Issue with replacing hexadecimal escape sequences in a string in Javascript - javascript

I'm trying to fix a string which has some encoding characters in it.
I thought I should be able to match the hex characters of the special characters and convert them back to a normal character.
Here is my example code:
let str = "url('https\3a //');";
str = str.replace(/\x5C\x33\x61\x20/g,":"); // equivalent to '\3a '
I expected the output to be url('https://'); but I actually got url('https a //');
What am I missing? jsfiddle here. Is this some sort of multi byte character issue? I looked at the resulting string in a hex editor and the replaced characters seem to be \x03\x61\x20 rather than the expected \x3A.
EDIT: why has this been down voted? It is a fair question isn't it?

Is the code that you use really needs to be in this form?
I got the desired result using "3a".
str = "url('https\3a //');";
str = str.replace(/\3a /g,":"); // equivalent to '\3a '
//result: url('https://');


Why the .replace() and toUppercase() did not work in the second function? [duplicate]

I want to replace the smart quotes like ‘, ’, “ and ” to regular quotes. Also, I wanted to replace the ©, ® and ™. I used the following code. But it doesn't help.
Kindly help me to resolve this issue.
str.replace(/[“”]/g, '"');
str.replace(/[‘’]/g, "'");
str = str.replace(/[“”]/g, '"');
str = str.replace(/[‘’]/g, "'");
or to do it in one statement:
str = str.replace(/[“”]/g, '"').replace(/[‘’]/g,"'");
In JavaScript (as in many other languages) strings are immutable - string "replacement" methods actually just return the new string instead of modifying the string in place.
The MDN JavaScript reference entry for replace states:
Returns a new string with some or all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement.
This method does not change the String object it is called on. It simply returns a new string.
replace return the resulting string
str = str.replace(/["']/, '');
The OP doesn't say why it isn't working, but there seems to be problems related to the encoding of the file. If I have an ANSI encoded file and I do:
var s = "“This is a test” ‘Another test’";
s = s.replace(/[“”]/g, '"').replace(/[‘’]/g,"'");
I get:
"This is a test" "Another test"
I converted the encoding to UTF-8, fixed the smart quotes (which broke when I changed encoding), then converted back to ANSI and the problem went away.
Note that when I copied and pasted the double and single smart quotes off this page into my test document (ANSI encoded) and ran this code:
var s = "“This is a test” ‘Another test’";
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
document.writeln(s.charAt(i) + '=' + s.charCodeAt(i));
I discovered that all the smart quotes showed up as ? = 63.
So, to the OP, determine where the smart quotes are originating and make sure they are the character codes you expect them to be. If they are not, consider changing the encoding of the source so they arrive as “ = 8220, ” = 8221, ‘ = 8216 and ’ = 8217. Use my loop to examine the source, if the smart quotes are showing up with any charCodeAt() values other than those I've listed, replace() will not work as written.
To replace all regular quotes with smart quotes, I am using a similar function. You must specify the CharCode as some different computers/browsers default settings may identify the plain characters differently ("",",',').
Using the CharCode with call the ASCII character, which will eliminate the room for error across different browsers, and operating systems. This is also helpful for bilingual use (accents, etc.).
To replace smart quotes with SINGLE QUOTES
function unSmartQuotify(n){
var name = n;
var apos = String.fromCharCode(39);
while (n.indexOf("'") > -1)
name = name.replace("'" , apos);
return name;
To find the other ASCII values you may need. Check here.

replace multiple words in string based on an array [duplicate]

