Regex for a combination of alphanumeric characters and range of numbers - javascript

I need a regex for PORT input, it must allow only inputs like this:
gei_1/8 or xgei-0/7/0/5
-It must allow underscore and hyphen only at the start: gei_1 or xgei-0
-Then it must allow two digit numbers within a range of 0-48, separated by forward slash with no spaces between them. No more than three numbers: /7/0/48
-It cannot allow forward slash or anything at the end
Right now, I have the following Regex for the alphanumeric part: /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*(?:_[A-Za-z0-9]+)*$/
For the number part I have: ^(\d|1\d|2\d|3\d|4[0-8])\/(\d|1\d|2\d|3\d|4[0-8])\/(\d|1\d|2\d|3\d|4[0-8])$
Thanks for the help

To repeat the forward slash 1 - 3 times you could use a range to match 0-48 and repeat that 1-3 times using a quantifier {1,3}
The full pattern could look like
Regex demo


regex to not allow two zeros in the end of a number

I am trying to implement input number field which will not allow if number end with two 0's i.e. if I enter 23100 then it should not allow it.
I'm using the regex /^[0-9]*00$/ but it allowing 123100.
I have pasted my code
enter code here
You may use
It will match
^ - start of string
(?!\d*00$) - a negative lookahead that makes sure no 0+ digits followed with 00 at the end are allowed
\d+ - one or more digits
$ - end of string
Updated now to now use look-behinds or look-aheads.
try this.
This will work for numbers like
any number with 2 or more 0's at the end doesn't match in this case

Regex for a valid hashtag

I need regular expression for validating a hashtag. Each hashtag should starts with hashtag("#").
Valid inputs:
1. #hashtag_abc
2. #simpleHashtag
3. #hashtag123
Invalid inputs:
1. #hashtag#
2. #hashtag#hashtag
I have been trying with this regex /#[a-zA-z0-9]/ but it is accepting invalid inputs also.
Any suggestions for how to do it?
The current accepted answer fails in a few places:
It accepts hashtags that have no letters in them (i.e. "#11111", "#___" both pass).
It will exclude hashtags that are separated by spaces ("hey there #friend" fails to match "#friend").
It doesn't allow you to place a min/max length on the hashtag.
It doesn't offer a lot of flexibility if you decide to add other symbols/characters to your valid input list.
Try the following regex:
It'll close up the above edge cases, and furthermore:
You can change {1,30} to your desired min/max
You can add other symbols to the [0-9_] and [a-zA-Z0-9_] blocks if you wish to later
Here's a link to the demo.
To answer the current question...
There are 2 issues:
[A-z] allows more than just letter chars ([, , ], ^, _, ` )
There is no quantifier after the character class and it only matches 1 char
Since you are validating the whole string, you also need anchors (^ and $)to ensure a full string match:
See the regex demo.
If you want to extract specific valid hashtags from longer texts...
This is a bonus section as a lot of people seek to extract (not validate) hashtags, so here are a couple of solutions for you. Just mind that \w in JavaScript (and a lot of other regex libraries) equal to [a-zA-Z0-9_]:
#\w{1,30}\b - a # char followed with one to thirty word chars followed with a word boundary
\B#\w{1,30}\b - a # char that is either at the start of string or right after a non-word char, then one to thirty word (i.e. letter, digit, or underscore) chars followed with one to thirty word chars followed with a word boundary
\B#(?![\d_]+\b)(\w{1,30})\b - # that is either at the start of string or right after a non-word char, then one to thirty word (i.e. letter, digit, or underscore) chars (that cannot be just digits/underscores) followed with a word boundary
And last but not least, here is a Twitter hashtag regex from Sorry, too long to paste in the SO post, here it is:
You could try the this : /#[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/
This will only include letters, numbers & underscores.
A regex code that matches any hashtag.
In this approach any character is accepted in hashtags except main signs !##$%^&*()
Usage Notes
Turn on "g" and "m" flags when using!
It is tested for Java and JavaScript languages via and VSCode tools.
It is available on this repo.
Unicode general categories can help with that task:
I use \p{L} and \p{Nd} unicode categories to match any letter or decimal digit number. You can add any necessary category for your regex. The complete list of categories can be found here:
Regex live demo:
useful and tested regex for detecting hashtags in the text
examples of valid matching hashtag:
allow any language characters or characters with numbers or _.
numbers alone or numbers with _ are not allowed.
It's unicode regex, so if you are using Python, you may need to install regex.
to test it

