Setting up reactjs environemt for production - javascript

I have followed below link to set up first react Js project.
Now my question is.
Do I need to setup all this process again for my next app or there is some thing like some same environment setup and then we can use that in our apps?

You will every time you have to follow same steps because react and other helping module frequently updated by vendors, but you can paste same code files and public folder files.
and if you use this steps every time for new project, you will be aware for new changes done by vendors eg: by facebook , bable, webpack , redux etc...

Yes you would have but then agen you could use an application like visual studio to do the job for you.


Will Expo OTA updates work with new libraries?

I am looking into Expo OTA Updates and realizing how crucial it is for production builds on standalone apps.
I am wondering though, this seems to be a good fix for minor JavaScript changes to your app, what if you publish an update having added new library's and dependencies?
Will I have to build another binary for my standalone app or will expo publish take care of that?
As long as the update only involves changes to the JS bundle, and not the native binaries, you should be fine. If the library is pure JS, the update will work. If the library has both a native and JS side to it, the update will be fine as long as the update is only to the JS side. If the native side changed, it won't work.
This article goes into a bit more: How To Use React Native Over The Air (OTA) Updates
After testing this out, it seems that any additions to new libraries does work.
I did notice you need a new build if you change project files like app.json for example.

Possible to make a self-hashing app in React Native?

Let's say I wanted to make an app that handled sensitive user data, and users possibly wouldn't trust it unless they could verify for themselves that the iOS/Android app was exactly the same as the source in the GitHub repo.
Is there some way in React Native that I could have my app run an MD5 hash on the mainjs.bundle file, and display that within the app? Then, theoretically, a tech savvy user could clone the GitHub repo, build it, and run their own MD5 hash on mainjs.bundle and see that it matches.
Granted, this wouldn't be totally foolproof. A malicious developer could easily just have a private repo where they hard-code the hash, and insert malicious code, then publish to the AppStore. But this could be a decent starting point. I'm also open to other/better ideas!
Anything you show in the app is pretty much worthless because a modified version of the app can show the same thing.
What you want to do is to give people steps to execute to test if the app that they have is the right one.
Would look something like
a table with published version -> git commit
steps to extract the js bundle from the apk/ipa
steps to build the bundle from source
If you have a shrinkwrap file, then builds should be reproducible.
Note that it doesn't contains steps to compare the native code, which may also contain a malware:

how to install web application from a .msi file , created using wix?

I created a small web application in c# and wanted to create a installer for the web app and started so, using wix and i come up with the .msi file(installer) with a .wixpdb file.
Now, when i click on the .msi setup file ,installation is getting started and ending up with noting.
steps i followed is,
create web application.
build and publish.
harvest the publish folder and thats creates me a .wxs file.
create a setup project in the same solution of my web app.
add .wxs from step3 to the setup project.
build the setup project it create a .msi(installer) and .wixpdb file.
My Doubt here is that, how can i run the installer that will create a service/web application and installed locally.
Unfortunately WIX harvesting will not create a web application/web site for you automagically, when you harvest a "published" application. It will just produce the code to copy files. In WIX, you have to add this functionality yourself. In comparison with VS installer for example, you've got much more to do, and the rabbit's hole appears to be much deeper.. Take a look here for example:
The answer is quite simple, of course we just need to double click the installer, but before that we need to add
<UIRef Id="MyWebUI" /> in FileName.wxs file and define some UI dialogs in the .wxs file, that is more cleary explained here

Customization after generator-gulp-angular generation

I used generator-gulp-angular to generate my project structure. I chose regular javascript at the time. Now I want to use typescript. How easy will this be, or do I need to re-generate the project structure?
You can regenerate the project in the same folder and Yeoman will prompt you on file conflict (so you'll see what is changing and you'll be ready to fix these conflicts). Then, just make changes to the new code so it match your app if you diverted from the original app code. Collaboration

Hey I'm collaborating on a project and I'm curious if there is documentation on how to best do this? I have other guys who are loading my project into their environments (via github) using TriggerToolkit, and they can't run the projects because there are conflicts with identity.json.
We're working on a simpler way for team collaboration, but for now the process for importing and existing will be similar to the instructions here for one of our demo apps:
Basically each app you create has a unique src/identity.json file which is also specific to your account. You should avoid checking in your src/identity.json file and a collaborator should create their own by creating a new app and then copying your code into the src directory.
Update: we've now enabled better collaboration with our Projects launch announced last week:
This should remove the need to manually create / overwrite the src/identity.json file to share app code