I want to replace the smart quotes like ‘, ’, “ and ” to regular quotes. Also, I wanted to replace the ©, ® and ™. I used the following code. But it doesn't help.
Kindly help me to resolve this issue.
str.replace(/[“”]/g, '"');
str.replace(/[‘’]/g, "'");
str = str.replace(/[“”]/g, '"');
str = str.replace(/[‘’]/g, "'");
or to do it in one statement:
str = str.replace(/[“”]/g, '"').replace(/[‘’]/g,"'");
In JavaScript (as in many other languages) strings are immutable - string "replacement" methods actually just return the new string instead of modifying the string in place.
The MDN JavaScript reference entry for replace states:
Returns a new string with some or all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement.
This method does not change the String object it is called on. It simply returns a new string.
replace return the resulting string
str = str.replace(/["']/, '');
The OP doesn't say why it isn't working, but there seems to be problems related to the encoding of the file. If I have an ANSI encoded file and I do:
var s = "“This is a test” ‘Another test’";
s = s.replace(/[“”]/g, '"').replace(/[‘’]/g,"'");
I get:
"This is a test" "Another test"
I converted the encoding to UTF-8, fixed the smart quotes (which broke when I changed encoding), then converted back to ANSI and the problem went away.
Note that when I copied and pasted the double and single smart quotes off this page into my test document (ANSI encoded) and ran this code:
var s = "“This is a test” ‘Another test’";
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
document.writeln(s.charAt(i) + '=' + s.charCodeAt(i));
I discovered that all the smart quotes showed up as ? = 63.
So, to the OP, determine where the smart quotes are originating and make sure they are the character codes you expect them to be. If they are not, consider changing the encoding of the source so they arrive as “ = 8220, ” = 8221, ‘ = 8216 and ’ = 8217. Use my loop to examine the source, if the smart quotes are showing up with any charCodeAt() values other than those I've listed, replace() will not work as written.
To replace all regular quotes with smart quotes, I am using a similar function. You must specify the CharCode as some different computers/browsers default settings may identify the plain characters differently ("",",',').
Using the CharCode with call the ASCII character, which will eliminate the room for error across different browsers, and operating systems. This is also helpful for bilingual use (accents, etc.).
To replace smart quotes with SINGLE QUOTES
function unSmartQuotify(n){
var name = n;
var apos = String.fromCharCode(39);
while (n.indexOf("'") > -1)
name = name.replace("'" , apos);
return name;
To find the other ASCII values you may need. Check here.

Regex find string and replace that line and following lines

I am trying to find a regex to achieve the following criteria which I need to use in javascript.
Input file
some string is here and above this line
:61:1710050926C167,XXNCHKXXXXX 11111//111111/111111
Output has to be
some string is here and above this line
:61:1710050926C167,XXNCHKXXXXX 11111//111111/111111
Briefly, find :62M: and then replace (and delete) the lines starting with :62M: followed by lines starting with :20:, :25:, :28c: and :60M:.
Or, find :62M: and replace (and delete) until the line starting with :61:.
Each line has fixed length of 80 characters followed by newline (CR LF).
Is this really possible with regex?
I know how to find a string and replace the same line where the string is. But here multiple lines to be removed which is quite hard for me.
Please could someone help me out if it is possible with regex.
Here it is. First I'm finding text to delete using regex (note that I'm using [^]* to match all the lines insted of .*, as it also matches newlines). Then I'm replacing it with a newline.
var regex = /:62M:.*([^]*):61:.*/;
var text = `some string is here and above this line
:61:1710050926C167,XXNCHKXXXXX 11111//111111/111111`;
var textToDelete = regex.exec(text)[1];
var result = text.replace(textToDelete, '\n');

How to ignore escape characters in javascript?

I have the following string:
var str = '\x27';
I have no control on it, so I cannot write it as '\\x27' for example. Whenever I print it, i get:
since 27 is the apostrophe. When I call .length on it, it gives me 1. This is of course correct, but how can I treat it like a not escaped string and have it print literally
and give me a length of 4?
I'm not sure if you should do what you are trying to do, but this is how it works:
var s = '\x27';
var sEncoded = '\\x' + s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
s is a string that contains one character, the apostrophe. The character code as a hexadecimal number is 27.
After the assignment var str = '\x27';, you can't tell where the contents of str came from. There's no way to find out whether a string literal was assigned, or whether the string literal contained an escape sequence. All you have is a string containing a single apostrophe character (Unicode code point U+0027). The original assignment could have been
var str = '\x27'; // or
var str = "'"; // or
var str = String.fromCodePoint(3 * 13);
There's simply no way to tell.
That said, your question looks like an XY problem. Why are you trying to print \x27 in the first place?

Splitting string with javascript using '>' character

I acknowledge that this question has probably been asked so many times before and I have tried searching all over StackOverflow for a solution, but so far nothing has worked for me.
I want to split a string but it's not working properly and spitting out individual characters as each item in an array. The string I have from my CMS uses ">" characters to separate and I am using regEx to replace the 'greater than' symbol - with a comma, which works. Sourced this solution from Regex that detects greater than ">" and less than "<" in a string
However, the arrays remain incorrectly formed, like the split() function does not even work:
var myString = "TEST Public Libraries Connect > News Blog > A new item"
var regEx = /<|>/g;
var myNewString = (myString.replace(regEx,","))
I've put it up in a Fiddle as well, just confused as to why the split won't work properly. Is it because there is spaces in the string?
This should work:
var myNewString = myString.split(">");
In your fiddle, you were splitting myNewString instead of the actual string.
You need to assign the result of the split to something. It does not just change the string itself into an array.
var parts = myNewString.split(",");

