Use async await inside mapping function - javascript

In my Node Express App, I want to get all comments for a lesson and modify each comment by adding a fullname field to each comment. For getting full name of a user, I have defined findFullNameByUserId function in UserController.js. I use findAllCommentsByLessonId() in CourseController.js as follows. However, when I'm using it, I always get an empty array. How can I use findFullNameByUserId in findAllCommentsByLessonId() so that fullname field can be added to each comment object?
findAllCommentsByLessonId: async (courseId,lessonId,callback) => {
Course.find({_id: courseId}, function(err, course) {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
} else {
const lesson = course[0].lessons.filter(l => l._id !== lessonId)
const comments = lesson[0] async c => {
const name = await UserController.findFullNameById(c.user)
return (
userId: c.user,
name: name,
content: c.content
// console.log(comments) --> This always prints [{}]
callback(null, comments)
module.exports = {
findFullNameById: async (userId) => {
await User.find({_id: userId}, function(err, user) {
if (err) {
} else {
return user[0].name+" "+( user[0].lname ? user[0].lname : "")

in CourseController.js either you can use async-await or you can use callback
async-await way :
findAllCommentsByLessonId: async (courseId,lessonId) => {
let course = await Course.findOne({_id: courseId});
if (course){
let lesson = course.lessons.find(l => l._id == lessonId);
let comments = [];
for(let comment of lesson.comments){
let name = await UserController.findFullNameById(comment.user);
comments.push({userId: comment.user,name: name,content: comment.content});
return comments;
return [];
callback way :
findAllCommentsByLessonId: (courseId,lessonId,callback) => {
Course.findOne({_id: courseId},function(err, course) {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
} else {
let lesson = course.lessons.find(l => l._id == lessonId);
let comments = lesson.comments;>{
return {userId: comment.user,name: name,content: comment.content};
callback(null, comments);

Start by dropping callbacks and actually using promises for await. You haven't specified what find is, but chances are it's a modern library supporting promises. So write
async function findAllCommentsByLessonId(courseId, lessonId) {
const [course] = Course.find({_id: courseId};
const lesson = course.lessons.find(l => l._id !== lessonId);
const comments = c => {
const name = await UserController.findFullNameById(c.user)
return {
userId: c.user,
content: c.content
module.exports.findFullNameById = async (userId) => {
const [user] = await User.find({_id: userId});
return + " " + (user.lname ? user.lname : "");
Then you'll notice that comments is not an array of users, but rather an array of promises for users, so wrap it in a await Promise.all(…) call.

As #SuleymanSah commented, I tried to use .populate and it worked well. I think this is the correct approach as for the exact reasons he's pointed out. The following is how I did it:
Lesson.findOne({ _id: lessonId }).
exec(function(err, lesson) {
if (err) {
return callback(err, null);
if (!lesson) {
console.log("No record found");
return callback(err, null);
return callback(null, lesson.comments);


Why is this asynchronous function being called twice

I am trying to create a user with email and password using firebase, but when I call the function that creates it, it is called twice and I get an error because I am trying to register the email that is already in use.
I noticed that the console.log('CALLED') is called once, I don't understand why RegisterWithEmail is called twice. My auth flow only creates the userDocument in the confirmation phase, for this reason userSnap.length equals zero in the second call and tries to create again.
How can I call this function once?
registerEmail = async data => {
const { setRegStatus, createDoc } = this.props;
await RegisterWithEmail(data).then(res => {
console.log('Final response ', res)
if(res === 'EMAIL_VERIFIED') {
setRegStatus({ status: 'created', data: res })
else if(res === 'SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG'){
setRegStatus({ status: 'error', data: res })
}).catch(err => {
console.log('Error ', err)
setRegStatus({ status: 'error', data: err })
FILE: firebase.utils.tsx
export const RegisterWithEmail = async user => {
console.log("Called Once...");
if(!user) return 'SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG';
else {
const snap = await firestore.collection('users').where('email', '==',;
const docs = =>;
if (docs.length !== 0) return 'EMAIL_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_TAKEN';
try {
console.log("Trying to register email...");
return await auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(, user.password).then(async usr => {
await usr.user.updateProfile({
const sendVerifyEmail = usr.user.sendEmailVerification().then(() => setTimer(usr.user, 5))
return await sendVerifyEmail.then(msg => {
console.log('Finishing...', msg)
if(msg.txt !== 'waiting') {
if(msg.error) {
throw msg.txt
else return msg.txt
}).catch(() => {
}).catch(() => {
} catch (err) {
Developer console:
You shouldn't be mixing and matching .then()s in async functions for your own sanity's sake.
Something like
export const RegisterWithEmail = async (user) => {
if (!user) return false;
const snap = await firestore.collection("users").where("email", "==",;
const docs = =>;
if (docs.length !== 0) return false;
console.log("Trying to register email...");
try {
const resp = await auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(, user.password);
// then ...
return true;
} catch (err) {
// catch ...
might work better for you.
I need more code to be sure, but I think you should add await
registerEmail = async data => {
await RegisterWithEmail(data)

