns-separation
Event callback caching: scrollCallback (to be able to unbind if needed)
// get the sticky element
const stickyElm = document.querySelector('header');
// get the first parent element which is scrollable
const stickyElmScrollableParent = getScrollParent(stickyElm);
// save the original offsetTop. when this changes, it means stickiness has begun.
stickyElm._originalOffsetTop = stickyElm.offsetTop;
// compare previous scrollTop to current one
const detectStickiness = (elm, cb) => () => cb & cb(elm.offsetTop != elm._originalOffsetTop)
// Act if sticky or not
const onSticky = isSticky => {
stickyElm.classList.toggle('isSticky', isSticky)
// bind a scroll event listener on the scrollable parent (whatever it is)
// in this exmaple I am throttling the "scroll" event for performance reasons.
// I also use functional composition to diffrentiate between the detection function and
// the function which acts uppon the detected information (stickiness)
const scrollCallback = throttle(detectStickiness(stickyElm, onSticky), 100)
stickyElmScrollableParent.addEventListener('scroll', scrollCallback)
// OPTIONAL CODE BELOW ///////////////////
// find-first-scrollable-parent
// Credit:
function getScrollParent(element, includeHidden) {
var style = getComputedStyle(element),
excludeStaticParent = style.position === "absolute",
overflowRegex = includeHidden ? /(auto|scroll|hidden)/ : /(auto|scroll)/;
if (style.position !== "fixed")
for (var parent = element; (parent = parent.parentElement); ){
style = getComputedStyle(parent);
if (excludeStaticParent && style.position === "static")
if (overflowRegex.test(style.overflow + style.overflowY + style.overflowX))
return parent;
return window
// Throttle
// Credit:
function throttle (callback, limit) {
var wait = false; // Initially, we're not waiting
return function () { // We return a throttled function
if (!wait) { // If we're not waiting; // Execute users function
wait = true; // Prevent future invocations
setTimeout(function () { // After a period of time
wait = false; // And allow future invocations
}, limit);
position: sticky;
top: 0;
/* not important styles */
background: salmon;
padding: 1em;
transition: .1s;
/* styles for when the header is in sticky mode */
font-size: .8em;
opacity: .5;
/* not important styles*/
body{ height: 200vh; font:20px Arial; }
background: lightblue;
padding: 2em 1em;
<header>Sticky Header</header>
Here's a React component demo which uses the first technique
I found a solution somewhat similar to #vsync's answer, but it doesn't require the "hack" that you need to add to your stylesheets. You can simply change the boundaries of the IntersectionObserver to avoid needing to move the element itself outside of the viewport:
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, {
rootMargin: '-1px 0px 0px 0px',
threshold: [1],
If anyone gets here via Google one of their own engineers has a solution using IntersectionObserver, custom events, and sentinels:
Just use vanilla JS for it. You can use throttle function from lodash to prevent some performance issues as well.
const element = document.getElementById("element-id");
_.throttle(e => {
element.offsetTop <= window.scrollY
}, 500)
After Chrome added position: sticky, it was found to be not ready enough and relegated to to --enable-experimental-webkit-features flag. Paul Irish said in February "feature is in a weird limbo state atm".
I was using the polyfill until it become too much of a headache. It works nicely when it does, but there are corner cases, like CORS problems, and it slows page loads by doing XHR requests for all your CSS links and reparsing them for the "position: sticky" declaration that the browser ignored.
Now I'm using ScrollToFixed, which I like better than StickyJS because it doesn't mess up my layout with a wrapper.
There is currently no native solution. See Targeting position:sticky elements that are currently in a 'stuck' state. However I have a CoffeeScript solution that works with both native position: sticky and with polyfills that implement the sticky behavior.
Add 'sticky' class to elements you want to be sticky:
.sticky {
position: -webkit-sticky;
position: -moz-sticky;
position: -ms-sticky;
position: -o-sticky;
position: sticky;
top: 0px;
z-index: 1;
CoffeeScript to monitor 'sticky' element positions and add the 'stuck' class when they are in the 'sticky' state:
$ -> new StickyMonitor
class StickyMonitor
constructor: ->
$(window).scroll #scroll_handler if $('.sticky').length > 0
scroll_handler: =>
#scroll_timer ||= setTimeout(#scroll_handler_throttled, #SCROLL_ACTION_DELAY)
scroll_handler_throttled: =>
#scroll_timer = null
toggle_stuck_state_for_sticky_elements: =>
$('.sticky').each ->
$(this).toggleClass('stuck', this.getBoundingClientRect().top - parseInt($(this).css('top')) <= 1)
NOTE: This code only works for vertical sticky position.
I came up with this solution that works like a charm and is pretty small. :)
No extra elements needed.
It does run on the window scroll event though which is a small downside.
window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
function apply_stickies() {
var _$stickies = []'.sticky'))
_$stickies.forEach(function(_$sticky) {
if (CSS.supports && CSS.supports('position', 'sticky')) {
function apply_sticky_class(_$sticky) {
var currentOffset = _$sticky.getBoundingClientRect().top
var stickyOffset = parseInt(getComputedStyle(_$sticky).top.replace('px', ''))
var isStuck = currentOffset <= stickyOffset
_$sticky.classList.toggle('js-is-sticky', isStuck)
Note: This solution doesn't take elements that have bottom stickiness into account. This only works for things like a sticky header. It can probably be adapted to take bottom stickiness into account though.
I know it has been some time since the question was asked, but I found a good solution to this. The plugin stickybits uses position: sticky where supported, and applies a class to the element when it is 'stuck'. I've used it recently with good results, and, at time of writing, it is active development (which is a plus for me) :)
I'm using this snippet in my theme to add .is-stuck class to .site-header when it is in a stuck position:
// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
(function (document, window, undefined) {
let windowScroll;
* #param element {HTMLElement|Window|Document}
* #param event {string}
* #param listener {function}
* #returns {HTMLElement|Window|Document}
function addListener(element, event, listener) {
if (element.addEventListener) {
element.addEventListener(event, listener);
} else {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (element.attachEvent) {
element.attachEvent('on' + event, listener);
} else {
console.log('Failed to attach event.');
return element;
* Checks if the element is in a sticky position.
* #param element {HTMLElement}
* #returns {boolean}
function isSticky(element) {
if ('sticky' !== getComputedStyle(element).position) {
return false;
return (1 >= (element.getBoundingClientRect().top - parseInt(getComputedStyle(element).top)));
* Toggles is-stuck class if the element is in sticky position.
* #param element {HTMLElement}
* #returns {HTMLElement}
function toggleSticky(element) {
if (isSticky(element)) {
} else {
return element;
* Toggles stuck state for sticky header.
function toggleStickyHeader() {
* Listen to window scroll.
addListener(window, 'scroll', function () {
windowScroll = setTimeout(toggleStickyHeader, 50);
* Check if the header is not stuck already.
})(document, window);
#vsync 's excellent answer was almost what I needed, except I "uglify" my code via Grunt, and Grunt requires some older JavaScript code styles. Here is the adjusted script I used instead:
var stickyElm = document.getElementById('header');
var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function (_ref) {
var e = _ref[0];
return'isSticky', e.intersectionRatio < 1);
}, {
threshold: [1]
observer.observe( stickyElm );
The CSS from that answer is unchanged
Something like this also works for a fixed scroll height:
// select the header
const header = document.querySelector('header');
// add an event listener for scrolling
window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
// add the 'stuck' class
if (window.scrollY >= 80) navbar.classList.add('stuck');
// remove the 'stuck' class
else navbar.classList.remove('stuck');

