Why is this asynchronous function being called twice - javascript

I am trying to create a user with email and password using firebase, but when I call the function that creates it, it is called twice and I get an error because I am trying to register the email that is already in use.
I noticed that the console.log('CALLED') is called once, I don't understand why RegisterWithEmail is called twice. My auth flow only creates the userDocument in the confirmation phase, for this reason userSnap.length equals zero in the second call and tries to create again.
How can I call this function once?
FILE: emailconfirm.page.tsx
registerEmail = async data => {
const { setRegStatus, createDoc } = this.props;
await RegisterWithEmail(data).then(res => {
console.log('Final response ', res)
if(res === 'EMAIL_VERIFIED') {
setRegStatus({ status: 'created', data: res })
else if(res === 'SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG'){
setRegStatus({ status: 'error', data: res })
}).catch(err => {
console.log('Error ', err)
setRegStatus({ status: 'error', data: err })
FILE: firebase.utils.tsx
export const RegisterWithEmail = async user => {
console.log("Called Once...");
if(!user) return 'SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG';
else {
const snap = await firestore.collection('users').where('email', '==', user.email).get();
const docs = snap.docs.map((doc) => doc.data());
if (docs.length !== 0) return 'EMAIL_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_TAKEN';
try {
console.log("Trying to register email...");
return await auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(user.email, user.password).then(async usr => {
await usr.user.updateProfile({
displayName: user.name
const sendVerifyEmail = usr.user.sendEmailVerification().then(() => setTimer(usr.user, 5))
return await sendVerifyEmail.then(msg => {
console.log('Finishing...', msg)
if(msg.txt !== 'waiting') {
if(msg.error) {
throw msg.txt
else return msg.txt
}).catch(() => {
}).catch(() => {
} catch (err) {
Developer console:

You shouldn't be mixing and matching .then()s in async functions for your own sanity's sake.
Something like
export const RegisterWithEmail = async (user) => {
if (!user) return false;
const snap = await firestore.collection("users").where("email", "==", user.email).get();
const docs = snap.docs.map((doc) => doc.data());
if (docs.length !== 0) return false;
console.log("Trying to register email...");
try {
const resp = await auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(user.email, user.password);
// then ...
return true;
} catch (err) {
// catch ...
might work better for you.

I need more code to be sure, but I think you should add await
registerEmail = async data => {
await RegisterWithEmail(data)


parsing data from an api call into a text file using axios

I am parsing data from an API call into a text file. However, I wanted to use async-await and break the call below call into 3 separate functions.
#!/usr/bin/env node
const yargs = require("yargs");
const axios = require("axios");
const fs = require("fs");
const options = yargs
.usage("Usage: -n <name>")
.option("n", {
alias: "name",
describe: "Your name",
type: "string",
demandOption: true,
.option("s", { alias: "search", describe: "Search Term", type: "string" })
const greetings = `Hello ${options.name}!`;
console.log("Here's a random joke for you: ");
const url = options.search
? `https://icanhazdadjoke.com/search?term${escape(options.search)}`
: " https://icanhazdadjoke.com/";
axios.get(url, { headers: { Accept: "application/json" } }).then((res) => {
if (options.search) {
res.data.results.forEach((j) => {
fs.appendFile("jokes.txt", "\n" + j.jokes, (err) => {});
if (res.data.results.length === 0) {
console.log("no joke found 😭");
} else {
fs.appendFile("jokes.txt", res.data.joke, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("File Updated");
So the above code works absolutely fine and generates the file perfectly, however when I tried to break it into the following below functions, I just get undefined in the text file, I am not sure why this is happening.
const getJoke = async (url) => {
try {
const joke = await axios.get(url, {
headers: { Accept: "application/json" },
return joke;
} catch (error) {
const parseJokes = (res) => {
if (options.search) {
res.data.results.forEach((j) => {
return `\n ${j.joke}`;
if (res.data.results.length === 0) {
console.log("no joke found 😭");
} else {
return res.data.joke;
const addJokeToFile = async () => {
const result = await getJoke(url)
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.error(`ERROR: ${err}`);
fs.appendFile("jokes.txt", result, (err) => {
In the second (functional approach) addJokeToFile method, you are waiting for the promise to be resolved using both ways, await and .then, following modification to the code, might help you get through:
const addJokeToFile = async () => {
.then((res) => {
// Aside, we should also return some value from parseJokes function for "no joke found 😭" case, or return null and put a check here and only append to file when jokeString is not null.
const jokeString = parseJokes(res);
fs.appendFile("jokes.txt", jokeString, (err) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.error(`ERROR: ${err}`);
Try using appendFile from 'fs/promises' so that you can stick with the async/await style. Since getJoke returns a promise I would expect result to be a Promise<string | undefined> depending on if any errors show up earlier in the chain.
const { appendFile } = require('fs/promises');
const addJokeToFile = async () => {
try {
const result = await getJoke(url);
const parsed = parseJokes(result);
await appendFile('jokes.txt', parsed);
} catch (err) {

