FCKEditor, adding width and height to img elements - javascript

I'm trying to add width and height to images that I have in old WYSIWYG FCKEditor.
The problem is, when I'm trying to get naturalWidth/Height that way I got 0 values.
What am I doing wrong?
here is the code:
var zaj = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('hometext');
pz = zaj.GetXHTML();
dom_zaj = document.createElement('div');
dom_zaj.innerHTML = pz;
$(dom_zaj).find('img').each(function(i, element) {
//var w_set = $(element).attr('width');
//var h_set = $(element).attr('height');
var w_native = element.naturalWidth;
var h_native = element.naturalHeight;
$(element).attr('width', w_native);
$(element).attr('height', h_native);

I manage to fix the problem on my own. Since the pic's where in editor, I had to load them manualy by myself using jquery.onload(); (and changed from width/height to css styles)
var $images = $(dom_zaj).find('img');
var imagesLength = $images.length;
var w_native = this.naturalWidth;
$(this).css('width', w_native+'px');
imagesLength = imagesLength-1;
if(imagesLength === 0){
pz = dom_zaj.innerHTML;
imagesLength = imagesLength-1;


adobe illustrator script- printing custom size paper

we have at work an HP plotter and I'm trying to make a script that will print the job with the right paper size.
the width of the paper is 900mm and the height can be set as we want it to be but we have to do it manualy for every job.
I have written a script that prints the job on the HP plotter but I can't find a way to chek the artboard size to detrmain the printing orientation and print it at the size of the artboard + some space for the cutting.
here is what I have now:
var Doc = app.activeDocument;
var abActive = Doc.artboards[Doc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex()];
var bounds = abActive.artboardRect;
var left = bounds[0];
var top = bounds[1];
var right = bounds[2];
var bottom = bounds[3];
var Pheight = right - left;
//Lexmark 1
//HP 2
var Lexmark = app.printerList[1].name;
var HP = app.printerList[2].name;
var PaperA3 = printerList[2].printerInfo.paperSizes[1];
var printJobOptions = new PrintJobOptions();
var options = new PrintOptions();
var coordinateOptions = new PrintCoordinateOptions();
//coordinateOptions.fitToPage = true;
coordinateOptions.orientation = PrintOrientation.AUTOROTATE ;
options.coordinateOptions = coordinateOptions;
var printPaperOpts = new PrintPaperOptions();
printPaperOpts.name = PaperA3;
printPaperOpts.height = 600;
options.paperOptions = printPaperOpts;
options.printerName = HP;
options.printPreset = "HP";
Not sure if understand the problem a whole. Probably it's need to clarify some details.
For example here is the snippet to get a size of the active artboard and its orientation:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var artboard = doc.artboards[doc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex()];
const mm = 2.834645669;
var bounds = artboard.artboardRect;
var width = Math.round((bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / mm);
var height = Math.round((bounds[1] - bounds[3]) / mm);
var landscape = (width > height) ? true : false;
alert('height = ' + height + ' mm\nwidth = ' + width + ' mm\nlandscape: ' + landscape);
This way you can get the numbers. The code is quite simple and obvious.
Is it enough? Let me know if you need help.
I made a script that will set a preset depending on the artboard size but it's not working and not because of my script. For some reason illustrator sets the paper size to A4 even when I set a diffrent size in the preset.
From reading online it has to be a problem with the printer drivers.