Node.js promise fails intermittently, even when handled

I'm learning to use MongoDB by creating a simple blog app. However, a portion of my code that saves a given post seems to give problems with promises occasionally, but not always, and whether the code succeeds simply seems to be luck.
Each post in my database is stored with the following schema:
title: String,
author: String,
body: String,
slug: String,
baseSlug: String,
published: { type: Boolean, default: false }
The slug defines the link used to access the blog post, and is automatically generated based upon the title of the blog post. However, if article titles are duplicates, the slug will have a number added to the end to differentiate it from similar articles, while the baseSlug will remain the same. For example:
I create the post "My first post", and it is assigned the baseSlug of "my-first-post". Because no other posts have the same baseSlug, the slug is also set to be "my-first-post".
I create another post called "My first post", and it is assigned the baseSlug of "my-first-post". However, because another post has the same baseSlug, it is assigned the slug "my-first-post-1".
To create this behavior, I wrote the following addpost route in Express:"/addpost", (req, res) => {
let postInfo = req.body;
for (key of Object.keys(postInfo)) {
if (postInfo[key] == "true") postInfo[key] = true;
let slug = postInfo.title
.split(" ")
.filter(hasNumber) // return /\d/.test(str);
.slice(0, 5)
postInfo.slug = slug;
var postData;
Post.find({ baseSlug: postInfo.slug }, (error, documents) => {
if (documents.length > 0) {
let largestSlugSuffix = 0;
for (let document of documents) {
var fullSlug = document.slug.split("-");
var suffix = fullSlug[fullSlug.length - 1];
if (!isNaN(suffix)) {
if (parseInt(suffix) > largestSlugSuffix) {
largestSlugSuffix = suffix;
postInfo.baseSlug = postInfo.slug;
postInfo.slug += "-" + largestSlugSuffix;
} else {
postInfo.baseSlug = postInfo.slug;
postData = new Post(postInfo);
.then(() => {
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {
res.status(400).send("Unable to save data");
.catch(err => {
res.status(400).send("Unable to save data");
This code seems to work most of the time, but sometimes it fails, and outputs the following:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'save' of undefined
at C:\Users\User\BlogTest\app.js:94:18
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:94:5)
(For reference, line 94 in my file is
I suspect it is because the main body of the function takes longer than it should to execute, and the postData variable is not yet defined. However, should not be executed until the promise finishes, because of the .then() callback function.
Why is my code behaving like this? Is there any way to fix it?
The issue is that you are mixing promises with callbacks and closures. That's not how this is intended to work.
When you chain promises, whatever you return in the first promise handler will be added as an input to the next one. And if you return a promise, that promise will be resolved first before being sent to the next thenable.
So you need to return promises from your promises, like this:"/addpost", (req, res) => {
let postInfo = req.body;
for (key of Object.keys(postInfo)) {
if (postInfo[key] == "true") postInfo[key] = true;
let slug = postInfo.title
.split(" ")
.filter(hasNumber) // return /\d/.test(str);
.slice(0, 5)
postInfo.slug = slug;
// var postData; <-- Don't do that
Post.find({ baseSlug: postInfo.slug })
.then((documents) => {
if (documents.length > 0) {
let largestSlugSuffix = 0;
for (let document of documents) {
var fullSlug = document.slug.split("-");
var suffix = fullSlug[fullSlug.length - 1];
if (!isNaN(suffix)) {
if (parseInt(suffix) > largestSlugSuffix) {
largestSlugSuffix = suffix;
postInfo.baseSlug = postInfo.slug;
postInfo.slug += "-" + largestSlugSuffix;
} else {
postInfo.baseSlug = postInfo.slug;
return new Post(postInfo);
// We could actually have called in this method,
// but I wanted to return it to exemplify what I'm talking about
// It is important to return the promise generated by
// This way it will be resolved first, before invoking the next .then method
.then( (postData) => { return; })
// This method will wait to complete
.then( () => { res.redirect("/"); })
.catch( (err) => {
res.status(400).send("Unable to save data");
It can be greatly simplified with async/await:"/addpost", async (req, res) => {
try {
let postInfo = req.body;
for (key of Object.keys(postInfo)) {
if (postInfo[key] == "true") postInfo[key] = true;
let slug = postInfo.title
.split(" ")
.slice(0, 5)
postInfo.slug = slug;
let documents = await Post.find({ baseSlug: postInfo.slug });
if (documents.length > 0) {
let largestSlugSuffix = 0;
for (let document of documents) {
var fullSlug = document.slug.split("-");
var suffix = fullSlug[fullSlug.length - 1];
if (!isNaN(suffix)) {
if (parseInt(suffix) > largestSlugSuffix) {
largestSlugSuffix = suffix;
postInfo.baseSlug = postInfo.slug;
postInfo.slug += "-" + largestSlugSuffix;
} else {
postInfo.baseSlug = postInfo.slug;
let postData = new Post(postInfo);
} catch (err) {
res.status(400).send("Unable to save data");
You are mixing callbacks and promises and while it may do something, I'm not sure what it will do exactly. You should pick one or the other and not mix them as much as possible. I would recommend picking promises if you are using a language that supports async/await, otherwise callbacks.
So for example your outter handler could be an async function"/addpost", async (req, res) => {
Your real bug is in handling Post.find you are handling it somewhat with a callback and somewhat with a promise, and probably whats happening is that its random which one will get called first the callback or the promise resolution. Instead of both you should just do this now that you have an async function:
try {
const posts = await Post.find({ baseSlug: postInfo.slug });
// stuff you were doing in the callback
const post = new Post(postInfo)
// Now the promise code
// success!
} catch (err) {
// With an async function you can just catch errors like normal
res.status(400).send("Unable to save data");
If you're not using webpack or typescript and cannot target es7 then and thus cannot use async/await then I would recommend just using callbacks, do not use .then or .catch and that would look more like:
function error(err) {
res.status(400).send("Unable to save data")
Post.find({ baseSlug: postInfo.slug }, (err, documents) => {
if (err) return error(err)
// stuff you're doing in the callback now
const post = new Post(postInfo) => {
if (err) return error(err)
// success!

