How to re direct to google search within chrome extension? - javascript

I would like to redirect a search query to google from a chrome extension but google/chrome does not allow it.
I'm to ask a simple link that will redirect to the following: But since my domain is (for example) I cannot redirect to but just to redirect to And also allow people to search themselves within google chrome extension and simply redirect them to google.
I was thinking of doing some kind of simple re directing in server side? For example - getting in my site and redirecting to
Does anybody have an idea how to solve it?


Is there a way to allow Google OAuth on dynamic URLs?

I'm trying to write a chrome extension that runs on every page of a website (think Reddit, YouTube, etc.)
I can inject my chrome extension into these pages fine but I cannot get the Google Sign In button to work since, obviously, dynamic URLs are not allowed by Google.
Is there a way to have my log in button redirect to a static domain that's known by Google OAuth so that authentication is successful and then somehow send the resulting BasicProfile back to the original application?
Alternatively, is there an easier way to get this information? All I want is the basic information(name, imageURL).
For reference, I am using React in my project and I currently have my sign in button set up with react-google-login.
Thank you so much in advance!

Google authorization window - change application name

I'm using google calendar in my web, so I need users to authorizate it to access google calendar.
The problem is, when I generate the url which shows you to login into google to let my application to access the calendar, it says "", not my application name.
I'm pretty sure I've configured everything in google developers console. I've chosen a product name, a main page url, a logo url... But it keeps showing amazonaws (I guess it takes that name because the webhook redirects to a domain)
How can I solve my problem? Thanks in advance.
PS: I'm generating the url with google nodejs's sdk, I don't know if that could be relevant.
You can change this in Credential Page of the developer console.
Once you changed it will reflect. Try testing it on OAuth 2.0 playground
Hope this helps.

Why can't I get the full URL from a Google search

I search Google for a phrase which brings up my website.
Google shows a URL similar to
This brings up my website. On the landing page of my website, I have the following javascript
This shows me the value
No querystring!
Research suggests the issue is likely due to my website being HTTP but both Google and my website use HTTPS
Why can I not get the search phrase from the query string?
Based upon the links I've been provided (thanks) I can see what you are claiming the issue is. Google doesn't allow it! However, I'm not sure I agree with this - there are many web analytical programs which provide this information. The company I have used (which admittedly can only provide keywords for 5% of all visitors) can do this... And I only embed some javascript. I can only assume it's because visitors can home HTTP:://google as opposed to HTTPS::google
have a look at this document:
It apparently has something to do with google running HTTPS. on my local tomcat server running HTTP, i get
http://servername/tools/errorlog.jsp?env=Prod&logType=EXTAUTHLOG when running
alert(document.referrer) in a console
Duplicate of:
How can I get the correct referer via JavaScript if the referrer uses https? ??

How to get user's default search engine on iOS and Android?

Can I get users's default Search Engine on iOS and Android?
I heard the followings:
but, it doesn't work.
Someone,pls help me...........
try this code
I haven't yet been able to make the setSearchEngine() function work because for some reason I don't have permission to do so (i.e., canSetSearchEngine() returns false).
I know the Yahoo code works so it appears that it must be possible to do. I wonder if the js file has to be hosted on a whitelisted domain related to the selected search engine. IOW - perhaps only js code served from a yahoo, google, or bing domain has permission to call the setSearchEngine() function.

How get url of current page with javascript in google sites?

How can I get the url of the current page with javascript in Google Sites?
I need to get the full url of current page with all parameters.
window.location.href return http://nosuchhost.invalid:80.
It happens in Google Sites only, in Google blogs window.location.href works fine.
You can't run javascript in a google site.
It won't work as I don't think Google Sites will ever offer JavaScript.
What you have to remember is that your Google Site is always at a address and, therefore, many people, firewalls and virus
checkers automatically trust everything at a address:
Javacript can deliver malicious code, so it's never going to happen.
You should be able to add the javascript through a gadget.
As Steegle has noted, we won't be adding JavaScript anytime soon to
the capabilities of Sites.

