InDesign script, resize images after word import - javascript

Sometimes we have big images in word file and after importing this word file inside InDesign, the image goes inside the overflow text and the text flow stops at this point.
We couldn't resize these images or can't get hold of this image for applying any scripting logic.
Basically, I will search for figure parastyle, then check for rectangles inside the para, and do resize logic. Sample jsx code here:
app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle= 'figure';
var founds = app.findText();
// find 92% text width area
var pageWidth = this.props.textAreaWidth * 92 /100;
for(var i=0, len=founds.length; i<len; i++){
// find the rectangles inside the para
var rect = founds[i].rectangles;
if(rect.length == 0) continue;
var vb = rect[0].visibleBounds;
var imgWidth = vb[3] - vb[1];
// image resize logic
if(imgWidth > pageWidth){
vb[3] = pageWidth;
rect[0].visibleBounds = vb;
How to apply some logic to the images which are in the overflow text? how to resize the image which is in overflow text?
We can just import the below word file into any InDesign template
Sample word file

You could iterate through all the graphics and resize the big ones.
var images = app.activeDocument.allGraphics;
var max = {};
max.w = 100; // max width
max.h = 100; // max height
for (var i=0; i<images.length; i++) {
var gb = images[i].geometricBounds;
var size = {};
size.w = -gb[1] + gb[3];
size.h = -gb[0] + gb[2];
if (size.w > max.w || size.h > max.h) {
var scale = (size.w > size.h) ? max.w/size.w : max.h/size.h;
images[i].horizontalScale *= scale;
images[i].verticalScale *= scale;


get current text frame width in indesign script

the below code gets the first text frame width in my doc. How can I get the active text frame Width in Indesign script? The image shows my problem.
function freamWidth() {
var frameRef = app.documents[0].textFrames[0];
var gBounds = frameRef.geometricBounds;
var y0 = gBounds[0];
var x0 = gBounds[1];
var y1 = gBounds[2];
var x1 = gBounds[3];
//do calculations
var frameWid = x1 - x0;
// var frameHgt = y1 - y0;
return frameWid;
This is more a question of how to retreive the parent text frame of a selection. You can usually do this via the parentTextFrames property of a text selection. You could optionally also include a check if the text frame itself is selected instead of some text within the text frame. So the following code should work for your scenario:
var tf;
var sel = app.selection[0];
if(sel.hasOwnProperty('baseline')) {
tf = sel.parentTextFrames[0];
} else if (sel instanceof TextFrame) {
tf = sel;
var tfWidth = tf.geometricBounds[3] - tf.geometricBounds[1];
alert("The text frame width is " + tfWidth);

How to add a 16x16 grid of pseudo-random tiles as a background in canvas (or other web language)

