Collaboration - javascript

Hey I'm collaborating on a project and I'm curious if there is documentation on how to best do this? I have other guys who are loading my project into their environments (via github) using TriggerToolkit, and they can't run the projects because there are conflicts with identity.json.

We're working on a simpler way for team collaboration, but for now the process for importing and existing will be similar to the instructions here for one of our demo apps:
Basically each app you create has a unique src/identity.json file which is also specific to your account. You should avoid checking in your src/identity.json file and a collaborator should create their own by creating a new app and then copying your code into the src directory.
Update: we've now enabled better collaboration with our Projects launch announced last week:
This should remove the need to manually create / overwrite the src/identity.json file to share app code


Setting up reactjs environemt for production

I have followed below link to set up first react Js project.
Now my question is.
Do I need to setup all this process again for my next app or there is some thing like some same environment setup and then we can use that in our apps?
You will every time you have to follow same steps because react and other helping module frequently updated by vendors, but you can paste same code files and public folder files.
and if you use this steps every time for new project, you will be aware for new changes done by vendors eg: by facebook , bable, webpack , redux etc...
Yes you would have but then agen you could use an application like visual studio to do the job for you.

convert angular 2 application to integrate able sdk

i have a angular 2 application. I was wondering if i could convert this application to an integrate-able sdk which other applications can use by adding script tags in their headers. If this is not possible can anyone provide any tutorial link which shows how can i build a simple sdk which can be integrated in other applications. thank you.
Of course you can! In javascript terms, it's not called "SDK" but "module".
The most popular module manager is called NPM.
So you can follow this tutorial to package your "application" as NPM module, then it will be easy for other js developper to integrate it inside their own projects (using the tags, services, directives you defined.
Here is a good post about it
EDIT : if you want to use your angular components/modules outside in non-angular application, you can follow this one. In the example it is used with React app but it will work with any html5-compliant browsers.
If you want to target also non-compatible browsers, you should add a polyfill

Android and Web App sharing Kotlin code

One of the major “selling” points of Kotlin appears to be its ability to compile both to JVM or Android and to JavaScript for the web. To make use of this, it should be possible to have a code base where some files are shared between an Android App and a browser Web App.
However, so far I found little details on how such a thing would be set up, in particularly when working with Android Studio and its underlying Gradle setup, starting from a a run of the Android Studio New Project Wizard. I don't mind if I can only build the Web App on the command line, but I'd like to maintain the Android debugging hookups that Android Studio provides. So far I know very little about Gradle and typical idioms for its use.
I'm sure that I'm not the first person to have this idea, so I'd like to know some best practices on how to set this up. Questions that come to my mind include the following:
Do I mix the kotlin2js and the kotlin-android plugin in a single build file, or do I need to have multiple build files (perhaps I should say “modules” or “projects” except I don't know which)?
If I have multiple build files, should that be two (one Android one Web) or three (one more for shared things)?
If it is two build files, how do I reference the shared sources?
If it is three build files, which plugin(s) do I use for the shared one?
Do I need to split my sources over three different source trees? Are there any conventions how these should be called?
Do I need to split my classes into three groups of packages, or can code for different targets coexist in the same package?
What configuration settings do I need to tweak to make the IDE aware of the layout of my project?
I've read the following relevant documentation, among other:
I would recommend using IDEA wizard to create a simple multiplatfrom project for you (File -> New -> Project -> Kotlin -> Kotlin (Multiplatform - experimental) ). Community edition should suffice.
Answering your questions:
You don't mix plugins. You create a separate module for your common code and use 'kotlin-platform-common' plugin for it.
Three modules, special plugin 'kotlin-platform-common'
Use common sense for source splitting. Put whatever you want/able to reuse in the common code. Put platform-specific code in platform modules.
No package restrictions. You can put everything in the same package if you so desire =)
Pretty sure it should just work. If not, try re-importing.

how to install web application from a .msi file , created using wix?

I created a small web application in c# and wanted to create a installer for the web app and started so, using wix and i come up with the .msi file(installer) with a .wixpdb file.
Now, when i click on the .msi setup file ,installation is getting started and ending up with noting.
steps i followed is,
create web application.
build and publish.
harvest the publish folder and thats creates me a .wxs file.
create a setup project in the same solution of my web app.
add .wxs from step3 to the setup project.
build the setup project it create a .msi(installer) and .wixpdb file.
My Doubt here is that, how can i run the installer that will create a service/web application and installed locally.
Unfortunately WIX harvesting will not create a web application/web site for you automagically, when you harvest a "published" application. It will just produce the code to copy files. In WIX, you have to add this functionality yourself. In comparison with VS installer for example, you've got much more to do, and the rabbit's hole appears to be much deeper.. Take a look here for example:
The answer is quite simple, of course we just need to double click the installer, but before that we need to add
<UIRef Id="MyWebUI" /> in FileName.wxs file and define some UI dialogs in the .wxs file, that is more cleary explained here

Extjs 5 multiple application with central library

Recently i've been exploring ExtJS 5 and making some applications with it. I've been using the Sencha CMD to generate a new application every time and the problem i see is that every application needs the whole ext framework with all the classes (which in total is 123MB, which is quite alot when you have 10+ applications).
Since there is no way for me to make 1 application with multiple subapplications (since i also have other, non-extjs, applications running on my local website), my question is rather simple: Is there a way to let all the applications use the same extjs framework build? for example in a /lib/extjs/ folder in my root?
I've looked through the sencha forum and documentation already, but i found nothing that suggests this is possible. I saw that the bootstrap.js has all the paths to the extjs framework, however if i have to manually edit all these, its going to be very time consuming..
Thanks in advance.
The solution to the problem is to create a workspace:
sencha -sdk /path/to/ext generate workspace myws
cd myws
sencha -sdk ext generate app MyApp myapp
The above copies the library to myws/ext and all application in this workspace use the same copy of Ext.