Function return null, await result not applied

I am using the below function within post method. The async-await is used but in transferAmount totalBalance is not updated when I call the function inside the post route. The return from the function is not proper. I need guidance so that it returns the object with updated values.
async function transferAmount(fromAccountId, toAccountId, amount) {
const session = await mongoose.startSession();
const options= {session, new:true}
let sourceAccount, destinationAccount;
const result = {
newSrcBalance: 0,
try {
const source= await Account.findByIdAndUpdate(
if(source.balance <0) {
// Source account should have the required amount for the transaction to succeed
const errorMessage='Insufficient Balance with Sender:';
throw new ErrorHandler(404,errorMessage);
const destination = await Account.findByIdAndUpdate(
// The balance in ‘BasicSavings’ account type should never exceed Rs. 50,000
if(( === 'BasicSavings') && (destination.balance > BASICSAVNGS_MAX_BALANCE)) {
const errorMessage=`Recepient's maximum account limit reached`;
throw new ErrorHandler(404,errorMessage);
await session.commitTransaction();
result.newSrcBalance = source.balance; //*UPDATE THE SOURCE BALANCE
// finding total balance in destination account
await User.findById(, async function(err,user) {
if(err) {
const errorMessage=`Recepient not found!`;
throw new ErrorHandler(404,errorMessage);
} else {
if(user.accounts) {
await Account.find({
'_id' :{$in:user.accounts}
}, function(err,userAccounts) {
totalDestBalance = userAccounts.reduce( (accumulator,obj) => accumulator+obj.balance,0);
result.totalDestBalance = totalDestBalance; //*UPDATE THE TOTAL BALANCE
return result;
catch (error) {
// Abort transaction and undo any changes
await session.abortTransaction();
throw new ErrorHandler(404,error);
} finally {
if(session) {
module.exports = transferAmount;
Result of above function is
newSrcBalance: 940,
totalDestBalance: 1060,
transferedAt: 1594982541900
But inside the post request below it is {}
const result = await transferAmount(fromAccountId, toAccountId, amount);
You are not returning something inside the function.
User.findById - this receives a callback for returning something.
You can convert it as async/await syntax or have to resolve the result with promise.
Like below:
try {
const user = await User.findById(;
if (user.accounts) {
const userAccounts = await Account.find({ _id: { $in: user.accounts } });
totalDestBalance = userAccounts.reduce((accumulator, obj) => accumulator + obj.balance, 0);
result.totalDestBalance = totalDestBalance; //*UPDATE THE TOTAL BALANCE
return result;
} catch (err) {
const errorMessage = `Recepient not found!`;
throw new ErrorHandler(404, errorMessage);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
User.findById(, async function(err, user) {
if (err) {
const errorMessage = `Recepient not found!`;
} else {
if (user.accounts) {
await Account.find(
_id: { $in: user.accounts },
function(err, userAccounts) {
totalDestBalance = userAccounts.reduce((accumulator, obj) => accumulator + obj.balance, 0);
result.totalDestBalance = totalDestBalance; //*UPDATE THE TOTAL BALANCE
I may be wrong but i cannot see a return statement in you transferAmount function.