I have recently been working on a web based project using canvas on HTML5. The program consists of a 16x16 grid of tiles that have been pseudo-randomly generated. I am relatively new to canvas, but have built this program in several other environments, none of which however compile successfully to a web based language. this is the main code section that is giving me bother:
var A = 8765432352450986;
var B = 8765432352450986;
var M = 2576436549074795;
var X = 1;
var rx = 0;
var ry = 0;
this.image = new Image();
var i = 0;
var ii = 0;
while(i < 16)
while(ii < 16)
this.image = new Image();
this.image.src = "textures/grass.png";
x = (((A*X)+B)%M)%M;
if((x/2)%1 == 0)
this.image.src = "textures/grass.png";
if((x/8)%1 == 0)
this.image.src = "textures/hill.png";
if((x/21)%1 == 0)
this.image.src = "textures/trees.png";
if((x/24)%1 == 0)
this.image.src = "textures/sea.png";
if((x/55)%1 == 0)
this.image.src = "textures/mountain.png";
if((x/78)%1 == 0)
this.image.src = "textures/lake.png";
if((x/521)%1 == 0)
this.image.src = "textures/volcano.png";
if((x/1700)%1 == 0)
this.image.src = "textures/shrine.png";
if((x/1890)%1 == 0)
this.image.src = "textures/outpost.png";
if((x/1999)%1 == 0)
this.image.src = "textures/civ.png";
ctx = myGameArea.context;
ctx.drawImage(this.image,rx, ry, 20, 20);
ii ++;
rx += 20;
i ++;
rx = 0;
ry += 16;
I would like canvas to draw along the lines of this code above, effectively generating a grid like this
pre generated grid image
(please try and ignore the obvious bad tile drawings, I planned on either finding an artist or trying slightly harder on them when I get the game fully working.)
The black square is a separate movable object. I haven't got as far as implementing it in this version, but if you have any suggestions for it please tell me
in the full html file I have now, the canvas renders but none of the background (using the w3schools tutorials, I can make objects render however)
In short: how do I render a background consisting of a 16x16 grid of pseudo-random tiles on an event triggered or on page loaded, using canvas or if that does not work another web based technology
Thank you for your time.
A few problems but the main one is that you need to give an image some time to load before you can draw it to the canvas.
var image = new Image();
image.src = "image.png";
// at this line the image may or may not have loaded.
// If not loaded you can not draw it
To ensure an image has loaded you can add a onload event handler to the image
var image = new Image();
image.src = "image.png";
image.onload = function(){ ctx.drawImage(image,0,0); }
The onload function will be called after all the current code has run.
To load many images you want to know when all have loaded. One way to do this is to count the number of images you are loading, and then use the onload to count the number of images that have loaded. When the loaded count is the same as the loading count you know all have loaded and can then call a function to draw what you want with the images.
// Array of image names
const imageNames = "grass,hill,trees,sea,mountain,lake,volcano,shrine,outpost,civ".split(",");
const images = []; // array of images
const namedImages = {}; // object with named images
// counts of loaded and waiting toload images
var loadedCount = 0;
var imageCount = 0;
// tile sizes
const tileWidth = 20;
const tileHeight = 20;
// NOT SURE WHERE YOU GOT THIS FROM so have left it as you had in your code
// Would normally be from a canvas element via canvasElement.getContext("2d")
var ctx = myGameArea.context;
// seeded random function encapsulated in a singleton
// You can set the seed by passing it as an argument rand(seed) or
// just get the next random by not passing the argument. rand()
const rand = (function(){
const A = 8765432352450986;
const B = 8765432352450986; // This value should not be the same as A?? left as is so you get the same values
const M = 2576436549074795;
var seed = 1;
return (x = seed) => seed = ((A * x) + B) % M;
// function loads an image with name
function addImage(name){
const image = new Image;
image.src = "textures/" + name + ".png";
image.onload = () => {
loadedCount += 1;
if(loadedCount === imageCount){
if(typeof allImagesLoaded === "function"){
imageCount += 1;
namedImages[name] = image;
imageNames.forEach(addImage); // start loading all the images
// This function draws the tiles
function allImagesLoaded(){ /// function that is called when all the images have been loaded
var i, x, y, image;
for(i = 0; i < 256; i += 1){ // loop 16 by 16 times
images[Math.floor(rand()) % images.length]; //random function does not guarantee an integer so must floor
(i % 16) * tileWidth, // x position
Math.floor(i / 16) * tileHeight, // y position
tileWidth, tileHeight // width and height

how to check whether crop div covers rotated image?