Rotate image on lightbox2 load

I would like to detect EXIF rotation information when lightbox shows an image and apply CSS for rotation.
I use thumbnails with img src attribute value of base64 encoded image data (I use no href attribute for link to original image)
I do not have the option to use server-side code.
It would be best if it happened just before render. Are there any events in lightbox2 like onPreShow or onLoad ?
I had to modify the preloader.onload handler inside the Lightbox.prototype.changeImage function.
I added the orientation detection code before this code:
imgHeight and imgWidth are swapped and css is added in my code if image orientation is landscape.
$preloader = $(preloader);
var imgHeight = preloader.height;
var imgWidth = preloader.width;
EXIF.getData(preloader, function() {
var rotation = EXIF.getTag(this, "Orientation");
if (rotation == 6 || rotation == 8) {
var css = exif2css(rotation);
if (css.transform) {
$image[0].style.transform = css.transform;
if (css['transform-origin']) {
$image[0].style['transform-origin'] = css['transform-origin'];
var tmp = imgHeight;
imgHeight = imgWidth;
imgWidth = tmp;
} else {
//clear css
$image[0].style.transform = "";
$image[0].style['transform-origin'] = "";
if (self.options.fitImagesInViewport) {

Javascript issue on resizing Divs

I kindly ask if someone can look at this c0de and tell me why it doesn't work.
It's fairly simple, I need to calculate the dive size because I want it to resize accordingly
With page width. Keeping Div1 and Div3 at a fixed size and make it dynamically for Div2.
The fiddle is here: http://jsfiddle.net/yMcXm/89/
Thanks a lot
$(document).ready(function() {
var cw = $('#container').width();
var d1 = $('#d1').width();
var d3 = $('#d3').width();
$(window).resize(function() {
var cw = $('#container').width();
var d1 = $('#d1').width();
var d3 = $('#d3').width();
You should change your JS to this (wrong selector (you use # (id) instead of . (class))).
$(document).ready(function() {
var cw = $('#container').width();
var d1 = $('.d1').width();
var d3 = $('.d3').width();
$(window).resize(function() {
var cw = $('#container').width();
var d1 = $('.d1').width();
var d3 = $('.d3').width();
You should also mind the margins and paddings $(".d2").width(cw-d1-d3-12);!
Why not use a CSS solution: check your updated Fiddle