Where is my error in using promises in node.js

I am still very new to node.js. In my current test project I want to send a confirmation email or other emails, depending on the loaded template. The template is stored in MySQL.
The result I am getting is:
"message": {
"error": {},
"foo": "bar"
So the error bit is empty and I don't know why...
If I reject manually at a different point in the code it works just fine, so the problem is not with the middleware, router or server.js file.
Also I have rejected "Foo: Bar" back, to check which catch block catched the error.
Here is my mailer.js file:
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
let conDB;
module.exports = (injectedMySql) => {
conDB = injectedMySql
return {
sendMail: sendMail
const sendMail = (mail) => {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
loadTemplate(mail.templateId, mail.languageId)
.then(data => {
const mailserver = {
host: "something.com",
port: 465,
secure: true, // use TLS
auth: {
user: "something#something.com",
pass: "PASSWORD"
tls: {
// do not fail on invalid certs
rejectUnauthorized: false
const body = {
from: 'something#something.com',
to: mail.toAdress,
subject: allReplace(data.subject, mail.subjectReplace),
text: allReplace(data.body, mail.textReplace),
html: allReplace(data.html, mail.htmlReplace)
// create a nodemailer transporter using smtp
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(mailserver)
.then(data => {console.log(data)
.catch(err => {reject("sendMail problem")})
.catch(error => {reject({"error": error, "foo": "bar"})})
function allReplace (str, obj) {
var retStr = str;
for (var x in obj) {
retStr = retStr.replace(new RegExp(x, 'g'), obj[x]);
return retStr;
const loadTemplate = (mailTemplate, languageId) => {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
if(mailTemplate === null || languageId === null)
reject("nop, something is missing");
if (typeof conDB.query === "function")
conDB.query('SELECT * FROM email_template WHERE language_id = ? AND template_id = ?', [mailTemplate,languageId])
.then(data => {resolve(data)})
.catch(err => {reject("mysql has a problem")})
reject("function is not available");
Here is my mysql.js file:
var mysql = require('mysql2/promise');
const databaseConfigs = {
host: 'localhost',
user: 'USERNAME',
password: 'PASSWORD',
database: 'DBNAME'
const createID = table => {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
//execute the query to register the user
let query = '';
let id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15)
query = `SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE id = ?`
.then(data => {
.then(data => {resolve(data)})
.catch(error => {reject(error)})
.catch(error => {reject(error)})
async function query (sql,att) {
let connection = await mysql.createConnection(databaseConfigs);
return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
console.log(`Query: '${sql}'`);
.then(data => {resolve(data)})
.catch(error => {reject(error)})
async function transaction(queries, queryValues) {
if (queries.length !== queryValues.length) {
return Promise.reject(
'Number of provided queries did not match the number of provided query values arrays'
const connection = await mysql.createConnection(databaseConfigs)
try {
await connection.beginTransaction()
const queryPromises = []
queries.forEach((query, index) => {
queryPromises.push(connection.query(query, queryValues[index]))
const results = await Promise.all(queryPromises)
await connection.commit()
await connection.end()
return results
} catch (err) {
await connection.rollback()
await connection.end()
return Promise.reject(err)
module.exports.transaction = transaction;
module.exports.query = query;
module.exports.createID = createID;
Thanks to you all!
I cleand up your code a bit. Specially the error handling as you always mask your errors with your Promise.reject("message").
I think what confused you is that you're already using libraries which work with promise (you don't need to wrap those into promises again). Thats quite good as you just can use async/await then.
I hope it helps. If something is unclear just ask.
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
let conDB;
module.exports = (injectedMySql) => {
conDB = injectedMySql
return {
sendMail: sendMail
// your load template function already uses promises no need to wrap it
const sendMail = async mail => {
const data = await loadTemplate(mail.templateId, mail.languageId)
const mailserver = {
host: "something.com",
port: 465,
secure: true, // use TLS
auth: {
user: "something#something.com",
pass: "PASSWORD"
tls: {
// do not fail on invalid certs
rejectUnauthorized: false
const body = {
from: 'something#something.com',
to: mail.toAdress,
subject: allReplace(data.subject, mail.subjectReplace),
text: allReplace(data.body, mail.textReplace),
html: allReplace(data.html, mail.htmlReplace)
// create a nodemailer transporter using smtp
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(mailserver)
try {
// Return the value of sendmail
return await transporter.sendMail(body);
} catch (err) {
// handle error or throw it. I'll throw as you rejected the Promise here it.
// this part will actually help you as you now can see the correct error instead of your rejected "foo bar" erro object
throw err;
function allReplace(str, obj) {
var retStr = str;
for (var x in obj) {
retStr = retStr.replace(new RegExp(x, 'g'), obj[x]);
return retStr;
const loadTemplate = async (mailTemplate, languageId) => {
if (mailTemplate === null || languageId === null)
throw new Error("nop, something is missing");
else {
if (typeof conDB.query === "function") {
try {
const data = await conDB.query('SELECT * FROM email_template WHERE language_id = ? AND template_id = ?', [mailTemplate, languageId]);
} catch (err) {
// it's better to use the real error you always hide the real reason why something went wrong with your promise reject :).
throw err;
else {
throw new error("function is not available");
var mysql = require('mysql2/promise');
const databaseConfigs = {
host: 'localhost',
user: 'USERNAME',
password: 'PASSWORD',
database: 'DBNAME'
const createID = async table => {
// use GUID? https://www.npmjs.com/package/guid
let id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15)
let query = `SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE id = ?`
try {
data = await this.query(query, [table, id]);
} catch (error) {
// as we throw the error in query we got to catch it here
// handle it or throw it (I throw it because I can't handle it ;).)
throw error;
if (data[0].length == 0) {
return id;
} else {
return await createID(table);
const query = async (sql, att) => {
let connection = await mysql.createConnection(databaseConfigs);
console.log(`Query: '${sql}'`);
try {
const data = await connection.query(sql, att);
return data;
} catch (error) {
// Handle error or throw it again
// you rejected the promise so i throw it here
throw error;
} finally {
// I changed it to make it the same as the other functions from this
// async function transaction(queries, queryValues) { to
const transaction = async (queries, queryValues) => {
if (queries.length !== queryValues.length) {
// just throw an error
throw new Error('Number of provided queries did not match the number of provided query values arrays');
const connection = await mysql.createConnection(databaseConfigs)
try {
await connection.beginTransaction()
const queryPromises = []
queries.forEach((query, index) => {
queryPromises.push(connection.query(query, queryValues[index]))
const results = await Promise.all(queryPromises)
await connection.commit()
await connection.end()
return results
} catch (err) {
await connection.rollback()
await connection.end()
// this is not needed
// return Promise.reject(err)
// if you don't want to handle it here just throw the error
throw err;
module.exports.transaction = transaction;
module.exports.query = query;
module.exports.createID = createID;