I want to check whether cropping div covers images in it.Everything works fine when image is not rotated but after rotating image crop does not shows error msg...
Here is fiddle : Fiddle
function isCropValid(){
var $selector = $("#resizeDiv"); // cropping Div
var $img = $("#rotateDiv"); // image div
var $selectorW = $selector.width();
var $selectorH = $selector.height();
var $selectorX = $selector.offset().left ;
var $selectorY = $selector.offset().top ;
var $imgW = $img.width();
var $imgH = $img.height();
var $imgX = $img.offset().left;
var $imgY = $img.offset().top;
var diff_X = $selectorX - $imgX;
var diff_Y = $selectorY - $imgY;
if(diff_X+$selectorW > $imgW){
return false;
} else if(diff_Y+$selectorH > $imgH){
return false;
} else if($selectorX<$imgX){
return false;
} else if($selectorY<$imgY){
return false;
else {
return true;
or another function
function isCropValid(){
var el1 = document.getElementById("resizeDiv"); // cropDiv
var el2 = document.getElementById("rotateDiv"); // imageDiv
var cropdiv = el1.getBoundingClientRect();
var imgdiv = el2.getBoundingClientRect();
return (
(( <= && ( <= imgdiv.bottom)) &&
(( <= cropdiv.bottom) && (cropdiv.bottom <= imgdiv.bottom)) &&
((imgdiv.left <= cropdiv.left) && (cropdiv.left <= imgdiv.right)) &&
((imgdiv.left <= cropdiv.right) && (cropdiv.right <= imgdiv.right))
I above code i have one image inside div.if crop div gets out of this div i m showing label bg color red meaning crop is not correct otherwise i m showing label color green means crop is correct..
I think what you'll have to do is to calculate the positions of each of the 4 points of the image top-left top-right bottom-right and bottom-left, then do the same thing for the crop div something like this:
var $topLeftX=$selectorX-($selectorW/2)-($selectorH/2);
var $topLeftY=$selectorY-($selectorH/2)-($selectorW/2);
var $bottomLeftX=$selectorX-($selectorW/2)+($selectorH/2);
var $bottomLeftY=$selectorY+($selectorH/2)-($selectorW/2);
var $topRightX=$selectorX+($selectorW/2)-($selectorH/2);
var $topRightY=$selectorY-($selectorH/2)+($selectorW/2);
var $bottomRightX=$selectorX+($selectorW/2)+($selectorH/2);
var $bottomRightY=$selectorY+($selectorH/2)+($selectorW/2);
Then compare the corner points.
now the issue is with the corners of the image, as after rotation this will need some sine/cosine calculations.
you might want to take a look at this post: Find the coordinates of the corners of a rotated object in fabricjs
I think it will make your life much easier
So this is gonna be a big hack, but hey :-) The idea is to put the cut out behind the image, and then see whether the image overlaps the cut out on all four corners.
function cutoutIsOK() {
// Grab the cutout element and position it behind the image
var cutout = document.querySelector('#resizeDiv'); = -1;
// Grab the image
var image = document.querySelector('#rotateDiv img');
// Take the four corners of the cutout element
var cutoutRect = cutout.getBoundingClientRect();
var pos = [
[cutoutRect.right - 1,],
[cutoutRect.left, cutoutRect.bottom - 1],
[cutoutRect.right - 1, cutoutRect.bottom - 1]
// And verify that the image overlaps all four corners
var ok = pos.every(function(p) {
return document.elementFromPoint(p[0], p[1]) === image;
// Reset the cutout's z-index to make it visible again = 0;
return ok;

FCKEditor, adding width and height to img elements

I'm trying to add width and height to images that I have in old WYSIWYG FCKEditor.
The problem is, when I'm trying to get naturalWidth/Height that way I got 0 values.
What am I doing wrong?
here is the code:
var zaj = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('hometext');
pz = zaj.GetXHTML();
dom_zaj = document.createElement('div');
dom_zaj.innerHTML = pz;
$(dom_zaj).find('img').each(function(i, element) {
//var w_set = $(element).attr('width');
//var h_set = $(element).attr('height');
var w_native = element.naturalWidth;
var h_native = element.naturalHeight;
$(element).attr('width', w_native);
$(element).attr('height', h_native);
I manage to fix the problem on my own. Since the pic's where in editor, I had to load them manualy by myself using jquery.onload(); (and changed from width/height to css styles)
var $images = $(dom_zaj).find('img');
var imagesLength = $images.length;
var w_native = this.naturalWidth;
$(this).css('width', w_native+'px');
imagesLength = imagesLength-1;
if(imagesLength === 0){
pz = dom_zaj.innerHTML;
imagesLength = imagesLength-1;

ipad safari stops running code events (canvases with 1 image object) out of memory