webGL story sphere popups

I am trying to adapt the really cool looking WebGL Story Sphere, source code and css here. There's one big problem: once you click on a news article, the text of the article in the popup is always the same. I want to modify the code so that when you click on an article, the right text appears in the popup.
I'm working from a set of article texts that I specify in the code, e.g. var captions = ["good","better","best"]. Though the article titles and images populate correctly in the popup, I can't get the text to do so. Can you help me?? Here's what I've got:
// function code
var passvar = null; // failed attempt to store texts for later
function initialize() {
math = tdl.math;
fast = tdl.fast;
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
g_fpsTimer = new tdl.fps.FPSTimer();
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", handleMouseDown, false);
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove, false);
canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseUp, false);
// Create a canvas 2d for making textures with text.
g_canvas2d = document.createElement('canvas');
window.two2w = window.two2h = g_tilesize;
g_canvas2d.width = two2w;
g_canvas2d.height = two2h;
g_ctx2d = g_canvas2d.getContext("2d");
window.gl = wu.create3DContext(canvas);
if (g_debug) {
gl = wd.makeDebugContext(gl, undefined, LogGLCall);
//gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, gl.TRUE);
// Here is where I specify article titles, images, captions
// Titles and images populate the popup correctly, captions don't...
var titles = ["a","b","c"];
var captions = ["good","better","best"];
var images = ['imagesphere/assets/1.jpg',
var headlines = titles.concat( titles);
var blurbs = captions.concat( captions);
var tmpImages = [];
var tmpHeadlines = [];
var tmpCaptions = [];
// make a bunch of textures.
for (var ii = 0; ii < g_imagesDownGrid; ++ii) {
var textures = [];
for (var jj = 0; jj < g_imagesAcrossGrid; ++jj) {
var imgTexture = new ImgTexture();
if (tmpImages.length == 0) {
tmpImages = images.slice();
if (tmpHeadlines.length == 0) {
tmpHeadlines = headlines.slice();
if (tmpCaptions.length == 0) {
tmpCaptions = blurbs.slice();
var rando = math.randomInt(tmpImages.length);
var img = tmpImages.splice(rando, 1)[0];
var headline = tmpHeadlines.splice(rando, 1)[0];
var caption = tmpCaptions.splice(rando, 1)[0];
passvar = caption;
if (img.indexOf('videoplay.jpg') > -1){
window.vidtexture = imgTexture;
images = images.slice(1); // dont use that thumb again.
headlines = 'WebGL Brings Video To the Party as Well'
imgTexture.load(img, /* "[" + jj + "/" + ii + "]" + */ headline);
// And here's where I try to put this in a popup, finally
// But passvar, the stored article text, never refreshes!!!
<div id="story" class="prettybox" style="display:none">
<img class="close" src="imagesphere/assets/close.png">
<div id="storyinner">
<input id = "mytext">
<script>document.getElementById("mytext").value = passvar;</script>
And here is my click handler code:
function sphereClick(e){
window.console && console.log('click!', e, e.timeStamp);
var selected = g_textures[sel.y][sel.x];
window.selected = selected;
animateGL('eyeRadius', glProp('eyeRadius'), 4, 500);
var wwidth = $(window).width(),
wheight = $(window).height(),
story = $('#story').width( ~~(wwidth / 7 * 4) ).height( ~~(wheight / 6 * 5) ),
width = story.width(),
height = story.height(),
miniwidth = 30;
left : e.pageX,
top : e.pageY,
marginLeft : - width / 2,
marginTop : - height / 2
}).appendTo($body); // we remove and put back on the DOM to reset it to the correct position.
$('<style class="anim story">')
.text( '.storyopen #story { left : ' + (wwidth / 3 * 2) + 'px !important; top : ' + wheight / 2 + 'px !important; }' )
} // eo sphereClick()
There's a lot wrong here, but here's a start. It won't solve your problem, but it will help you avoid issues like this.
var passvar = null; is a global variable.
Your loop for (var ii = 0; ... sets that global variable to a new value on every iteration.
Later, you click something and the global variable passvar is never changed.
If you want to use this pattern, you need to set passvar from your click handler so it has the value that was clicked. Since you didn't actually post your click handlers, it's hard to advise more.
But this is also a bad pattern, functions take arguments for a good reason. Since you have to find your clicked item in the click handler anyway, why not pass it directly which does involve a shared global variable at all?
var handleMouseUp = function(event) {
var story = findClickedThing(event);
if (obj) {
showPopup(story.texture, story.caption);
Which brings me to this:
var titles = ["a","b","c"];
var captions = ["good","better","best"];
var images = ['imagesphere/assets/1.jpg',
When you have 3 arrays, all of the same length, each array describing a different property of an object, you are doing it wrong. What you want, is one array of objects instead.
var stories = [
title: "a",
caption: "good",
image: "imagesphere/assets/1.jpg"
}, {
title: "b",
caption: "better",
image: "imagesphere/assets/bp/2.jpg"
}, {
title: "c",
caption: "best",
image: "imagesphere/assets/bp/3.jpg"
console.log(stories[1].caption); // "better"
Now once you find the clicked object, you can just ask it what it's caption is. And you can pass the whole object to the popup maker. And no field is handled differently or passed around in a different manner, because you are not passing around the fields. You are passsing the entire object.

ipad safari stops running code events (canvases with 1 image object) out of memory