Use async await inside mapping function

In my Node Express App, I want to get all comments for a lesson and modify each comment by adding a fullname field to each comment. For getting full name of a user, I have defined findFullNameByUserId function in UserController.js. I use findAllCommentsByLessonId() in CourseController.js as follows. However, when I'm using it, I always get an empty array. How can I use findFullNameByUserId in findAllCommentsByLessonId() so that fullname field can be added to each comment object?
findAllCommentsByLessonId: async (courseId,lessonId,callback) => {
Course.find({_id: courseId}, function(err, course) {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
} else {
const lesson = course[0].lessons.filter(l => l._id !== lessonId)
const comments = lesson[0].comments.map( async c => {
const name = await UserController.findFullNameById(c.user)
return (
userId: c.user,
name: name,
content: c.content
// console.log(comments) --> This always prints [{}]
callback(null, comments)
module.exports = {
findFullNameById: async (userId) => {
await User.find({_id: userId}, function(err, user) {
if (err) {
} else {
return user[0].name+" "+( user[0].lname ? user[0].lname : "")
in CourseController.js either you can use async-await or you can use callback
async-await way :
findAllCommentsByLessonId: async (courseId,lessonId) => {
let course = await Course.findOne({_id: courseId});
if (course){
let lesson = course.lessons.find(l => l._id == lessonId);
let comments = [];
for(let comment of lesson.comments){
let name = await UserController.findFullNameById(comment.user);
comments.push({userId: comment.user,name: name,content: comment.content});
return comments;
return [];
callback way :
findAllCommentsByLessonId: (courseId,lessonId,callback) => {
Course.findOne({_id: courseId},function(err, course) {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
} else {
let lesson = course.lessons.find(l => l._id == lessonId);
let comments = lesson.comments;
return {userId: comment.user,name: name,content: comment.content};
callback(null, comments);
Start by dropping callbacks and actually using promises for await. You haven't specified what find is, but chances are it's a modern library supporting promises. So write
async function findAllCommentsByLessonId(courseId, lessonId) {
const [course] = Course.find({_id: courseId};
const lesson = course.lessons.find(l => l._id !== lessonId);
const comments = lesson.comments.map(async c => {
const name = await UserController.findFullNameById(c.user)
return {
userId: c.user,
content: c.content
module.exports.findFullNameById = async (userId) => {
const [user] = await User.find({_id: userId});
return user.name + " " + (user.lname ? user.lname : "");
Then you'll notice that comments is not an array of users, but rather an array of promises for users, so wrap it in a await Promise.all(…) call.
As #SuleymanSah commented, I tried to use .populate and it worked well. I think this is the correct approach as for the exact reasons he's pointed out. The following is how I did it:
Lesson.findOne({ _id: lessonId }).
exec(function(err, lesson) {
if (err) {
return callback(err, null);
if (!lesson) {
console.log("No record found");
return callback(err, null);
return callback(null, lesson.comments);