business phone regex containing if-else expression

I am trying to write business phone number regex in javascript, my requirements are:
It should contain only digits,dashes and whitespaces
It should not end with - but can end with whitespaces
There should be only 1 - between two groups
It should match numbers with and without - like 1, 123, 678-78
I have tried following regex but it fails for 123-- as it is invalid one anybody please suggest me something
/^([ ]*[0-9]+[-]?[0-9 ]*?([-])[ ]*[0-9]+[ ]*|[0-9 ]*[ ]*)+$/.test('123--2')
Try this
I don't know if you still need an answer to this, but this works for your requirements:
^ start of string
(?!.+-\s*$) disallow - (or - followed by whitespace) at the end of the string
\s* optional leading spaces
( start capturing
(?:\d+\s*-?\s*)+ one or more groups of the following:
one or more digits,
possibly followed by whitespace,
possibly followed by a single hyphen,
possibly followed by more whitespace
) stop capturing
$ end of the string

Validating phone number using regex with support for multuple numbers

I am not very experienced with regex and I need to validate phone numbers using javascript.
I have a textbox which need to be allowed to accept multiple phone numbers with a delimiter of ';' and the characters that can be allowed for the phone numbers are
Could someone help me on how I can acheive this using javascript and regex/ regular expressions?
I tried the following:
Am not sure if this is correct.
You have placed - in wrong place so, your regex is not working.
Try this(your RegEx, but slightly modified):
To include a hyphen within a character class then you must do one of the following:
escape the hyphen and use \-,
place hyphen either at the beginning or at the end of the character class.
As the hyphen is used for specifying a range of characters. So, regex engine understands [0-9-+;]+ match any of the characters between 0 to 9, 9 to +(all characters having decimal code-point 57[char 9] to 43[char +] and it fails) and ;.
To be a bit more restrictive, you could use the following regexp:
What it will match:
What it won't match:
How about this ^([0-9\-\+]{5,15};?)+$
^ #Match the start of the line
[0-9\-\+] #Allow any digit or a +/- (escaped)
{5,15} #Length restriction of between 5 and 15 (change as needed)
;? #An optional semicolon
+ #Pattern can be repeat once or more
$ #Until the end of the line
Only as restrictive as specified could be tighter, See it working here.
Your regex will match what you allow, but I would be a bit more restrictive:
See it here on Regexr
That means match an optional "+" followed by a series of digits and dashes. Then there can be any amount of additional numbers starting with a semicolon, then the same pattern than for the first number.

JS Regex to allow only numbers, semicolon and hyphen

I am building an application which should accept strings only with the following formats:
12345 (only a number)
12345;23456 (two or more numbers separated by ;)
12345-12367 (a range of numbers separated by a -)
The java script regex should allow only the above formats & shouldn't accept any other formats or symbols . Can anyone come up with a regex for this?
This is the RegExp that you need: /^\d+((;\d+)*|-\d+)?$/
(;\d+)* will check for multiple numbers separated by ";"
-\d+ will check for a range
That should work
[0-9]+ matches 1 or more digits
[;-] matches a ; or a -
(...)? is an optional match
^ anchors the start and $ anchors the end of the string
0-9 only accept numbers
-; allow only - and ;
{0,50} allow only 50 chars
Assuming that the number portions you are looking for are 5 digits each time, the following should match what you want.
If you need different lengths, you can update the {5} with either another fixed length or a range such as {3,5} for a string of 3 to 5 digits. If you want to be able to capture more than two numbers with the speperators listed, you can use