(Yeah I'm from sweden so my english might not be perfect ;)
I have troubles with memory on the ipad. This code does not crash the broser, but it just stops. At some point it never goes in to any of the event handlers on the Image object. I have no clue why..? I have searched the forum and googled for a couple of days about workarounds. But they don't really fit what I am trying to achieve(?). (Because I only have 1 Image object).
What I have created is as follows:
1 main canvas which is visible to the user.
16 other canvases which I draw on.
1 Image Object which I load images with.
all images are pngs with alpha and have the following dimension 900x373 px. All the canvases have the same dimensions.
On the 16 other canvases there are drawn 8 images.
The purpose of this is to be able to rotate an object which has interchangable layers.
(1 angle is an object from a different angle, so it will look like it's rotating when the main loop runs.) The rotation is supposed to be controlled by touch/mouse but this should demonstrate what I want to achieve.
I know that this is a lot of code to look through and it might not be the best written code either since I'm a novice at javascript. However it does work fine on my laptop in chrome.
I've read something about events holding references to imageObjects and therefore they would not get GC'd. But does that imply here when I only have one Image Object ?
I also tried adding and removing the listeners with jquery syntax but no success.
It would be much appreciated if anyone would take the time to answer this.
Regards Oscar.
initialization of variables:
var drawingCanvas = null;
var context = null;
var numAngles = 8;
var angleStep = 32/ numAngles;
var canvasAngles = [];
var loadStatus = {};
var basePath = "assets_900/";
var layerPaths = [];
var layerPathsA = ["black/","v16/","f86/","fA00049/","fA00340/","fTG02/","fTG02/","fTJ02/"];
var layerPathsB = ["red/","v16/","f86/","fA00049/","fA00340/","fTG02/","fTG02/","fTJ02/"];
var layerPathsC = ["black/","v16/","f86/","fR134/","fA00340/","fTG02/","fTG02/","fTJ02/"];
var layerPathsD = ["red/","v16/","f86/","fR134/","fA00340/","fTG02/","fTG02/","fTJ02/"];
var layerPathsArr = [layerPathsA,layerPathsB,layerPathsC,layerPathsD];
layerPathsCounter = 0;
var numLayers = layerPaths.length;
var imageInit = null;
var SW = 900; //1920
var SH = 373; //796
var loopcounter = 0;
first setup of canvases and other stuf:
layerPaths = layerPathsArr[0];
drawingCanvas = document.getElementById('myDrawing');
context = drawingCanvas.getContext('2d');
for(var i = 0; i < numAngles; i++){
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvasContext.createImageData(SW, SH);
canvas.height = SH;
canvas.width = SW;
this will init the loop, and then it will never stop, it will jsut continue until mobile safari crashes:
this is a loop that loads images:
when it has loaded 8 images it draws them on one of the 16 canvases and then that canvas gets drawn on the visible canvas. then it loads a new angle and 8 new images , and so on...
function loadImage(pathIndex,layerIndex,angleIndex){
if(layerIndex < layerPaths.length ){
//logger.log("path :" + pathIndex +" lajr : "+ layerIndex + " angl: " + angleIndex);
imageInit = new Image();
imageInit.onload = function(){
var canvas = canvasAngles[angleIndex];
var canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvasContext.drawImage(imageInit,0, 0);
imageInit.onload = null;
imageInit.onerror = null;
imageInit.onabort = null;
imageInit.src = "";
imageInit = null;
delete imageInit;
imageInit.onerror = function(){
logger.log("Error loading, retrying....");
imageInit.onabort = function(){
logger.log("Error loading (aborted)");
var path = "";
if(pathIndex < 10){
path = basePath + layerPaths[layerIndex] + "img000"+ pathIndex + ".png";
path = basePath + layerPaths[layerIndex] + "img00"+ pathIndex + ".png";
imageInit.src = path;
if(angleIndex > numAngles-2){
logger.log("turns : " + loopcounter++ +" C: " + layerPathsCounter);
if(layerPathsCounter > layerPathsArr.length-1){
layerPathsCounter = 0;
layerPaths = layerPathsArr[layerPathsCounter];
heres a couple of helper functions :
function clearCanvases(){
for(var i = 0; i < numAngles; i++){
var canvas = canvasAngles[i];
var canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvasContext.clearRect(0,0,drawingCanvas.width, drawingCanvas.height);
function displayAngle(index){
context.clearRect(0,0,drawingCanvas.width, drawingCanvas.height);
var canvas = canvasAngles[index];
<body >
<canvas id="myDrawing" width="900" height="373">
<p>Your browser doesn't support canvas. (HEHE)</p>
It seems like you can only load ~6.5 mb in one tab. And as far as I know there is no way to free up this memory (?)
this will load about 13 500kb imqages on an ipad and then stop..,