(Yeah I'm from sweden so my english might not be perfect ;)
I have troubles with memory on the ipad. This code does not crash the broser, but it just stops. At some point it never goes in to any of the event handlers on the Image object. I have no clue why..? I have searched the forum and googled for a couple of days about workarounds. But they don't really fit what I am trying to achieve(?). (Because I only have 1 Image object).
What I have created is as follows:
1 main canvas which is visible to the user.
16 other canvases which I draw on.
1 Image Object which I load images with.
all images are pngs with alpha and have the following dimension 900x373 px. All the canvases have the same dimensions.
On the 16 other canvases there are drawn 8 images.
The purpose of this is to be able to rotate an object which has interchangable layers.
(1 angle is an object from a different angle, so it will look like it's rotating when the main loop runs.) The rotation is supposed to be controlled by touch/mouse but this should demonstrate what I want to achieve.
I know that this is a lot of code to look through and it might not be the best written code either since I'm a novice at javascript. However it does work fine on my laptop in chrome.
I've read something about events holding references to imageObjects and therefore they would not get GC'd. But does that imply here when I only have one Image Object ?
I also tried adding and removing the listeners with jquery syntax but no success.
It would be much appreciated if anyone would take the time to answer this.
Regards Oscar.
initialization of variables:
var drawingCanvas = null;
var context = null;
var numAngles = 8;
var angleStep = 32/ numAngles;
var canvasAngles = [];
var loadStatus = {};
var basePath = "assets_900/";
var layerPaths = [];
var layerPathsA = ["black/","v16/","f86/","fA00049/","fA00340/","fTG02/","fTG02/","fTJ02/"];
var layerPathsB = ["red/","v16/","f86/","fA00049/","fA00340/","fTG02/","fTG02/","fTJ02/"];
var layerPathsC = ["black/","v16/","f86/","fR134/","fA00340/","fTG02/","fTG02/","fTJ02/"];
var layerPathsD = ["red/","v16/","f86/","fR134/","fA00340/","fTG02/","fTG02/","fTJ02/"];
var layerPathsArr = [layerPathsA,layerPathsB,layerPathsC,layerPathsD];
layerPathsCounter = 0;
var numLayers = layerPaths.length;
var imageInit = null;
var SW = 900; //1920
var SH = 373; //796
var loopcounter = 0;
first setup of canvases and other stuf:
layerPaths = layerPathsArr[0];
drawingCanvas = document.getElementById('myDrawing');
context = drawingCanvas.getContext('2d');
for(var i = 0; i < numAngles; i++){
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvasContext.createImageData(SW, SH);
canvas.height = SH;
canvas.width = SW;
this will init the loop, and then it will never stop, it will jsut continue until mobile safari crashes:
this is a loop that loads images:
when it has loaded 8 images it draws them on one of the 16 canvases and then that canvas gets drawn on the visible canvas. then it loads a new angle and 8 new images , and so on...
function loadImage(pathIndex,layerIndex,angleIndex){
if(layerIndex < layerPaths.length ){
//logger.log("path :" + pathIndex +" lajr : "+ layerIndex + " angl: " + angleIndex);
imageInit = new Image();
imageInit.onload = function(){
var canvas = canvasAngles[angleIndex];
var canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvasContext.drawImage(imageInit,0, 0);
imageInit.onload = null;
imageInit.onerror = null;
imageInit.onabort = null;
imageInit.src = "";
imageInit = null;
delete imageInit;
imageInit.onerror = function(){
logger.log("Error loading, retrying....");
imageInit.onabort = function(){
logger.log("Error loading (aborted)");
var path = "";
if(pathIndex < 10){
path = basePath + layerPaths[layerIndex] + "img000"+ pathIndex + ".png";
path = basePath + layerPaths[layerIndex] + "img00"+ pathIndex + ".png";
imageInit.src = path;
if(angleIndex > numAngles-2){
logger.log("turns : " + loopcounter++ +" C: " + layerPathsCounter);
if(layerPathsCounter > layerPathsArr.length-1){
layerPathsCounter = 0;
layerPaths = layerPathsArr[layerPathsCounter];
heres a couple of helper functions :
function clearCanvases(){
for(var i = 0; i < numAngles; i++){
var canvas = canvasAngles[i];
var canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvasContext.clearRect(0,0,drawingCanvas.width, drawingCanvas.height);
function displayAngle(index){
context.clearRect(0,0,drawingCanvas.width, drawingCanvas.height);
var canvas = canvasAngles[index];
<body >
<canvas id="myDrawing" width="900" height="373">
<p>Your browser doesn't support canvas. (HEHE)</p>
It seems like you can only load ~6.5 mb in one tab. And as far as I know there is no way to free up this memory (?)
this will load about 13 500kb imqages on an ipad and then stop..,