How to calculate final price with forEach and Mongoose queries?

I have a difficult final-price calculating issues with Mongoose Queries. I have three functions. This one get's an ID and external quantity, finds the material price, and finally mulitply it.
async function getPrivatePrice(id, quantity) {
try {
let piece = await Piece.findOne({'_id': id}).select({"meterage": 1, "material": 1, "_id" : 0}).then((piece) => {
return piece;
}).catch((err) => {
let price = await Material.findOne({'_id': piece.material}).select({"_id" : 0, "price" : 1}).then((price) => {
return price;
}).catch((err) => {
let final_raw = piece.meterage * price.price;
let final_price = final_raw * quantity;
return { final_price : final_price }
} catch(err) {
I'm really having difficulties with the second part of the code, because I need to get many id's from another function, so, I decided to use a forEach to call this function, and get all these prices and put them in an array, but I don't know how to return it.
async function getFinalCost(pieces) {
let total_cost = [];
try {
pieces.forEach(async (response) => {
let query = await PieceController.getPrivatePrice(response["_id"], response["quantity"]).then((piecePrice) => {
return piecePrice["final_price"];
}).catch((err) => {
return total_cost;
} catch(err) {
I like to know how to get that array here:
function createProduct(req, res) {
let params = req.body;
let product = new Product(); =;
product.reference = params.reference;
product.pieces = params.pieces;
product.color = params.color;
let piece_price = getFinalCost(product.pieces);
console.log(piece_price); //Outputs Promise { { total_array: [] } }
You clearly need to refactor your code. What I would do is use something like bluebird to run a map over the pieces list like so.
const Promise = require('bluebird');
async function getMoreProductInfo(id) {
const productInfo = await Piece.findOne({'_id': id}).select({"meterage": 1, "material": 1, "_id" : 0});
const materialInfo = await Material.findOne({'_id': productInfo.material}).select({"_id" : 0, "price" : 1});
return { productInfo, materialInfo };
} catch(e) {
throw e;
async function calculatePrices(pieces) {
try {
const priceList = await, async (piece) => {
const { productInfo, materialInfo } = await getMoreProductInfo(piece._id);
return materialInfo.price * piece.quantity * productInfo.meterage;
return priceList
} catch (e) {
throw e;
I clearly cannot test this code as is..but I think it should be pretty straightforward to tell whats going on(I think)

Why return not works in Mongoose findOne method?

I try find one item by name, then update table and return updated result, but return didn't work. My code:
class addSongsToArtist {
constructor(artistName) {
name: artistName
}).exec((err, data) => {
if (err) console.log(err); = 'updated name';
return data // * not work
Into exec method I see data with correct result, and into mongo console result saved. But return not works. I tried save changes into external variable and return result in Promise, but it not work too.
Why it not works?
You use .save async function as sync function, try this instead :
constructor(artistName) {
name: artistName
}).exec((err, data) => {
if (err || !data){
return null;
{ = 'updated name', savedDatas)
if(err || !savedDatas)
return null;
return savedDatas; // * not work
I have solution. Problem with construct method which return new object instance.
Worked code:
class addSongsToArtist {
constructor(artistName) {
this.result = false
name: artistName
}).exec((err, data) => {
if (err) console.log(err); = 'updated name';
this.result = data
* need call in promise after call new addSongsToArtist()
getData() {
return this.result
And get data:
let findOne;
findOne = new addSongsToArtist()