Capturing errors with Async/Await

I have a part of my code that makes several API calls to different endpoints and I want to know if any of those calls fail so I can display an appropriate error message. Right now, if an error happens in one() it will stop all other calls from happening, but that's not what I want; If an error occurs, I want it to populate the errors object and have the program continue on.
async function gatherData() {
let errors = { one: null, two: null, three: null };
const responseOne = await one(errors);
const responseTwo = await two(errors);
const responseThree = await three(errors);
if (!_.isNil(errors.one) || !_.isNil(errors.two) || !_.isNil(errors.three)) {
// an error exists, do something with it
} else {
// data is good, do things with responses
async function one(errors) {
await axios
.then(res => {
return res;
.catch(err => {
errors.one = err;
return err;
async function two(errors) {
await axios
.then(res => {
return res;
.catch(err => {
errors.two = err;
return err;
async function three(errors) {
await axios
.then(res => {
return res;
.catch(err => {
errors.three = err;
return err;
If you pass the errors to the async functions, so pass the errors object as parameter
const responseOne = await one(errors);
const responseTwo = await two(errors);
const responseThree = await three(errors);

Understanding promises

Let's say I have this 'pseudo'code
static async fetchAuthData () {
AsyncStorage.getItem('authtoken', (err, value) => AuthData.token = value)
.then( (value) => {
{ ...Ok token fetched... }
.catch( (err) => {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');
AsyncStorage.getItem('userid', (err, value) => AuthData.userid = parseInt(value))
.then( (value) => {
{ ...Ok userid fetched... }
.catch( (err) => {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');
if (token ok && userid ok ) {
return Promise.resolve('ok');
else {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');
I assume if (token ok && userid ok ) will not get executed until the previous two promises are resolved or rejected.
Am I right?.
Is there some possibility for if (token ok && userid ok ) get executed before I even get the token?.
This static method is called at the very beginning of my app and this is where I decide to go directly to the app or navigate to the auth flow.
The documentation doesn't seem to be clear about this.
Add await to the AsyncStorage functions to pause the execution till promise gets resolved and goes to next line
static async fetchAuthData () {
await AsyncStorage.getItem('authtoken', (err, value) => AuthData.token = value)
.then( (value) => {
{ ...Ok token fetched... }
.catch( (err) => {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');
await AsyncStorage.getItem('userid',(err, value) => AuthData.userid = parseInt(value))
.then( (value) => {
{ ...Ok userid fetched... }
.catch( (err) => {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');
if (token ok && userid ok ) {
return Promise.resolve('ok');
else {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');
as #Amadan said, It will get executed before you get the token
, you need to wait all the promises until they're resolve
static async fetchAuthData () {
try {
const [authtoken, userid] = await Promise.all([
() => AsyncStorage.getItem('authtoken'),
() => AsyncStorage.getItem('userid'),
if (token ok && userid ok ) {
return Promise.resolve('ok');
} catch(err) {
// handle exception
You can make use of async and await which makes code to execute in a synchronous way.
Check the below code which does the same.
static async fetchAuthData () {
AuthData.token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('authtoken')
userId = await AsyncStorage.getItem('userid')
AuthData.userId = parseInt(userId)
return true;
return false
If any errors comes up it will be catched in catch block and return false from here.
static async fetchAuthData() {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
AsyncStorage.getItem('authtoken', (err, value) => AuthData.token = value)
.then((value) => {
resolve('...Ok token fetched...')
.catch((err) => {
reject('Some sort of error');
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
AsyncStorage.getItem('userid', (err, value) => AuthData.userid = parseInt(value))
.then((value) => {
resolve('...Ok token fetched...')
.catch((err) => {
reject('Some sort of error');
if (token ok && userid ok) {
return Promise.resolve('ok');
} else {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');

